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Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Kiotu

  1. Hi, sorry, do I know you?


    1. Lenny7092


      Hi, I just wanted to make friends.:)

  2. And that's why I like the "delete comment" button. :P


  3. RM, sorry to ask again, but could you please send me FFO?

    Also: I've decided I'm only going to tear one of your limbs off if we don't finish it for 17, kk? :P


  4. Hey, you're back online!

    I'm such a stolkr. :P

    Hmm, your going to need to go to the comments tab to see all of my comments, I've made too many! :P


  5. RM, whar's the new chapter?



  6. Zymotic is the last word in my dictionary.


  7. Bionicle is cool.


  8. I was going to comment on something, that I had a point on, but I'm really too tired. xD

  9. Psst... What are we doing in Requiem soon?


  10. I was going to comment on something, that I had a point on, but I'm really too tired. xD

  11. Sorry, should've stuck this in the PM, but I think the name 'Exo Factor' is an awesome name for the idea. =P


  12. You see what I did thar?


  13. Are we sticking with the auto-assign-ish power feature for the RPG?

    Anyways, I was thinking, maybe we should also include ice and fire manipulation, since they're seen in the game, too.


  14. It's the perfect time to make a post in Darkspace. :P

  15. Omma be stolkin u, kk?


  16. What a lol argument.


  17. RM, can you send me the latest version of FFO, with all of our updated stuff?


  18. I wonder what would happen if I suggested: "Yes, write the RPG, and be the Co-host!"


  19. Also, are you going to be controllig Nektann as well as The Twilight King and Him (Steltian leader name censored)? I was thinking, since the Xians and the Steltians are the original combatants, and that Matoran and the Skakdi have allied with the sides respectively, and I'm controlling the Matoran, should we give control of the Skakdi to an underling?


  20. I'm making something.


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