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Status Updates posted by Meraceire

  1. Admins, including everyone, Atconix IS VK. I know him. I know him on MSN. I am not lying.

  2. Ahh, forget it, I'm not going under the guise of my little brother, I am the little brother. I'm 10. So... I just plain dislike you...

  3. Also hai Freezo

    Nothing much, just getting around to the end of RZ Inika...

  4. As you notice. I am not linking to any site in any way. BZP's ad guidelines only say do NOT LINK, if I made a banner that said "Lego Forums" or any other friendly forum, without linking, would that be against guidelines? No.

  5. But I thank you for being the only one who uses my banner. =P

    So I dislike you a little less.

    So I'm neutral. =D

  6. Dark, it's not a communist forum, if you can understand that. =)

  7. Doo da doo dee dodododo doo da doo doo doo dedoodeedoo! Doo da doo dee doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo dee!

  8. Fitting name, Omi. =D


  10. I don't know. =P

  11. I don't want to know. =P

  12. I mean VakamaFan.

  13. I would appreciate if you don't use leet in your personal picture. Read and re-read the rules of BZP.


  14. I'm sorry to be such a bother, but I have yet see a reply to my last shop request. Is it lost?

  15. Mm, snowballs knocking matoran into a coma... =P

  16. Neither do I. People lie. So life is kida unfair. I suggest you get used to it; it'll do you good.

  17. oh well, now I cant even have a nice sig and av without somehow violating the rules

    this is so overrated

  18. omg u haz a birfdai???

    i give u caek

    but unfortunately the cake is a lieee

  19. Read the rules for this Community, particularly concerning REPORTING. =/


    Just kidding, this'll be settled. ;]

  21. So sue.

    Not really, because I would win the case anyway.

  22. These are the only profile comments? =O

  23. why dun u lik meh!?? =O

    Just kidding. XD

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