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Everything posted by EmperorWhenua

  1. IC Stannis | Kini-Koro "Not anyone of your species," Stannis crooned, unwavering in the face of Sorilax's revelation, and his tone was calm and level as though he was simply discussing the weather with friends. He could do nothing to placate the suspicions his once-companion had instilled with the unexpected decloaking but he could ration the knowledge disseminated yet. "I do know you, however. You are Sorilax, Life Seeker, a boon companion written of on the shrine walls. I am Stannis, the Wanderer, All-seeker, and True-guesser. It has been a... very long time since we wrote scrolls together under the stars." They were titles and memories Sorilax might remember, nicknames thrown about as skipping stones into a pond, memories related to someone else in a different cycle, but nevertheless made between the two of them. And perhaps Sorilax would remember, and realize what was afoot, and cease. The Wanderer was not afraid, however; Aspect of Makuta or not, he had a legacy of service built and cultivated, and despite being a charlatan in the flesh he was sure of himself that no harm could truly befall him, regardless how heated discussions may become in the wake of the revelation. Besides, in the grand scheme of things made plain on Xa-Kas, Stannis having a secret identity was probably less surprising than his cloak having a mind of its own.
  2. IC Stannis | Kini-Koro The wizard had warned Knichou once about pursuing power, and of obtaining more than could be controlled, and still the ex-Ghost had taken the burden of the Kanohi Whakaaro. In many ways it was a fitting assignment of the mask—who better to make use of its fundamental abilities than a man dedicated to creation, after all?—and yet it was a dangerous assignment in equal measures. The Builders, the Ghosts among then, were not innocents. The Ghosts, Knichou among them, were not naïve. Creation was an ability that could be abused or be the abuser. While Stannis lectured, as he was want to do, his eyes wandered to see what Knichou was doing and realized in short order that he was making zamor spheres. The first ones were flawless by design and execution but the last one was clearly tainted by something. The zamor sphere itself had been invented, perfected and patented, existing as a blueprint which the Whakaaro could pull for the user's benefit. The user could then trace the lines of that blueprint. Following directions and tracing linework was an easy enough thing to do, but with the slightest of variables (a mote of dust under the parchment, a brittle graphite, a split second distraction elsewhere, a sudden cry of a bird) the simple task could be failed. And then the result was not a perfect replica anymore, but a mistake. The last zamor was a mistake. The simple act of tracing had failed. Creation was not as easy, even when it was just making what was already known and rehearsed. Stannis frowned but withheld his observation. "I agree in large part, Knichou. Warfare changes, but wars never do. Violence always begets more of the same." Stannis looked up at the newcomer and his grey eyes drank the visage up. He almost seemed confused by the sight of the being. He was clearly another Aspect of Makuta, but which one would have adopted this sort of persona? Caedast wondered.
  3. IC Kanohi's Pendant | Tobduk-Koro The diadem simmered down its phosphorescence to its dull green lustre, but Ulkarr kept pushing his shadow-energy into the cavity inside. He could tell there was an issue, however; the cavity was already filled with antidermis, and he was filling in the void further with his power. The diadem was sure to break at this rate unless he abated his efforts. His tendrils of energy shed no knowledge on who's presence was inside. He realized that the only assured way to find out who this Stannis truly was would be by shattering the diadem and letting the antidermis inside brush against him, but doing so would surely alert the diadem's creator. What would he do? IC Stannis | Kini-Koro "Religion is based on Faith and is impossible to truly quash. Mata-Nui thrives not off of belief but death. He subsisted off the wars we fought and drank the blood of anyone's enemies. Who we prayed to was irrelevant; only the sacrifices mattered. And the wars are stopped, for now, and we can look towards other threats. But as I told the Dark Hunter who hounded our behinds on Metru Nui, Knichou, our true enemies were always within ourselves. The Matoran have built monoliths and done accomplishments to glorify their ability to invent and create, but dormant within every one of our hearts lies the incredible power to destroy. Mata-Nui used that inherent momentum to his advantage to perpetuate a conflict that maintained his power "Was he a false god? No, not exactly, but he was a god of the Matoran's making. And this truth likely sheds light on how he did not treat anyone else kindly, Ostrox." @BULiK @Toru Nui
  4. IC Leklo | Kini-Koro In the outskirts of town, the lanky and uncertain toa of plasma stood in the midst of flattened grass and an old stump, contemplating everything he had seen and heard transpire between Stannis, Oreius, and the floating ink tentacle monster Whisper. "" What in the seven Hellenes did he just witness?
  5. IC Stannis | Kini-Koro "All gods are born and all gods can die. Just because you can't fathom it does not mean it is not so. It is admittedly... difficult to consider the mortality of a deity we at one point worshipped, and I dare not say it requires faith, only imagination."
  6. IC Stannis | Kini-Koro “Who are you, Knichou? What are you?” He paused, as he usually did before he launched into an educative soliloquy. “Are you this body of flesh, bone, and armor? This doddering bipedal sausage casing that talks? Or are you something more, a collection of thoughts, memories, and wishes? A neural system, and a soul? A Kanohi Iden or Tryna will provide evidence enough that you most certainly are the latter. So what is it that makes you believe Mata Nui, the god of the only universe you knew of before, was simply that decapitated fragment of a suit of armor looming over yon? Mata Nui is something so much more than what we see, just like you or I are not the bodies we inhabit, and his soul persists with the same insidious intentions that turned the whole of his Universe to bloodbath and beyond. Souls are bulletproof, and His demands death. He is alive because people have not stopped sustaining him with sacrifice.”
  7. IC Stannis | Kini-Koro “Mata-Nui is not dead, alright,” Stannis said, as he followed the wandering path of Knichou and towards the great exo-suit and vault.
  8. IC Stannis | Kini-Koro The three beings wandered back into the settlement in the midst of a great discussion. Stannis counted the familiar faces in the crowd that he'd seen before, and then some new ones. The unmistakable chassis of the old Krahli unit called Kilo-M9 was there, clearly upgraded in the same ways Atamai was, indicating that the Unit had undergone a similar transformation. Two curiosities stood out to the old man, however: The green-skinned being who looked quite similar to Lord Takadox and was likely the former Dark Hunter Sidra who Atamai had mentioned, and then the golden lanky-armed being who was engaged in conversation with Kilo. Without hesitation, Stannis waded into the middle of the interactions, looking both lost and entirely at home at once as he looked around at everyone but decided to listen rather than speak. OOC Stan OFI.
  9. IC Stannis | Kini-Koro "I do not trust it, either, but that is what compels me to understand it all the more," the wizard said. Gesturing with his weapon towards the village, he began to lead the group to the commotion he sensed more than saw. "Toa Korruhn ventured thence before anyone here. I have to explore it myself and discern if there are any answers that can be found in it, or if there are only more questions. What say you, Whisper?" @Nato the Traveler
  10. IC Kanohi's Pendant | Tobduk-Koro From the outside observer's perspective, the necklace consisted of nothing more than a diamond-shaped piece of green semiprecious stone—jade, by the looks of it. It glowed slightly under the sun's rays as if it were at least somewhat transparent, the way someone would expect a partially phosphorescent trinket to glow, but otherwise seemed mostly ordinary. That changed when Ulkarr interacted it with his shadow elemental energy; suddenly, the jade device glowed a stronger green in response to Ulkarr's interloping... and then died back down again. But was it the diadem or Ulkarr that had stirred it to such liveliness? What had seemed like an alien artefact to Kanohi's external senses struck Ulkarr quite the opposite. For the self-righteous Aspect of Makuta, the little stone trinket was familiar. It did not contain a mystery anymore, it contained a presence of someone very much like him, only a fraction but nevertheless powerful enough to be aware. It had reacted to his surgical analysis and then backed away, the same way a sleeping animal springs to alertness at the detection of a sound and then settles back into a slumber once it realizes the sound came from one of its own kind. But with such a cursory glance, it was not sure who it truly was, who's presence was inside the relic. Would he continue to pry, or let the matter be settled? @Harvali @Toru Nui
  11. IC Stannis | Kini-Koro "We should probably return to the village and see what commotion is afoot," the wizard said, giving a squinted look at the settlement and realizing there was some decidedly raucous happenings transpiring. "Afterward... Whisper, you will likely want to go to the Kumu Peninsula, as I think you'll find further answers that you seek there. Tonight, I will be entering the Far Shore. Have you heard of it, once-brother?" @Eyru @Nato the Traveler
  12. IC Stannis | Kini-Koro “Goodbye, Hello. Step forth into the darkness and prepare the gift, A star’s heart still beating, still lit. Two midnight horrors cry and shift, Make them squirm inside the pit, Bind worm and willing host, Tear the yolk and spread its gold. Devour knowledge and their ghost. Pray for prey forever sold, Hello, And goodbye.” It was done, then. Two Aspects, sworn for the time being to aid each other in their quests, one far older and more powerful but the other one still young and enthusiastically desperate. (don’t look at me, once-brother) (judge me, hate me, fear me me) (look at me, once brother) (I’m no better than you) @Eyru
  13. IC Stannis | Kini-Nui He almost looked at Oreius knowingly. That one had a name, too. Instead, he elected to simply say, "I suppose I do."
  14. IC Stannis | Coliseum Time seemed to bend around Stannis as he wandered unabated through the halls of the Coliseum and down the many floors, whether by use of his Haonga or some other magics—if indeed they were even magics at all and not simply the laws of Xa-Kaz—and he moved unabated by Vahki enforcers and the occasional League citizen. For the most part the Leaguers were ambivalent, as Aurax was smart enough to place only his loyalists around and in his castle, though the Warmage had doubts he would meet as little resistance outside the walls of the Coliseum. It was odd, he reflected, that positions of administration had not been delegated to sentient beings, considering (mostly to himself) that such a heavy reliance on the hiveminded automatons represented a weakness someone like Aurax or Okuo could exploit, if they ever got inside. He obtained his pilot's license after some small bueaucratic difficulty of not technically being a League of Kingdoms citizen, though he was added to the roster of the Kingdom of Aurax rather quickly once he received a quick vouching from a passerby Vortixx who walked ever so faster away as soon as she gave her good word. From there, the Wanderer had gone outside, ventured towards where the Archives were supposed to be, lamented at the loss of the ancient repository of knowledge, made a mental note about the Hiripaki vault, and then captured a Crystal Climber with the assistance of the kraata Whisper provided him. From there, he took a Vahki-piloted shuttle to the outskirts of the city where it met the turbid lake of defiled energized protodermis, ripped the heart light from the Rahi specimen, and dipped it into the lake with the aid of a long spoon he fashioned from his element. In the end, he created a kraata. It was inelegant, indelicate, and raw in form, but Caedast had finally made a kraata of her own. Before the Vahki pilot could make a comment about a weird worm baby, Stannis had warped away. jumped into a shadow from whence he had come. * * * Oreius felt the familiar tendrils of darkness creep around him, but this time he was not pulled into the shadow he cast and Stannis came out from behind him. One instant Oreius was alone with Whisper, and then the next the damnable Wanderer was standing beside him like an overbearing neck breather of a chaperone. "I have got one, Whisper," he announced, stepping up to her. "This is a kraata of vacuum. Its name is Kirby." @Eyru @Nato the Traveler
  15. IC Yumiwak + Zai | Irnakk's Tooth I shot Zai a quick look. She could see my plan suddenly unfolding in my eyes... or maybe my smile? My smile was infinitely more expressive than my eyes or so I was told by someone who saw a guy named Dennis or Stanlis or something like that who had really inexpressive eyes. We needed to distract the Mesi, shatter their concentrations and ability to use their elements as effectively. They were good, I'll give them that, but like any other elementals they needed focus. I had to at once take away their focus without inhibiting my faction's in turn. It couldn't be something that would be familiar to the Mesi—too close to their own culture and it would just turn to patriotic humming—so that it would throw their minds off-kilter. "No, no, no," "Yes, there's no better way." "Yumi, I don't think..." "My mind's made up. It'll be fun! And you know what they say—" [we linked hands and psyches together again] "—you can't have a slaughter without the laughter!" I could sense their conniving little noggins like hearing whispers in a concrete room. They were not hard to single out, and I targeted them specifically as best I could though I was also sure my people would be able to hear what I was about to share, too. That's why I couldn't just resort to incinerating their brains by channeling Zai's powers as one flow of power. And so instead I broadcasted a memory, or rather the sound of a memory, with mind-shattering volume just as I experienced it the first time in my family's living room when I discovered our music box. Hopefully this will do the trick. — Music — @Nato the Traveler @pokemonlover360 @Tarn @Vezok's Friend
  16. IC Stannis | Coliseum "Thank you, I rate you... four stars," was all Stannis said before he wandered off.
  17. IC Stannis | Coliseum "Ah." The old man looked somewhat stymied for a moment, looking from one side to the other in mock confusion. What did he hope to accomplish there? He supposed teleporting to Aurax was the closest thing he could do to getting to the Archives. "I have an airship now. Can your DMV issue me a license?"
  18. IC Stannis | Coliseum "I need a heartlight, and I don't need it to be of Matoran stock," Stannis said with honesty, dismissing Aurax's temper like a wave that crashed onto a stone seawall only to fall away instantly. He glanced at OTIS and Saybo, fair-weather allies who both understood the power of the wizard as well if not better than as Aurax did, and offered a placating gesture with his hand. He was not there to fight or interlope; there was no cause for concern. "What have you done to preserve the rahi of the Archives?" @~Xemnas~
  19. IC Stannis | Kini-Koro "Soon. Oreius... be kind." In a blur, the old wizard's body seemed to melt away into shadow. *** "Hello, Aurax." @~Xemnas~
  20. IC Stannis | Kini-Koro "That's because I'm like you, and you are like me," Stannis observed. "Like binds with like easier than with opposites."
  21. IC Stannis | Kini-Koro The kraata latched onto Stannis' arm, and then writhed under the armor, burrowing itself deeper and under the ancient pauldron as it discovered something wholly unexpected. The old toa's body, while hale from the outside, was rotted and afflicted within the confines of his skin. Where there was supposed to be bone there was emptiness, and he was filled instead with antidermis that coursed through him like blood. There was enough flesh for the appearance of appearing solid and still in its prime, and his body behaved in such a manner to demonstrably still be as strong in institution as before, but underneath that façade was something entirely alien and Aspect-like. When Whisper's kraata finally stopped moving, there was barely even any indication that it was there at all, a stark contrast to Oreius' very pronounced hump. He could feel the power synchronize with his own, a creature of anti dermis melding with more of its own. Instinctively he recognized the power he was given—Rahi Control, he mused, would be somewhat useful indeed for the time being. It was a one-sided desecration, and there was a pressure within the prideful wizard to find a kraata with which to even the scales and collar the hovering octopus in turn. But that was not required, not yet, and Whisper had proven herself to be a reliable, if opportunistic ally. "Thank you," he said as he got up.
  22. IC Stannis | Kini-Koro The power didn't matter, only the bond did. They would need to be able to link together in times of need; powers themselves had no significance, and the time for bestowing proper abilities would come later. "None."
  23. IC Stannis | Kini-Koro The old wizard thought for an instant on what would be best. There was a single kraata he could call upon immediately by him, but taking Inu from Oreius was an unthinkable thing to do and he quickly banished it from his mind. Instead, Stannis chose to accept the kraata Whisper offered with fullness of intention, placing—ironically—a faith in the means to create a kraata of his own into existence soon enough. He stood up from the stump he had been seated on and then fell to his knees in a supplicating position in front of Whisper. "Give me your kraata, then, and bind nature's old to my soul, and soon I will heap greater power to you in turn. We shall work together, and hopefully avert apocalypse or perish trying."
  24. IC Stannis | Kini-Koro "Is there another?" Stannis asked, looking genuinely impressed. "The Matoran appear to have chased away most of the wildlife."
  25. IC Stannis | Kini-Koro "Is this one made from a Rahi heartlight?" Stannis asked.
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