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Blog Entries posted by Ka-Chan

  1. Ka-Chan
    Ever had one of them? You know, when you're in the middle of something and then suddenly feel the urge to go out and do a couple dozen life-changing things, but then realize you gotta finish this school assignment due tomorrow and have no time to do that?
    Yeah. I hate those moments.
  2. Ka-Chan
    Because I realized to stubbornly hold a grudge against a bunch of blue plastic space spartans at the age of 16 -Well, technically I'm 17 now but you get the point- would probably land me in a few Special Ed classes.
    Now, I'm still not into all that Emperor religious voodoo mumbo-jumbo they ramble on about, but it's part of their whole gimmick so yeah. Better an Emperor then some sort of goofy God. And no, the previous statement doesn't apply to the Chaos Gods. They are awesome. I'm refering to Gods in general, being an atheist and all. But I'm sidetracking.
    There are only two Space Marine groups I genuinely like as of now. The Salamanders and Blood Angels. I like the Blood Angels since they're a dying out group who is at the mercy of some sort of insanity-curse thing they have from their leader being killed by Warmaster Horus, the guy who gave birth to the Chaos Space Marines. Plus, I gotta defile convert some of those Sanguine Guard dudes for my Chaos force. They just look too cool. However, I've never been too fond of the color red -don't ask why, I don't know myself- and thus I wouldn't really enjoy painting these guys. So yeah, they're just a group with some interesting fluff.
    Next the Salamanders. Okay, these are the only Marine chapter I actually contemplated starting at one point. Between being actual heroes-of-the-people , being black guys with freakin' red eyes, having green armor and having a general pyromaniac obsession with fire, it's pretty hard not to like their gimmick.
    All the other Chapters are okay, but I'd still rather happily flatten them with Hammerheads, Monoliths or Demon Princes. Not to mention the Ultramarines will continue to make camos in my Death Guard army as general cadavers and victims getting blown to pieces/decapitated/vaporized/etc.
    Now, I'm off to do some schoolwork and then work on making Team THWOMP *Terminator Heroes With Ominous Manly Powerfists* for my Chaos army.
  3. Ka-Chan
    I'm not leaving- yet at least. Or maybe I am and I'll just post consistently in my blog but do nothing anywhere else on the site. Who knows? Who cares? Where else am I to post my brain droppings? It's the 21rst century, dangit- keeping thoughts to yourself was several decades ago.
  4. Ka-Chan
    You do not need to be a Warhammer fan to see something is very wrong with this image.
    I dare not actually play a mission with that loadout for fear of my computer imploding. Yes, this is my screenshot from my game. It actually gave me "IMG" as a reward for one mission.
  5. Ka-Chan
    Despite years of childish ranting and raving against that Gurren Lagann anime, I always thought the redhead chick with the guns was awesome. And only now do I finally accept it.
    That's just terrible, ain't it? I'm so stubborn that if you shot me it'd take several years before I admitted it.
  6. Ka-Chan
    Okay, ever since I started taking these art classes I've realized I rarely drawn freehand anymore. No drawings of monsters, machines, chicks, disgruntled cartoon characters, nothing. The art classes have taken my creativity and smashed it, mashed it, and bashed it into this refined version that only knows about focal points, accents, values, geometric shapes and dusty still life items.
    Gee, I wonder why I'm so eager to revert back to my primitive drawing methods after learning all of these sophisticated art styles?
    Well, that and having an incompetent scanner certainly adds to the mix. Point is, believe me I'd love to be filling this blog full of all sorts of half finished sketches that grant insight into my twisted little mind, but I seem to have pulled the short stick. Not so much an excuse as much as an explanation.
  7. Ka-Chan
    This game.
    COULD have been one of my favorite games.
    But when it effectively takes 20 minutes to load between missions on a computer that is capable of playing Crysis smoothly on maxed out graphics, you know something isn't right. When it says you've spent 14 hours playing a game and you know you couldn't have spent more than 5 on it, you know something isn't right.
    When you spend more time pacing than you do playing, you know something isn't right.
    When you spent 50$ on said game over a year ago and put another 30$ into it just to get a repeat, you know something ain't right.
    I don't care who is at fault, the end product is still INEXCUSABLE
    I am never touching the campaign mode again. Let me know when the Necrons and Tau get an expansion. Then I might consider investing more time in this black hole of a time-consumer.
    No more of my vacation is going into that game.
  8. Ka-Chan
    Well, what do you know? Predator 3 coming out in July.
    I really, really hope this guy knows what he's doing. We've already had AVP and AVPII tarnish both the Predator and Aliens credibility. I loved Predator and Predator 2- heck, I actually liked Predator 2 more than the first.
    This is either gonna make or break any hope of the sci-fi monsters making separate comebacks. We've all learned by now that AVP is the anti-thesis to Reeses Peanut Butter cups: Sometimes two great things don't go better together. Don't let me down, man.
  9. Ka-Chan
    Wow. Clone armies, psychic ghosts and mechs, oh my!
    That game well surpassed the 20 bucks I put into it two weeks back to give me something to do after extensive homework sessions. The funny part is I remember not being particularly fond of FEAR 1. Everything about the sequel kicked butt, though. The combat, the visuals, the voice acting, and the music. Even the plot actually becomes something impressive- Well, maybe not the plot, but rather the backstory behind Alma, the character that really holds the series together. Now, is it a great game that everyone needs to play? Not really. The FEAR games are a series you can overlook in the growing field of immersive FPS games, but if you're into horror or just a really well-polished shooter, you can't go wrong with giving them a spin.
    At heart, it really is just that- a standard FPS game; it has the shootouts, the sniping segments, the parts where you temporarily become a total bad motherhubbard and blow your enemies away, all that. But dangit, it does them in a way with an awesome and distinct flavor. Granted, this is also a very adult game as well- out of many video games I have played, I will say this is one of those games I wouldn't condone kids below 17 playing. Between the heavy language, explosive levels of gore and an ending that really will make you shiver in revulsion, it truly is for mature audiences. I mean, heck, I couldn't even find any site-friendly screenshots to post.
    But hey, if your idea of a good time-killer is blasting away at heavily armored clone troopers with some of the coolest video game music playing in the background as you dodge gunshots and narrowly avoid grenades in slow-motion, 20 bucks can't be spent any better.
    I'm not really going to bother with multiplayer since I don't expect it to be anything special, and let's face it- this isn't the sort of game you buy for that. But who knows? Maybe you might get hooked- maybe you won't. So yeah, that's all I've got, folks. Is FEAR2 the next Dead Space? That's a definite no, but it's still a fun little ride that balances action and horror quite nicely.
    If you want me to get really technical, I'll just break it down like this.
    Gameplay: Running and gunning in slo-mo, delivering roundhouse kicks to peoples faces and piloting mechs. What's not to like? The button-mashing grapple moments are rather disappointing events that often water down otherwise intense moments, though. It's fun, but nothing memorable in itself8/10
    Story:Victimized experiment girl seeks revenge against an unsuspecting world. Not much here. 6/10
    Graphics: The guns look awesome, the enemies look awesome, and an eerie atmosphere that you know you shouldn't wander into but that nagging bit of curiosity ropes you in. Cutting edge? No, but still a good looking game. 8/10
    Music: Action in a first person shooter is a must- but what good is an intense moment without some epic music to heighten the mood? FEAR 2's soundtrack is easily one of the more noticeable parts of the game, delivering a really unique style that ultimately defines some of the sequences in the game. Maybe even one of my top 5 favorite soundtracks. 9/10
    Overall: 7.5/10. It's a good game, but arguably so. Nothing you haven't seen before ultimately, and that's what holds it back from me giving it a more glowing review. Regardless, it manages to keep you coming back with it's unique skin applied to an all-too-familiar game formula. Don't buy this game with any high expectations, but trust me, it's still a fun game.
    Oh, and Alma? If you're gonna start the apocalypse, you could at least have the common courtesy to wear some freakin' clothes.
  10. Ka-Chan
    I just gave these two furry ingrates a flea bath last night, and now they're already crawling with them again.
    When I move out, I'm getting myself a non-mammalian pet. I'm thinking a macaw or something.
  11. Ka-Chan
    I've had myself a nice, quiet day. Nothing like wrapping up some homework, doing some painting and reading while listening to the sound of rain outside. After having an awesome dinner of baked talapia with a variety of garden goodies, I knew there was only one way to conclude this pleasant day: A mug of creamy earl gray tea with a bit of the ultra-violence. And what better group of droogs to have a little of the ol' ultra-violence than these four extraordinary gentlemen?
    *I was going to make my own image, but Garys Moderator, being the annoying, revolting little thing that it is, was testing too much of my patience to spoil the evening*

    Absolutely my favorite class and character. The Pyro loves nothing more than to spread anarchy and charcoal'y goodness as does your Humble Blogger. A lot of people readily dismiss the Pyro as a "noob" class utilizing M1+W as they charge into oncoming guns like lemmings. This is generally the truth. But I'm one of those few who has played as the Pyro so much that he's come to use the class skillfully. The compression blast makes the Pyro a multi-purpose wonder. As a character, I will never tire of his/her anonymity. Is he a silver-tongued devil under that mask? Or is she a generic pretty woman; or perhaps even a sociopathic old grandma? It might even be a genderly-undefinable alien under that suit! Valve, if you go with that last one I will love you forever. Sociopathic grandmother works too.
    I fell into a burnin' ring of fire~...

    "Vould you like a svekund opinion? YOU ARE ALL SO UGLY!"
    Easily my second favorite. What is more rewarding than bringing a near-death person back to tip top shape while still having enough time to carve a pair of joker-lips on some neanderthal Soldier who thinks he can get a cheap kill on a medic with his pickaxe? The Medic is the class I choose when I don't feel the immediate need to beat something's face in, but still manage to do so anyway. A lot of people consider battle medics a joke, but I can easily disprove that a medic can keep his whole team alive while still managing to whoop some back himself. Plus, you gotta love that German accent of his.
    *Okay, so 20/15 isn't much, but considering these are 20 kills-not assists- as a Medic, that is something*

    "Hey, look! You shapeshifted into a dead guy!"
    When I must positively make the enemy team's existence a living nightmare, I go with the Scout. The speed, the punch and the general ability to get in everyone's hair as a disgruntled, bat flailing little leaguer. Who doesn't like that? Between that and dropping one liners that make me cackle every time, the Scout is a tricky but ultimately fun character to master.
    Can't argue with this

    The traditional engineer is pictured as a guy cowering behind his sentry as he ranks up kill after kill. Ka-Boom's Engineer is an eccentric little man who runs around hooting "GOTTA MOVE THAT GEAR UP" while smacking people upside the head with a wrench. The Engineer is great in both defense and offense, the element of surprise being his greatest weapon. Plus, he can dance!
    So if you'd like to join me in some good ol' fashion Ultra-Violence, just add Phantomgman on Steam. IF you can handle two things. One, I'm generally a nice player except when I'm not. Be prepared for colorful and bombastic language just in case. Second, seeing as my screename is "Serious Jesus" you can imagine I throw common etiquette to the wind when on the Internet. If you're a religious sort of fellow who easily gets offended on that subject, you might find my Steam persona just that: Offensive.
  12. Ka-Chan
    Okay, I'm not gonna delve too deeply into this because that'd tread on the toes of Bzpower's politics policy (Say that ten times fast!) but I still felt like throwing it out there.
    Long story made short, a surly legion of US Customs And Border Protection grunts have been devoting an unpleasantly large amount of time and tax dollars to -repeatedly- raiding this one Airsoft retailer out in Washington. These tactical geniuses seem to believe that since these toy guns shoot plastic pellets they classify as dangerous assault rifles because, well, they fire projectiles.
    What's next, Nerf guns? Now, I'm not sure what brand or type of airsoft guns they are, but it's not hard to see when a general decent-quality Airsoft gun clocks in at around 200$, seizing 14 at once could very well sound the death tone for a retailer's business. The best part is these mindless grinning bulldogs refuse to give out an explanation for why they did this other than that they're 'assault rifles' . Brilliant. Either someone's taken too many concussions to the head or has an agenda here. I'm pretty sure it's the latter but I won't out rule the first either.
    Either way, I'm glad I don't live in Washington.
  13. Ka-Chan
    Was bored, decided to browse through my picture folder, and I gotta say I find some priceless stuff in here sometimes.

    C'mon, you know that just looks cool.


    Uh. Surprised?
    ...Do I really need to say anything about this last one?



  14. Ka-Chan
    Okay so I'm eating a slightly early lunch and browsing through the paper because, you know, it's there in front of me. Front page news about some bank robber, all that gloopy nonsense that every newspaper probably has on their front page. Newspapers are cheap shockumentaries that tell you what they want you to know, I am aware- I never read them without a grain of salt. Anyway.
    Who is this bank robber? Some bub by the name of Luther Whocares. This genius wannabe criminal mastermind spent weeks researching robbery tactics, observing his targets to get the feel for times and all that, not to mention probably watching Reservoir Dogs a couple dozen times to figure out how not to rob people. Sounds like he was all prepped, right? Hahah WRONG. This blockhead decides to rob a liquor store. A store who's manager knows him. BRILLIANT.
    So yeah, chucklenuts here sticks a gun to the guy's head, runs off with 1000$ and wonders why the police are waiting for him at his house.
    But here's the funny part.
    This kid was a winner in that Extreme Makeover series on TV a year or two back. For free, a whole community builds his folks a whopping giant brand new house. He's also in the Boy Scouts and was close to become an Eagle Scout. I have no idea what that means- I tried out the Scouts when I was younger and hated all of it.
    But the part that gets me all tickled pink? He was a 17 year old senior homeschooler, like Your Humble Blogger. Same state, neighboring county, all that. And his name is Luther which just so happens to be the name of a character I'm playing in this film class project I'm taking. Spooky.
    But yeah. So he's some wealthy kid with a happy family part of an important, bland white-God and Bog-loving community who has been aided by good Samaritans and been one himself in the past. So he decides he can make off with a couple grand with a ski mask and a gun to a guy's head.
    Meanwhile, his atheistic, socially-depraved counterpart who loves the philosophy of the Joker and plays with airsoft guns is under the pressure of trying to become both a future artist and doctor still manages to obey the law and say hello to everyone he meets for kindness' sake. I hereby declare stereotypes extinct.
    Just like that, I realize things could be far worse for Your Humble Blogger than the pressure of a few classes. Suddenly, life is pleasant again!
    Thanks, evil twin! Even in your violent stupidity you manage to help another person!
  15. Ka-Chan
    After another grueling week of being up to my ears in work, trying to fill out job applications *Because Acme sucks* , having no contact from my chucklenut friends too busy being in California having fun and all that fun vesch, I was looking forward to getting art class out of the way.
    Being fifteen minutes late because I literally was finishing this latest piece of artistic torture at the last minute, I wanted to hope my troubles were behind me as next week is spring break.
    The prof just gave us 4 new projects. To give you an idea what I'm talking about, it usually takes me a week of at least 3 hours a day to finish one of these projects.
    I've now got a month's work of projects due 2 weeks from now.
    I'd tell you how I'd feel but that'd take too long. So I believe this picture will sum it up all good:

  16. Ka-Chan
    You know, when you've got the volume on your Ipod up loud for one particular song you really like? And then you go to change songs, the general volume fluctuates for half a moment, and suddenly it's like the sound barrier had been shattered. Then for a brief moment you need to look around to make sure your brains aren't splattered all over the place.
    Well I'm still looking around because a little nagging bit at me insists that I must have lost at least a pound of neural hamburger meat somewhere around here.
  17. Ka-Chan
    Break the ring Kill the worm
    It's time to stop crying
    It's now your turn
    Get up and do something
    If all this makes you churn
    Let them hear you scream
    The world will never learn
    It'll eat you in it's scheme
    Fight back, make it burn
    Grasp on to your dream
    Rend the dragon torn
    Destroy the jaws of the machine
    And turn it into what you yearn
    It's your choice to end what you've seen
    Let them see what you accomplish rather than mourn
  18. Ka-Chan
    It's amazing how quickly one can graze through a book on a day with clear skies and 60 degree weather, eh?
    Anyway, I love this novel. I saw the movie at Yankee Doodle's place months ago and found it disturbing. Now I read the story and the second time around I find I adore it- no thanks to the slang used throughout. I swear, reading that book must have given me over a dozen new words for my vocabulary.
    Stanley Kubrick's movie portrays it as a book of horrors, a shocumentary if you will- but the unedited full novel by Anthony Burgess really shows how it got it's name.
    Here's to you, Anthony Burgess; One starry veck you are. Very horroshow.
  19. Ka-Chan
    I love it because of how absurd it gets and trying to explain it. Take this colorful variety of examples from last Sunday's game club.
    3 of my Tau Gun Drones chased a group of Imperial Guardsmen off the map in close combat. If you're unfamiliar with Warhammer, I'll break it down further. Can you imagine how a group of 3 robots that are basically metal frisbees could somehow kill a few guys in a group of 30 or so armed men AND scare the bejeebus out of them? Neither can I, but it happened. Now try and imagine the Killer Rabbit scene from Monty Python and the Holy Grail. That's basically what happened.
    My Broadside battlesuit and my friend's Necron Heavy Destroyer, both carrying the heaviest weapons in their arsenals, get in a point blank range shootout that lasts the whole game with neither hitting eachother. Once.
    This one guy's Tyranid Carnifex somehow blows itself up with it's own gun.
    The same guy's Hive Trygon -Think HR Giger's Alien with no legs except the size of Godzilla- never once enters the battle and dies.
    And none of these compare to the legendary Tau With A Powerfist miracle. But that's another story. The most ridiculous story in the history of Warhammer.
  20. Ka-Chan
    I'd insert a disclaimer here about how this is not ego maniacal, but I can't offer an excuse. My apologies! But yeah, these facts are really my way of communicating how things have changed in terms of everything Bzpower related since I was last around. Because let's face it; you're not going to be seeing a lot of me around the forums.
    - If I'm on Bzpower, chances are I am really, really bored. Nothing against this site or anything, but I decided to move on from general internet socializing. So yeah if I'm on here it's probably because my friends forgot what cellphones were.
    - I'd really, really be gracious if you'd refer to me as something other than "Ka" . There is a long history with that nickname, and I personally find it very annoying. If it's all you know me by, I don't mind. But if you're one of my more known friends, just call me by my name, alright? Appreciated.
    - Remember those Transformers Desecration RPGs I made? Well if you could kindly quit badgering me about future sequels, prequels, and all that goobly nonsense, you'd have my thanks. Those were fun back during the day *Yeah it wasn't that long ago, I know, but you know what I mean* but they're history. I've got better ways to spend my spare time then have to police adolescents because they can't start out with Raptor jet thingies and bizarre incidents involving giant advanced sentient robots raiding a Toys R Us. I admit every once in awhile I daydream about going back to the spin-off lore I created, but no. Phantom's long since been reincarnated in one of my WIP novels *which means it'll probably never see the light of day* with a less goofy name.
    -I don't even know how long I've been on this site and frankly I'd rather not remember. I look back and find it disturbing that I used to think this place could substitute a real social life.
    -DX and Israefel are really the only two Bzp'ers I actively talk to on here- if we've talked in the past, feel free to drop a PM by to get reacquainted- don't be shy, I rarely bite.
    -I have found myself in a debate about whether or not I should sell my old Bionicle toys. On one hand they do consist of 9 years of my childhood joy, but on the other I'm at the age where saving up money ought to be one of my priorities. Sentimental value or price value- which weighs more?
    -If I could travel back a mere 2-3 years for only 5 minutes, I'd call my past-self an [Removed. -Shine]. No, seriously. I look back on all the internet drama I brewed up and wonder what the heck must have been going through my skull at the time. Well, at least I gave people entertainment.
    -Virtually the one thing that has remained unchanged over the course of the past few years involving Bzpower is my obsession with Gman. I couldn't explain it if I tried.
    -Teal used to be my absolute favorite color- probably because of Hatsune Miku. Now I find Miku a tired pop-culture icon and purple is my favorite color. Who woulda thunk?
    -I think Team Fortress 2 is a lame joke that refuses to die. Now before you go and bombard me with flak, I'm not badmouthing the game itself- I love the game. Heck, just add Phantomgman to your friends list and we could play some time, although I'm trying to play it less often in general. Not to mention I'm a bit bombastic while playing so you might want to lay off on it if you're easily off- OKAY GOING OFF SUBJECT. I just think Team Fortress 2's meme status tired and trite.
    - I don't know where you guys found those new dancing turaga gifs, but I find them absolutely hilarious.
    -Admittedly, I'm still a bit of a weaboo. A little. I enjoy the stylized forms of manga and anime, although my savings grace is that Neon Genesis Evangelion remains the only anime I've watched from beginning to end. Haven't read a manga in years, either. Although Zombie Powder and Tetragrammaton Labyrinth were pretty cool.
    -It's 1 in the morning. I can feel myself slipping into a feral state- time to quit while I still have a head!
    Maybe I'll add in more later- toodles!
  21. Ka-Chan
    *The following is a transcript of a series of text messages exchanged last night from my fellow movie goer Partner In Crime, Yankey Doodle- And no, that is not his real name- *
    "Yo carl"
    "Oh hey- whats up?"
    "Not much, bored."
    "Small world"
    "Well heres something to spice things up"
    "Dare you to watch Captain America"
    "Oh no did they seriously make a movie of that"
    "Yes. Look it up and watch"
    "Only if you watch it too"
    And that was how I spent my friday night. Watching Captain America with my compadre on Speakerphone.
    It was bad, my brothers. Really, really bad. Heck, not even bad- just lame
    It did teach me some good lessons from the Captain himself, though! Like if I'm ever strapped to a rocket, I just got to kick it hard enough to fly to Alaska and I'll live to be thawed out from a cryogenic sleep 50 years later! OR if you ever need to carjack someone, just pretend you gotta toss your lunch. OH and we can't forget going into enemy territory wearing a "fire proof suit" that makes you look like a human bullseye is always the best method of infiltration.
    He's a true American icon.
  22. Ka-Chan
    Okay, I'm bored- so we're going to play a little game here. I'm going to show you glimpses of one of my novels, and you're going to try and piece together what's happening. Feedback for bonus points. Ready?

    "Can you hear them? The lampposts can’t stop crying! I don’t blame them, though. They’re all so close to one another but they can’t walk to visit each other. So close, yet so far away… Misery loves company and yet I’m so lonely…"

    "I now wonder if God had blessed me when I was removed from the team after that accident… Did he rescue me from V’s fate, or did he use me so that I might seal it? God is in man and man alone, I realize. Did I use V? I cannot tell anymore…"
    "I didn’t mean it…. I don’t hate you! I just want to be with you and mommy and daddy again…."

    "I am the Jaws that Bite, I am the Claws that Catch. I am the Lurker of the Tumtum Tree and the Frumious Bandersnatch. I am the Monster. I am Fear, and there is nothing to fear but Fear Itself."

    "I want my baby back... I want to share a bed again, I don’t want to be cast aside... I don’t want to be your wife? We will play out Sleeping Beauty and you will be the princess-but will l be the prince? Or will you be the prince and I be the princess? Who is rescuing who? I know I could wake you from your slumber with just one kiss but how can I do that if you won’t even kiss me anymore? I’m failing miserably- you’re failing miserably. We became one, we are one, we will die as one. We are misery. Roses are red, violets are blue, I gave you my heart and you ran it through."

    "When a madman asks you to push him off a cliff so that he may show you how he can fly, are you murdering him if you do? Oh, another fool drunk on dreams. He is but another Icarus, and yet it hurts to see him burn."
    "Oh too long since I’ve jumped and sang! I want to play, I want to frolic, I want to feel, I want to be! In daylight I walk with you, in dreams I dance with you till my heels are raw and your eyes bleed rainbows! Epileptic Ecstasy is my name, but you may call me Mr. Star!"

    "I see Aphrodite crucified upon Christ’s cross! She speaks to me and says 'V, oh love! Oh V! Why have you forsaken me in your eyes?! I forgive you for you know not what you do!'... But I will not, for I am a jealous lover! If I cannot have you, then nobody will! Let us drink deep and bid farewell with the passionate kiss of death!"

    "I’m a great doctor. I have done great things. With my brilliant mind I will help others. With my calculating mind I will hide myself in them. With my cold mind I will lie to myself. I am a doctor. I am Doctor V. I am V Doctor. I am scared by myself. I am a brilliant, calculating, cold monster. Leslie's dead, Timmy’s dead, V’s dead… I am a murderer… I am a monster. I am far worse than any of these creatures, because I created them… I made them by simply being who I am… I am foolish. I am desperate. I am Empty. I am A Mistake. I shall become something great and terrible."
    "If you choose to pull that trigger, I have no intention of watching you do so. Did you really think you could save yourself with a bullet? I was a suicidal moron myself once- I've met your kind before. I was a drama queen whom all the pity in the world couldn't satiate. The question is, are you being true when you cry, or is this another stunt? I will not go back there, and neither will you!"

    "I never understood why people liked the sun so much. It’s so mundane and you can’t look at it without burning your eyes. I think the moon is far more enchanting- it’s like a wonderful giant mirror that shows you who you really are if you dare stare into it long enough. That's why I chase it every night- I hope one day I might get a head start and catch it so I can put it in my hallway. Did I ever tell you I was the first person on the moon? It’s not so hard, really. You just gotta learn to fly like I did- sanity is so heavy, it’s no wonder most people have never been there. What about you? Do you wish to come with me?" 

    " I have not gone through all of this to be like you!" 

    "Who said I wanted you to be like me? That'd be soooo boring." 
    Yeah, that's all you're going to get- not to be selfish here, I'm just not one for divulging original ideas.
  23. Ka-Chan
    So much for California.
    So much for the weekend.
    So much for not going postal.
    Thanks, my camaraderie!
    If you need, me I'm going to be using Google Earth to find the nearest orphanage.
  24. Ka-Chan
    So I got what was presumably the final issue of the Bionicle comics. Now I won't lie when I say I don't particularly care much about it anymore- 95% of my figures are sealed away in the attic. But I figured I might as well read it just so I can know how things ended to my childhood. I throw grammar and punctuation to the wind in this summary of all that went through my mind as I skimmed- yes, skimmed, I didn't have the brass to make myself thoroughly read it- through the comic.

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «"Okay, so Tahu's in Makuta for some reason and- oh God no, it's everyone's favorite plot tool; the Mask of Life. OH and now the mask of Life turned Tahu into a midget for who knows what excuse- oh, he has to? Okay yeah fine explain it with one sentence, that's cool.... Okay now there's some random gold armor involved and Takanuva is shocked that Tahu is a midget yet seems to have no quarrel with being one hi- WAIT did the mask pay him a visit too or something? Gaah whatever, moving o- WHAT THE HECK. A random explosion? How the snot did tha- Oh Makuta did it, right. He has time to somehow pinpoint the exact location of some golden armor that's never appeared in Bionicle lore untilt he last two pages and he's able to snipe it despite being in a giant robot fight with Mata-Nui. Okay. Oh look one piece conveniently appears in front of Gresh WHO'S ALSO A MIDGET. Alright no, I'm not gonna fret over that, I got a feeling there's a lot more of it. Alright the two Gods are fighting now, that's pretty sw- OH NO STOP TALKING! STOP TALKING BOTH OF YOU! YOU MAKE OPTIMUS PRIME'S MONOLOGUES LOOK LIKE SOMETHING OBAMA WOULD WRITEoh wait look random battle and another random [Removed. -Shine] battle taking us away from the battle of the two Gods that I DO want to see and IT'S RAINING ORANGE RAHKSHI and Tahu's magical armor just makes him do some generic 'PHENOMENAL COSMIC POWER' blast that killed them all.  
    Oh and Makuta gets killed by a rock that konked him on the back of the head and they all lived happily ever after.
    'NEVER...THE END' Really? Because I'm pretty sure you guys just guillotined the franchise in favor of some crummy licensed Galidor'esque figures.
    Either Greg ruined Bionicle, I'm missing a serious amount of backstory, or I was just another one of those kids who didn't need an in-depth plot to make robots cool. Nah Greg just brutally murdered my childhood is all.
    Rest in peace, Bionicle, you're in a better place now; the heavily nostalgia-biased memories in my skull.
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