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Lazzy the Spazzy

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Blog Entries posted by Lazzy the Spazzy

  1. Lazzy the Spazzy
    My apologies for my irresponsibility. I never finished posting character profiles after leaving, but at least I'm doing it later, as opposed to never, right? ^^;
    Anyway, here's my first entry in my 5-entries-in-a-day series. Here goes...
    TEAM 12
    Team history
    None (please PM me if you have a team history prepared)
    -No profile listed-
    Name: Jitsuzai Takuna
    Age: 16
    Rank: Genin
    Personality: He has a good sense of humour, though a lot of his jokes are deadpan and it’s hard to tell whether he’s joking or not. He’s quite serious but then again, he’s an easygoing kind of person. He speaks in a refined tone and tends to speak clearly, though being as lazy as he is, he sometimes lets his speech slip and speaks informally. In fact, one of his greatest failings is his laziness and apathy. Fortunately, he has good natural talent that counteracts his laziness. When in danger, he forces himself to calm down and think about the situation carefully, though when flung into combat, he just lets himself feel the area around him and go through the art of combat as naturally as he can. He’s a dreamer, sometimes spaces out and likes to think. He is originally from Kumogakure, The Village Hidden in the Clouds and he and his parents escaped there and defected to Konoha. He seems very easygoing about this and doesn’t let it get to him, as in Kumogakure, he was considered an outsider already, because everybody knew of he and his parents views on the war. As such, his loyalties lie with Konoha and he is prepared to fight his own countrymen.
    Appearance: His skin is very pale and his hair is black and straight, with a parting and the hair at the back reaching down to the bottom of his neck, the front coming down to his jaw. His eyes are a dark crimson. With regards to clothes, they are all black and he keeps fairly well covered up, with long sleeves and a polo-neck, occasionally wearing his gloves. His top is semi-loose, not tight but not loose enough to move around all that much, the torso buttoned up the front, with little pockets on the inside hiding razor disks and shuriken. He wears his kunai on his right leg and a short katana on his left leg. About his shoulders he wears a cape, though a very short one, the front not even covering his chest and the back not covering his shoulder blades completely. On his back, he wears twin katana, though these katana are more slim than usual and they are also straight, with a hidden edge along the back of them. His trousers are fairly loose, enough only to be completely manoeuvrable but not so that they are large enough to get in the way. There are subtle gold trimmings on his clothes and he looks fairly regal. On his feet, he doesn’t wear the usual sandals but he wears black jika-tabi. He also wears a belt in which he keeps small tools hidden. There are hidden pockets all over his clothes. (He doesn’t like to carry bags.)
    Fighting style/skills: He can fight with both his swords and his hands and is a short to mid-range fighter, being poor at long range. Fortunately, he can attain the distance he needs with ease, by using his kekkei genkai. When fighting he likes to keep the enemy guessing as to where he is and while he prefers to fight as a striker, as the way of the assassin, he can stand his ground and use his swordsmanship skills to fight steadfast, though this isn’t preferred as it’s removing one of his advantages; the ability to be all over his enemy. When fighting unarmed, he tends to fight with either his palms completely open or just his fingers curled over, his palm still exposed. When fighting this way, he tried to strike at vital spots, doing as much damage he can with as little power as he can, his physical strength not being very impressive. He sometimes uses bursts of electricity when he makes contact, in order to causes momentary spasms or to distract. His weakness is primarily those that are better at close range combat than he is, particularly those that are good at defending and countering or making very quick counter-attacks, making the Hyuuga particularly dangerous. He’s not strong against people that have wide attack ranges, like those that use water jutsu, as it is harder to dodge and harder to pass through. He’s weak against those that are better at mobility than he is which is rare but it does happen, this being his primary advantage. He’s weak against those that are able to keep him at a distance, like some that use a constant barrage, depending on how they go about doing it. He loses his greatest advantage against those that have an additional awareness, like the byakugan, as that can keep track of him despite moving so fast and unnaturally.
    His chakra type is a lightning aligned, though he believes that there is something else which aligns itself with him, also. (That is the ‘aether’, the fabric of reality, just so you know.)
    Weapons: Slim, straight twin-katana, which he can use both together or one at a time. He is capable of using curved katana, however and does switch to them occasionally. He also owns and is capable of using a two-handed longsword, though he hasn’t specialised in it. He seems to find that he prefers using razor disk as well as kunai, rather than just kunai themselves as they seem to behave in a different way when thrown, making it wise to alternate, to keep the enemy guessing. He keeps a short, straight katana on his left leg, as his twin swords become impractical when indoors. This sword his generally what his choice would be for assassination.

    Team: Sora’s character: Nara Soren & Omega’s character: Hyomi. His Sensei was Tenkai.
    Relationships within team: He knows that Hyomi has a crush on Soren and that she is very shy about it. He enjoys putting her in positions that where she is near Soren, just for the fun of watching her go red. He feels very much on the same wavelength as Soren, both of them being lazy though both of them still getting on with what they have to do. With regards to Hyomi, Takuna doesn’t dislike her and doesn’t find her annoying in any way, as she tends to be very quiet. Tenkai is someone that Takuna eagerly waits to be taught many different sword techniques by and respects his power and position of authority over him.
    List of jutsu: Genjitsubanare, his kekkei genkai, which allows him to deny various aspects of physics and reality, doing impossible things. Using this, he doesn’t need to use substitutions and replacements, as he is able to, for a short moment, let things pass through him or to be able to move without needing acceleration or even motivation, though he hasn’t really got the hang of letting things pass through him yet, that needing a certain amount of skill to get the knack. Despite this, he’s relatively quite skilled with his kekkei genkai.
    Enko oonami no jutsu, his standard lightning attack. This attack requires as much feel as it does chakra and seals, as not only do you input seals and use chakra to fire it, but depending on how you fore it, the strike can arc somewhat.
    He also has a jutsu where he can electrically charge his unarmed attacks, which I cannot remember the name of, (I have it at home, I think) to give them more potency or to cause detrimental effects to his enemy, depending on where he strikes them and how much power is pumped out. Using this ability is easy but using it well is extremely hard. Getting the right balance of power at the same time as having the right amount of accuracy is very difficult and he simply uses it as well as he can.
    His sword attacks are fairly freestyle and done by feel and thus, he doesn’t use many sword-based taijutsu. It is notable that he uses it in conjunction with his kekkei genkai, however and his general style is sometimes referred to as a taijutsu called Ninja art: ‘impossible assault’.
    Clan: Jitsuzai, a clan from the land of lightning that can altar their standing in reality in different ways, depending on how they train it. It’s best described as a form of physics denial. When they active their Genjitsubanare (their kekkei genkai) to its higher levels, their eyes go entirely black and they feel closer to the fabric of reality, able to detect fluctuations in it, which can mean sensing of strong physical disturbances in the area or an instinctive knowledge of what’s going on around them, even if they can’t see it. This, however, is nothing like the Byakugan. It only lets them know that something is happening in a certain area and they react by getting a feel for it and making it instinctive. For instance, while a Hyuuga would literally be able to see someone creeping up behind them, a Jitsuzai can only know that there is something happening behind them. In the end, it has the same effectiveness as an enhanced sense of hearing or echolocation. Using this makes up for their being able to move around unnaturally, which would normally even confuse the user. The Jitsuzai clan is very small but also very strong and their fighting styles are very varied. They all tend to use a weapon of some sort, most specialising in one weapon and then being fair at a few others. (Takuna picked unarmed and twin blades, to specialise in.) Their style depends on how their kekkei genkai has developed, most Jitsuzai acting as strikers.
    Name: Nara Soren
    Member name: .:Sora:.
    Age: 16
    Rank: Genin
    Personality: Soren is laid back, quiet, and lazy, much like his uncle Shikamaru. Usually he can be found sleeping up on a tree branch or wandering around town, looking for something to do. Despite his lack of motivation, Soren is extremely intelligent and prefers to be an observer of a fight, figuring out his opponent's weaknesses and other important information.
    Appearance: Kinda long brown hair that goes down to the edge of his ears. He wears a small pair of frameless glasses and wears his headband around his left arm. Soren wears a pair of black cargo pants, and a dark green longsleeve shirt, covered by a black shortsleeve jacket. He also wears a small pouch on his right leg which holds his shruiken, kunai, and throwing needles. He alwasy carrys a small puppet with him where ever he goes. The puppet looks slightly like a ragdoll crossed with a voodoo doll, with a mouth stitched in a smile. Two black buttons are used for eyes.
    Fighting style/skills: Soren is particualary skilled in Genjutsu, using the shadows and other objects on the battle field to stay out of view and hidden. He specializes in the shadow possession type jutsu, his prefered one being the Shadow Puppet Possession jutsu. Soren is can easily loose focus in fights that extend over a long period of time. Due to his preferance to stay hidden and attack from afar, he can't take too many physical hits. He is also extremely weak in Taijutsu, using only Genjutsu. Usually, he has his puppet do most of the attacking for him, and only coming out of his hiding spot if he is in extreme danger.
    Weapons: Typical shruiken and kunai, as well as throwing needles and a small puppet which he uses for most of his Jutsu
    Team: Hyomi and Takuna (Although I'm not sure if Takuna is going to be playing again this time. Gravemind did RP as Hyomi, so that should be fine.)
    Relationships within team: Hyomi has a crush on him, although Soren is completely oblivious to her affections and just thinks she's weird.
    List of jutsu: Shadow Clone Jutsu: Creates Shadow Clones of Soren. Usually used in conjunction with his Puppet Jutsu.
    Shadow Possession Jutsu: Allows him to immobilize his opponents by taking control of their shadow. He can also make them mimic his movements and speech.
    Shadow Puppet Jutsu: Allows Soren to transfer his shadow into his puppet, becoming it. He can also use shadows to control the puppet from afar.
    Hiding Smoke Jutsu: Creates a cloud of black/grey smoke that obscures the view anyone around him. He usually uses it to create cover for himself and his teammates.
    Clan: Nara
    Name: Saito Hyomi
    Age: 13
    Rank: Genin
    Personality: Hyomi always blushes when she is embarrassed; which is often. She is shy and usually stutters. She is easily frightened. When someone downs her she usually cries. On the inside she often wants to stand up, but is always afraid to do it. She has a vague interest in puppetry and Kankuro the great puppet master. Her hobbies include making puppets, studying Genjutsu, and thinking about Soren.

    Appearance: Hyomi has a dark skin color like her brother Ikashi, from living in the jungle. On her left arm is a birth mark shaped like a rose. He hair is a light blue and has a ribbon in it. Her hair is tied into two large buns which separate into really long hair. Her aye color is a nice combination of red and green (The Raidou). She is small and is approximately 5’4. She also has gloves on; they have the Saito clan symbol on it (A cross with a crow standing on it). She wears a green long-sleeved shirt over a belt and a blue skirt. She keeps her kunai on her left leg. She also wears the standard Shinobi sandals. She wears her headband around her belt.

    Fighting style/skills: Hyomi is specialized in Genjutsu. She has no talent for Ninjutsu which often inhibits her abilities. She is a long-range fighter preferring to use her puppets for physical combat. Using her small figure she usually manages to dodge most attacks. She usually starts out by placing the opponent in a genjutsu. Then she lures them into a trap against one of her puppets. Her weakness include that she has no talent in Taijutsu or Ninjutsu. She also is skilled in tracking.
    Weapons: Senbon Needles with a special poison that paralysis. She also has two puppets.
    Kira(Killer): Kira is a puppet that has a large cloak that hides its body. The head has three horns and a face like the one below this paragraph. It has a kunai sticking out of its mask which it can shoot them out. They have the poison on the aforementioned Senbon needles. On its body is a skeletal body with kunai jutting out of it. It also has a rib cage that is very sharp. It has kunai claws along with a shruiken launcher on the right arm.
    Kohei(Big Wall): A large puppet designed to be defensive. He is huge about the size of two refrigerators it has a large head about the size of a watermelon. It has a baby face. It is huge and big. There is a huge wooden plate over its entire body.
    Team: Soren,Takuna, and Tenkai
    Relationship With Team:
    Soren: Has a huge crush on him and blushes a lot when she is around him.
    Takuna: Hyomi thinks of Takuna as a friend. She is often willing to help him with his problems.
    Tenkai: Hyomi has huge admiration for her sensei and how strong he is.
    Clan: See Saito Ikashi’s clan and Kekkai Genkai.
  2. Lazzy the Spazzy
    TEAM 14
    Brief Team History:
    Name: Hattori Hanzō
    Member: Kakumei
    Age: 24
    Rank: Jounin
    Village: Konohagakure
    Personality: Hanzō's not a passive person, or someone who likes authority, he is a true ninja in keeping secrets and being sly and sneaky, yet he loves to have a laugh.
    He will not, however, remain cheerfull in battles. Quite the opposite. He will usually sink into a state of Zetsubō [despair] and lose the will to fight. He can also apply this state to other people.
    Fighting style/skills: Hanzō's special technique is similar to the Fourth Hokage's in which a person can move great distances in a second. A Space/time jutsu. He is also master in Gen and Ninjutsu, though lacking in Taijutsu, he can easily defeat someone of Chuunin leven in a Taijutsu battle. He will often use senbon or Kunai to attack. He is a long ranged fighter.
    Weapons: Senbon, Kunai, Shuriken, small Chakra blade carried in the small of his back.
    Team: 14
    Relationships within team: n/a
    List of jutsu: N/A for now
    Clan: Hattori, a clan famous for it's prodigy Ninja. The Hattori Clan exists outside of Konoha, or any of the five great hidden villages. A Hattori, every century or so, will appear and become great, Hanzō is the latest to appear, and has so far proven that this theory is correct.
    Trivia: Hanzō fist appeared in Konoha, fully trained and capable, at the age of 14.
    Name: Koitoro Jatsume
    Member: Minun4
    Age: 11
    Rank: Genin
    Personality: He keeps to himself. He'll work with others, only when neccisary. He would rather let his kunai do the talking. The enviorment never fazes him. He trains all day because his mom is dead and his dad hates the clan, so he has enough to worry about. He loves his other family members more than his father. He acts cold to everyone.
    Appearance: He has a dark tan skin color, and is rough. He has dark brown hair and has his hair point to the right. His 5ft. tall and has green eyes. He wears a thin gray jacket, with plain blue t-shirt underneath. He has a watch and long jeans. He keeps his kunais on his right leg. He wears a black belt and standard shinobi sandals. He also wears a sache on his right shoulder.
    Fighting Style/Skills: He specializes in Ninjutsu, Fire style. He likes to fight mid-range, and he likes to start out with genjustu to slow his opponet, then use fire style jutsus. His weaknesses are: he is slower than other ninja; he always starts the same way (so he is predictable); and he doesn't have a lot of chakra, so his fire justus wear him out quickly. Since he can't fight for too long, he focuses more on scouting out territory.
    Jutsu: Substitution jutsu, shadow suriken jutsu, illusion cloneing, and the tramsformation jutsu. All curently basics.
    Clan: His clan has always been fighters, no matter at what the personal cost. Therefore, it comes to no surprise that his Kekkei Genkai is called "the sacrifice sword." It takes a lot of the person's chakra and hurts the person, but it comes into the form of a large, but light, sword. They would all lay down their life for their family (yes, even his father).
    Name: Mizuno Jiro
    Member: Zaktan of the Shadows
    Age: 14
    Rank: Genin
    Personality: Unlike his older brother, Jiro is more calm and cheery, due to the fact that he was raised under better circumstances. He is easy to get along with probably due to the fact that he becomes the subordinate of social groups. However, like his brother, he has a feeling of neglect, and severely underestimates himself. Although rare, it can lead to mood swings of depression or violent bursts of anger. He is always striving to do his hardest to become the great shinobi his brother never got to be. However he prefers to take it easy, usually slacking off from training and practice and pursue other interests such as reading, shogi, bird watching and other past times.
    Appearance: Jiro is above average in height easily topping most classmates in the academy. He has neat black hair of medium length. Nowhere near close to girl’s hair length, but still longer in comparison to guys hair. It is done in a way so that part of his hair covers his left eye usually. He has dark brown eyes. They also look as though he just got up after a nap. His facial features are not as sharp as his brothers but not exactly “soft” either. His skin shade is darker than Caucasian but not quite at the asian tinge either. He usually sits and walks with a slouched posture.
    His usually clothing is an ultramarine Hawian with some yellow and orange patterns. Underneath he wears a cornflower blue short sleeve T-shirt. He wears Grey cargo pants that go past his ankles. He wears the standard sandals and wears to kunai pack on his right leg.
    Fighting style/skills: Mizuno lacks the ability to use even the most basic of ninjutsu or genjutsu due to a chakra disorder. The only exception to this is water jutsu to which he excels at, however he knows none. So he ends up studying basic taijutsu instead. However he is not physically dexterous so he usually resorts to setting traps or using all kinds of trickery to catch his opponent off guard and then strike a weak point. Due to this he has gained the ability to move about undetected and excel in stealthy operations.
    Weapons: Just the standard stuff
    List of jutsu:
    Clone Jutsu
    Substitution Jutsu
    Earth Release: Inner Decapitation technique
    Exploding tag release
    Clan: Mizuno Clan. The most powerful and feared clan in the land of waves. It is a large and thriving clan that has most control in the region. In the past it took full control of the Land of Water and declared war on neighboring nations. However it was eventually removed from power through civil war after being severely weakened by the shinobi of the land of earth. But as time progressed it managed to get back a seat of power in the regions politics. However under a peace treaty with the nation of fire it sent its clans successor Mizuno Ikari as a ward, who died after 10 years. They then surrendered the next one in line Mizuno Jiro. Members of the clan usually suffer under a genetic chakra disorder which makes use of earth, fire, lightning and wind jutsu difficult. However the clan excels at water jutsu, able to master them at fast rates and even continuously use these jutsu whilst a normal shinobi would have been long expelled of water chakra.
    Name: Yira Veran
    Member: Rakaru
    Age: 17
    Rank: Academy student
    Personality: Veran likes to be with people and talk to them, but he doesn't really care to hang around goths, pessimists or any life hater. He does like to hear about legends and learn new things. He is kind to other people who are kind to him and treats those who are cruel with equal cruelity. He had lost his parents long ago to an illness and eversince had been with the academy (was around 13 at the time) He likes to fight as it ventailates his anger at others and he doesn't hurt any allies this way. Looks up to mentors and more wise and stronger people and tries to learn from them. He has had a hard life which from that he had learned things in the Academy rather quickly and doesn't forget things. He is very responsible for anything.
    Appearance: His skin color is white, texture is somewhat rough, his hair is black and semi-long that is pulled in a backward position, his eye color is a deep green which doesn't really reflect light, he is around 6'3" he wears black gloves, has no accessories besides for a few kunai, a small dagger, and a sworddoesn't wear any accessories or carry these weapons around he just knows how to use them (somewhat) and has them for protection in case anything really bad happened, wears a long sleeved T-shirt which is black and is made out of the typical fibers in most other T-shirts, he wears long black pants (he likes the color for he always feels somewhat cold and black soaks up the sun's heat, Keeps his kunai on his right leg,? wears a belt to hold his dagger when he carries it around it is a black leathery material, wears standard shinobi sandals, A small design is on his shirt which is a red dragon (is a dragon geek at times mind you) and thats it.
    Fighting style/skills: genjutsu is his specialty, Manipura, Which chakra, fire type-jutsu, mid-range fighter,He is strong for his age, but doesn't look it. Has good accuracy, and is flexible (to an extent), he has no disabilities and will start out with what he thinks is suitable in a battle, His weakness is his ability to hesitate at times in battle, and that he can be a little arrogant at times, he is overconfident and is sometimes not the easiest ally maker, He is relatively good at tracking (he was taught how to track from his father)
    Weapons: has a dagger, and a sword which he is pretty good with and that would be all.
    List of jutsu: substitution, and illusion, that is all he has so far.
    Clan: The Yira clan is a dying clan. Long ago it was established by Veran's great grandfather, but didn't thrive so well. It is rather small now they don't have a speciality.
  3. Lazzy the Spazzy
    That's the logo for the Writer's Assault Project. If you're wondering what the WAP is, it's a group that I joined over the summer, in the same camp that I did loads of writing in.
    Writer's Assault Project is basically a group of dedicated writers who meet about twice a month to share their writings. The presidents of the two divisions, NorCal WAP and SoCal WAP, are also talking about possibly presenting works to the public, which, in my opinion, is pretty cool.
    Anyway, I just wanted to talk about this for one of my blog entries, because I enjoy WAP. I feel like part of a team, where everyone has the same goal, and the same dedication and passion. It really helps me through school; whenever I'm struggling with Honors homework, I think of WAP, and it gets me going again.
    To everybody who reads this blog, I think that being in a group such as this is really good for you in all aspects of life. It gives you something you're interested in, and allows you to interact with other people with the same passion. If it's possible, try looking around in your community for groups: school clubs, music groups, sports teams, etc. It's great to be in a team, and I guarantee it will help you.
    Anyway, these are my musings for the day.
    BCE, signing off.
  4. Lazzy the Spazzy
    TEAM 8
    Brief team history:
    Team 8 is noted for completing its missions quickly and efficiently, and for its members. The sensei of Team 8 is arguably one of the most beautiful women in Konoha, and Shawn is known for his fearsome taijutsu and loud mouth. However, Team 8, like many other squads in Konoha, has seen its fair share of tragedy: Mizuno, one of the original members of the team, was brutally killed during their first A-rank mission (Noromatu Neozaka has since become a member of the team). Shawn, another member of the team, recently left Konoha following a fierce argument with his sensei, Heira, a few days prior during the Chuunin Exams.
    Name: Saito Heira
    Member: Kopaka-Angel of Ice
    Age: 21
    Rank: Jounin
    Village: Konoha
    Appearance: Heira has pale skin, unlike the other members of the Saito clan, mainly because of the fact she was kidnapped and sold to a slave master. She is known for beauty though, her high cheek bones, long flowing black hair. She keeps a flower in her hair, and has yellow highlights in her eyes. Heira wears a tight yellow jumpsuit, with black stripes jetting down. In times not on a mission she dresses in a much more revealing outfit, consisting of bright yellow "hot pants", and a bikini, with a jacket over it.
    Background: Heira lived as a child in the jungles of the island that the Saito clan inhabited. When a pair of smugglers, disguised as fishermen, kidnapped the young Heira, her dad refused to pay the ransom money. After the ship was attacked by a group of ninja, hoping to stop the smugglers from smuggling a valuable scroll out of Konoha, one of the ninja, Harutobi Sanjo adopted Heira as his daughter. When Heira turned 15, her father told her of her true heritage. Shocked, Heira traveled to the island, only to realize that the Saito clan was know separated throughout the Great Countries. Heira returned to Konoha and discovered her brother, had settled a family in Konoha. She took the job of Sensei for her nephew and the team has stuck together for a while.
    Personality: Heira is quite serious while on a mission, often saving the lives of her students, two or more then three times. Despite this, when not on missions she is quite flirtatious. She often is brash, egotistical, and quite lazy, and she often takes a lot of time to pamper herself. Despite this Heira is quite serious in nature, often valuing her teammate’s life well above others.
    Relationships within team: Heira gets along well with the members of her team. Specifically, she found herself falling in love with one of her students, Uchiha Shawn, although unwillingly at first. The two went out, Heira deciding to ignore their three-year age difference, though eventually Heira put a stop to the relationship, attempting to keep their relationship merely that of a teacher-student one. This did not go well with Shawn, who has stopped speaking to her and opted out of recent Team 8 missions.
    Heira is a good teacher to Ikashi and Neo, helping them dealing with their problems when they have them.
    Abilities: Heira is an expert with genjutsu. She prefers to fight with only genjutsu, and usually lets her students distract her opponent long enough for her to go in and trap them. Heira hates killing, which is why she likes to incapitate them and leave them unable to fight. Heira’s genjutsu are powerful enough so that she can usually do this; very few can escape her illusions.
    In terms of other ninja abilities, Heira is average, barely passable with taijutsu and fairly proficient with ninjutsu.
    List of jutsu:
    1) Sly Mind Affect Technique
    2) Mist Servant Technique
    3) Illusion Bell Needles: Heira uses her specially designed bells for this jutsu. By attaching the bells to senbon (throwing needles) and throwing them at her target, she can get them to dodge and subsequently ignore the bells. Additionally, the target may believe the bells are actually designed to lull them into a false sense of security. In actuality, she has strings attached to the bells, which allows her to ring them. The bells ring at a certain frequency, which directly affects the brain. This causes her target to see multiple copies of herself, making it impossible to tell the real one from the illusions. Additionally, the target loses their motor skills with continued exposure to the ringing.
    4) Demonic Illusion: Tree Bind Death
    5) Demonic Illusion: False Surrounding Techniques
    6) Demonic Illusion: Double False Surrounding Techniques: This jutsu places another illusion on top of a previous illusion created by the user. If and when the target dispels the first illusion, they will not realize that a second is in place. The second surrounding can be controlled by moving chakra in your hands.
    These are only a few of Heira’s techniques, more will be introduced as time pasts.
    Name: Saito Ikashi
    Member: Kopaka-Angel of Ice
    Rank: Genin
    Personality: Ikashi has a deep hatred for those of higher class (The reason for this is detailed in the clan section). Ikashi works hard to pay for the expenses of his poor family. This is the reason why he has become a ninja. Often he is regarded as the family slob because of his informal and sometimes lazy attitude. The only time he actually feels work is necessary is when it will benefit the family. He is also overprotective of his little sister Saito Hyomi; if you hurt her, you hurt him.
    Appearance: Ikashi is 5'9 and has long flowing black hair. His skin is a darkish brown(Like Nico Robin from One Piece.). His eyes are green and have 1 red tomoe on them. He wears a black flowing jacket,with no shirt on. He wears black pants and wooden sandals. On his back is a large sword known as Susanoo. He also wears black gloves on each hand. His headband is on his neck.
    Fighting style/skills: Ikashi is a long-ranged and close-ranged fighter. He usually sends in Water clones to distract the enemy while he charges up chakra. He also uses a custom style of Taijutsu known as Striking fist. After charging up enough chakra, he makes multiple powerhouse attacks against the opponent until she gives up or is tired. His father has finally begun to teach him about the powerful family weapon Susanno. Lighting is his primary element, while Water is his secondary. He is currently trying to learn wind jutsu to become the master of the storm. Ikashi will rarely activate his Kekkai Genkai to take down a powerful foe.
    Weapons: Susanoo which looks like a ordinary sword, but in truth it holds the spirit of Susanoo, god of the storm and the sea.
    Ordinary: Looks like an oversized 0-Katana with strange symbols engraved on them. In truth it is kanji backwards. When the user says the correct words (open, heart of the Sea) it goes into activation form (which Ikashi has not unlocked yet.).
    Team: Team 8
    Relationships within team:
    Shawn: At first Ikashi and Shawn fought mainly because of his fear that outsiders would worsen the clans wealth even more. He often insulted Shawn which eventually led to a fight. After this he began to open more up to Shawn. Later they have developed a friendship.
    Neo: Unkown. Neo had just joined the team after Mizuno was brutally killed.
    Heira: After learning Heira was her aunt she decided to protect her. Heira often helps him handle Susanoo when his dad is out on a mission.
    List of jutsu: Coming soon
    Clan: The Saito clan was found in the lush green environment of Jangakure, Village Hidden in the Jungle. In the large environment they lived in peace, until a warlord named Bozo came to the village. Bozo attacked and enslaved the Saito. He put them on large ships and sent them to the Village of Rain. Ikashi's dad managed to grab the Saito sword, Susanoo, before the clan was captured. Bozo made them work in the mines below the village, where people often died from the smoke and cave-ins. Eventually the Saito developed eyes that could see in the darkest places. Eventually the Saito learn the rhythms of rain constantly falling. Each rain drop was considered a Tomoe. Getting one of these Tomoe was considered an honor to have. Soon the clan begin to develop a fighting style along with a unique Kekkai Genkai. The clan begin to use the storms of the village to inspire the unique fighting style Striking Fist. It was a simple process, charging the hand with electric chakra and increasing your speed to deal super fast blows. Soon the clan became more powerful and rebelled against Bozo. Ikashi's father was the one that killed Bozo himself. Ikashi, then a child, saw the battle and hate those of upper-class who had power, because of the horrible deeds Bozo had done. Soon after, the Saito split up and separated around the world.
    Kekkai Genkai: The legendary Raikou Dou( Lighnting eyes)gives the user the ability to slow things down to see how it works (only in their eyes). It can also speed up things to see what the opponent is going to next. The tomoe in each eye increases this power.
    Name: Noromatu Neozaka “Neo”
    Age: 18
    Rank: Genin
    Personality: Neo is a very odd young man. He prefers to use his fists rather than his brain which makes him look like an cool dude. But in fact, he is actually pretty smart. He believes in “Pride” and “Honor”, and is always trying to redeem himself for failing his father’s expectations.
    Neo can also get angry very fast. However, Neo is usually very nice to the people around him, unless they get him mad. Neo doesn’t really have any hobbies. But he can be found training most of the time though.
    Appearance: Neo is exactly 7ft tall, and has a very muscular body. He also has dark brown hair that is spiked up. He also has black eyes. His skin color is the average white color that most white-skinned men have.
    Neo wears dark black plants, and uses his head band as a belt. He doesn’t wear a shirt, and has a tattoo of the Noromatu clan symbol on his back (The symbol is a circle with a black shield followed by a red X behind the shield.).
    Neo will also start to carry a bag by his ninja tool bag behind his back. This bag will be used to store clay for his exploding clay jutsu’s.
    Fighting style/skills: Neo specializes mainly in Nin and Tai jutsu. He doesn’t believe in using genjutsu, and thinks that only cowards should use it. But Neo still knows how to counter Genjutsu. Neo is also a water/earth chakra type use (Can't use wood jutsu.).
    Neo’s body is also in excellent condition. And he prefers to start off a fight with a series of punches and kicks to warm himself up. Neo is also a mid- to close- range fighter.
    Neo’s top weakness is raiton jutsu’s. Well, it’s really his Kekkei Genkai’s weakness, which makes it his weakness. He isn’t good at long range combat either. Neo usually doesn’t think before he acts either, which can lead to his doom. And he really doesn’t have a non fighting skill.
    Weapons: Neo uses the diamond hard staff that his monkey summons can turn into in combat. The staff is capable of changing its size and length. This works well with Neo’s mid to short range combat style due to what the staff is capable of.
    Team: Neo is in Team 8. His sensei is Heira, and his teammates are Shawn and Ikashi.
    Relationships within team: Neo hasn’t spent much time with his team due to him only getting placed on the team shortly before the Chuunin exams started. Neo has helped out Shawn when he was down before, but that’s about it.
    List of jutsu: I will have that soon.
    Clan: Neo belongs to the Noromatu Clan. The Noromatu clan actually exists in a small village outside of the fire country. But when Neo’s father lost his memory on a mission days before the Uchiha massacre, he was found by someone who lived in the small clan. When his Dad was brought to the clan, he stayed with them for many years, until he regained his memories. But while he was there, he fell in love with Neo’s mom. The two got married, and when Neo’s dad regained his memories, moved to Konoha where they had Neo, followed by Soratu a couple years later. The clan is still alive and well in the small village.
    The Noromatu clan’s Kekkei Genkai is called the Ultimate Shield. When one activates this KG, there body turns jet black and hardens. Their hands turn more claw like, and there can’t be seen, which makes them look bald. The user’s eyes turn white, making it look like they don’t have any eyeballs.
    When the Ultimate Shield is active, the user is invulnerable to most attacks, and their bodies can adjust to the temperature, whether it be freezing cold, or burning hot. There strength is also increased.
    But the Shield has many weaknesses. Its main weakness is ration based jutsu’s. The shield is also like an over shield (Think of Halo). The Shield can only take so much damage in short amount of times. And if hit enough, the shield will break, and the user will be unable to use it until they get some cover, and they wait a couple of minutes. This leaves the user vulnerable for the time being.
    But there is more to the Shield than meets the eye. For the Shield has 4 alternate forms. The Ultimate Defense, Ultimate Attack, and Ultimate Speed. Also, all of these forms require extra chakra to use.
    When Ultimate Defense is active, the amount of damage the Shield can take is doubled. But if it is hit by a ration attack, it will revert back to the shield form right away. The user’s body becomes twice its normal size when the Defense is used, and your attack power will be decreased.
    With Ultimate Attack, the user’s strength is doubled. The user’s body muscles double in size. This allows the user to deliver stronger blows to the opponent. But the user’s speed is decreased.
    And with Ultimate Speed, the user’s speed is doubled. The user’s body also becomes lighter and sleeker. But the user’s defense is decreased.
    There are many more forms to the Ultimate Shield, but these are the only ones that Neo has been able to obtain.
    As with Team 10, I have some comments.
    1) Kopaka, I need your list of jutsu.
    2) Same with you, Greed. I'm not going to wait any longer for the list; you've put it off long enough as it is. Find the jutsu you had, compile it in a list, and send it to me.
  5. Lazzy the Spazzy
    This is a poem I wrote three days ago. Our marching band was warming up for our halftime show for the high school football game, our first 'performance' in uniform, and I noticed how the sky was completely covered by clouds, which was the inspiration for the poem. Please read and enjoy!
    Music Under a Gray Sky
    We stand
    Warming up
    There is no blue
    To watch us
    Only drab gray clouds that
    Throw the vibrant color of
    Our uniform
    Into greyscale
    Our scales
    Echo around the quad
    A pause
    We hear the
    Announcer’s voice far
    “Time to go,”
    The assistant director says we
    Into a block and
    Head to the field
    And the Bionicle 'C' with parantheses around it means it's copyrighted. Please don't plagiarize.
  6. Lazzy the Spazzy
    So, let's see...I have prior BZPRPG commitments already, plus I just got in over my head joined the To Save the World RPG...and now I'm joining two more RPGs from season (maybe a third). Outside of that, I have a group epic that doesn't have a direction yet, and then I'm planning to join at least two BZP contests. Finally, there's the SSCC2 topic to clean up.
    Hmmm...sure, why not? I can do this.
  7. Lazzy the Spazzy
    Second day of the tour of Shanghai. So far, three things resound with me the most:
    1) Bus drivers here are even better than the ones in America. Didn't think I'd ever say this.
    2) Farmers don't have to pay tax.
    3) Shanghai has three times the population of LA. Congestion is like...whatever it's like, it'll be an understatement. You have to come and see for yourself. I spent more time staring at the back of people's heads and getting pushed around than sightseeing.
  8. Lazzy the Spazzy
    People will never agree. Especially not on standards. People will argue about the verdict in a courtroom, the flaws of the SAT in providing a standard for college admissions, even the 'accuracy' of a history textbook that is too left-leaning or right-leaning. When these standards are taken to a national scale, these disagreements become huge as well. And ugly.
    There is no correct way, no one Truth; at least, even if there is, there are few people who can figure it out in their lifetime. It's impossible in such a short amount of time, with millions of different and unique viewpoints, to set a perfect standard for what should be taught in history classrooms. I do think we should not teach history that is biased, but I also believe we shouldn't make a conscious effort to 'balance the playing field'. All right, so people say we should keep it perfectly in the middle, make sure no one bias pulls our history textbook too far to the left or the right. But how?
    There will always be biases, and events will never be perfectly recorded. No one can ever tell what every single person directly related to the incident was thinking or what led to their thoughts and actions, much less know what every single person not directly related to the incident was thinking. It's impossible. It's impossible to have a perfectly objective history, a perfectly objective viewpoint, a perfectly objective government.
    Nor should we try. Yes, some of us have extreme viewpoints on some subjects, but we should not, contrary to what most believe, make a conscious effort to lean toward the other direction. That's lying to yourself and that's something that will fail. Look at affirmative action. Look at where a conscious effort to force ourselves away from race biases to "make things fair" led us. Were things fair? No.
    But, if we have extremists and we discourage them from trying to push themselves toward the center, what should we do? I believe that rather than force ourselves to believe something we don't believe in, we should instead stay true to our beliefs, but understand that others have other beliefs and be willing to accept them.
    That's what it means to keep an open mind. Not forcing yourself toward the left or right.
    Note: On advice from a trusted friend, I have disabled comments for fear of said comments becoming too political in nature. If you have something to say in response, please post a blog entry (keep it within Blog guidelines though) and direct me to it via PM.
  9. Lazzy the Spazzy
    Name: Kono Bora
    Member: MoE
    Age: 12
    Rank: Academy student
    Missions completed: n/a
    Personality: Bora hides his true emotions on the inside so people don't think he is weak because on the inside he is kind, caring and want to help. His likes are ninja battles, training eating ramen. If he showed his inside emotion he would like to hang out with ninja buddies, and be a lot more social. His dislikes are losing in battles, failing exams in the academy, and sushi, but because he hides his emotions everyone think of him mean and angry. He also wants his dad to be proud of him because he could never do things right as a kid.
    Appearance: He has tan smooth skin, and lets his dirty-blond hair lie messy. He has blue eyes and is 5ft 6in tall. He has a special ring given to him by his father on his right ring finger with a big red pearl with the sign of tracking on it. He wears a navy-colored short sleeve top. Underneath his short-sleeved shirt is a fishnet shirt. He wears long gray pants and keeps kunai in a holster on his right leg. Bora wears standard shinobi shoes and is very muscular. His sword is kept on his back in a black sword pouch. Has a green backpack in which he keeps food and ninja gear for when he needs it.
    Fighting style: Bora has a natural affinity for the air and fire element. He specializes in low level taijutsu which are a swift direct combination of blocks and strikes with a lot of flying roundhouses and direct punches. However, Bora is also a mid range fighter because the blade of his sword can extend up to 5 meters (15 feet). His body is muscular but slim, allowing him to move very fast. He has the disability that he doesn't observe but charges without thought but is trying to overcome. He also hates to be told what to do and is horrible with team work. Finally he can't block low hit to the legs so he can fall easy. Bora usually starts out with the illusion clone jutsu. Bora is a very good information gatherer because of a clan trait. (see Clan)
    Rank: Academy student
    Weapons: A lightweight sword held in a pouch. Bora has only mastered this sword half way
    1) Kawarimi/Substitution
    2) Kage shuriken/shadow shuriken
    3) Bunshin/Illusion Clone
    4) Henge/Transformation
    Clan: The Kono clan is a small clan outside of the village. The clan developed over the 21 year skip and are exceptionally good at learning justu because of their chakra control. Bora's sword is a family heirloom that was passed down to him and he could extend the sword to at least 3 meters out of 5. Bora's clan is a small power in the leaf village but is starting to rise up and become greater.
    The Kono clan trait actually lets people materialize their chakra and have it take the form of a bird or insect. This chakra-spirit works the same way as a Kage Bunshin; it attaches to a target and follows it. When the user thinks the time is right he or she releases the chakra-spirit; gaining all information that the spirit received.
  10. Lazzy the Spazzy
    School is not going very well for me. I went from two weeks before school, with absolutely nothing urgent to do, just sitting around and surfing on the internet, to band camp the day after, eleven hours of marching around on the grass in the August heat.
    Looking back, that wasn't so bad. Compared to my Junior year of school, of course. All my classes are honors classes, and only one is easy (Band 4 Honors), though it makes up for that with the time required (marching season=I give up Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays). My entire schedule consists of Trig/Precalc Honors, English 11 Honors, AP Chem, AP Physics (yes, I'm doubling up in sciences…is it hard? Do you even need to ask?), French 4 Honors ("Madame, je ne comprends pas…"), and AP US History.
    What's better, is during the two weeks of band camp I kept sneezing every five seconds ("Band, atten-HUT!" "A-CHOO!" "Dress-center-dress!" "A-CHOO!" "Ready, front!" "A-CHOO!" "Taking it seven sets to letter B of Movement 1. Set!" "A-CHOO!"). Allergies. It was never this bad before though. Usually I could shrug it off.
    My sneezing fits got better once we moved to the lower field, which was made of Astroturf. But I only got a few days' rest. First week of school, I first came down with a fever, then lost my voice. It hurt to laugh. How pathetic is that?
    And then the week after that, after my fever went away and I got my voice back, I started to have coughing fits. Deep, throaty coughs that lasted several seconds at a time and got worse to the point of hurting my throat and lungs. Sneezing, I could understand before, but these coughing fits had never happened before.
    My dad said it was probably some sort of lung disease. "Emphysema, maybe. Bronchitis." Ridiculous. These were all diseases that smokers got. And I wasn't a smoker. The symptoms also didn't match.
    Of course, being the miser he is, my dad decided to wait a week. "It might go away," he said. "No sense in going to the doctor and wasting about a hundred bucks. Plus the oil money. It could be just allergies."
    Okay. I waited. It got worse. Yesterday during band practice we did the usual lap around the track. My lungs started burning when I couldn't get enough air, and after the lap I started coughing so hard my stomach actually heaved with the cough. I had to sit out of practice.
    So today my dad took me to the doctor's office. The doctor did the check-ups, and then announced, "Allergies."
    Just allergies. "But it's never happened before," I said. He shrugged.
    "The mucus in your body has clogged up in your throat, making breathing hard and causing all those coughs." Then he gave me boxes of medicine. We went home.
    I'm still coughing, and it still hurts, but at least I know it's not something serious anymore. It's just allergies. I hope.
    -BCE, signing off
    EDIT: My thanks to Black Six for helping to clear up my duplicate blog entry problem.
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