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Status Updates posted by Jithra

  1. Thinkin' about changin' my name. Thoughts?

    1. Republic Commando Fixer

      Republic Commando Fixer

      NOOO!!!! I love your name! (:


  2. Hi! Yes I did receive your message, I've just been busy with a new job and family being out of town and haven't had time to respond to a whole lot.

  3. I know! I can't wait! It's looking like Friday (The 29th?) Will work the best so far. I'm so excited! (By the by, happy [belated] birthday!)

  4. Happy New Year! *Confetti’s profile*

  5. It's been a little rough, but things are starting to look better for me. And yay! We can FINALLY meet each other in real life! I'll post those dates on my calendar and when it get's closer I'll let you know exactly what day I'm coming! *Excited*

  6. Battling the evils of computer viruses...You know how I said dad had gotten rid of said virus? Well...It hadn't completely left... (Duh, duh, duuuh...) Dad thinks it may be gone for good, but I'm not holding my breath...

  7. Thanks! I've been playing with the idea of starting a weekly comic strip. (Is unashamedly fishing for comic ideas...:P)

  8. Thanks, glad you like it! I've been playing with the idea of starting a weekly comic strip for a while now. (Is unashamedly fishing for comic ideas...:P)

  9. Happy Birthday Adventurer!

  10. Yeah, I did get it, sorry. It's been pretty crazy lately, I'll give you the more thorough details in a PM, but I've essentually been unable to go on the internet for over a month for various reasons. (And yeah, I did hear about Bionicle ending! :( ) I'm on my cousin's computer right now, I'll try to get a PM to you in the next 48 hours

  11. Happy New Years to you too!

  12. Apologies to my friends for not being around...I'm trying to be more active, but life is dragging me around by my hair, so to speak.

  13. Happy New Years to you too!

  14. I'm doing pretty well, not super-fantastic, but hey, it hasn't been too bad.

    And yes, I love horses, even Sir Goofball, whose real name is much too serious for him. ^.^

  15. *Gives a fresh, chocolate cookie in exchange for the shiny penny*

    How's it going?

  16. I am feeling a bit better, well enough that I at least won't have to miss anything today. *Yay!*

  17. I like it, it's a lot easier to remember too.

  18. Hey ya! What times are you showing? It's becoming quite a juggling act and it looks like there are two times I can come (one on friday, one on saturday) and want to make sure I can see you guys show!

  19. Man, I can't believe how long it took me to respond, and right after I said I was going to be active over the weekends! *lol* I've been good, pretty busy though, but still good.

  20. Hey, I saw that Sev's blog mentioned ASP. Are you doing it this year? I'm praying for ya just in case. ;)

  21. Yeah, my horse "yawns" like that when he's bored or nervous, which means he's often making faces at the judge during shows. ^.^;

  22. Yep, I did get your pm, I just haven't read it yet...:P I'm getting there, honest!

  23. Hey ya! Long time no chat! How's things going? Are you showing this year at the fair? If so I'm going to try to be there on your show days so let me know ASAP! :) (Did you get my PM, by the by?)

  24. Hey ya! Did you get my PM a while back? Anyway, haven't talked to you or your brother in a while and as wondering what was going on. Talk to you later! (Also, let me know if you're showing at the fair this year! I'm going to try to be there on the livestock days this time!)

  25. It's going ok; it's been better, but it hasn't been too bad either. And how are things going for you?

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