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Lessons Of Captain America



*The following is a transcript of a series of text messages exchanged last night from my fellow movie goer Partner In Crime, Yankey Doodle- And no, that is not his real name- *


"Yo carl"


"Oh hey- whats up?"


"Not much, bored."


"Small world"


"Well heres something to spice things up"




"Dare you to watch Captain America"


"Oh no did they seriously make a movie of that"


"Yes. Look it up and watch"


"Only if you watch it too"





And that was how I spent my friday night. Watching Captain America with my compadre on Speakerphone.


It was bad, my brothers. Really, really bad. Heck, not even bad- just lame


It did teach me some good lessons from the Captain himself, though! Like if I'm ever strapped to a rocket, I just got to kick it hard enough to fly to Alaska and I'll live to be thawed out from a cryogenic sleep 50 years later! OR if you ever need to carjack someone, just pretend you gotta toss your lunch. OH and we can't forget going into enemy territory wearing a "fire proof suit" that makes you look like a human bullseye is always the best method of infiltration.


He's a true American icon.



Recommended Comments

Go track down and watch the 80s Fantastic Four movie. It's so horrible it's entertaining.


The Thing... I didn't think it was possible but they...t-they managed to make him look even more like a... Do I even need to say it? We all know exactly what I'm getting at.


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