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Status Updates posted by Merovingian107

  1. WOW, en serio vives en Peru???

    Que genial! creia ser el unico peruano de toda la pagina xD

  2. Hey, I know this will sound wierd but I noticed you are naming names from "Lost" at the end of you quotes... and do mean to bother but it picked my curiosity...why's that? o.O

  3. *stares creepily at his 2 comments, suddenly realizing that he didn't get to answer any of them*

  4. Uh...hi^^

    It's actually my first comment ever on a profile so yeah "pop!" I guess...

    Just wanting to thank you for the conversation on the Official Serials Topic, it was really interesting, the best I ever had on this forum^^...so...yeah thanks^^ (hope this doesn't sound creepy >.

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