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Bio D

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Blog Entries posted by Bio D

  1. Bio D
    I've managed to pick up an omnibus of one of the best book series I know. So far I'm at Life, The Unverse, and Everything.
    Anybody want to descuss these wonderous books?
    Good look finding this entry. It's Sombody Else's Promblem.
  2. Bio D
    Well I finished The Deathly Hallows yesterday.
    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Quite a few twists, deeper delving into Dumbledore's past, and more deaths then one can shake a wand at! (Alas poor Hedwig-Mad-Eye Moody-Dobby-Wormtail-Fred Weasley-Crabbe-Remus Lupin-Nymphadora Tonks-Bellatrix Lestrange-Lord Voldemort (Bathilda Bagshot doesn't count, she was interodueced in this book) I knew them well)
    Before I did this however, I decided to read the first six. Which partially explains my absences. 
    Also, I've managed too get myself an ugly wound on my knee and have been confined too bed ever since.
    Use spoiler tags please. -Kohaku
  3. Bio D
    So I've been watching Tamers reruns and Savers episodes. Masaru's ideoligy sure is odd (Things like communing their hearts through their fists, and stating that whoever intterupts a man's meal is unforgivable (which seems to be the series tagline 0_o)), which makes you think you're watching sailor moon half the time. Amazingly, it turns out to get through to someone (Much to the surprise of his friends, unless they are said people). Currently on episode 46
  4. Bio D
    The number of the book is seven. It comes out on the seventh month of the seventh year. Also i comes out on the 21'st day of said month. 21 being seven times three.
    Coincedence? I think not.
    Obviously I'm talking about Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows coming out tommorow.
    I'm so excited.
  5. Bio D
    Proptly ignore the title.
    While I'd just like to welcome you to my humble abode. Be sure to check it out sometime.
    I hope to aspire to Dr. B or Kohaku's awesome blogging skills, but untill then please give any constructive critisism.
    In case I don't see you. Good afternoon, good evening, and good night.
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