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Blog Entries posted by Jinkmeister

  1. Jinkmeister
    So, I just ordered this album. I've heard the one song, First of the Last, and I really liked it, so I'm pretty psyched about hearing the rest of it! Anyone own it already, or planning to order it?
  2. Jinkmeister
    If I had come back here a week before I did, I'd probably be at BrickFair right now :[
    I expect lots of pictures!
    Also, funny picture, cuz people like them I think:

  3. Jinkmeister
    My phone, incredible though she is, is so woefully inadequate for this website. She can't keep up with my typing, and the load times are painful. My poor phone is put through a ringer, and I feel bad for her. But will I stop? Of course not!
    But I came here to post an image about rockin' a wolf on your noggin, but Galaxy isn't loading all the fancy BBCode stuff
  4. Jinkmeister
    So, I've begun planning my annual Halloween party, and I wanted to know if you guys had any ideas or tips? It'll be an adult party with no alcohol, and it's zombie themed. Anybody know how to throw a party for adults without using alcohol as a crutch?
    In other news, found a cool song by an up-and-coming band, Five Knives:

    And finally, my next post should be a review of my latest purchase, the Hero Factory set Scarox! Stay tuned!
    OH ALSO IT'S MY BIRTHDAY YAY! Have some cake!

  5. Jinkmeister
    I want so badly to post the work so far on my Titans and Monsters entry, but I know I shouldn't, so I won't. Instead, here's my latest MOC:
    USS Vengeance (Kinda)
  6. Jinkmeister
    Just nabbed this guy (in case the external site warning isn't working, it's a 1998 Star Wars Royal Starship Micro Machine) for $8 on eBay, I'm hoping it'll show up on my doorstep in a couple days! I also picked this guy up at Wally World yesterday!

    And here he is completed!

    Pictures of the ship will be up once it arrives! Question: Should I open it, or leave it in its packaging?
  7. Jinkmeister
    So, I know exactly none of you were wondering, but this is how I like to browse BZP. At school, with my computer. Complete with Lego garnish! (+1 internets to the one who guesses my favorite super hero)
    The Battlestation:

    Iron Man and War Machine stand vigil on my tower:

    Batman and Bane stand in front of the tower (Yes, that's an assault rifle, glad you asked! :3)

    And Iron Man (Heartbreaker armor!) and the Mandarin are under my monitor!

    And I'll just leave you with this little gem:
    [Don't embed images over 500kb. -Bfa]
  8. Jinkmeister
    Personally, I think people should stop judging other people for the way they live their lives, or the people they're attracted to. Regardless of whether they were born that way or it was a choice, it's their life, and they have a right to use their life the way they see fit. If they feel attracted to something, it's wrong to judge them based on that. My advice? Before you say anything, put yourself in their shoes. Would you appreciate someone criticizing such a fundamental part of your lifestyle? Of course not. You don't have to agree with them but you do need to treat them with every bit of dignity and respect they deserve. Which is the same amount as everyone. Except maybe me
    That being said, if someone disagrees with you, what's the purpose of calling them a bigot or a homophobe? I find that it helps nothing...instead, calmly support your position. You may not changed his mind, but now he respects you so much more, because no matter how he insulted you, you were the bigger man, and everyone respects that.
    So, my thoughts? Love, respect, and dignify every single person, regardless of their gender, attractions, race, religion, beliefs...I guarantee everyone will be happier.
    Again, that's just one lowly member's thoughts, feel free to take them how you will.
  9. Jinkmeister
    Yes, I stole the idea from Xinlo. No, I'm not ashamed.
    In no particular order:
    1. Bing Crosby
    2. Nathan Fillion
    3. David Draiman
    4. Joakim Broden
    5. Heather Graham
    6. Ewan McGregor
    7. Scarlett Johansson
    8. Robert Downey Jr. (<3)
    9. Adam Savage
    10. My girlfriend (she may not like not being included...better safe than sorry )
    I may be straight, but any of these men could definitely contend to change that!
  10. Jinkmeister
    Look, my last entry meant no attack. It meant to oppress no one, it meant to harm no one, it meant to do nothing but point out a way to go about presenting your view or lifestyle in a way that is respectful to all involved, without the use of names or insults, regardless of how appropriate they may be.
    But it was gonna be an even bigger battle, so I closed it, and this as well, and I'll try my best to stay away from the subject, because there's too much opportunity for conflict.
  11. Jinkmeister
    I found this awesome article, I thought it would be good for these debates recently. I don't know about you, but I pledge to read this article before I post or reply to anything.
    Here's the address, in case the link isn't working.
  12. Jinkmeister
    Yay, story time!
    Okay, so, my parents own their own business. And as a consequence, I've worked at this business for years. However, in about 2008, in the haydays of my Bionicle obsession, I was working at a craft fair with my dad. At this craft fair, we had a photo album, and in it was a page with pictures of the kids. And for some of us, he put our nicknames. Except for me. He called me Matthew "Toa". Now, this seemed fun. But then, halfway through the weekend, a woman comes up, and as she's browsing, she looks at the photo album. For the rest of the transaction, she insisted on calling me Toa. And it felt awesome. Looking back, it's vaguely uncomfortable, but stoll awesome. Kinda.
    What, that wasn't funny enough? I know, I didn't think so either So here's a GIF for your troubles.
    Kitty Vs. Lizards!
    [Don't embed images over 500kB. -Bfa]
    Oops, my bad, sorry! -Not Bfa
  13. Jinkmeister
    And in this box were several canisters

    And in these canisters were several Toa

    Now, at this point, my $28 has been made worth it. Six Toa Mata in incredible condition. But then there was more...

    32 Toa heads...yes, 32. Note that neither those heads nor the rest of what I'm about to post were indicated anywhere in the eBay auction. They were a total surprise. Anyway, I spent $28 on what I thought were the six Toa...but I got 32 Toa heads, and even better, I got:

    A nearly complete collection of Kanohi! Again, this was never mentioned in the auction until I opened the box. I was absolutely overjoyed as I dug through the canisters and the box, finding all the masks. But wait, it gets EVEN BETTER...

    SIX infected Hau. Yes sirs, for $28, I obtained the six Toa Mata, their canisters, a nearly complete collection of their Kanohi, six infected Hau, and 32 Toa heads. What a deal!
    Now, I have an offer. I will trade an infected Hau for any of the masks I'm missing. That would be a brown Kaukau, a brown Akaku, a blue Pakari, and a green Kakama. Accompanying Toa heads would be appreciated, but not necessary.
  14. Jinkmeister
    Let's set aside all our issues for now. I'm tired of the fighting, and I just want to talk about something noncontroversial, and I have a feeling you do, too. So grab a pipe, pull up a chair, open these three in separate tabs, and let's talk about something totally pointless.

    So, what interests BZPower today?
  15. Jinkmeister
    A cold sweat ran down my face as I sat at the gleaming silver table. A single light shone in my face, and the figure behind it was invisible to me. As I put my hand to my eyes to block the light, the figure slid a Klondike bar across the table, and in a gruff voice said, "I hope it was worth it."
    So, what the heck did you just do to get that Klondike bar?
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