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Lewa0111 Nuva

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About Lewa0111 Nuva

  • Birthday 03/10/1990

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    The Nuva Inn, Author's Suite
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    Well, talk about a bizarre feeling. I've been gone for so long it feels like a whole new forum...OH WAIT.

    Anyway, getting on the topic at hand: my interests. I don't know why anyone would particularly want to know my interests, but apparently someone does, so here goes. First and foremost is BIONICLE, obviously; otherwise why would I be on a BIONICLE fansite? In particular, my favorite story years are 2004, 2006, and 2009. Yes, I've been a fan since '01, and yes, it's not my favorite year. '01 was good in terms of being an original idea and everything, but there was a lot lacking that the other story years made up for, plus the sets had less articulation than an Avtoran, and that's saying something. I liked '04 (even though I only found out about it after I came back to BIONICLE) because LoMN was the best of the original trilogy, '04 in general had a lot better character development and story in the novels, and the general idea of the doomed city of Metru Nui and the Metru being forced to abandon their home just struck me as much more emotional than anything BIONICLE had done prior to that point. I liked '06 because it was the year that got me back into BIONICLE after dropping off somewhere around the Bohrok-Kal era, plus it had an interesting set design and was the first year with canister villains that were actual characters instead of just recolored members of an army or horde. '09 was a favorite because it was very refreshing, TLR was another good film, and it had that '01 feel without the '01 drawbacks. So yeah.

    Set-wise, my favorite set is Axalara T9, and not just because it's Lewa's. It's the largest BIONICLE set I own and I love it. I'm still trying to hunt down McKongu, since he's the only green set I am still missing, including titans (I finally found Matau Hordika on Amazon!) After that I'll probably just try to complete my '04 collection since it's my favorite storyline year. Already found Vhisola at a garage sale, in perfect condition!

    As for Hero Factory, I know I've never really expressed my opinions on it one way or another (except for a throwaway gag in GMSM2 of course!) That's because even I'M not sure what my opinions on it are. On the one hand, I'm glad LEGO is still doing something as a successor of sorts to BIONICLE, and HF is shaping up to have a somewhat better story than I initially expected. Plus, some of the sets are genuinely nicely done (Corroder springs to mind.) On the other hand, I think ending BIONICLE prematurely was a bit of a dumb idea on LEGO's part and forced the story into a quick, anticlimactic ending that Greg really could have done so much more with had he been given the chance. So yeah, I don't know exactly how I feel about HF.

    Next up on interests, Pokemon. It's my other big interest after BIONICLE, and I own every main series game to date with the exception of FireRed and Crystal. If you're interested in trading/battling/whatever with me, I can use either Platinum or Black depending on generation. PM me for my friend code. I also play the TCG occasionally, though I stopped following the show years ago.

    Star Wars is next, though I suppose it doesn't really count as a "current" interest anymore. I still enjoy watching the movies (yes, I enjoyed the prequels, deal with it.) However, I don't really care for the cartoon show, I personally think it's ruined the franchise a bit and just screams "cash grab." I saw the Clone Wars movie and it was terrible, and this is coming from a fan of the prequels. However, I did hear that they are planning to release a live-action series, which is sounding like it will be a lot better. I'll wait and see. Right now, though, I'm in the midst of trying to read all of the canon EU books in order, having started with the Darth Bane series. I've just finished The Thrawn Trilogy at the moment.

    Speaking of books, I enjoy reading both fact and fiction books. Some fiction books I enjoy (other than BIONICLE, Pokemon, and Star Wars) are Harry Potter, Dune, anything by Clive Cussler, Lord of the Rings, Narnia, the Ramses series by Christian Jacq, Percy Jackson and the Olympians (haven't read Heroes of Olympus yet), and "The Journeyer" by Gary Jennings. I also like reading nonfiction about history and/or science.

    Movies: Other than movies relating to any series listed above (except Percy Jackson, that movie was TERRIBLE and barely had any relation to the books), I like James Cameron's Avatar, Pirates of the Caribbean, Spaceballs, The Emperor's New Groove, and Titan AE. I don't watch many TV shows, although I do enjoy The Office and from what I've seen so far, Terra Nova is looking to be pretty interesting as well.

    I also really like playing video games, I own the GameBoy Color, GBA, Nintendo DS, 3DS, GameCube, and Wii, and I also like playing PC games. My favorite series are Pokemon, Zelda, Mario, Star Fox, Pikmin, Golden Sun, and Star Wars Rogue Squadron. For the PC I enjoy Age of Empires (and Mythology), Civilization IV, Star Wars: Empire at War, RollerCoaster Tycoon, and the entire Ancient City series by Impressions Games, starting with Caesar III.

    Umm, what else...wow, this list is getting long, isn't it? Well, I'm also a writer, as anyone who reads comedies here on BZP probably knows. But in addition to writing hilarious BIONICLE stories, I'm also working on a serious fantasy/sci-fi novel series in my own spare time that I hope to get published someday. I also am interested in both science and history, and am majoring in Biology at the college I attend (not saying where). I also play the alto saxophone and like playing jazz.

    Well, that about wraps up my interests. Looking back on this, I have no idea where I manage to find the time to do all of those things, plus attend classes and keep up on my homework, but somehow I do! And also, I love PIE! PIE! AND THE NUMBER PI! 3.141592653589793223--

    Tava, get out of my interests list.

    Tava: PIE! *runs away*

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