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Blog Comments posted by Murtagh

  1. Hhhhmmm....Thought some theorys may be close and possible from what your telling us,


    I can understand that it must be fustrating when you get loads of PM's.

    But Greg, one last thing...

    I utterly despise you We have to wait two years to find out what this all really means! lol.




  2. Great news there Greg!

    But if your blogging on Amazon, that won't mean your abandoning us here will you?

    And will it all be BIONICLE related or just you and your fantastic books related.


    And i hope that they don't make the movie to, well less BIONICLE. Glad you have a say in it. You always seem to know what us fans want and keep us well satisfied.


    Thanks for the update.

  3. It would be so cool if this "radical new direction" (which has been mentioned alot) is that we go to a different BIONICLE world, or the BIONICLE mainland. With a new Makuta, whole new characters etc.

    Cause, although BIONICLE is great, in my opinion, the sets are going a bit down-hill. But the story is still great. But it would be nice to see something completely fresh and new.



    But we might have something like two different red Toa, for the kids to pick which design they like best, that sort of thing. I understand from the franchise manager that the groups have gone very well so far.


    Theres a kids group!? They see the sets!? So not fair.

  4. ooh.

    That person was rude.

    Thank you so much Greg for being on BZP. It's a joy when PMing you and when you reply so quickly, and treat us all as if we have known each other for years. (some people have known you for years on here, but i meant as in, physiclly. did i spell that right? lol.)

    i was hoping that this was a prank because i would be offended by that PM.

  5. i love your blogs! but sometimes i hate them, cause now i CAN'T WAIT too get to 2008 and 2009.

    my family keep on saying to me at the moment, that i am getting to old for bionicle, but i tell them about people on here, they don't listen, but i am now determined to stay with bionicle until the 10th anniversary. :)

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