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Bio D

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Posts posted by Bio D

  1. The first and third movies are alright, with the former suffering from animation the most and the latter from compression in the first half. They're worth watching, but nothing special.

    The second movie is absolutely brilliant. It nails the promise of a Golden Age so perfectly that you anticipate the inevitable turning point with with equal parts dread and excitement.

  2. I would be more excited for Patlabor in SRW if any of the games past Judgement ever saw English translations.

    I gave up on Robotics;Notes far later than I should have, around episode 15. Waaay too much time spent hoping turn around for the better while hanging around to watch characters I didn't care for do things I cared even less about.

    As for Gundam, 00 starts good and gets better in the second season, while Unicorn is really good if you can stomach all of the ideological drivvle. I'm watching the first series too. I was surprised at how good it was getting after episode 4 and then ten episodes later it hit the Whiny Protagonist wall I was afraid it would hit. Here's hoping it gets better~

    Don't get me started on EVOL. Just. Don't.

  3. Well Leviathan was kind of bad. The combat felt like padding most of the time, none of the characters really made an impact, and I think this might be the only main mission where succes retroactively leaves the galaxy in a worse place than if you had left things alone. I'm with Javik on this one.Still, the Leviathan design was good, the new codex stuff (planets!) made me happy, it was pretty, and it had some pretty good atmosphere in places.Oh, Biotic Volus and Collecters might get me to play multiplayer again.

  4. BIG O!dscf0001.jpg(please excuse my camera's horrible flash)Size comparison with Revoltech Unit-01 and Chogokin Super Evangelion:dscf0002.jpgMy terrible photos don't do it justice, it looks amazing in person.The pistons on the arms can be pulled pack, and pressing the fists makes them shoot forward. Also the feet can be opened (remember Roger parked his car in there?) and the collar can be lifted to see the cockpit. The shoulders and abdomen can be swapped out to show the shoulder cannons and missile launchers, respectively.Also I got the last one. :biggrin:

    I have never seen this series but my mind immediately busted out the awesome theme song.
  5. Dark anime huh? Well, Fate/Zero can get pretty bleak at times; despite the action packed exterior, Black Lagoon is nihilistic as all get out; Berserk is dark, epic fantasy; I suppose most people would consider Mirai Nikki dark, but I think it's too pulpy to completely warrant that label (heartily recommended though); and NaruTaru is certainly dark, even if I can't fully vouch for the quality.I have to say I am loving this season. Fate/Zero, Tsuritama, and Kids on the Slope are all spectacular, and I'm not even mentioning the other half dozen good-great anime I'm watching.

  6. Oh my, one of the new gear things is a Grenade capacity upgrade.I didn't know there was a way for Drell Adept to become even more powerful.And Vorcha are even squishier than Drell, at 250 Base shields/health, but they do have regen, hopefully it's fast(Ideally constant)and can be upgraded with fitness, otherwise i don't know how viable they'll be on the higher difficulties.~ELM~

    My drell adept keeps getting murdered. Maybe it's because I forget he has grenades and I can't get him a good sniper rifle.
  7. Well, in between 2 and 3 of my Infiltrator playthrough, some dark necromancer has brought Balak back to life using Kelly Chambers. Consistency? Important character moments? Pfffft.And I'm still peeved Saren didn't get more significance other than the occaisional "hey, remember when we took down a rogue Spectre?".

  8. Another thing I noticed: the pilots' plugsuits (or at least Shinji's and Rei's) have two of the core-like emblem on them, one large and one small. Given the IPEA's logo and

    the being Unit 01 almost becomes during Near-Third Impact,

    this all ties together very interestingly. Due to the fact that an angel's core contains its S2 engine (the Fruit of Life) and the fact that a human soul, containing the Fruit of Knowledge, is shown in End of Evangelion to be a small red orb not unlike a miniature core, my personal theory is that the dual-core symbolism represents a union of the two Fruits, something which was not shown very much in the original series, even on the Lilith/Adam hybrid. Can't wait to see where this goes.

    Get ready for the Green ending. :P
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