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Status Updates posted by Darthbrandon

  1. Yo, bro, I can't message you. Inbox full?

    1. Legolover-361


      Probably. I'll clear it out now.

  2. BZP is my life, or at least half of it. I WILL NEVER LEAVE!!!!!! Unless I'm banned, but I like to follow rules, so that's not likely to happen.

    1. Legolover-361



  3. BZP is my life, or at least half of it. I WILL NEVER LEAVE!!!!!! Unless I'm banned, but I like to follow rules, so that's not likely to happen.

  4. BZP is my life, or at least half of it. I WILL NEVER LEAVE!!!!!! Unless I'm banned, but I like to follow rules, so that's not likely to happen.

  5. I just like loling at the whole "SHia" thing.

  6. Well I PMed you, I'm not sure if I believe Dokuma. lol Are you REALLY Megan Fox?

  7. Ok. and Thank you.

  8. more of 2 months late. lol But thanks, it's nice you knew.

  9. Thanks, both of you. ^_^ Only 1 day left!

  10. Not much, I'm doing my fanmovie, and my B-Day is in two days. On Thursday!

  11. Thanks, just added you.

  12. Cool. I'm almost finished, I'll be sure to PM you when it's done, though it is an alternate plotline and mostly non-canon. But hey, it's gonna rock anyway, Though people mite complain about the "love story" sub-plot between Turakii and Matrak, but it is very short and sweet, saying that Toa can't fall in love with matoran, but they can with another toa, Matrak didn'

  13. yes, it's over, now. though. ^_^, so whats up?

  14. Ok, if your a changed man, but how to unapproved?

  15. Imold and Tahu, shut up if its gonna be my comments! Ok?

  16. Don't worry, that was not as recent as you think. The thing's been resolved.

  17. Lol, that's all I can say. LOL

  18. Thanks, but Pohuahi punished him. O_O If he come's again, be free to help though! ^_^ and Thanks.

  19. how do I vote? and link to the profile.

  20. Happy easter buddY! ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^

  21. I'll look when I get the chance. been a long time since I saw that epic.

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