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Status Updates posted by Curiosity

  1. Thanks, and no problem really, I'll visit anyone's profile ^^

  2. Thanks! ^^

    I'm so happy someone actually knows!

  3. Sorry for the lack of stories...Hit major Writers block >

  4. Now East is win...>

  5. Well...Of course, because we have M rated games, we have X rated Movies and stuff like that. Oh, and which part of Singapore? I currently reside in the Clementi Area, along the Western, uh...'Coast'.

  6. Awesome! When? And I have no idea when Avenue Q is coming to Singapore....Yet.


  7. Lol...I listened to the CD and was instantly hooked by the line. It was just too funny for words.

    And they are finally coming to Singapore!

    ....But I'm too young to see it. Ugh.

  8. Thanks! And I would put th elink to my blog, but it contains uh...'Inappropriate' Material. hehe...

  9. Whoops. Forgot to say, chappie 5 and 6 are up, although I think they ain't goof..I mean. Goog. Good! Yea, that's the word. Look out for rewrites!

  10. Chappie 4 is up. Please review! =)

  11. I don't think he's able to change it anytime soon...

    Oh, and welcome to BZP, hope you enjoy it here! =)

  12. Chapter three is up...Though I think I might need to rewrite all but the last bit...

  13. Thanks! I actually could post chappie three right now...Since it's technically the next morning here.

    12.45 am!

  14. Chapter 2 of my 'epic' is up, by the way...

  15. Wa-hey, busy night. new personal pic =D anyone like it?

  16. I be on a writing spree! (Writing short story as I type this. How? I'm not sure myself)


  17. *Looks at your screen name* You like the Jonas Brothers?

    so far all I've heard are their covers for 'Busted'. If you like the covers, you should try the originals.

    Anyway, I think the Jonas Brothers are OK, but I'm not so much of a '#1 fan' person.

  18. Much thanks! I'll be copying and pasting. I mean writing the next chapter tomorrow.

    I'm such a Procrastinator. =P


  19. So I started an Epic. This is one I can actually finish. I even have it on paper!

    Review please?


  20. I have officially surrendered on Epics and comedies. I procrastinate too much. Only Short Stories for me from now on...

    That, and replies to topics.

    And welcome back! =)


  21. Lucky...Right now I'm really tired....I could fall asleep-zzzzzz...

    Subconscious: Eh, heheheh...He fell asleep mid-sentence. Nice.

  22. Eh, ok. Just got back from auditioning for the talent show. You?

  23. Sup. I just rediscovered this comment thing! Awesome!

  24. You do know that if you kept Wrex alive, you'd get the 'Charismatic' achievement, right?

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