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Blog Entries posted by Kiotu

  1. Kiotu
    So yeah, it's been more than a month since I've updated this thing. And really, not much has happened.
    Well, this is the first week of my three week holiday until I go back for Term 4, which means that exams are coming up soon, about five weeks. This means that while I'll be on BZP more, it won't be by much, since I'll be trying to cram a lot of study into this period. My exam time-table's come out pretty well, and, while I don't have any days off throughout the period, I have only one exam on most days. One day, my first exam isn't even until 12 PM. =D
    My sister's come up from Melbourne for two weeks, which is great. I have to watch her though, while my dad's at work. If you have a little sibling, you might know how much of a handful they can be at times.
    So, yesterday we went to the park; it was a bit too chilly for the beach. Kite-flying is pretty cool, but combat kite-flying is cooler. Don't ask.
    Also, I rented Bioshock 2 for a couple days (this being the last). I'm pretty sure that the feel of the game can be summed up in a single phrase from the game: "Daddy, you always save me from monsters!"

    ^ Some really great entries this round. Check them out!
    (A review for A Fall of Four and One would also be greatly appreciated )

  2. Kiotu
    Actually not really, it won't be a line long. I'm getting really sick of this "In A Line" fad. I just counted. Of the 26 topics on the first page (excluding the pinned ones): 1 was off-topic; 2 were "In A Haiku" topics; only 6 were regular topics; and a whopping 16 were "In A Line" topics. That's pretty annoying, to a person who goes to GD to voice my opinions and talk (...err, type) about things rather than simply making little responses to boost my post-count. I've been ignoring them for a long time now, like I do with all fads, because, personally, I think they're pretty stupid, but going there and seeing this makes me want to avoid the GD in general... Anyone agree/completely-disagree with me about this latest fad?
    However, I don't see why if everyone hates them so much, that no one posts in them and then they die? I guess that they will die when our annoyance grows to the larger part of the fan-base, and all of the topics die out.
    Also: while today was my last exam day, I have one more section to do. Basically, during my last exam, a Science paper, the fire alarm went off, and we had to file out. Because we could've told eachother answers during that time, we need to redo another portion of the paper on Friday. Despite that, I'll be much more online as of now.
  3. Kiotu
    Voting this round was incredibly close, with the first ever tie for third. Since then, all of the RPGs have been posted and are moving at a quick pace. It seems like the slump in activity in the RPG forum has possibly ended.
    If you've been waiting to get into RPing, now would be the best time, since the new ones have just started (with the exception of Darkspace, but catching up shouldn't be a problem ). Returning RPers should check out the new ones as well:

    Early Days, by TPTI
    Darkspace, by Lloyd
    The War for Elementum-Nui, by Toa Levacius Zehvor
    And as always, congrats to the winners!
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