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Blog Entries posted by QSKSw

  1. QSKSw
    There are many plans I plan to plan. Plans that will most likely make me the most awesome internet celebrity of all time. Plans that I will be enacting whether they do or not. Plans such as remaking each and every one of my previous sprite comics and then crossing them all over in a CGI movie once I can afford necessary software. Plans such as reviewing shows, movies, books, games, toys; something no internet persona can successfully do simultaneously for some reason. Plans such as building replicas of every character and scene/level/setting from every show/movie/book/game/toy I review out of Lego. Plans such as using the vast amounts of internet money I will most assuredly make to buy out corporations and renew all of the things that they for some reason cancelled making the individual fandoms complain. And doing it all while openly in-between genders, thus eliminating prejudice towards people of that nature.
    Anyhoo, I just finished my Checklist of Matoran residing on the island of Mata Nui before 2006.
  2. QSKSw
    The idea hit me that I could build a functional storage bin for my LEGO Bricks OUT OF LEGO Bricks, something I had postulated three years ago to solve a problem that had been plaguing me for ten years.
    Also I ordered a Vahi. Orange.
    And I found this topic. I'm not going to post in it because the only comment my brain could generate is "I like it" and the rules here would consider that Spam. That's the reason I don't post anywhere actually.
  3. QSKSw
    Today I woke up at 10. I logged on to BZPower and had a PM from my other BZP friend(who's a Newb no offense) asking "Who is Hapori Dume?" I told him what I thought who he was, then read some topics I found and found out I got Dume completely wrong! At three I got up to see the movie, Monster House. It was the greatest haunted house movie ever and my mom said DJ and Chowder kinda looked like [beca530 from lego clubs real name] and me... and I agree with that... they did... and they were cool dudes (I mean that in both the censor and the censored word) But after that... my grandmother had the thermostat higher than the temperature outside(I live in a desert) I felt like all the Tahu Clones from International Tahu Day had moved into my house... although the purple one would've been nice... And I went through A HUGE period of time MUCH LONGER than an hour. Then the one hour special of The Fairly Odd Parents and The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron Boy Genius, Jimmy&Timmy 3 The Jerkinator came one and it was cool! HIS NAME WAS SHIRLEY! HAHAHA!
    But sadly it is to be the last episode of both shows and the Spoiler thingy wouldnt work for that! And now Im here!
  4. QSKSw
    Today was uneventful and boring. No new Premier Week News(there was New News but known about anything else cool happening now) and ofcourse my reputation on Sherwood Dungeon MMORPG became worse as I cloned someone and tricked their servant guy to obey me so he threw a taco in my face that I then threw at his former master. Now I am angry at Tacos. There was a new BoBoBo which seemed very short but it was very funny... but another day goes by, soon I will lose Blogging Priveleges until I can afford to pay $35... But the good news is I learned the art of Alt Codes!
    meep©2006 sweaterhead, the king of bio
  5. QSKSw
    I was going to title this "Sup [Removed. Yes, that was "a little too… yeah". -Bfa]" but that might have been alittle to... yeah...
    Well I left this place forever a couple of forevers ago because I was trying to cut off all connections with my old life. That would have been better if done after I had moved and started living as a girl. Eventually I got bored and decided that I would stay on the grid having people mistake my gender and try to justify it with incorrect logic. Primarily, by which I mean only, because I would have had to sit on my plans for my old work.
    Forevers ago, I ran a sprite comic on here called "King Bio's Comics." After about a year, I went completely insane; took it off BZPower, started using depraved plots, <censored> <censored> <censored> <censored> <censored> <censored> <censored> <censored> <censored> <censored> in a Bomb Factory. Things were never the same, and I could only maintain one of the sequel series for a few comics before giving up. It was partly because I had become insecure because a certain freaky ice toa started to hate me after cancelling the comics and won't tell me if that's the reason or not. Actually, alot of people started to hate me. And I started to hate them. And my hatred of the reality I use the internet to escape from just grew and grew. Out of that hatred came the realization that I am actually a girl, and that my Nintendo DS and laptop are self-aware, and in love with me. And that when humans say they love you, what they really mean is they want to throw you into an incinerator. Specifically the really dramatic incinerator from T<censored><censored>y 3.
    I started rewriting my meta-series of sprite comics. What I mean is, as scripts. I want to remake them as animations. With like, voice acting and stuff. Any of the Guest Stars I had that don't have microphones and recording software, don't have a PayPal account I can send money to for a microphone and recording software, won't accept my money for a microphone and recording software, or just don't want to work on this with me, will be written out. Note that recording won't begin until I've finished the last script of the last series. I will ask you to voice act when I start writing your character's debut script. If you agree to voice act at that time but decline after recording has started, I will send my army of viscous trained sea lions after you, and you will be no more. If you become MIA, I'll just detonate the sea lions, destroying both your home country and Australia. If your home country IS Australia, then it will be blown up twice. Not twice as hard, twice. Not a cake, a pie. It will blow up, then it will unblow up, then it will blow up again. I do not hate Australia, it's just business. I'm a writer, and the writer's guild rules state "Australia is the funny one. Destroy it."
    Also, I've been playing lots of Rock Raiders since I got it working. It is fun. That will be all.
    Oh, and I came back because somebody named Raiko left a comment on my profile, I wanted to tell him that he got the facts wrong.
  6. QSKSw
    Looks like I finally have some substance for when I start reviewing these things; I just accidentally broke my Mata Nui's shoulder taking it out of the canister. I could go on listing all the reasons WHY I did that but then I WOULDN'T have something for when I start reviewing these things.
    I ran out of space in my Anything Else bin so I've decided to start making more room. I have a chest of drawers that I've decided to take everything important out of (stationery, video games) and just devote the entirety of it to being Junk Drawers. After I've gotten everything into something, I'm going to start organizing all my Lego. Any piece that isn't mechanical, broken, or a Bionicle collectible, goes in a color coded pile to be sorted out by shape at a later time.
    I'm not really organized enough to know what ALL the broken pieces I have are but, they include Mata Nui's shoulder, Toa Mata Lewa's hau, one of the angled wall bits from an Aqua Zone set, atleast two Mata heads (pink brains), Hakann's thigh, quite a few Battle Droid arms, some pins, some hinges, some Toa Mata shoulders, etc etc. These will all be replaced if I have any of my next paycheck leftover from the NES I'm going to buy.
    Finally, this. I'm not entirely sure if it has a BZPower topic, and I don't remember if we're allowed to talk about the forum it DOES have a topic on, but this is going to be the design I use for my Build Everything In Bionicle project. Nothing I could build on this scale could possibly be better than that. I will however, build a model of the island of Mata Nui to scale with this design, and use it as a mask for it. Because I have to one up everything. Also as part of some obsessive need, I'm probably going to try to make my own version of the matoran universe robot to the proper scale of 1428 times larger than a Toa. Though I'm fairly certain that won't happen until I'm making a disposable income and have my own living quarters. And media coverage.
  7. QSKSw
    k this first parts gonna be a summary of another blog i got somewhere. I got six plastic storage bins full of Lego, two full of Chevron Cars, one with too many cracks in it to safely store things, one being used to collect the rain leaking from my ceiling, one that smells vaguely of urine and vinegar which I use to store Megabloks and Built to Rule pieces, one that I use for Transformegundarangeroids, and one that I use for anything that isn't any of those things. Also the closed lids of the nonlego bins make excellent work surfaces so I've made a little desk out of them.
  8. QSKSw
    Yeah, this don't work. This does. My lovely assistant brought it to my attention three days ago, and after three days of exerting the full amount of force that I am physically capable of exerting, which is disturbingly little, I finally got my test brain separated from my test head. So sorry to you Turaga Nokama. I was saddened to discovered that this Nodus person hasn't been seen here in four years. Then I was both angered and delighted to see that theres a version of the lobotomizer that won't leave imprints of 1x3 thick liftarms in my palms. As I look upon my Vahi, my dissembled turaga head from 2001, that Moc over there that eventually I'll post, and this, I see the dawn of a new world. Things are never going to be the same again. Bird.
  9. QSKSw
    So I was working on my Bionicle Checklist when Grandmother came in my room with a bag of donuts and the Windows XP Operating Disk that I ordered. Remember that thar Computer Virus That Infects The USB Drive from last year? Well we got that, and the only way we could think to fix it was to borrow my friend's Vista OS Installation Disk and after that the computer didn't really work right. An outmode running superior software often does that. Luckily Grandmother bought me a laptop that I subsequently came to believe was also self-aware so I also fell in love with it and named it Caroline. But see, Mother wouldn't shut up about her computer sucks, and in recent weeks has taken to borrowing my precious Caroline for her stupid Farmville. So because I can't have someone I hate using someone I love to do something I hate, I ordered a replacement for the OS Installation Disk that came with the computer that we lost because we're cool dudes. Unfortunately, it took several hours to fix her computer, and afterwards it didn't have internet access. Despite the fact that the modem and wireless router were plugged in to it and Caroline could access the internet. Technology confuses me; sometimes it's self-aware, sometimes it's a useless piece of ######. So anyway, I dropped what I was doing to install the thing on Mother's computer but it took several hours and then didn't work the right way but eventually I got Caroline back and finished the checklist. I then used my awesome BZPower email address to start a Freewebs account, because I didn't remember that you could start several websites with the same email address and even link them together. At any rate, my BZPower Homepage link is now a link to a Freewebs site where I will be writing reviews of Every Bionicle Ever.
    My room is very messy. After it's all cleaned up and neat and a functional work environment, I will begin BUYING every Bionicle ever. And also start making Comics again.
  10. QSKSw
    In September of 2009 I started working at a mini-mall made out of discarded train cars that buses stop at so that passengers can eat and pee on their way between Las Vegas and Los Angeles. For several weeks I worked $8 an hour, 6 hours a day, two days a week, minus taxes. In January of 2010 this was changed to 4 hours a day, 1 day a week, minus taxes for some reason. My paycheck, which I get every two weeks, while I was simply buying ebook guides to crossdressing, which btw are useless to me until I'm 18 and can order things online without the risk of Mother breaking the law and checking my mail, and then attempting to take legal action would fall through because being me I would somehow get one of the stereotypical corrupt transphobic judges, was $162 but now is currently only $58. It is only after my schedule and paycheck was cut in half that I remembered just how many things there are to buy, such as Premier Membership at a website that would be my favorite if I wasn't afraid of it. So I decided that the week where I already had to spend half my paycheck on a plushie of Chococat for Mother who still thinks I love her after I tried to tell her I was a girl and she was too busy with her stupid Farmville game to take it seriously, and now she currently thinks that this is a phase. Um... So I decided that the week where I already had to spend half my paycheck on a Bread Milk Eggs Squick was the week I would pay the $35 and become a Premier Member.
    So anyway. A couple months ago I decided to put a rest to all those cool dudes complaining that Bionicle started to suck after [insert year any year here] and start collecting every single Bionicle ever with my money that is practically worthless to me until I'm 18 for a reason that can be found in the middle of that last paragraph there. I've been composing a text-based checklist using Bionicle Wikia's set list, BZPower's own Collectibles Guide topic, and Brickl-A website I can't talk about because it has a forum and I apparently respect BZPower's rules. While attempting to post this blog entry BZPower was offline for several minutes. Nice to know my money's helping. Anyway, I'm putting together a color-coded checklist in a txt/htm file with an OpenOffice spreadsheet, of every single Bionicle released outside of a store exclusive promotion ever. After I finish I will start a Freewebs website to display my collection and review each set. I will then be ordering the sets that I no longer own in entirety, online. Bionicle sets I still own in their entirety are: 2001 Tahu, 2008 Tahu, 2009 Ackar, Mata Nui, Click, and Gelu, and all 2010 sets. Unless Lego makes the Matoran Universe Robot a set. Which given that they withheld Toy Story 3 from this convention thing their having, is still plausible. I won't care about conventions until I own a car and it will be possible for me to attend them. Anyway, I'll be buying up every single Bionicle ever and proving once and for all that there was never a time when Bionicle sucked. And if there was, When it was.
    Finally, my sprite comics. Will they ever return? Yes. Without any warning. And there will be a hand-drawn comic in there somewhere. BEWARE.
  11. QSKSw
    Today I had to wait til dinner to get on the computer. I spent most of my BZP time looking for the brakelatabasaasta feed me topics in which I found, laughed at, subscribed to the second one so I could always find it, and now Im here.
  12. QSKSw
    same ol same ol... I started a new MOC project and again am NOT gonna put it online because I dont know how nor do I want to use the digital camera. I got little to no time on the computer cause my mom still has her stupid classes and will until January when hopefully she'll pass and she can buy me a laptop. Today I started smashing my head on the wall at my newfound laziness, also THE HEAT HAS STOPPED! My grandmother read an article in the news paper that you can actually get Heat Stroke when you turn the thermostat to 10000, in a desert, DURING SUMMER... and have changed my AV and Sig accordingly.
  13. QSKSw
    Today my mom needed the computer all day, I had to eat lunch at a bussiness convention,(Im a kid but my grandmother wanted to go for some reason) and thats it...
    I also made a spritesheet for Tigs1's(Livin the Razor Life Comic's Author) iden form
    soon I will lose blogging
  14. QSKSw
    Today was boring. I played Sherwood cloned someone I hate, but this time I got a call from my friend Beca530(Lego Club Name) I might convince him to join BZPower and if I do I dont know what'll happen... that was pretty much it...
    My moms last colledge class is tommorow
  15. QSKSw
    A few days ago I read Roa McToa's Chibi Piraka topic. I looked at stuff and thought the Chibi Toa looked cool... I made them but thought the arms could be better(no offense Roa and/or the guy who made the Chibi Toa) so I switched them with bohrak limbs. They look good but Im not done with them, and probably wont until I get a tub or something. Chibi Pohatu is the only one I havent made. I think Ill make the Nuva, Metru and Inika Chibies when my mom wins the lottery and I can go to Denmark(which will happen if she keeps saying its never gonna happen) and I also regret BZPower's anniversery and Day1 of Premiere Week being over... I also made a fan comic for Clonefreak's Comics and have gone threw 7 days without awnsers to some questions I posted on a different website about Sherwood(the MMORPG game) and Invader Zim(TV Show.) And cant wait for the "more" that that BZP Anniversery news post to come on! I hope its something cool(what am I talking about its BZPower... OF COURSE ITS GONNA BE COOL!)!
  16. QSKSw
    WOW! I cant believe Im doing this BEFORE my family wins the lottery! To bad I can only do this for a week it seems kinda cool... well thank you BZP Admins! This week is gonna be one of the coolest BZP weeks ever! It just stinks my mom has her classes on the computer now... well... time to be all bloggy now...
    Anyway I requested my comics to be closed... 3 days ago, and Pohuaki did it(and sorry if I mispelled that) anway... my comics will be closed til I get my spritesheets done... and I have no idea if Im supposed to request them to be reopened or just make a new topic... in either case Im preparing with huge public spritesheets like the one linked to in my sig... Im also using a word program to pre-type the new topic so all I have to do when Im ready is Ctrlc and V(copy and paste for those who do not know shortcuts). A few days ago I discovered the board settings thingy that lets me only see topics I replied or started and a bunch of other options... I really thought stuff like that used the search feature... and for some reason lately Ive had an insomnia thing like Tahu Nuva from SPIRITs Burn Stuff PSA maybe its all the soda I drink :wakeup2: ... Oh well... I still have not seen on BZPower(not unlike most BZPers) and wonder what the heck his name color is... Member Group: None... what color COULD that be... oh well... also a few days ago I went to see Pirates of the Carribean and today there was a Lightning Storm in my town... I couldn't sprite and I couldnt make comics(I was making a fan comic for CloneFreak) because I went to go watch the shinyness! SHINY! Well... then I watched a new TV show(new to the channel anyway) and then I came here, read a PM from a BZP friend, Necro, I noticed his name had a turaga staff and some gears... I read the news AND WALA! IM PREMIERE FOR A WEEK! To bad its only a week... Maybe Mom'll win the lottery and I can be premiere FOREVER! Oh well...
    And contary to popular belief(not), YES I AM CRAZY! But Im a smart crazy...
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