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Posts posted by ToaTupac

  1. Bionicle Custom Kanohi

    Allows the user to combine elemental powers and can also create fusions of multiple characters



    for example the mask wearer can call upon the Toa Kaita or create some type of amalgamation to become his own body





    In the future - just use the edit button to modify a post instead of posting three times in a row. I've merged your initial three into one, for now!




  2. I am so happy we can finally talk about this. I have a question, though.

    If this mask is indeed the same golden mask from the first picture it has changed drastically. Does lego really change things that dramatically from a prototype? They look like completely different masks.


    Also, in the HF subforum, someone needs to change the description because it currently says "The Bionicle line of sets may have ended but Hero Factory is here now." What about something like "Discuss the successor of the original Bionicle line here"?



    wasnt this the original mask of life? later changed to Mata Nuis Kanohi Ignika? 


    and for 2015 

    wasnt there a story arch in the comics about Elemental Heroes which wasnt touched?

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