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Status Updates posted by shadow_pirakafan

  1. Sad to see you leave your position, but you are an outstanding BZP citizen and don't you forget it! Congrats on the good work you did.

  2. add me to contacts and bug me, do what you like, I'm hardly here because I'm busy. But still do come here

  3. Thanks :D sorry, but My new funny bone is on back order, I'm all out of comedy ideas.

  4. 299 is still a long wait. I dragged my sister to see the first movie and she agreed to see the second with me.

  5. you're welcome Sisen.

  6. Hey Kex, How are you?

  7. Hi Val! good luck in the poetry contest!

  8. *is hugged* HI VAL!

    To Rannas little sister: That is amazing!Soccor is a great sport! My little sister plays/played it.

    Rah: My Avatar is from Ghost In the Shell: Stand alone Complex, and My name was made in 2006 when the Piraka.

  9. *Tackle-hugs*

    Hi Val! How are you?

  10. No, and I haven't aken french class since 4th grade. I'm exempt from it, because the teachers think I needed more math skills. Didn't get them far, I still stink at math.

  11. my day was fine Val.

    And No...I can't say I do remember you Dalek.

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