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Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Kiotu

  1. 1) I know, I'm pretty slick, aren't I?

    2) Gherro was like, the most creative character I've ever seen. And you go and kill him because no one's interacting with him at the moment. You monster!

    3) What was your third point?


  2. 3. How about upgrades as rewards?

    4. First Sons not included? But they're the gang that rules the Historic...


  3. A birthday topic - I've never had one before... DX

  4. A lot of the time I wish I could be you... =/

  5. A solid month, I'd say.


  6. Adding you as a friend, because you're awesome to talk to. =P


  7. Ah, a double typo. xD

    L(instead of K)

    =(instead of backspace)

    Yes you are, you've followed me to my blahg and back. =P

    Now, post in DS.

  8. Also, after FFO there will be Maelstrom, amirite?

  9. Also, after reading your most recent review (me being a stalker), I've concluded that you are very, very, very good at them. :P


  10. Also, also: Lazok left. D=

  11. Also, am I the only one who doesn't seem to like any of this term's candidates?

    ... :/

    Quick, RM, persuade me to like one!


  12. Also, are you going to be controllig Nektann as well as The Twilight King and Him (Steltian leader name censored)? I was thinking, since the Xians and the Steltians are the original combatants, and that Matoran and the Skakdi have allied with the sides respectively, and I'm controlling the Matoran, should we give control of the Skakdi to an underling?


  13. Also, by chance, is that the Dark/Night Angel in your profile image/avatar?


  14. Also, do you have any BRPG plans for after FFO?


  15. Also, have you finished the inFamous thingo?


  16. Also, I know we're in mourning, but I'm the OBZPC newb...


  17. Also, I might be able to write the entire first draft today.

  18. Also, I need to work on my own RPG, but I dunno where to start with it. Do you remember where you/we started with FFO?


  19. Also, I'll review when I'm on the computer, kay?


  20. Also, I'm clogging your comment page...

    *gives RM a plunger*


  21. Also, in extension, you know my city, sibling count, ambitions, and... that's it, actually. xD

  22. Also, never underestimate the ability of honework's: the power to take up all of your time.

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