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Lewa0111 Nuva

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Status Updates posted by Lewa0111 Nuva

  1. Blog's been updated, and so has Ask Matau!

  2. Everyone's favorite Toa-Hero is answering questions once again!

  3. Christmas special up, with any luck TNI will be resuming soon too!

    1. TERIDAX941


      YAY! :D I'm always eager to see more of your work

    2. Lewa0111 Nuva

      Lewa0111 Nuva

      And on that note, TNI was also just updated yesterday :D

    3. TERIDAX941


      *happy happy dance*

  4. Anybody good at animation (sprite, regular, whatever)? PM me for details!

  5. Ask Matau! is up...or should I say Ask Whenua@ (PLOT TWIST!)

  6. Lewa 2015: Pretty awesome, not gonna lie.

  7. For the first day of (late) Naming Day, Lewa0111 gave to you...A singing contest in TNI!

  8. Happy New Year! The Nuva celebrate two holidays in one in the new holiday special!

  9. After some technical difficulties, Matau finally finds his DVD in a brand new chapter of Ask Matau!

  10. Happy Holidays! A new one-post has been written; check it out!

  11. For the first time in over a year, TNI has a new chapter!!

  12. Thanksgiving special is finally up! Curse writer's block...

    1. TERIDAX941


      I know what you mean, I've been writing a novel, and it's been slow and painful haha

  13. Thanksgiving Special is in progress; look for it soon!

  14. Halloween Special is up! Check it out!

  15. Hack Wars, Chapter 19 up!

  16. Hack Wars updated once again, finally!

  17. *bashes head repeatedly on keyboard* I. Hate. Writer's. Block.

  18. Check out Hack Wars, Chapter 17 is up!

  19. New Hack Wars chapter up!

  20. DONE! FINALLY!! Hack Wars is 100% repaired!

  21. One more Hack Wars chapter left to repair, finally!

  22. Hack Wars is crawling along slowly but surely...Have patience, guys!

    1. TERIDAX941


      You're alive! :D :D lol jk it's good to see you around still.

    2. Lewa0111 Nuva

      Lewa0111 Nuva

      I'm still here, and I'll be back to writing as soon as Hack Wars is fixed! Which will take a while, sadly...

  23. Know what's annoying? Prose comedy paragraphs getting mushed together. There's no giveaway for where the breaks are meant to go like in script comedies...Hack Wars is taking FOREVER.

  24. Mata Nova has been fully restored, as have my few one-shots. Finally, on to the Hack Wars!

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