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Blog Entries posted by Noxryn

  1. Noxryn
    So, like said quite a few times in this blog, school's started up as of three weeks ago (The day I got back from BFair) and so far I enjoy the teachers I have. None of them hate my guts, and a few of them liked me from the get-go due to positive comments I got from teachers I had last year.
    But outside of schoolwork (Which is, at the moment, doing some notes, some French stuff and making some picture for English, and three articles to write for Newspaper), I've been doing some other things. One of these things is that I randomly got the idea to write a short story, being more on the line of 7000 - 8000 words, that's based around Vlad Dracula. Some scenes involving Dracula came to mind when listening to some music, and I grew fond enough of the scenes to see if I can incorporate them into a short story. The only details I have worked out are those scenes, a modern setting, and... that's about it. I need to think of a plot, some other characters, and then create an outline for it. (An outline that will probably be written sometime tomorrow)
    Then there's some stuff I've been doing in regards to Legionarius, which is a project I've been working on for five years now (and it has evolved to a completely different entity from when I started). So far, I've been working on character profiles for the trilogy -- only on the first, which is Anavrin, who has already surpassed five pages in my notebook (mostly the history of the character) and whose profile alone is over 6000 words long (and I'm only about halfway done). The series, so far, has about... 20-ish important characters who will need similar profiles done, some longer than others, more so that when I get to the outline stage, I can work their histories together and give the characters more of a personality and give them more depth -- outside of them being random things I threw in at the last second.
    After characters, there's things like wildlife, transportation, architecture, arts, factions, realms (four in total), species (including the government of the harpies and the humans characters), those sorts of things. After all those are written out, that's when I plan to start on the outline for it and only after that's done, checked over for possible inconsistencies and holes, is when the actual writing on it will be started.
    Due to size of things, I plan on working on the Vlad Dracula short story first -- mainly because if I get it all done, all checked over, everything proofread a few times, I could actually do something with it other than let it rot in Word. (It'll be too violent for a BZP audience, due to the nature of Vlad the Impaler)
    Today, I've had the idea to go to Barnes 'n Noble to pick up a biography of Vlad III, Dracula (Son of Vlad II, Dracul) and read through it -- taking notes, highlighting interesting things, as to try and make the character Vlad Dracula in the short story more like Vlad the Impaler -- instead of just sharing a name, like Bram Stoker's Dracula (the character) who pretty much just shares a name with Vlad III. (I also have that novel I want to read before going into the actual writing of the short story)
    I also dumped the Varian contest entry thing I was gonna do in favor of this.
  2. Noxryn
    So we did our first little assignment thing, which was to make a large picture telling the story of our partner (Who basically told me what they did over the summer). The catch was to make the story one huge piece of art, based off of pre-historic cave drawings, and not a series of symbols that could be read (Such as Egyptian hieroglyphics).
    We first sketched out the series of symbols we wanted to use, and then we sketched out what the overall picture would look like. After that, we got charcoal and ended up drawing it on large pieces of brown paper taped to the walls. Of course, I got a part close to the floor, which means that if my knees had hands, I'd have been strangled. However, today we presented our pictures to the class. After I had done my presentation, my art teacher pointed out how I used my lines and how I kept the image simple and not messy and chaotic like a few others on the wall -- IE: anything with zombies. That compliment made me feel pretty good, given, he only complimented about four pieces of artwork (One of which was just incredible, it was good enough to the point where cutting it out of the huge paper and framing it sounded worth it).
  3. Noxryn
    One is not enough.
    But there was only one in the AT-AT set. I must find some more of these neat lil' guys. (Which isn't hard but finding them in bulk for cheapish is hard)
    (I also embarrassed myself by calling it the "AT&T" << >>)
  4. Noxryn
    Yes, that is an exclamation mark.
    So for school this year, which just started for me on Tuesday actually (I thought it was Monday, but that turned out to be for 9th graders and some Juniors there helping them out), I have seven classes;
    - English II Honors
    - Geometry (I should've been in Algebra II, but I'm not very good at math << >>)
    - U.S History (First half this semester -- would have gone for AP Human Geography, but the workload from that class would have been too much with everything else this year).
    - Newspaper
    - Chemistry (I hate the notebook set-up thing... honestly, I'd prefer keeping handouts/fliers in a folder and not scrunched up in a book of notes)
    - Drawing and Painting (The teacher is amazing, so much fun. However, I'm a bit depressed that Creative Writing filled out so fast )
    - French III (I never liked foreign language class...)
    Also, Wednesdays/Thursdays are "block" schedule, meaning, that we either have even or odd numbered classes on those days and each class is roughly one hour and a half in length. On Thursday, we don't need to get to school until 8:35 AM -- meaning, I can sleep in until like, 7:00 AM (I have to be there at 7:30 because my mother can't be late for work, so yeah).
    Most of the work this week is; sign papers, organize notebooks, get supplies. In Geometry, we have an Algebra Pre-Test thing, but I find the Algebra to be easier this year than last year for me (It's the same thing, my mind is just clicking with it faster --- again, I'm terrible at mathematics).
    I've also noticed something odd; I go to bed on time and I wake up in the morning all tired and lazy feeling. I go to bed an hour or two later, and I'm awake for -practically- the whole day. (I always get tired around 2:00 PM).
  5. Noxryn
    BrickFair was amazing this year, special thanks to Janus for the orange Vahi and Arpy for the metallic blue Toa Mata feet! (You guys are amazing)
    There's probably nothing more I can possibly say that hasn't been said elsewhere, but the entire event was just spectacular. Even for a while after BrickFair ended things were amazing.
    Everyone was just so fantastic, and with my memory I'll never be able to name everyone there of BZP, but Nuju Metru posted quite a good list of everyone!
    I'd have done a huge thank-you thing like what Nuju did, but man am I tired. The plane got delayed on the way back, so I went to bed at like... 3:00 AM and had to wake up 3 hours from then to go to school. But, somehow, I was awake for the day and learned something awesome -- my school has a free period at the start of Thursdays, so technically, I don't need to get in until like, 8:30 AM instead of 7:00 AM. ^__^
  6. Noxryn
    I probably won't be doing any, unless I happen to fall asleep on the plane (Which I'm unsure about as, at the moment, I don't feel tired and have packed a few books I want to read on the flight -- I also have a bunch of other things to distract myself from boredom). I guess an energy drink, some food, and excitement are all things that get rid of feeling tired -- that and a nice shower.
    But, if I have the correct information, I should be at Dulles Airport around 2PM~ (Plane stops in Minneapolis, for whatever reason).
    When it comes to BrickFair, odds are, I'll be the tallish guy in the black squadron shirt near the Bionicle table(s). (If anybody cares. )
  7. Noxryn
    I figured out how Microsoft Word 2007 works~
    Well, how it works to the point where I can meet all the schoolwork guidelines and not have to do it the painfully hard way.
    Only took me a few years...
    (I also stuck a pic of Alucard in this blog because he's cool)
  8. Noxryn
    I don't know why I feel like blogging this, but I am.
    So I learned that walking around, upstairs and in the dark, is a very, very, very bad idea for me. I'm not a very graceful person on my feet, and I tend to smack my foot into things like walls and doors a -lot-. Basically, I was walking near the stairs that lead downstairs, made a turn to go down them and smacked my foot on the side of the staircase. I ended up falling down the stairs, very noisily, and wound up on my back on the floor.
    I am very happy we still have carpeting, or that would've hurt a lot more than it did (My mom wants to put in wood floors, wood stairs).
    I have this deathly fear of spiders. As in, I am absolutely terrified of them to the point where I will scream like a little girl and go hide. (When one was in my bed, I chose to sleep on the floor of the guest room for three months instead of going back to my room).
    So, seeing two spiders, the size of my face, in our garage and on the floor as I exit the car puts that whole series of events in action. First the girlish scream, then the slamming shut of the car door as I go hide inside. Having your mother run out of the house, asking "Did your sister fall?" kinda puts what I sound like in perspective.
    This weekend has just been a series of scares. ._.
  9. Noxryn
    So, on Tuesday when I was conveniently not home and was busy at a location 30 minutes away, there was an owl outside that was looking around. However, my sister took some pictures of it (lots of them being very blurry), but I hunted down one of the pictures that is really clear (To me at least).
    So yeah, here's the picture of the owl.
  10. Noxryn
    I am amazingly excited for BFair (Last year was a blast, and I didn't even do that much), I just hope I can get everything I need to get done before the event. Lot of it is physical paperwork and notifying some people (Need to notify the head of the School Newspaper Staff Administrator that I can't make the staff meeting on the Seventh...). Some of the paperwork is just me needing to finish my school reading projects (Need to get some things drawn out and the blasted printer working ><), while some of it is more BZP related (Though, in electronic form) and some is stories I have laying around I want to finish before BFair (Right after BFair is school).
    I also reaaaallly want to get my driving stuff done before the event, so that next year, I'll have an actual license and can utilize my rental car discount (A benefit my mother will be using this year, probably, which I get through CAP). If not, oh well.
    Some other things involve packing and making some MOC's. One of the MOC's I made was... well, it collapsed and kinda... dissolved. (Yes, I am a terrible MOCist), Plus I need to make some crabs... probably one or two.
    I alllllllssssoooo need to pack up a gift for someone who will be attending~ (wrapping paper fun~)
    This'll be a busy week, busy, busy, busy. (And next week will be busy too... though, I have my 3-minute impromptu speech in mind, which will likely be about being prepared 'cuz I can go on forever about it... even though it'll become rambling)
    (I also need to stop by the ATM sometime... so I can pull out eighteen dollars for some awesome things)
  11. Noxryn
    I just realized a bunch of tests I have to take are all online. From grade/rank tests, to the test needed to get my driver's permit (Which I totally could've gotten seven months ago), to a ton of the school tests for next year.
    Of course, out of all of those, I'm primarily looking forwards to doing all of the driving tests. I'd like to get them out of the way ASAP so I can get my driver's permit and then, in a year, I'll have a full license. It won't be any issue to get that, either, as my mom sees it as an opportunity to make me do all the errands. XP (And get a job next year... probably at AMC, 'cuz they're always hiring and there's not much of an age limit).
    Though, an upside about having an enthusiastic parent wanting you to get a driver's license to run errands, is that I don't have to pay for the car.
    Makes me feel really, really grateful. ^____^
  12. Noxryn
    I feel really excited for it, given, it's right around the corner at this point (And not like... four months away anymore). Still need to make some MOC's for it (A crab, and finishing that one thing I've had legless/armless for the last year).
    It'll be fun~
  13. Noxryn
    It was a great movie =)
    Also -- Final Fantasy XIII, I bought it and it's sooo much fun. (I spent Gamestop store credit on it, not real cash... and got five bucks in real cash back, oddly enough... even though the store here was twenty bucks more expensive than what Blockbuster was selling it for).
    I also just figured out what this trailer I watched back in 2007 was about... and the game's not even out yet, funnily enough. (FFXIII Versus is what the trailer was of, I thought it was just a Kingdom Hearts trailer when I saw it, though)
  14. Noxryn
    Some people will throw a fit over the silliest things. Even though, in some cases, I can see where they are coming from, but it's just a bit extreme even then to yell/complain and call other people names over something so little. (Talking about a hobby, thus the "little" portion as I don't really view luxuries as "priorities" thus they being "small").
    I guess I blog this as it's a twenty year-old something or other throwing the fit and a twelve year old was able to voice his concerns in a faaaarrr more respectable manner.
  15. Noxryn
    I am this close to stabbing a pencil through my head.
    For the last week I had an idea, a first in a while (And not related to a currently unfinished epic, which may remain unfinished until I really get back into the swing of things), but I constantly had the issue of how to write it out. Cinematically (aka: Visual images playing out in my mind... FF says it's not a word, but I don't care) everything always looks so neat and it makes me interested.
    Then I write it, and it sounds dumb and ugly and I want to burn my computer for ever hosting such a series of words. I also wish to stab my brain for being able to turn something that seemed really neat visually, even story-wise, into a large ball of moth spit.
  16. Noxryn
    - Finished;
    Math Final (Math final averaged grade: B+ --- I'm terrible, absolutely horrible, at Math.)
    English Final (Got a 96% on it) average final: A.
    3D Animation Final, Final Grade: A+.
    French Final (Dunno any numbers) -- Received a certificate and chocolate of "Highest Average in the Class"
    PE Final (Ran a mile, walked a mile) -- Was told that I probably improved the most of everyone else present.
    - Tomorrow;
    Biology Final
    Ancient Civilizations Final (If I fail this one, or get anything less than a very high A, I think I'll lose all confidence in my brain power. It's that -easy- [We can use notes specified by the teacher, along with the fact it's 12 questions and we write them by using a rubric. All my questions will prolly be on Greece, maybe some China, and perhaps some Rome as I know them the best.)
    I also finished my Biology Final Review (I put it off, finished it in the time of three hours) so I'll get +15 (points, not percent) on the Final Test.
    After that, I'm done with Finals. Then, I get to work on knowing how to read aviation charts and understanding the inner workings of aircraft, along with the meanings of markings on runways and all that fun stuff. Also the phonetic alphabet, but eh, I know it by heart already. Aerospace is pretty interesting to me, mainly 'cuz so far, there hasn't been any super-complex math used --- so far it's basically been taught in the language of an elementary school teacher (Giving the simple stuff, not straying into the more complicated subjects; simple words used, etc).
    At the same time, I also need to work practice for Fencing ('Cuz, I don't quite remember everything from week to week...) along with Drills. Though, I also need to send someone an email so I'll be able to go on an orientation flight before June, hopefully. (According to him, June will be busy). The last thing is I need to work more on PT, especially now that PE is over for me (I'm not taking PE next year, 'cuz I wanted to take Creative Writing -and- Newspaper, which took up the slot).
    So yeah, I'm busy and prolly won't be around too frequently.
  17. Noxryn
    I have straight A's as of today, except for one 89 average in Biology... which will hopefully turn into an A after the test~
    Plus, my essay apparently made it to semi-finaldom (Finalists got shirts, certificates and presented at the Spirit Assembly a while back, Semi-Finalists get certificates ).
    What's funny is that I seriously just rushed that paper, like... I wrote it in less than an hour, the night before it was due... << >>
    But I feel smart anyways. :3
    Also, gun safety class was five hours long. I also have a take-home-test from that, which is easy, and I need to bring it in on Saturday which is gonna be a pain with the English Essay draft I need to do as well as all the Final Reviews I want to do @_@ (9 or so days 'till Final week...)
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