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Blog Entries posted by EmperorWhenua

  1. EmperorWhenua
    Recently I have been lacking in blog stuff... I guess it is all just the same old stuff or just too dark to post (I do not like spreading worries with others who have enough already, and neither do I feel great when I say the same thing over and over). So, I have decided to post this...
    I have been considering making a few things. But I need your help now that I cannot decide just what to do. The choices are as follows:
    1. A blogishness epic of Darth Tedious, meant as an interloper in the current struggle between Survurlode and the new "hero" Squirming Skeleton bonesiii.
    2. Essays. You gotta love them.
    3. [empty] (just name it, really)
    So... that's it right now...
  2. EmperorWhenua
    Really should be 'bored meetings.'
    My dad was an executive guy. He worked in offices and sat at discussion tables all the time. I always wanted to be a part of this of world of business, be on the real decision-making team, do that kind of stuff. And now that I'm in a few of them, I realize just how totally droll and stressing they can be.
    So yeah.
  3. EmperorWhenua
    So, yesterday when Mom and I were in Portland, we stopped by at Powell's Books, the greatest bookstore west of the Rockies. I did not have a certain book in my mind, but I decided to browse the philosophy section for good measure, then the Geography area. When we came out, she had some dumb Spanish phrasebook and I had, uhm...
    The Blue Nile, a docubook about the exploration and exploitation of the Blue Nile, the other volume of the Nile books by Alan Moorhead (I have The White Nile, so I was surprised to see this book, which I instantly snatched up).
    The Social Contract and Discourses by Jean-Jacques Rousseau, obviously up my alley.
    and Fundamentals of Logic by James Carney / Rick Scheer, because I simply need to exersize logic more often.
    And I was already reading Sacred Stone by Clive Cussler to fill my adventurous self. So I think I'll be reading alot for a little.
    On another note, I've been dating fellow Jedi Council member Atris, and we are currently engaged.
  4. EmperorWhenua
    Mmkay. For those who do not know, I'll be working at a summer camp soon. Boy Scout summer camp, actually. This is my first year as staff at a summer camp, so I'm fairly excited.
    The camp is called Camp Baker. It's on the Oregon coast between Florence and Reedsport, a nice, quiet place. The beach is just a mile away from the camp, and the towns are close enough for the staff to go and get emergency stuff. =3 Sodas, pies, pizza and teabags are emergencies, yes.
    I leave the 28th instead of the 22nd as previously thought, thanks to a lack of troops coming in. Suits me fine; same pay, less work. :> I stay there until July 3rd, when I come back for the holiday. The days between those two dates are devoted to staff training, where staff are taught how to do their jobs. We'll be given our more precise duties then, and for now I just know I'll be ecology staff with no other specifics. After the holiday, I'll be shipped back to the camp to assume my actual duties. Joy.
    I'll be dismissed every weekend afterwards, when I will be returning home just to answer PMs and update y'all about stuff. Yes, my devotion [to BZP] actually goes that far that I'd come back just to be here and see what's happenin'. I could stay there and slack off, of course, but I love you all more. =D
    My job ends on August 2nd, then I'll be back on the 3rd. Then I'll get a $300 check in the mail. Beats getting the same amount for picking mushy red berries in 100 degrees any day.
    Also BSA related, once I return from the camp, I'll officially be a junior assisstant scoutmaster in my troop. Screw being SPL, it's easily undermined and temporary. I like being more... global. =P
    My Eagle project is obviously being laid off for after summer camp. It's still caught in red tape. =(
    And that's about it, methinx.
  5. EmperorWhenua
    I'm so tempted to go to BrickCon.
    But, hypothetically speaking, if I were to go, anyone in the Oregon I-5 corridor interested in a ride in exchange for part of the gas bill?
  6. EmperorWhenua
    I stand a high chance at going to Brickfest in Portland, thanks in no small part to the bugging I gave my mom about it. XP
    So, um, any chances a BZPer will be able to pick up a random hitchhiker along I5N?
  7. EmperorWhenua
    Sunday, March 29th.
    Two friends of mine, named Caleb and Drew (along with Caleb's dad, the so-called 'responsible adult'), departed at eight in the morning from Roseburg north to Portland. We arrived at the Portland Convention Center at around 11 AM, and in another thirty minutes we were done parking and in line to get our tickets. Over this period, I was texting back and forth with Nukaya, with whom I had talked about meeting at El Fest for a while, finalizing the arrangements. Finally, we had our tickets and proceeded to the entry line.
    I sifted through the line and found my little group and kept looking around for the likeness Nukaya had told me she looked like. I had already seen some people, but they usually lacked a certain aspect... One had kids, another had no camera, another had no glasses... Finally, I saw one that fit the bill and approached her. "Nukaya?" I said as I walked up to her. Yup, that was her. Her broad smile gave it all away. xD I introduced her to Caleb, Drew and Richard and soon entered into the exhibit room, letting Caleb and Drew wander at will while Nukaya and I explored this wonderful fair.
    We maneuvered through the bustling crowds, bumping into several people (I'm sure some people though I was a pickpocket at some points >.<) and gawked at several of the creations before finding the Bionicle tables. It did not take long to recognize Roa McToa and Binkmeister. More scrutinization of the namebadges identified another person as Tarik. This was as close to a BZP meet-n-greet as I'll prolly ever be at, so I was very happy at discovering the group. Didn't take long for Tarik to advance and say 'hi' to the odd couple. We then decided to go seek out a wild Omi and perform a prank Nukaya and I had considered before: running up to Omi and yelling "It sucks!" before quickly scampering away hurriedly. We sought Shilo out but could not find him, so resorted to once again explore the wonderful creations people had made.
    Tarik then took up back to the Bionicle tables and asked if we could go beyond the barriers. We were invited, and Nukaya and I were welcomed with handshakes from Roa and Letagi, soon having Brave Knight Binkmeister stand among the group. I was trying to resist it, but I suddenly burst into a joyful shriek and yelled "OMIGODITSBINK!" coupled with an expression that certainly merited a picture, though it was all so fast and spontaneous to get the attention. Nukaya and I were just waaaayyy excited. Were were there. At Brickfest. With other BZP member. There. Right by us. We were in heaven. ^^
    More wandering made for more pictures, like of a LEGO slot machine (that worked!), a Lego Technic chair, a rollercoaster, and castles galore, complete with villages, forests, and armies (yes, ARMIES) of minifigs. We snapped pics of Roa posing with her flintlock gun, of Neaku's BBC winning gun (the RPG in person *shriek*) and Roa's many big MOCs. We had an unofficial BZP group shot, and before we knew it, it was 1 PM. My group would be having lunch soon, so Nukaya and I had to retreat, sadly. We left the C Center and went outside, Caleb and his dad going to the car to get Caleb's jacket and Drew and I escorting Nukaya to her ride back to her college. I would stay until the end, but that was not the case for her, and after a goodbye hug, she was off. I met with my group again and we went for lunch, finally deciding on Subway.
    An hour and a full stomach later, we were back in the convention center, and now I was on my own without a fellow geeky companion. For almost two hours all I did was take all the pictures I could of anything that was made of Lego ( xD) and exploring the vending areas. It was nearing closing hour and I still had not seen an Omi, but finally, I was walking back to the Bionicle area and saw the gawky figure, identified by his huge badge and noticeable chin dimple, at the corner of my eye. I followed him for a few seconds and finally approached him when he was available. I introduced myself, expressed my apologies for our frictions in the past and took a picture of the wild Omi. A quick conversation and we were going our own ways again. I'll honestly say that I walked away relieved and with a smile-- I'd just met Omicron and there was no hitch whatsoever (except for my general awkwardness xD). It was satisfying.
    I bought one of those Leg Godt tee shirts (wearing it now <3) and walked with Drew and Caleb for a little bit, spoke with Tarik and took a few more pictures of the castles before finally having to bid goodbye to the fabulous event.
    We had dinner on the way back south, enjoying Mongolian grill food and jasmine tea. It was almost 9:30 PM when we arrived back at hour homebase, Caleb's house. Overall, the event was almost exactly how I thought it would be: completely awesome and satisfying. I had met my expectations, being there, bringing friends, meeting fellow BZPers and just plain having a blast. It was the best day I've had in months and certainly will leave an impression in my mind for years to come.
    Leg Godt!

    Right to left: Nukaya, Tarik, EW, Roa, and he who identifies himself as "Zorrakh."
  8. EmperorWhenua
    ... is during my spring break. Hmm...
    Also, make your t-shirt design and submit it! It could win the contest and be on the torsos of all the BZPower humanfigs at BrickFair and BrickCon this year! How cool is that!?? Details in the entry below.
  9. EmperorWhenua
    SO! I have finally entered in a BRPG contest! After all these years of me promising that I'd enter, I finally decided to live up to the expectations and do what I said I would do. Amazing!
    Anyway, the initial polls are up. Here is the poll where my game is in. It's entry #5, Epoch of Despair, a mystery/survivalist game. Here is the full game.
    I'm looking for someone with some graphic design skills to make a banner and/or avatar for it, but most of all I need people to vote for it! The polls are young, but this specific poll has plenty of awesome competition, pitting me against the likes of Parugi, The Captain and The Power that Is. So please look at the games in the poll and do try and vote for me!
  10. EmperorWhenua
    See this entry for information if you dunno what this is about.

    "Okay, so what now?"

    Not to worry! I have this all planned out! ... I think.

    Here we are. The contest. Okay. So.

    "What do we do now?"

    Now you submit your entries for the BZPower Member's T-Shirt. In this entry, you can submit designs, patterns, or ideas you feel can/should be implemented. You should also have a short paragraph explaining why your design is the bomb and what is in it. Here, like this.

    _____________________ ****

    Name: Put your username here.

    Description: Tell me what is special about your design and why it should be chosen.

    _____________________ ****

    "What medium can the designs be in?"

    Anything you have! Scanned drawing or sketch, Photoshop manipulation, MSPaint collage, anything! We just wanna see what you got; we don't care how it looks or how it was made.

    "I can't do art worth a flying carp. What can I do?"

    Ask around. Ask friends online or off and see if you can find someone who can make your design for you, then submit it.

    Or you could just try your best! : D

    "When is the contest over?"

    Tentatively, the 10th of April. You have some time to work on it, but remember, you still gotta work! ;D

    So get started!

    Update: The contest is now closed for entries. I'll figure out what to do with these... submissions shortly. xP

    List of Entrants:
    Name: Cap'n K
    Design: (Entry) (Gallery with variations)
    Description: It's got Hapori Tohu and the three virtues. And perhaps a witty phrase underneath. Nothing fancy, but eyecatching and simple. The "witty phrase" examples aren't really funny, I just figured I'd throw a few in to show the gist of it.

    Name: Cherixon
    Entry: HERE!
    Description: Well, it has Hapori Tohu, and I overall like the simpleness of the design. However, I will be making it in different colors and such, and that would just be the front. I'll make the back of the Tshirt soon.

    Name: Robo
    Design: http://www.majhost.com/gallery/toamon2/thi...tshirtfront.jpg
    Description: It proclaims our pride in big boastful letters, and its got Master Tohu on the backand, and its easy to make B)

    Name: Chibinuva
    Designs: here here here and here.
    Description: Different shirts each with a hand-drawn mask and complementing base (the masks are in their usual colors) along with the black, smaller, italic text above labeling the mask, and bold, larger, colored text saying "Official BZPower Member." I went with complementing colors and the traditional kanohi of old. Also, the background color for each design represents the color of the shirt. I only made four because I'm not a very good artist and the other two masks (the kakama and the kaukau) are hard to draw. If someone else wants to draw them that would be great. For those the kakama would be brown with a purple background (I don't know what shade) along with blue-colored text. The kaukau would be blue with a yellow background and brown text. Good luck to those entering!

    Name: Dirty Burrito
    Design: Front, Back
    Description: Thinking of BIONICLE, the very biggest, most iconic, most easily recognizable and importantly, coolest character that springs to mind is Tahu. So I took an old image of him from the animations for nostalgiac reasons, and because it is easy to look at and see Tahu in it. On the back, I put where the website is and what it is. I'm thinking the t-shirt can be blackish/redish to fit the image.

    Name: MatoroIgnika
    Entry: Design
    Description: Well, Its unique in the fact I used gradients on pretty much all the text, and four different type fonts. That coupled with the fact its not symmetrical makes it out of the ordinary. > . And to finish it off Its pretty much simple and to the point.

    Name: Element Lord of Light
    Entry: Front Back
    Description: Very simple. A picture of Tohu on the front with the words BZPower. Nice and simple. Your username goes on the back. Just as simple. I used a Dark blue background because that's the color I always thought a BZP shirt should be.

    Name: Sisen
    Put Ur Design Here: Link
    Description: It’s cheesy, distasteful, and awesome. What better way for BZP members to show some class than were a necktie t-shirt sporting a Hapori Tohu pattern? It is the bomb. The three Tohu heads is symbolic as they represent B Z P and Unity, Duty, Destiny. Now you’re probably wondering, how will people know what the shirt is about without any fancy text saying what it is about? That’s the best part. When people see oodles of us members wearing the same shirt they are bound to ask what it is, and we get to tell them.

    Name: Protosteel
    Description: It's got the shiny "BZPower" text from the front page, a nice Hapori Tohu design (original thanks to Shine, I gave it some shades of gray and made minor alterations), has the BZP "catchphrase," and then on the back there's a UDD symbol. What more could you want!?

    Name: Chunky! (currently Max Power)
    Design: Entry | Gallery (with variations and back)
    Description: I dunno. Just felt like making this. As you can see this magnificent t-shirt is pimp'd out with BZPower's logo, and Toa Mata masks... on a 45º angle. That's right. A 45º angle. Also, if needed, I can provide a high-res pic or the Adobe Illustrator file.

    Name: Nukaya the Awesome
    Entry: Design Also on a shirt
    Description: Oh, where to begin. I half-blame Sisen for this, but I went along with it anyway. Originally, it was going to be Hapori Tohu made up of a bunch of words, but timewise, it just wasn't happening, so this was the final product.

    Basically, we compiled this ginormous list of all these words that were related to BZPower. Then we were all "oh hey, we need more words. Hmm....", so we added all off the current staff (as of right this minute according to that one topic and maybe a few people who used to be admins) names, because the staff are a huge part of keeping the site running smoothly. Added a dash of Hapori Tohu to it, and voilà. The design is a big mash-up of all this wacky stuff related to BZPower, but we're more or less like that: this big, totally awesome community of fans spread around the globe who are united by a common interest and a lot of random other stuff. It's pretty darn cool.

    (it's past midnight. What I just wrote will probably make no sense to me in the morning....)

    Entries: 11

    Post komments, kwestions, kriticisms, or komplaints here. (Oh, and kntries, too. )


    hey guise, I was gonna try and sneak these to you for free, but then Lazzy came along and went all *nagnag* on me, so remember to give credit to Lazok when you use these banners (cuz I know you will!)








  11. EmperorWhenua
    As you all may or may not know, the BZPRPG has gone under yet another baptism. Smeag's back, CJ-- er, Amonkira's back, and Gato is staff. I'd say that's a pretty good team right thar. (Also, many many hugs for Gato!) Guilds have been dismantled, we're back to grass roots, and staff is reduced to watering the lawn to try and fix this debacle. Of course, the BZPRPG must have had some problems for this to happen, right? Such a radical turnaround, so soon. I'm going to talk about that and more here.
    I'm not on board as RPG staff, but I'm here as your friendly neighborhood RPer. Only not that friendly, and not very neighborhoody, either. Still, my job is to help the RPG as a player, set the example, show how it's done, etc. And I intend to do just that. Am I the best? Not by a longshot, but what I am is pretty good at what I do, whether that be helping, leading, or just plain doing, and it's pretty well known that I do have the communication skills to get points across and the know-how to prove my points.
    I'm going to set an example, and hopefully set the bar for what RPers should be like. I'll also cover issues, solutions, debates, myths, facts, and everything else about RPing and the BZPRPG in this here blog category. What the RPG staff post in the discussion topic, I discuss here. Do you have to listen to me? Well, no, and I really can't make you or anything, but believe me when I say that it would do you a world of good.
    Toodledoo for now~
  12. EmperorWhenua
    More for my reference than anything, feel free to comment on something you find interesting or whatever.
    Leklo Hakobar
    Inspired for the most part by Captain Mal of Serenity for the second year in a row. The song Real Life by Tanlines is also a huuuuge inspiration. He has a shady past, and the lyrics to the song prove that. And you might think I'm still that way / It's only natural / It was a past life thing / It was a past life thing / It wasn't anything at all. His horrible former life was also gleaned from movies I've watched.
    Nakaii Hakobar
    Actually the very first toa I ever created in fan art. In the original toa team of my invention, Nakaii and Leklo were brothers, and Nakaii was the team's tactical leader (this was wayy before Nikila was ever revealed) and Leklo was the most powerful warrior of the team. Nakaii was a Toa of Air back then just as he is now, but Leklo was a Toa of Ice. Truly no other inspiration for him than what my memory gives me.
    Calibran Shays
    The idea of a Matoran of Stone as master of the winds on a sailing ship was amusing to me, especially since his strength and resolve would be hard to prove as a matoran in a toa tea. He was imspired for the most part by my subconscious, I think, in that he will surpass all odds to succeed and will stop at nothing to finish a job.
    Zaria Sojak
    The last name is a corruption of Pat Sajak of Wheel of Fortune fame, lol. She's modeled after the character of Abby Maitland from the British science fiction series Primeval. The dynamic and mistrust the crewmates have of her sprang from elemental superiority, courtesy of Poke'mon. XD
    In a league similar to Zaria, Chamio was modeled to be a disliked character but tolerated by the crew nonetheless. He was based off of numerous archetypes of old geezers and is a hybrid of all the bad stuff in all the original Turaga Mata.
    Baju Perous
    This character, a Toa of Gravity, was hugely inspired by the zero-gravity hallway fight from Inception. I haven't done anything with him yet, but you'll see what I mean later on.
    Alocha aka LustAside from the obvious source of Lust from Fullmetal Alchemist, Alocha was based off of the character Lucifer from the TV series Supernatural. The scene of Lucifer completely massacring the pagan gods in the episode Hammer of the Gods was a particular inspiration, since Alocha is basically an "evil angel" and Lucifer used pure physical power to outdo the majority of the deities, and Alocha's main ability is her strength.
    Antrim Glasglow
    His name comes from Irish landmarks and cities, while his personality is derived from the character of Eli from the movie The Book of Eli and has some knight Templar qualities, though they aren't evident just yet. His twisted nature comes from the Evil Godfather tropes, where someone mentors another person, slowly wearing the morals down.
  13. EmperorWhenua
    I've been known to be able to take the most silly and underestimated archtypes of characters and make them actually work. From the good Makuta to the super-badposterior evil chick, to the immature goddess, I've proven to be able to make volatile stuff workable literary characters.
    Vakama has been through a lot in the story. From jaded storyteller to highflying toa-hero, from mini me to mutated freak, from unsure leader to insecure traitor. Vakama's been ridiculed, twisted, contorted, made fun of and more. Folks, the point is Vakama's been the sterotyped as the middle-aged emo, and that's just wrong.
    This new BZPRPG chapter, I'll have a new character that will be insecure, unsure, belittled and ignored, and he will complain about things. A lot. But the thing is that even though he is a whiner, a loser, and depressed, he will actually work, and you'll see. In a couple days, I'll have a short story up detailing his beginnings.
    Let the coaster roll.
  14. EmperorWhenua
    I guess I spend too much time lurking in that topic -- I had a dream last night in which I wrote another sharply worded post advising* people to chillax and enjoy the game. I wonder what the next layer in this dream will be! I must go deeper!
    * advise since I can't actually tell them to do anything.
  15. EmperorWhenua
    I joined it.
    Caedast is taken by the Cruoris Iurandi, but Nakaii has yet to have even an introductory post, maisnly because I dunno what to exactly do with him. Is anyone interested in having a good not-so-old toa in their ranks?
  16. EmperorWhenua
    So today I was interviewed for a staff position at Camp Baker, one of the best BSA summer camps on the west coast. We will see what they think of me
    later, but still...
    On the note of the internet, it has beed postponed slightly because of a tree location, but when it is done they will retry to set it up, hopefully by monday.
  17. EmperorWhenua
    Here we have a great '84 Jaguar XJ6 Vanden Plas, special edition.

    It has new bodywork!

    The when iside, your view will be great!

    Great upholstery!

    Also has a splash of color in great looking blood red!

    Also has a brand new engine!

    And last, but not least, it has an attractive rear!

    And what is the price for this great car? Why, the owner was dumb enough to put it on sale for a mere $99.99! That's right, you can have this priceless piece of junk for a slight cost of $99.99! What a deal! So come on to XXXX, XXXXX, XX XX, XXX, or call the number that is not on the bottom of your screen, and buy this great car today!
  18. EmperorWhenua
    I'll be getting a car this weekend. Or is planning to.
    It be a yellow and black 2003 Land Rover Freelander sport utility mini-SUV. It's got everything I need for when I am doing outdoor treks, and all we need for towing or transporting. So yay!
  19. EmperorWhenua
    I've done so much in the past. Things I don't like, things I regret, things I wish never happened. Some things I've atoned, some things I've buried. Some people I've left a bad taste in their mouths and went out of my way in real life to shake their hands and say "I'm sorry."
    Some things, however, still remain under the dirt which I covered them with. I've tried to make amends with the people I've insulted, the people I've made a fool out of myself to, and the people that I've lied to.
    No more.
    I'm an open book. Ask me any question you want here and I will give the answer publicly, right here. I don't like what I was in the past. It's a part of who I am and it made me what I am today, so I'm not going to throw it away. I'm not going to redo my blog or ask for topics to be deleted. I'm embracing the past, but I'm letting you see it.
    I've been selfish, egoistical, pushy, hypocritical. I don't want to be that way anymore. You guys are the best friends I could ask for, and I ask for your help here. Help me be selfless, mature, opinionated but not numbskulled, and most of all, truthful. I want to be the best, and I can't be the best so long as I'm doing things wrong.
    For those whom I feel I still must make personal amends to, expect a PM shortly. I really am regretful for all that I've done wrong, to you and myself.
    As for the rest: ask me what you want.
  20. EmperorWhenua
    So, after downloading it, it started playing in WMP. Then I copied the file into iTunes, and it started playing there, too. At first, I thought there was nothing wrong, but then I suddenly got whiff of the duplicate melodies.
    And I gotta say, it sounds awesome like this! =D
  21. EmperorWhenua
    On Saturday, my Boy Scout troop will be going to sleep in yurts at the coast. Whee!
    It has been raining for several days here, and yesterday and today were the first clearly dry days we have had. Some places are still without power. Ah, well. I am fine, though.
    Umm, that's about it.
    Oh, I do have a seal of approval now!

    If you see this, it means EW approves (duh!). It was inspired by my goals of efficient simplicity and rusticity, thus the brownish colors. I would have added wood grain, but MSPaint is not my fine point.
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