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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Dorek

  1. That would require lots more spam killings. Which Kex has got me addicted to.

  2. Aw, you don't like the Chimeara ant arc? I'm loving it, even if it is a little dark and twisted.

  3. Yeh, Serj is doing pretty good by himself, isn't he? I like quite a few songs off his solo album.

    But yeh, most SoaD stuff is pretty listenable. You'd be hard pressed to find a song of theirs that you don't want to listen to.

  4. No, Kiwi owns them all.

    But you said human, so I had to say Odd XD

    Ulrich is okay, but I was never really a big fan of the "lone wolf" stereotype.

  5. Depends on what you have and haven't heard. What're your favorite bands?

  6. ...

    *withholds pictures*


  7. I did. It was seriously messed up. But in a good way. Not something I'd put on my iPod though.

  8. Maybe it's just the lighting, but they look sickly green >>

  9. More like "Go die in a hole Shadow-Nui".

    But close enough.

  10. Apparently Korn wasn't so good when they came here a week ago, but ah well. Ozzy and Rob was amaaaaaaazing. Ozzy actually performed "Iron Man". And Rob Zombie put on an amazing performance, leaping everywhere, and there was awesome pyrotechnics too.


  12. Oh, that one. I scanned it. I own the book.

    And sure ^^

  13. Dorek


    Yo. What up, bro?

  14. Also, Tool is coming here.

    =D Must get monies now.

  15. =O

    Find it. Quick.

  16. That's pretty much all I know of the song ^^;

    Also, your BD MoC is win. I'll post a full review when I'm less busy.

  17. And then everybody died but me and select people I want to keep around. The end.

  18. No der, captain obvious.

  19. Dorek

    Dork with an E in it.

    XD. Kidding. It's just a name, it doesn't really mean anything.


    What's -your- name mean?

  20. Mmm, yeh, the real problem is finding a store with lots of things you want, because it isn't worth placing an order for a part or two.

  21. He uses crazy chatspeak! He's a witch! Burn her! Burn her!

  22. Ya rly. I look good in orange.

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