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Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Kiotu

  1. You're so stolkring me. xD

    ...but I only know that because I'm stolkring you. xD

  2. Look up my old entry, in Contest Two. I'm ashamed of it. :P


  3. I was good, I tried being evulz, but I couldn't stand all the rocks. XD

    Make the First Sons unplayable? Or like the Six?

  4. Oh. I see.

    3) Some stuff.


    4) Do you know the Chicago University Lab School?


  5. It'd be better if players slowly learned how to control their powers. They could have the main ones, and then diverse.


  6. "Everything I know about you is a lie!"



  7. Thanks. I forgt about the computer thingo...


  8. Well, I wouldn't, unless I was stolkring you IRL too...


  9. Wait, SERIOUS social issues? What do you mean?


  10. Haha. Lucky you. =P

    Yeah, I like Krekka. Though maybe we could make a plural form as well?

    Hmm. Lemme see if I can make something.


  11. The link's broken. :P


  12. 1. Sandbox RPG.

    2. 4 characters unless special permission.

    3. We're currently addressing the issue of power upgrading.

    4. Two factions confirmed, First Sons being discussed.

  13. 'You didn't deny the blahg. xD

  14. Which contest was it in?


  15. RM, have you been getting my PMs?


  16. Okay. We'll let the player upgrade themselves. So, no power upgrades? What about new powers, completely? e.g. Cole learning teleportation.


  17. Ah, a double typo. xD

    L(instead of K)

    =(instead of backspace)

    Yes you are, you've followed me to my blahg and back. =P

    Now, post in DS.

  18. How's your ankle/leg Walter? I heard you broke it, off of the BZP radio, and figured I'd drop a comment.


  19. Heh, originally posted this on my page. =P

  20. Drat. Accidentally deleted this comment.

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