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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Dorek

  1. No you are not.

    Bad Cholie, bad.

  2. No, Kiwi owns them all.

    But you said human, so I had to say Odd XD

    Ulrich is okay, but I was never really a big fan of the "lone wolf" stereotype.

  3. No, you are not emo, foo.

  4. No, you do what I tell you to because I control your payroll. Silly DX.

  5. NO


    oh ma good, it's a dancing waddle dee.

  6. NO

    wait I mean yes.

  7. Nobody likes homework. Cept those homework loving people. But I think I have most of them in my basement now. Let me know if there are any more.

  8. Dorek

    Noes. Must be earned.

  9. None. They were all actually made in China.

  10. Nope ^_^. The name is just a name, it has no real significance, and the avatar is from Mudvaynes newest album.

    I do love Nausicaa though ^^;

  11. Not a problem. With your entry as expensive as it was, I can imagine. Thanks for letting me know though.

  12. Not another name change >_

  13. Not very far >> Only up to the Arrancar attack. I used to get scanlations, but my supplier stopped giving em to me, so I has to make do wif da english version =(

  14. Nummeh. Now I'm hungry.

    *wants bacon*

  15. o o





  17. Oh god sooooo amazing ;_;

    Way better than I expected.

  18. Oh god the pun in your sig is hilariously awful.

  19. Dorek


    Yo. What up, bro?

  20. Dorek

    Oh riiiight... I still need to do that ^^;

  21. Dorek

    Oh you better. There shall be suffering if not.

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