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Blog Entries posted by Ka-Chan

  1. Ka-Chan
    Okay, after having a talk with DX over Yahoo Messenger, he let me in on the fact that people on here/there appearently view me as... Uh... Deranged? I'm not sure exactly what that is about, but I'm here to lay some things down to help lift the viel. I'm not going to name anyone, but you know who you are.
    1) Kativa is "A drama freak" .
    Now, I'm not going to be stubborn and say that I'm not. I am a bit of an over-reacting person- but calling me a "drama freak" kinda offends me.
    I have Aspergers Syndrome, guys. This, simply put, means my brain is hardwired differently then all of yours. I know it's not something visible, but I am different. If ten people looked at the same thing, chances are they'd have similiar logic in their opinions about. When I looked at said object, my response would probably be completely different. That's because my brain functions differently and I interperet, process, and think differently both because of mental conditions and some physical abnormalitys with my brain.
    I'm not saying it's not my fault- but look, it's not like I'm spazzing out on purpose. Sometimes I am, but that's because I'm taking light of whatever situation it is OR trying to be funny and appearently failing miserabley.
    And c'mon guys, of course I'm a little crazy- I spend most of my day in the house and away from other people with no one to talk to. Cut me some slack, I've got to cut loose somehow.
    2) I'm a Necron *rude word*
    Ouch, that hurts. I'm not going to nessecarily defend myself on that one- I am indeed obsessed with Necrons and robots in general. But c'mon, that's a mean word to be using for a guy who has never hurt anybody. Besides, we all have our obsessions, do we not?
    I just happen to be a bit more...Uh, outward? Yeah, I'm more outward about my obsession. Again, take into account that I have almost no one to talk to in reality, and my rogue trader store where I can talk with other Warhammer enthusiasts is too far away to visit on a whim. I happen to chose Bzp as my place to socialize during the day and I just like Necrons. I'm allowed to enjoy it to full extent, right?
    We all have interests guys, can you at least respect mine? Oh, and I know by saying this I'm guarenteed some comebacks by the fans who will take this as an advantage to press me , but don't bounce back at me about me ranting dislike towards TTGL. I am probably disrespectful towards it- but hey, I just happen to, uh, yeah- I hate it. But it's not like I'm attacking the fans themselves- I'm not calling Setsuna, Powah, and Wrack things like "TTGL *bad word" . So why are you guys calling me that? You don't have to like Necrons, but you don't need to talk smack about me because I like them.
    3) I appearently make Janus' brain hurt.
    ...I dunno, you tell me, man- is that a good thing or a bad thing? 8/
    4) I'm an athiest, baby-eating monster!
    Okay, I'm going to tread lightly on this one because of the religion/politics related rules. Yes, I am an established athiest. No one has commented about me on this subject- yet. So I just want to get it adressed and out of the way quickly. So please, don't turn this part into an issue, I don't want any of us getting in trouble.
    But please, I'm not sinister or hating against religous folk. We all have our beliefs, no? I mean, perhaps I get a bit careless when it comes to things like using the Lord's name in vain *okay, so I do it all the time and really don't give a flying fungus when I'm here on Bzp, but I'm more careful around my religious friends in reality* , but that's more because I just don't feel that it's a bad thing- it's not like I'm saying it just to offend Christians.
    Basically, yes, I know that I've probably and unintentionally upset a few people here on Bzp because of my disposition towards religion- but please don't take it personal, I can still be friends with anyone of different race and belief.
    Okay, it feels good to have finally gotten that out of the way.
    I'm not saying you guys have to like me *although that is a shame because I want to be friends with all of you guys* or change your opinions about me, but I at least want you to understand that it's not like I'm a poser who is simply acting crazy and stuff to get peoples' attention. It's just who I am and I hope you all can understand and accept that.
  2. Ka-Chan
    Well, for the time being at least.
    So I recently heard about Lego giving Bionicle the the guillotine and I figured it was only fair that I return the the ol' Bionicle stomping grounds to pay everything a more proper farewell. I can't pretend to still be into it, but I grew up with it and it deserves a final salute, you know?
    So yeah, I'm back for a little bit. Can't make any promises for how long, but I'll at least stick around long enough to come up with a suitable way to say goodbye to Bionicle and Bzpower.
    So hey, hello to all again! I doubt this blog post will provoke much of a response and admittedly I'm not surprised. I vanished off the radar under a rather cocky attitude that left something of a bad impression, so I'd like to apologize for acting like a "Holier-Then-Thou-Art" kind of fool. I won't pretend to say I regret burning down a few bridges because they helped me pull my head out of the clouds, but still. I did grow a little arrogant but I've mellowed out once more.
  3. Ka-Chan
    Yup, it tells all. For my first blog entry, besides saying what is in store for you via the drawing, I will say this; I am finally seeing one of my old private school buddies again. Like, the first time since December. So yeah, I ain't gonna be here to tinker with this bad boy until late tommorow. In the meantime, my buddeh and I are gonna spend the day doing:
    -Video games
    -Energy drinks
    -Air conditioned tree house
    - Comics
    -More video games
    -Pool. Lotsa pool.
    -Maybe some other stuff. I dunnno.
    So yeah, see y'all tommorow! *Hops into Monolith and teleports*
  4. Ka-Chan
    Well, it's been a long time since I've been on here and I'm quite content to say I regret nothing.
    No, I'm not here to socialize, nor am I here to act like a harlequin. That doesn't mean I won't jot some stuff down here, but I'm not interested in being an entertainer- and no, I don't plan on being one of those passive agressive guys in the corner, mumbling and rolling their eyes either.
    Trimming the fat away, I'm here to sell off my Bionicle collection and I plan to provide information on that here if any of you would happen to be interested.
    But hey, hello again everyone!
    P.S: I plan on ignoring all the nonsense I've jibbered on here before, as nearly two years have passed and would serve as a poor example of who I am now, so I would be thankfull if you could give me the benefit of the doubt and do the same.
  5. Ka-Chan
    That's what's gonna happen to you guys if you stare at Wrack's blog for too long.
    *Man, that gif is just so cool*
    All references to the swear word in the comments must be deleted before this entry may be republished. Bypassing the word filter is not allowed. <<DV>>
  6. Ka-Chan
    Well, seeing as he hasn't harrassed my profile or sent me a barrage of PMs within a the past four days, it is safe to assume that DX has died in some horrible gender-bending related accident, probably involving some explosions or perfume inhaling. Or maybe all of the online physical abuse finally got to him and he went insane or something.
    So... Who gets his stuff? I call dibs on any pizza rolls.
  7. Ka-Chan
    Well, I can tell you all this- that sleepover had just about everything in life crammed into 33 hours: Friendship, brotherly love, brother-against-brother, love *Yes, but it's somewhat classified XD*, vegance, genius, idiocy, sheer horror, thrills, and energy drinks.
    You'll get to hear about it tommorow in a super long, first official blog entry.
    Oh, and to all you kids thinking that was Wrack with the megaphone in that drawing- THAT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE ME YOU NINDCOMPOOPS
  8. Ka-Chan
    3:00-4:00 AM
    Wake up either from own internal clock or from assistance of shrieking DS timer. If the latter of the two, I then proceed to hurl it across the room, making sure it is folded first so it does not crack in half. Immediately get on laptop afterwards.
    5:00 AM
    Go downstairs to snack on granola bars.
    8:00 AM
    Finish up with laptop. Realize I need to go to the YMCA in an hour. Decide to put it off for another day. Go back to sleep.
    11:24 AM
    Wake up again. Have lunch.
    Anytime up until 4:00 PM
    Do something. This could be writing, drawing, loafing, being on BZP, phone up someone, read, mow lawn, resentfully take dogs out for walk, ride bike, do 100 situps, general procrastination.
    4:00-5:25 PM
    See "Anytime Up Until 4:00 PM" but with dinner thrown in there somewhere.
    8:00-3:00 AM
    Repeat cycle with something like a trip to the mall or a sleepover thrown in every once a millenia. And that's a day in the life of TK!
  9. Ka-Chan
    Okay, so I took advantage of some store credit I got at Gamestop the other day for trading in some ancient Xbox games and Bionicle Heroes and picked up Gears for a mere 20 bucks. I played it for the first time this morning, regardless of how my brother kept warning me that it was a horrible game with "Fatties"- no doubt he was refering to the bulky armor. Of course, I'm a genuine gamer, and I knew the game was a must have.
    Okay, so I played it the first time this morning, not going weak, I stuck to Hardcore mode. Now let me tell you something.
    Maybe it's just because of the difficulty I set it to, but this game is as hard as freaking nails. Even the lowly grubs can kill you if you get careless. Of course, the initial frustration came from this because I was still getting used to controls. And I can tell you I got a whole lot better in general when I realised you didn't need to hold down A to stay in cover- and wow, does this game revolve around taking cover. Not that it's a bad thing, though, pretty realistic *if not agonizingly frustrating* that way. That, and you have to rev up the glorious chainsaw bayonet thingy before you can use it.
    Personally, I love the game no matter the fact that it's delibertaley trying to kill me. The artistic beauty behind the ruined city gives you an idea of how glorious it must have been before the Pendulum Wars and E-Day defiled everything. And unlike my brother who refused to shut up during the whole course of me playing *I'll get to how I almost killed the twerp for this later*, he thought the characters were all fatties. Someone doesn't appreciate the need to stay alive.
    As for the gameplay, well, I've died at least 30 times now. I do personally think that you can die too quickly in this game and I was so frustrated in the begining that I was tempted to quit. But my inner gaming coaches told me a little diddy I'll always remember.
    " ARE YOU SOME KIND OF DIRT EATING WHINY LITTLE WEASEL?! If the game is kicking your butt, don't get mad, KEEP PLAYING UNTIL YOU GET BETTER AND WHOOP IT'S ###### !"
    So that's what I did. I kept going. And dying. But despite the frustration of spending so much time heroically slaying an entire squadron of Locusts and revive you near-dead teamates only to get pus­sy-whipped from behind by some cowardly grub that came out of the blue, I kept playing.
    After awhile, I was mouthing at the Xbox 360 in ways I hadn't heard myself yell since Morrowind and the big hole I made in my wall. But you know what? All that blinding hatred you quickly develope towards the Locusts does not go unrewarded. Mainly, your burning rage quickly turns to twistedly joyous satisfaction WITH GRITTY VIOLENCE
    Yes. Oh yes. This game is deliciously violent. Nothing makes you feel better after having to put up with these inter-terrestrial nice people then tearing a Locust a new one in his skull. Or curb-stomping his head into the pavement as though it were an egg. Or proudly wielding your shotgun and splatter Ugly's head against the screen Or all of the above! Nothing made me cry out victorious battlecries at the Xbox 360 more then when I was encountering those shotgun tooting, grenade hurling grunts for the first time. Leaping out of a grenade's explosion range just in time to land in front of one the monsters and say hello by blowing him into a million pieces and then turn around and turn his buddies into swisscheese while your screen gets wet... Oohhh~....
    *Deranged cackle*
    ...Sorry. You can tell I just finished playing it some more. I just get really into the game and sending my foe a clear message that I may get knocked down, but I'll get right back up again and beat you over the head with your own arms. This game will drive you crazy but reward you well for your patience, if not persistence.
    Bottom line, I LOVE THIS GAME.
  10. Ka-Chan
    I just gave these two furry ingrates a flea bath last night, and now they're already crawling with them again.
    When I move out, I'm getting myself a non-mammalian pet. I'm thinking a macaw or something.
  11. Ka-Chan
    I had to post on the site.
    I needed to find a way to vent my excitement or I might explode.
    Amnesia: The Dark Descent is made by Frictional Games, and also gave us the Penumbra series; the one horror series in any form of media that has successfully made me scream and stopped taking part in it on several occasions. Not to mention a good extra hour or so of gametime simply spent frozen in place, telling yourself you got to do something but you refuse to actually do it. If you've ever hesitated about jumping into a pool you know is freezing while hovering over the edge, you'll know exactly what I mean.
    Most of you won't care, but this isn't about you.
    This is about me blogging about the ridiculous anticipation I have. This is gonna be the first game I've seriously played in forever. The weather is perfect out for a scary game: dark, cold, gusty and the sounds of rustling leaves and branches making you wonder if something is just outside your window.
    I can't wait to play, but I'm so tense too. I'm psyched and horrified at the same time.
    I'll be back with some stories and possibly a screen shot or two. Possibly. I might just be busy hitting the 'escape' button over and over again.
  12. Ka-Chan
    I just really don't even care about any of this anymore. No whinning, no regrets, no bitter feelings. I've just...Lost interest. In Bionicle, in the community, even my Transformer RPG *Yes, not even the RotF trailer could revive my interest* .
    So yeah.
    It's been a time and a half, guys. I will visit, of course, but I'm done here.
  13. Ka-Chan
    So I got what was presumably the final issue of the Bionicle comics. Now I won't lie when I say I don't particularly care much about it anymore- 95% of my figures are sealed away in the attic. But I figured I might as well read it just so I can know how things ended to my childhood. I throw grammar and punctuation to the wind in this summary of all that went through my mind as I skimmed- yes, skimmed, I didn't have the brass to make myself thoroughly read it- through the comic.

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «"Okay, so Tahu's in Makuta for some reason and- oh God no, it's everyone's favorite plot tool; the Mask of Life. OH and now the mask of Life turned Tahu into a midget for who knows what excuse- oh, he has to? Okay yeah fine explain it with one sentence, that's cool.... Okay now there's some random gold armor involved and Takanuva is shocked that Tahu is a midget yet seems to have no quarrel with being one hi- WAIT did the mask pay him a visit too or something? Gaah whatever, moving o- WHAT THE HECK. A random explosion? How the snot did tha- Oh Makuta did it, right. He has time to somehow pinpoint the exact location of some golden armor that's never appeared in Bionicle lore untilt he last two pages and he's able to snipe it despite being in a giant robot fight with Mata-Nui. Okay. Oh look one piece conveniently appears in front of Gresh WHO'S ALSO A MIDGET. Alright no, I'm not gonna fret over that, I got a feeling there's a lot more of it. Alright the two Gods are fighting now, that's pretty sw- OH NO STOP TALKING! STOP TALKING BOTH OF YOU! YOU MAKE OPTIMUS PRIME'S MONOLOGUES LOOK LIKE SOMETHING OBAMA WOULD WRITEoh wait look random battle and another random [Removed. -Shine] battle taking us away from the battle of the two Gods that I DO want to see and IT'S RAINING ORANGE RAHKSHI and Tahu's magical armor just makes him do some generic 'PHENOMENAL COSMIC POWER' blast that killed them all.  
    Oh and Makuta gets killed by a rock that konked him on the back of the head and they all lived happily ever after.
    'NEVER...THE END' Really? Because I'm pretty sure you guys just guillotined the franchise in favor of some crummy licensed Galidor'esque figures.
    Either Greg ruined Bionicle, I'm missing a serious amount of backstory, or I was just another one of those kids who didn't need an in-depth plot to make robots cool. Nah Greg just brutally murdered my childhood is all.
    Rest in peace, Bionicle, you're in a better place now; the heavily nostalgia-biased memories in my skull.
  14. Ka-Chan
    And boy, I know she is gonna be ticked XD
    It all started out innocently enough. Around 11:30 I drop by the YMCA to workout, and while doing my jogging in between the machines, my hair keeps getting in my face- so after pulling aside after the ten billionth time, I had enough. When we got in the car, I asked mom to get my hair cut- and conviently te Rogue Trader *nerd term, don't ask* that retails all the Warhammer stuff is right next door. So I say, why not? So once all is said and done and we're at the post office *and I'm trying to refrain from murdering Xar and all his cellphone's ringtones* - I have mom take us down to ______ to get a haircut.
    So, I get the haircut. Good news is, my hair is no longer betraying my identity as a boy. Bad news is, it's so short in the front that I want to stick a bag on my head. I already want my hair to grow back D;
    But anyways, I get something to eat from the hotdog vender that just started recently setting up shop right in front of the Rogue Trader. So I had fun talking with him while he made the food. Another thing noting was this women in front of the store. The whole time I was here, haircut and all throughout later, she's loitering around doing things on her PSP. Was odd.
    Okay, so I drop into the store and say hello to the guys working there- they recognize me as "The Necron Dude" *It should also be noted that they love Necrons- the tag behind all the Necron blister packs for ordering has in parentheses "Necrons are the best!"* - although this time they didn't realize me it was me because of my new hairdo XP
    But yeah, while at first I was just skimming over all the boxes and whatnot, admiring them, I start subconciously browsing through the codexs. I'm suddenly browsing a Tau codex and asking Xar what I should choose, Imperial Gaurd or Tau. He gives me the No Contest routine. Next thing I know, I spend 30 minutes talking with... Uh... Burt, I think. I spend like, 30 minutes talking with the clerk Burt about which he liked more, Tau or Imperial Gaurd. Eventually it evolves and evolves and evolves.
    Suddenly we have this intermission, though. A family dropping by is attacked by a prop- a wooden staff falls over and cold-cocks the grandma right on the head! Even more, she starts bleeding from the forehead and everyone *like, 7 people total- the family, the staff, and my mother and brother* is freaking out! Burt and I are just leaning across the table and from behind the counter watching this whole time with "O___O" faces. She turns out okay in the long run, though.
    So. After all this is said and done, I find myself at the counter handing Burt a Tau battleforce, codex, and crisis battlesuits XP
    Why, you say? I already have half a Tau army from a few years back, I've been playing the Tau on DoW nonstop for the past week, and what can I say? They're just cool.
    So, how can things get any more interesting? Well, don't forget I brutually murdered my dad's laptop. So I have to phone up my dad outside the store *I give Burt the Tau goods and tell him to keep it on standby* ... And guess what? That fat chick with the PSP is still just wandering around in front of the store with her PSP.
    So, my dad and I ring up the deal. If I can also come up with 100$ for the laptop tonight, I can also buy all these Tau using the 100$ I earned a few months back for taking care of this neighbor's really old dogs for a week.
    Oh, and guess what? After buying all that- I actually hit 500$ in money spent on Warhammer, so I get a 75$ gift certificate! So I spend it on the codex, and picking up a few crisis suits! Of course, this is after spending another 10 minutes doing math with Burt- turns out my brother is using the same account as me, so we have to divide it alittle.
    So, I spent around a total of 156$ today, knocking it down to just 90$ with the gift certificate. And it was a smart move, too! If I had just coughed up the whole 150$ I owe dad for the laptop, I wouldn't have had the money to buy all that AND still pay for the laptop! So everyone wins, despite the fact that now I've got no money at all!
    Oh, and on the way out, I see a police officer talking to the weird phat chick with the PSP. SHE WAS STILL THERE AND THE VENDOR HAD A COP COME OVER XDXD

  15. Ka-Chan
    After the first few days of your brain feeling like it's going to hemorrhage from non-stop work, it ceases to hurt and just feels kinda numb while you grind away at you several hundredth algebra problem for the day.
    You know I'm in need of a mental break if you see me on here.
  16. Ka-Chan
    What many of you people might not know about me is that I have a tendency to chuck things. Unfortunate Bionicles, DS' that insist on not letting me win, MP3 players that have gone wonkers, and in my brother's case, anything I can get a hold of to make him shut up his relentless piehole.
    Today, I have thrown:
    - DS after it goes off shrieking in my ear at 4 in the morning. Well, it was less of a throw and more of a slapping off my inner nightstand, but stiil. I heard it go "THWACK" against a wall.
    -Lockdown's leg that keeps popping off.
    -Freshly aquired summer homeschooling work.
    -At least 10 pens at my brother for annoying me, 6 hit.
    -The cat. Yes. The cat. Nothing like having an allergen-loaded, scratching, demanding furball jump on top of your keyboard during a game of HL2: Deathmatch. AND HE KEPT COMING BACK FOR MORE- I swear, I think the little weirdo likes it.
    - I really WANTED TO throw the trashcan at Dog Pimp this morning, but I knew that despite him being an utter jerkface, I would be out-jerking him by doing so.
    -Earphones when they suddenly started getting all crackly and screechy right in my ears.
    And that brings me to the event of the day. I was on the laptop downstairs *I might as well sew the thing to my side and call it my twin* and my brother was on the nearby couch. I was in the middle of talking with The Orb and was ironically mentioning how I throw things all the time *It being some sort of ADHD/Aspergers Syndrome impulse I have*, and Dumb and Dumber *what I call our two dogs* start barking away in the other room. I hate it when they bark. They are painfully loud and will probably be responsible for me going deaf 10 years from now. So I started to yell at them to stop it.
    Dumb little brother decides to start barking to work them up even more. I give him the evil eye and tell him to STFU *with less profanity, of course*. He doesn't. I tell him he was gonna be seeing Hitler soon if he didn't cut it out. He does it again. So I grunt and tell him the whirlwind was upon him and grabbed my random ammunition and fired away.
    What I hadn't realised was that I had grabbed this bizzaro med I have for this breakout I got recently on my face* Probably thanks to that cat if anything* which is half squishy soft plastic cap and half metal airisol can of sorts. Mainly, it's gonna hurt like heck if it hits you.
    By the time I realise what I have done and go "OH #&%@ LOOK OUT BRO", it's already collided with his skull. Immediately he starts crying and I'm yelling "OHGOD are you alright?! And immediately break off in a dash to the kitchen. I grab an ice pack and give it to him, he replies by saying he hates me. I say I couldn't blame him and give him an apologetic hug.
    Long story short, I spent the time explaining things and apologizing to him and stuff- and he ended up forgiving me by telling mom the bump on the head was from bonking his head against the desk. Wow. I felt really unworthy.
  17. Ka-Chan
    It is evil.
    The crusty old relics at the DMV who watch you from the passenger seat like bloated rats are evil.
    The fact that it's the first part of the test and bumping a cone means game over is especially evil.
    The fact that I did it perfectly every time I practiced it and then the one time I got it wrong was on the test is evil.
    The fact that I will probably parallel park once a month yet it being so ridiculously emphasized over everything else is evil.
    Insert any Mermaid Man references here if you grew up with that stuff.
  18. Ka-Chan
    I figured I had matured more then this. Perhaps it's just that I have so much I can spend that I've begun contemplating things I never would have considered before. Maybe the resurfacing of the Toy Story franchise reawakened some inner kid in me?
    But man, I got a bizarre urge to get my hands on some Turaga. Maybe the Bohrok Va too.
    Why? I have no clue. I always knew I wanted Nuju, but this bad? Holy dooley.
    I own the green guy *yes, I forgot his name*, Nokama, Vakama and the black one... But I never managed to get a hold of Nuju or Onepu. That's where the dilemma comes into play.
    Unfortunately, people on Ebay think that six 4$ figures *which would add up to a mere 24$* apparently quadruples into 100$ worth. Seems they're trying to appeal to collectors, and I guess in this scenario I 'technically' fall into that group. The difference being I don't feel like spending a full blown Benjamin on 2 inch tall plastic robot men.
    So I guess my real question is this: Anyone on here got a more reasonable alternative? You wouldn't get a lot of money out of me, but I might be willing to trade off things.
  19. Ka-Chan
    I've had myself a nice, quiet day. Nothing like wrapping up some homework, doing some painting and reading while listening to the sound of rain outside. After having an awesome dinner of baked talapia with a variety of garden goodies, I knew there was only one way to conclude this pleasant day: A mug of creamy earl gray tea with a bit of the ultra-violence. And what better group of droogs to have a little of the ol' ultra-violence than these four extraordinary gentlemen?
    *I was going to make my own image, but Garys Moderator, being the annoying, revolting little thing that it is, was testing too much of my patience to spoil the evening*

    Absolutely my favorite class and character. The Pyro loves nothing more than to spread anarchy and charcoal'y goodness as does your Humble Blogger. A lot of people readily dismiss the Pyro as a "noob" class utilizing M1+W as they charge into oncoming guns like lemmings. This is generally the truth. But I'm one of those few who has played as the Pyro so much that he's come to use the class skillfully. The compression blast makes the Pyro a multi-purpose wonder. As a character, I will never tire of his/her anonymity. Is he a silver-tongued devil under that mask? Or is she a generic pretty woman; or perhaps even a sociopathic old grandma? It might even be a genderly-undefinable alien under that suit! Valve, if you go with that last one I will love you forever. Sociopathic grandmother works too.
    I fell into a burnin' ring of fire~...

    "Vould you like a svekund opinion? YOU ARE ALL SO UGLY!"
    Easily my second favorite. What is more rewarding than bringing a near-death person back to tip top shape while still having enough time to carve a pair of joker-lips on some neanderthal Soldier who thinks he can get a cheap kill on a medic with his pickaxe? The Medic is the class I choose when I don't feel the immediate need to beat something's face in, but still manage to do so anyway. A lot of people consider battle medics a joke, but I can easily disprove that a medic can keep his whole team alive while still managing to whoop some back himself. Plus, you gotta love that German accent of his.
    *Okay, so 20/15 isn't much, but considering these are 20 kills-not assists- as a Medic, that is something*

    "Hey, look! You shapeshifted into a dead guy!"
    When I must positively make the enemy team's existence a living nightmare, I go with the Scout. The speed, the punch and the general ability to get in everyone's hair as a disgruntled, bat flailing little leaguer. Who doesn't like that? Between that and dropping one liners that make me cackle every time, the Scout is a tricky but ultimately fun character to master.
    Can't argue with this

    The traditional engineer is pictured as a guy cowering behind his sentry as he ranks up kill after kill. Ka-Boom's Engineer is an eccentric little man who runs around hooting "GOTTA MOVE THAT GEAR UP" while smacking people upside the head with a wrench. The Engineer is great in both defense and offense, the element of surprise being his greatest weapon. Plus, he can dance!
    So if you'd like to join me in some good ol' fashion Ultra-Violence, just add Phantomgman on Steam. IF you can handle two things. One, I'm generally a nice player except when I'm not. Be prepared for colorful and bombastic language just in case. Second, seeing as my screename is "Serious Jesus" you can imagine I throw common etiquette to the wind when on the Internet. If you're a religious sort of fellow who easily gets offended on that subject, you might find my Steam persona just that: Offensive.
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