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Blog Entries posted by Noxryn

  1. Noxryn
    Four days of no school stuff (Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday) which is really nice, 'cuz this means that I can get ahead in all the reading and studying I should do, while also being able to relax and have nothing to do. 'Cept on Tuesday, cuz Tuesdays are the days when my schedule is pretty much full from 6:00 AM to 9:00 PM or later. (So, it's nice to not have school on a Tuesday, cuz then I can be a lazy last-minute-reading over things person).
  2. Noxryn
    Someone bought me Guildwars Trilogy for some reason, and so I decided to install it and have yet to actually play it.
    It has... a lot of choices ._.
  3. Noxryn
    Recently I had purchased a game called MASS EFFECT. It is rated M for good reasons and has been banned from Singapore for a certain scene in the game.
    I like this game and I thought that it was a blast to play. I like the fact that you can practically do what you want and that it isn't completely scripted like other games out there. (Yes I like RPG games)
    My favorite Race is the Quarians, then the Turians, and then the Asari. Those are my top three out of several other races which are there (including human).
    Nihlus is a Turian Spectre (Special Tactica and Reconissance) and on the first mission on Eden Prime he gets shot in the back by a rouge Turian spectre named Saren. The point of the game is to bring down Saren before he finds the Conduit. The Conduit is a control panel which the reapers would use in order to get to the citadel and begin ending the reign of Organic life.
    Saren is the main Bad guy and he is the biggest threat throughout the game and is trying to bring back the reapers which is a bad thing. He had allied himself with the Geth which are rouge AI units the the Quarians made to serve them, the Quarians plan failed as the AI Geth rebelled and kicked them off of their home world.
    Commander Sheperd:
    Commander sheperd is the main good guy through the game. You can make him/her look anyway you want him/her to be. You can pick whatever class you want and through the game you can level up and stuff.
    There are several other characters that you meet through the game and you have to pick who dies at one point (either Kaiden or Ashley).
    I would rate this game a 10/10 just because I find it a fun experience to play and even at the frustrating parts I never actually got irate or anything, which is a good thing.
    I wonder how many people on BZP like MASS EFFECT...
  4. Noxryn
    Some people will throw a fit over the silliest things. Even though, in some cases, I can see where they are coming from, but it's just a bit extreme even then to yell/complain and call other people names over something so little. (Talking about a hobby, thus the "little" portion as I don't really view luxuries as "priorities" thus they being "small").
    I guess I blog this as it's a twenty year-old something or other throwing the fit and a twelve year old was able to voice his concerns in a faaaarrr more respectable manner.
  5. Noxryn
    dont use "bro" or "dude" or "guy" if the person you're referring to explicitly asked you not to
    it's rude and it's not funny
  6. Noxryn
    I need to make an epic that I don't just quit halfway through because I'm not inspired, or motivated to continue it. Though, I have no idea how to go about that... since currently my mind is fried of storylines or plot ideas, as well as stuff for the characters to actually go through in order to end up where they're supposed to end up...
    I hate my inability to create and continue a full epic series on this site.
  7. Noxryn
    For such a long time people have hounded me to play Kingdom Hearts (well, any game in that franchise). So, being the completionist I am, I decided to start with the first game and go (in order) to the end. So far, I find it really fun -- some of the voices are a tad annoying, but that's just my ears being picky in all actuality. (Though a Mickey Mouse/Sephiroth scene I saw in a trailer for one of the games reeled me in).
    But it's been great fun breaking out my PS2 again, I missed it <3 (and I even have a memory card~)
    Didn't get much done with my writing, I wanted to transfer the next scene I wrote in a notebook into the word document, but I just wasn't feeling it.
    However, I am completely up-to-date with My Little Pony. (Also, Derpy is just fantastic).
  8. Noxryn
    idk if i'll ever regularly update this blog but here's an update:
    - preordered Pokemon Alpha Sapphire and excited for it to come tomorrow (my friend already has his own copy, though he lives in Australia and it released there)
    - preordered Dragon Age: Inquisition and my sister already has her copy of the game (she did digital download), and i'm waiting for my own copy to come in the mail 'cuz i like having the physical box and stuff (and it saves some space on my ps4's harddrive).
    - playing Warlords of Draenor in World of Warcraft and having a lot of fun with the new expansion; really made me dig orcs and find their stories interesting. kinda started following the Draenor politics between the clans/Iron Horde and then started to read the orc quests on current day Azeroth to see where the story diverged with their allegiances and how the Iron Horde change will affect them (since some became demon cults, which might not be the case when most of the orcs in the expansion didn't drink the demon blood so curious about it). plus i mean -technically- there's two Burning Legions and two Sargerases now, and im kinda curious if Blizzard will do anything with that or stick to the "not even dealing with time doubles" position.
    that's just it for games though
    for other stuff it's mostly been like
    - counseling, which is going well and i've been given numerous resources for what i need (mostly trans resources, like the address for the Gender Identity Center and some run downs of their programs, like, apparently, they have a sort of mentor program where someone from their organization will go to stores with you and help you find clothes in your size and stuff so you don't have to do it alone... i like the idea and maybe ill make use of it sometime down the line, but with my social anxiety disorder and generalized anxiety disorder it's not really easy for me to do that).
    - went to a trans discussion group today in the glbt center of my university, after seeing some of their transgender remembrance ceremony (which i didn't attend in full since i get really emotional really easily and didn't want to end up in tears), but after i was able to look at some books and someone from their group took a couple pictures of me which i didnt mind (they asked permission and stuff). but everyone there seemed pretty nice, i didn't say a word even when the group went 1hr over time due to my anxiety problems (i stutter heavily, or blank, or kinda cant' physically move my lips -- it's sort of a mess).
    - one of my professors said my writing's incredible and is giving me a lot of leeway with page numbers (as in i dont have to write a 3-4 page paper so long as i can cover everything, be it less than 3-4 pages or longer). it kinda means something since she's also one of the English professors and works in the English department alongside the Women and Gender studies programs, and teaches some of the higher level English courses at the university. idk, it felt nice to be complimented (and tbh all my papers submitted in my comp II course rarely come back with much more than a "you used a comma splice here" or "you used a passive voice here" and it's usually only one or two of those per paper, if that (rest is usually sections underlined with compliments, which still kinda surprises me).
    - next semester i want to take a creative writing course, since that would actually really help me with what i want to do by the end of next year (apply for an internship). mostly, Blizzard Entertainment (the people who made World of Warcraft, Diablo, Overwatch, Starcraft, etc...) have an internship program for college students every year, as in the deadline's December to apply and you need in depth knowledge of WoW's lore (thus my playing it and reading books), on top of a portfolio of creative works to submit (which is why im not applying this year, since i haven't done a lot of creative works i'm proud of since most of them were impulse writing). kinda starting with my creative short story for my final project in my Women and Gender studies course.
    - thinking to minor in Women and Gender studies and major in English (probably still an emphasis on education? in case i can't get a creative writing job it'd be nice to be able to fall back on the teaching idea).
  9. Noxryn
    Kinda bored so I'm choosing to write an entry (though none of you read it anyway so this is purely for my pleasure, ;D)
    SO, okay, here's a short list of some online games I'm taking part in along with some info on characters and junk within them... mostly for my own reference and organization, but hey, if you play one of these games and want to friend me or something, feel free! I don't bite. I promise.

    Guild Wars 2:

    I play... too many characters and have used too much money on gems (okay, maybe sixty dollars over my year+ish of playing, so not too bad)... but, I have:
    - Leliel Thorgeirkin (Norn female warrior, I seriously can't play norn males... those shoulders... man, those shoulders. Although, people have made some amazing ones... I just... don't identify with hyper-masculine men, lol). She's also basically my like, super-independent-I-can-take-down-giants-on-my-own lady person because, like, it's fun to punch sexist characters in the face and break their jaws (with permission, but hey, it feels good).
    - Kitvael (Might name change him, since he's my sylvari mesmer and could possibly go Nightmare Court RPly... because, they're cool even if they're somewhat like angsty teens... but I mean, who could deny the name Kit the Dreamflayer?). He is the pinkest sylvari alive. With a glowing purple focus. With a rapier. With faerie wings. And a dress. Because... he's amazing and beautiful and butterflies everywhere.
    - Cein Ravenhart (Male sylvari, green and a necromancer who I use in WvW usually... namely in zerg fights because I use staff and three wells [Yes, all my utility skills are ground targeted large AoE's that I use to help and slowly kill people who stand in the fire]). I haven't really RPed with him, so his personality is up in the air.
    - Kastis Nightrose (Male sylvari guardian, super purple, was supposed to be Nightmare originally... but who knows anymore).
    - Vincent Escalier ( Elementalist: He's basically the best human I made, looks-wise, and like... he so pretty, omg)
    I have other characters, but these ones are the highest levels (all 80, aside from Leliel who is at 68... though I've been cheating and using the Tomes of Knowledge you can get in structured PvP games for her... because, let's face it, as a mesmer or a warrior... PvP is so easy and deliciously fun).

    League of Legends

    Total and utter newbie. But I've been playing with Morgana (Solo-Mid generally, but like, I do suck so... yeah, eh, whatevs). I've also been using Ashe a lot as she's free (same with Morgana this week), and I've been using Master Yi a little bit because slashing things. Like I said, I'm terrible and my friends totally carry me in this game (but they get to watch me die, so they ultimately win <3). Never solo-queued for anything because... well, hesitant since I hear so many things about the community at large and I know very little of the game itself (I play for fun, not really to win... honestly).

    Final Fantasy XIV

    I love this game, even if it has a number of flaws. I currently play:
    R'yndae Tia (Sun seeker miqo'te male, right now he's been leveling PLD because I wanted to try tanking and, so far, I find it pretty fun... much more fun and engaging than being a damage dealer).
    Kit Azrael (Essentially my main character, also miqo'te male [moon keeper] and I heal, generally, on him and... like with tanking, I find healing a more engaging and fun aspect of the game... currently I haven't been leveling with him so much since I level him with a friend).
    I'm not in a FC in FFXIV as of now, due to some disagreements with the leadership (Like, the overall community leadership of the FC, all of whom are focused in a different game for the most part). I'll likely end up part of a LGBTQA+ Friendly guild, and possibly some RPing LS's pending how well and comfortable I feel to do so.


  10. Noxryn
    Basically, I finished up a photoshop project the week before spring break, and it turns out that I'm one of the only people who finished (even got critique and such from the teacher, who had no complaints), so now I have 45 minutes for the rest of the week to do whatever on the computer. It's pretty nice, if I do say so myself.
    That, and I finished a draft for an article a week before it was meant to be done, and now I have free time in that class as well.
    I feel so productive, being unproductive.
  11. Noxryn
    I have some goals, both internet wise and life wise. I'll separate the two for convenience =P
    Internet Wise:
    - So far, I believe that I am already living my goal, which is to just be helpful and kind to others online. As well as the fact that I staff two other sites anyway, even if they're member made (One by Exo and CJ, other by Robo) they're still fun to be a part of.
    I really didn't have many goals for the internet based life =P
    Real Life:
    - Get that darned manuscript done
    - Get it to a publisher
    - Then eventually get the thing published
    - Make it past HS, and into a nice college
    - If, for some reason I feel like having a job, probably shoot for something in Lego. Don't know quite what yet, but if I wrote up that series, and wanted to be a part of Lego, probably as a writer of some sort. It'd be fun.
    - Don't end up bankrupt, that'd suck.
    - And not make a fool out of myself trying =P
    - Another goal is the same as my online one, to be helpful and kind in real life, though I wish I was more outgoing and talkative when around people I don't know all too well. It'll probably bring me down at BFair, buuut... I dunno.
    And those are my current goals. If you wish, you can go ahead and post your own, if you feel like it =P
  12. Noxryn
    I'll be gone from Saturday - at the earliest Tuesday. Sat - Mon will be a drive from here to Wisconsin, and the other days will be things like the funeral, and seeing some relatives... whom I haven't seen for years...
  13. Noxryn
    This week rocks, last week rocked and the upcoming week will be good.
    Last week;
    -No school
    -Did stuff
    -CHEESECAKE FACTOREH I has cheesecake =3
    -RPG Judge and POBZPC status
    -On Sunday I discovered I had 1056$
    -I bought a buncha Halo figs on Amazon which will be here Wednesday
    -I got As and Bs on everything handed back in school
    -I got some awesome PMs
    -I get my 360 back tomorrow <3
    -No school Tuesday.
  14. Noxryn
    The Train ride through the... something Gorge, forget the full name of it. ^^;;
    The first hour of the ride was fun, with all the scenery and the constant movement [And the songs didn't get old yet], but after that hour, the train stopped and just backtracked through all the stuff we've already seen [Mostly rock formations...], so at that point I just started to mess around on my DS with a game I got yesterday through store credit.
    Then I noticed that the same three country songs were being played, over and over and over and over and over again, I ended up developing a headache at that point. But, the ride wasn't really horrible or anything, just a bit repetitive is all.
    Two hour drive there, three hours on the train, two hour drive back... seven hours of my day, not including the hour at Ihop.
    But yeah, that's what I did today XP
  15. Noxryn
    I got my computer back, but I had to install everything all over again. From Word to MSN to my internet browser. I still don't have my old desktop image back, but some things can wait. I've been trying to reconstruct what I wrote on DB again, this time redoing the prologue in favor of something far more interesting. This is probably my fifth to last draft, depending on how things go.
    I do intend on writing it as if it were in the pages of a book first, however. Then going through it and editing that way as it's easier for me. After I get it how I like it, then I'd transform it into the standard manuscript format it would need to be in. Depending how busy my High School and College life become, I could finish up with it within the next eight or so years, maybe a bit less if I have more time than I thought. However, I'm more thinking that it'd be finished... probably around when college ends for me. Time hasn't been a friend of mine recently.
    Just some numbers to throw out there.
  16. Noxryn
    I bought Skrall when I went to Target - only three were left... and lotsa Yetraxs... and Taks and all those 08 shtuff. *waits for crazy huge sale*
    He's kewl... although he's kinda expensive ._.;;;
    I like the buzzsaw shield thingy... and the sword shoots stuff. I shot myself in the eye with it.
  17. Noxryn
    i started playing it again after missing my character terribly (sylvari are still probably my favorite MMO species ever), but i changed his Cloud Strife hairstyle to the new longer one (sylvari are kinda bereft of long hairstyles sadly) but i'm sad the dark color i picked for it blots out the details (it looks so pretty when it's glowing, though!)
    haven't really dug into the new story too much, but already i like it's presentation SO MUCH MORE than the last Living Story season (it feels more like... a continuation of the main story, versus a sort of side plot event that you can ignore). I'm also glad they got rid of Scarlet, who i had such high hopes for as an antagonist last season but she was too... like, errr... she was too... stale? she didnt change much and she kept doing the same stuff over and over again :/ (had a killer outfit, though)
    idk if anyone here really plays it much, im in a few guilds (Friends of Mine which is literally just me and some really close friends, TIME which has a latin name i can't spell and was my friends' RP story thing, Our Sanctuary which is a LGBTQA+ safe space guild,, Official Mesmer Forum Guild, and then Eularity whom i refer to as celry (their tag is ELRY).
    im on tarnished coast with most of the NA RPing community, though im generally messing around in WvWvW b/c i can throw purple lasers at players there . (and i get T6 materials more reliably there for whatever reason and im getting kinda close-ish to my first Legendary... need like... 700g total but i have the most expensive components done [precursor annnnnd 100 charged lodestones])
    (tbh i want to play a largos so badly anet get on that)
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