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Roa McToa

Premier Retired Staff
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Blog Entries posted by Roa McToa

  1. Roa McToa
    Spring is upon us here in Alaska. All the Home Depot stores I assemble for are screaming for help right now. They need all of the wheelbarrows that are left over from last year built (were talking hundreds here). So work has been rolling along. There is lots of money to be made...
    I am working like crazy on getting my taxes all done on time. Oooiii I am sweating bullets over here! Its so close to the deadline. I really gotta start doing them up earlier LOL
    I have a bbc42 entry built, I just need to find a few minutes to finalize it. I think they are adorable little critters, and they dont have tuggle eyes! Yayyy!
    It's looking like I can take out my old bikes pretty soon! I am stoked about that! I got to do some riding while I was in Oregon, and got the bicycle fever! I love my schwinns!
    Anyways, I have to get back on my taxes, so I'll catch y'all on the flip side!
    Roa out......
  2. Roa McToa
    Life is so beautiful. Mine has been forever changed by the love of a man who is honest, caring, kind, trustworthy, HANDSOME, fun loving, adventurous and oh SO so SOOO much more. Way too many good things to list! He just left for his next two weeks of work up north, and we miss each other already. I know this time will go by quickly, as he has hard work to do, and I have a moc to build. Last time he was up north, he made me something special out of pipeline steel...
    Behold, his heart of gold....

    He made it on the 11th of March, as shown on the back...

    We are both champing at the bit for summer to come, of whence we will go on many great adventures! I cannot wait to see what kinds of things were gonna do!
    Every time he goes up north for work, our love grows stronger, cause its like an eruption of love and passion when he gets home after a shift. We are always happy to see each other, and give a BIIIIG Bear Hug! His daughter has really taken a liking to me too, and she is awesome! I'd love to get her into lego, as she is a really artsy crafty kinda girl. Hopefully we can get a build going when he comes back. We all built a General Grievous kit together, and had great fun doing so!
    Here's to life, love and happiness!
    I am eagerly awaiting his arrival home in two weeks. The weather should be RIGHTEOUS upon his return. Its been warm, and the snow is melting fast!
  3. Roa McToa
    I busted it hard for the last few nights, and built Vakatu's Rahi to 95% completion! It is very different from any creation I have ever made. It's a visual treat indeed! Stay tuned!
  4. Roa McToa
    It's meant to be
    Never have I been so sure in my life when it comes to knowing a man. He is honorable, loving, caring and treats me with utmost respect. Never EVER have I had a man like him in my life. We are like two peas from the same pod that got separated at the pea factory, and then put back into the same bag together. We think alike, and truly love each other from the bottoms of our hearts.
    We spent two romatic days together, cherishing every moment we could spend together, not sharing a kiss until the end of the first day.
    I went to work as usual, and naturally, the anticipation was killing me. He showed up around 11:30, jumpoing out of his truck, and rushing inside as fast as he could. My boss, Rolf, was absolutely tickled pink when he saw that Dean was my "mystery date". He's known dean since he was a little boy, and speaks very highly of him. So, the bossman let me go for the day so i could spend it with my date.
    We walked hand in hand on two different beaches, enjoying the beautiful sun that came out just for us. We picked up shells and enjoyed the fresh sea breeze. We then took a romantic stroll through the harbor down the docks, hand in hand, looking at the boats, and enjoying eachothers company. We even got to watch a sea otter munching happily on mussels not 4 feet away. It was a joy to watch it roll around in the water and chow down on the small shellfish *munchmunch*
    We enjoyed a fulfilling lunch a the Smoke Shack, a breakfast/lunch restaraunt that's in an old alaska railroad train car. Very good food! Nummy nummy! he gave be a lovely malachite bracelet that he got while he was in Mexico. I wear it every day, it matches my eyes so well.
    We then drove around town for a while, and it was like he was showing me off to the town. lol It was cool. He is very well respected here in Seward, and I know a lot of people were probably talking about us. Rumors spread quickly in a small town like this.
    We then went over to my house, and I showed him my Bionicle and Lego stuff, which he was like BOOYAH! when he saw it. He is totally into what I build, and he used to build avidly as a child. He wants to start building again, and come to conventions with me! I cannot wait to bring him out of the dark ages! I know that his 6 yr old daughter Calysta would absolutely love to come over and play! I can't wait to meet her!
    We played Nintendo a bit, and busted it out on the old school games for a while, and finished up the leftovers from lunch. We then went out for a coffee at one of the local art/coffee houses, and enjoyed each others company some more.
    After that, we stopped and picked up some dinner at the store, and drove out to his house....
    Where we played Metroid Prime 3 Corruption on the Wii for HOURS into the night.
    Needless to say, we were totally smitten with each other even more by the end of the day.
    The second day, we hung out after work, and had a grand time! I helped him get his tools back home, and we hung out and played more games, and just enjoyed our time.
    He's really special, and Deep Down I know he is the one.
    I love him so much!
    Here he is all suited up for work up north on the slope. He works on an offshore oil rig as a Roughneck Pusher, or Lead Roughneck. In other words, hes got minions to do his dirty work! The drilling equipment needs to be run and well maintained, and he is the GoTo guy!

  5. Roa McToa
    I am officially a violinmaker as of today! I sold my violin that I posted in this blog for $4,000! I am so stoked, as it is my first ever sale of one of my own instruments! I can now pay off my bills! HOORAH!!! This, on top of meeting a interesting guy back at home, things just seem to be turning my way lately!
    Click Here for the blog entry about the violin
  6. Roa McToa
    So, as a few of you my know, my good ol trusty HP laptop blew up, no longer to be of service. A component int he motherboard that allows it to run off of AC power and charge the battery fried, so therefore, it got no juice in the caboose. I took it down to the shop and had it analyzed and taken apart, and so here it lies, in pieces. RIP HP, you were a good computer!
    So, I was kindly lent a little laptop to use until I was able to go out and buy one for myself.....
    So, I get back from Mexico, and Dean tells me theres a lil' Summ Sumthin' waiting for me at home. He had driven home to take care of a few errands before he left to work on the slope. I had spent that weekend in Anchorage at my moms house, so I was eager to get home to see what this so called surprise was. I was thinking ooo maybe its a big lego set or something!
    So, I get home, and there's a box sitting in my living room that's the size of a carousel set.
    I open it..........
    And there is a brand new BOOYAH super awesome white Sony Vaio laptop inside!
    This was my face....
    Its such an awesome laptop! Its wayyyy faster and has a ton more memory and ram than my old computer could shake a stick at. Now I just have to get my old hard drive and put it into a dock so that I can use my photoshop CS3 suite thats on it, as well as access all my old files.
    All I can say is a million thanks till the day I die Dean! You are such a generous guy! Never have I been given such an awesome gift by someone before, and especially so from my true love! I was not expecting it at all! O_O
    till the next blog.....
  7. Roa McToa
    Letagi's archer has made her way into my Legorium after being left behind after Brickcon with her little green buddy. She was the first to emerge from the rahi canisters, and set off on an adventure. Her first experience was the Jack Stone Clone army. She surfed the mosh pit onto the next area of the Legorium......
    Oh what awaits her next?

  8. Roa McToa
    I picked up an entry form for submitting art for this years music fest poster, and the theme was "harvest", and whatever that may mean to an Alaskan, so I sat down tonight and for 7 hours (breaks included) I painted this. It's painted in Watercolor.
    Seiners Harvest

    I hope I win the $50 and t-shirt. Winners art becomes the poster! Woot, wish me luck!
  9. Roa McToa
    Well, my vacation officially ends tomorrow night. I have heard that there is SO MUCH WORK for me when I get home. I'll need it for sure. I guess my motto for the weeks to come will be "Woooorrrk Till Your Body Buuurrnnsss!!!"
    Me and my two work partners have to build a minimum of 150 BBQ grills at each of 3 Home Depot stores in town, and the huge one out in the valley. Not to mention all the yard equipment they will need like wheelbarrows, lawnmowers, carts, trailers, chippers, shredders, log splitters... The list just keeps going on and on. Its hard to keep up with the quota, because customers often come up and buy the stuff as soon as you finish assembling it. Money is money in my book....
    I should be hearing back about NW Brick Con pretty soon, and I hope that its really good news! I also submitted a Builders Profile to The Brothers Brick. They were really interested in my Bionicle creations, and wanted to put up their very first builder spotlight on their site, and have it be about me and my Bionicle creations! I was nominated and gladly accepted the invitation! They told me thats the first time they had seen bionicle models that were built the way I build em. Makes me happy to know I was accepted so nicely at brickfest!
    I think BrickfestPDX 07 was an important step that I needed to take into the next level of building. I saw creations that blew my mind, like the operating Cuckoo clock that was staring at the bionicle table. I loved that thing, and I want to build one!!! I absorbed as much as I could by looking at other peoples creations, and learned so many great things about system that I would like to try myself! That Lego building book I won as a door prize is like candy too! I will gobble up all those spiffy building techniques......
    I still have to file my taxes when I get home.......
    One word.....
    See you all on the flip side.......
    Roa out.....
  10. Roa McToa
    "I'll help out with whatever you want, for the right price...." You heard it, I'm taking on space as the Han Solo knockoff wannabe smuggler Dash Rendar. He's so awesome LOL He's got a cool sidekick droid co-pilot named Leebo, and he is awesome too!
  11. Roa McToa
    Yeah, I went skateboarding for the first time ever. I was finally starting to get the hang of it, then, I got going a bit too fast and started to get speed wobbles. By the time I bailed I was going too fast to run out of it, and got some Naaaasty road rash on my left knee and palms.
    Kinda smarts, but its not too bad. My knee got it the worst, as the lacerations were deep enough to sufficiently make plenty of blood run down my leg....
    Funny thing though, it didnt rip my pants...........
  12. Roa McToa
    I face the world on my own, yet again. Never seeming is this life I lead. All I wish for is one who's willing to fight by my side, and support my battalions. It's difficult to face this world alone, as fears and thoughts rage through the mind, leaving this warrior unprotected from harm. I knew it was coming, yet expected it not to happen. Silly I for making any sort of expectation or.......hopes, dreams.... shall I say? In the life I lead, I've always been a lone wolf, but not necessarily liking it. Its a world of hungry dogs out there, and the warrior must face them in order to survive.
    I have my ammunition loaded in my rifle, and am ready for battle. I will go out into this cruel world, and find another legion to arm myself with.
    The battle may have been lost, but the war is far from over........
    For I will not walk alone.
  13. Roa McToa
    Well, It seems like things are going rather well for me lately. I got my taxes filed and paid on time, and I still have plenty of cash to get me by, and pay my other bills. Things just seem to flow this time of year....
    My promotion to staff was a bit of a suprise. I certainly wasn't expecting it at all, let alone so soon. I like helping out around the site, and doing my part to help keep BZP a great forum!
    Work has been crazy busy lately, and income is good! I'm also taking care of my friends dog. A big white german shepherd named Coda. Hes a really nice dog!
    I'll get around to my pbzp, really.....
    Don't Forget to Name the Reikia!
  14. Roa McToa
    So, yeah, on the 5th of July, the Seward Racing Lions hold their annual mudbog race. Contenders from around the state as well as the local boys and girls all get together to go play in the mud! I hope to compete in this next year with my main man, as we are building a truck together.
    Heres a link to a folder containing pics of our truck. I will add more pictures as we go along, and get it going.
    Yonder Mudbogger Project of The Lohmanator and Roa McToa

    And now *drumroll*
    (photo of Stock Class winner)

  15. Roa McToa
    Just because I didn't make it on my birthday, doesn't mean I'm not going to make it. I had a long day at work, and my job is tiring. I went to bed early, plus with time zones and all, east coast 12am comes 4 hours sooner than it does here...... Me No Lie To You All! It will still be a birthday moc cause its the first moc I make after my birthday.
    I have a plan up my sleeve, and if I'm not too tired after work I will build tonight. Hopefully I have tomorrow off work, but thats no guarantee these days seeing as Rolf said he'd like Allen to work on mondays again (that was his day off), theres no reason why he wouldn't pull my wednesdays ......
    Either way, don't give up on me yet! I am just getting settled back in after a long trip away from home! Also had some other not so goodstuffs happen, so gimme a little slack LOL
  16. Roa McToa
    After seeing so many Mata-Nui mocs lately after those images popped up, it makes me wanna build a Mata-Nui.
    I won't be made of bionicle pieces........
    I'll use Bionicle where its needed, but the moc will be predominantly system elements, and it will be BIG. A future project..........
    I love revelations!
  17. Roa McToa
    Hey everyone.
    I would like to apologize for my recent absence from BZPower. I have had a lot of things going on in my life that have caused undue stress upon me, and have made me unable to do my duty to BZPower recently. I was dealing with having a heater down in my house, so it has been really cold, and somewhat miserable in my home. $820 later, I got it fixed...... The woes of living expenses... Oi!
    No worries, I have not left this wonderful forum. I have been thinking about BZPower a lot lately, and am dying to get an internet connection in Seward so I can get back online. Not having my own internet access makes getting to BZP somewhat difficult. I have to drive to the library to use the internet, and I am not able to do any uploading of pictures to update my topics, not to mention the time limit they give you to use the computer.
    I have been building a lot of creations, both Bionicle and Lego, and have been expanding my horizons. I'm going to build a minifig scale tool rental shop like the one I work at, and it will be loaded with tools, heavy equipment, and of course, the very people that run the place (theres only 4 of us...)
    My giant rahi are going to get some improvements so they are more sturdy for animation. I've also built a new style matoran for my main characters for T.o.T. Apaka now has totally awesome human articulation, with fingers! I'll rebuild all my matoran to this new style, and build some more that are the scale between them, and the protector style matoran. Apaka is as tall as a Toa Mata, but still fairly short compared tot his Toa Kaiva self.
    I'll be back when I can folks. Times are Uuber stressful and tight right now, so I'll come in when I can!
    On another note...... I may be going to Brickworld.................Sponsored........
    -Roa McToa-
  18. Roa McToa
    Hey everyone! I made it home safely, and managed to take some pics on my trip! Click on the thumbnails to see a larger image. The trip totals about 120 miles. It got too dark for me to take pictures for the last 40 miles. I'll post another entry about Seward life in a day or two with more pictures. For now, enjoy the Alaskan scenery!

  19. Roa McToa
    I rebuilt Rayzaurak's legs and hips, and I am very pleased with the outcome. All I need to do to finish him is add the trim touches. It supports its own weight fairly well in many poses, and can be posed to walk now! I have a few more things to do to it to make it even better, so it will be awesome for Brickfest.
    I have some Good ideas for Paruvak's Rahi, and I'm going to build the head for Vakatu's Rahi so I can brainstorm its body too. All good stuff here folks!
    Now, off I go to part out two big tubs of bionicles, and organize all their parts into my bags and pin trays so I can bring them back to Anchorage tomorrow night. I'll be house sitting for a week there and should have some good time to build. Wish me luck! I am gonna bust as hard as I can.
    The Po and Ta Reikia are finished too. I'm going to build the Onu, and try and come up with something for the other 3. I might have to make a quick bricklink order to get some of the peices I need, so there may or may not be 6 Reikia at brickest. Only time will tell. There will be at least three for sure. After all six are built, I'm going to host a "Name the Reikia" contest in my blog! Should be kool!
    I'm going to buy my plane tickets and register for brickfest tomorrow, so I am totally stoked happy!!!! YAY!
    I'm gonna post my Seward life blog entry soon, so stay tuned for some goodie pics of this great little town!
  20. Roa McToa
    I finished my first successful batch of Squaw candy this year, and it turned out WAY better than the batch I tried last year. Once you've tried salmon smoked like this, you would never go back to your normal store bought smoked salmon!

    This batch was made from frozen fish from last year, so it is not as perfect as fresh caught fish, but is still dang tasty!
    The next batch will be even better! I am gettin gmy process dialed in, and I hope to be as good as my grandpa was at this.
  21. Roa McToa
    I woke up to Evil Takanuva's hysterical laughter.
    "mwuaahahahhhahhaahahahaaaaaaaaaa" *cough*

    And even worse, was the terribly hideous beast that was staring down my mask. It reeked of sweet things that made my mouth water. I was paralyzed by its gaze, and was forced to watch it eat sweet treats that it pulled from its pocket. The torture was unbearable! It was eating my favorite sweets!

    Green Guy was to my right, passed out and buried under a pile of feet.

    How we are going to escape from this is beyond me at the moment, but Evil Takanuva has my bow and arrows, which really angers me! Me no like when someone else is hoarding my stuff!
    What oh What could happen next! Stay tuned!
  22. Roa McToa
    Finally, my Giant Rahi are all built! Just some minor touchup work left on them and their riders.
    I can now concentrate on transforming the reikia fom their old dull selves into new, more menacing beasts. The elimination of Baksilvah means the addition of a Gold Reikia!!!! There will be more info as to why at a later time.
    I may post some sneak peek pics as they are being built.... Stay tuned for great things! I'm gonna take pics of EVERYTHING at brickfest, and make a nice brickshelf folder out of it. Pictures of my display will be posted in The Inhabitants of Kaiva-Nui.
  23. Roa McToa
    This is an engine part from my Oldsmobile. If you can guess correctly what its function is, you get a special banner that denotes your mechanical genius! Have a go at it!
    << Clicky for big pic!
    Here is a video of how it works when its in the engine, operated with my hands......
    Click for Google Video
    A hint, Your engine may stop running if this part is broken. This one has rough edges and doesn't run smooth enough anymore to function perfectly. Hence, the reason for its replacement
    Omi Guessed it! Its an Oil Pump!
    He gets this fun banner!
  24. Roa McToa
    $7.00 Gets you a lot when you go to the thrift store! My defender class shifter thinks so too!

    This kit is absolutely loaded with white bionicle pieces. I think I can finally rebuild Mukaia the way I wanted to now! Hooray!
  25. Roa McToa
    I had a great time with Ben and his kids friday night. we carved up 5 pumpkins, all with silly faces, and I taught Ben a new carving technique.
    I have one pumpkin left, and was going to bioniclize it.
    What kanohi shall I immortalize?
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