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Everything posted by BARRAKI STRIKE

  1. Wow, that is a great fact, you are helping me out a lot now, thanks so much I'll definately use that BARRAKI STRIKE
  2. Can you make the animated one the correct size BARRAKI STRIKE
  3. Thank you so much, that's a great idea, I love it, this is surely going to get me them (I hope ) BARRAKI STRIKE
  4. Thanks, and yeah, he's meant to be a baby bird Atleast someone think he's cute BARRAKI STRIKE
  5. I like the Ehlek too And I did do it in MSPaint, see you guessed right BARRAKI STRIKE
  6. Here I will post all my Avatars Feel free to use them but give credit to the designer/fixer of the avatar By me Also by me BARRAKI STRIKE

    My Art

    Here I will post all my Artwork BARRAKI STRIKE

    My Mocs

    Here I will post all my MoCs which I have posted on BZPower Tuki (my BBC 42 Entry) Tuki2 Tuki3 BARRAKI STRIKE
  9. This maybe a downfall to get Kittens (Thanks Spirit of Air! for pointing that out ) so any pointers on how to get Kittens while still keeping the Budgies (Parakeets) BARRAKI STRIKE
  10. I would, but where does he live, if he lives in London I could Can you ask him for me? BARRAKI STRIKE
  11. Okay Darn, so anymore ideas then for getting kittens? BARRAKI STRIKE
  12. Budgies are parakeet birds, budgerigars if you must BARRAKI STRIKE
  13. That is a great idea but my parents don't care about dogs so can you somehow compare them to budgies Thanks BARRAKI STRIKE
  14. Thanks a lot BARRAKI STRIKE
  15. Yup, I am Any pointers and tips on how to nag your parents to get them will be welcomed Thanks BARRAKI STRIKE
  16. Awww, it could be a next day coinc-i-dinc BARRAKI STRIKE
  17. Okay thanks BARRAKI STRIKE
  18. Thanks, I would like that, could you do it for both of the Mahri BARRAKI STRIKE
  19. Here I will post all my banners You can use any of them but give credit to the designer/fixer of the banner This one is from 55555 (and possibly Rojaz) This one is from Vezon the Piraka (but bigger than needed size) This one is also from Vezon The Piraka (but bigger than needed size) By me Also by me And again by me By Spirit of Air! Original Spirit of Air! master piece <<< Warning, not a banner By Vezon The Piraka By Spirit of Air! By Vezon The Piraka BARRAKI STRIKE
  20. that was funny and what was it really? BARRAKI STRIKE


    Hope you have a good time there, bye BARRAKI STRIKE
  22. Thanks Karzahni Yeah, PP stands for Personal Photo if anyone is wondering BARRAKI STRIKE
  23. Well, I was at my friend's house yesterday and we were playing PS2 when his dad called as and said a bird (he thought it was a canary) just flew by and then while we were talking, I saw something popping up and down in the grass but I didn't want to go near it because I didn't want to make a fool out of myself, but I couldn't resist so I asked out loud, "what's that thing over there" We ran there and guess what, it was a baby Fledgling Blue Tit (but we didn't know the species at the time),his dad grabbed it and we brought it inside, we were so happy, we thought my friend was going to keep it but it couldn't eat or do anything like that, and to add to that, we didn't know what it eats so we made a plan to get to my house (because I have internet and have experience with birds-I own 2 Budgies) and when we saw a bird on the Ariel so we grabbed Bionoculars and saw it, my friend claimed that it must be the baby's mother, but I wasn't so sure so we went tomy house went on the internet and we found out that it was this bird: We also found out what it eats: insects (especially meal worms) and we couldn't get those because the pet shops/centers are closed at this time (the time was around 8:00) so we called the RSPCA but it went into those recorded messages and told us to see there website for more help so we did and it said that the bird must be left alone, where you found it so we rushed back to my friend's house and put it there where we found it but the sad thing was that before we knew we had to leave it there, we were so happy that my friend gave it the name Minty but then we knew we had to let it go, we should have put a tag on it though, when we were about to leave it there, a thought came to our minds, if we left it there, Foxes/Cats/Crows/Bigger Birds (scince the next door's garden is like a jungle with lots of stray animals) might eat it so we went to the other next door's house (where the baby probably flew out of) and put it in the nest there in the garden in the treeand we saw their cool cat and very cute kittens so now, I hope it's having a happy life and meets it's mother BARRAKI STRIKE
  24. Well, he won the contest and I gave him a prize for winning it, if he sees this entry, ask him to post his prize here and here's a clue about what it is: PP BARRAKI STRIKE
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