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Status Updates posted by Javi

  1. Thanks for letting me know. :) I removed the image; I'll fix it later.

  2. I tried to cut out your coupon and I broke my computer. :P

  3. Nothing much you?

  4. Hi. Have I ever talked to you before? =)

  5. Yeaa, 3OH!3 is and always will be awesome :P

  6. Haha, it's fine. =)

  7. Thanks, Turakii! =)

  8. It's totally a conspiracy, maaaan. :P

  9. The avatar's fine; that's a recolor from the silver image of it you can find on BS01. But I'll change the sig. Thanks for pointing that out...I didn't even think about it being leaked info, tbh.


  10. Hey, thanks! I almost missed it, but Bricky reminded me. :D


  11. Wow, do you seriously code your font...every...post? O_o Give it up the hopelessest quest to make pretty posts, mr. Or go purple to black. :D


  12. You say you don't get commented much anymore? YOU JUST GOT COMMENTED. xP


  13. Thanks!

    Don't slay mee...O_o


  14. The Kakama's been a "symbol" of mine since '06, when I first joined...before they were all the rage. Maybee ima trendsetter? :P

  15. *sniff sniff* My poor stars...

  16. Are you...made of cookie? *eats*

  17. Figures; the one Phantoka I opt out of buying. xP I'll have to get him sometime. Thanks for telling me!

  18. Yup; who knew? Nah, I live in NC, but I'd rather live in KTHXBAI. 'Tis the best place in the world to live.

  19. Javi

    YES! I DO! I DO WUB YOU! Makes me wonder how many comments you get joking about your name. Oh, nevermind, just looked. :P Your interesting are very...interesting. If you like IMing, I'll sit for a few hours and do so. :P

  20. Nick? Wow, that's sweet. :D

  21. Wafi, that seems really...personal, eh? *makes lol face*

    That Krika looks so cute. :P

  22. Isn't she? That's Snuggles when she was just a little kitten. She used to sit in the garbage can all the time...she's almost three years old now, but she's still a little love.

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