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Blog Entries posted by Noxryn

  1. Noxryn
    So I bought some books today, Flyboys (Currently on page 22), Forest Mage (Second book in the Soldier Son Trilogy), The Children of Hurin (Heard too many positive reviews of this book to pass it up)
    So far, I find Flyboys to be an interesting book. Not one that has a happy atmosphere, but then again, such a tale would hardly warrant it. I picked it up because of the title, as well as the fact that it was a story from WWII I haven't heard previously and is roughly the first I'd have read in text (Mostly, the History Channel/Military Channel's documentaries of the War have a lot of information and it's actually from these documentaries where I hear of these books). This book was apparently adapted into a film, or there was a film that depicted the story, and when I can, I have a feeling that I'll be watching this film (More likely, after I finish the book).
    When it comes to the book itself, I feel compelled to just say that I do not recommend it for younger readers, given the actual text is presented in a way that I doubt someone in elementary school would be able to understand easily. The content is the other factor, as some (Even in the first 22 pages) scenes depicted are quite gruesome, too grotesque for BZPower's general audience to even be iterated in an online blog.
    Though, when (in my Sophomore year) we touch upon WWII in U.S History, I think I'll feel fairly confident in the material (Given, I must've watched about eight documentaries on the subject this year... plus, have a plan reading of at least four other books on the subject. Extra-studies on WWII from outside-of-school classes also would assist [Classes more bent on the advancements in Aviation and Aerospace]). However, when it comes to that singular subject (The War itself and BZP) don't make comments on that in the comments -- it's a subject that doesn't quite belong on BZP in form of discussion (Myself, more discussing reading/watching things relating to it and it assisting in school next year versus actual discussion on the matter).
    However, from what I read in the first bit of the book, it does give a bit of a history (I recall, the farthest back date in my mind from the text, being 1840, but events from the 1700's are brought up).
    That's for that book, however.
    I bought the Forest Mage because I had finished the first book in the trilogy back... I believe two, three years ago. It was a great story, one of which I got the name "Spink" from and I've had this nagging voice in the back of my head that has been saying "Finish it" for the longest time, the main issue had been that the second book isn't the most common thing in my life, only this one time at Borders had I noticed it on the shelf. I'll be reading this one right after Flyboys, as when it comes to reading two books at once... I'd rather not. My mind would end up being split between two different, vastly different, story lines. One pertains to real-world history, and because of that, I view it as a place my mind should be -- undivided. The first book in the trilogy took me under half a week to finish, as I spent most of my time just reading through the text, looking up interesting words while also guessing what would happen next.
    Of course, I never really did predict the end correctly, actually, I was rather far from it. The ending, to some, may seem a little... off, but it's a fantasy tale and "off" parts are fairly common in the literary works I've read through. However, I'm still rather interested to see how the entire storyline ends -- from the first to the third -- and will probably also pick up the final book to the storyline when I get the chance. ($43 bucks on books today... wasn't gonna make that fifty bucks.)
    The third book I picked up, The Children of Hurin (Too tired to get the accent over the "u"), was a story I've heard many on this site and others bring up (Was looking for Starship Troopers as well, as it was on the Navy's recommended reading list and stood out to me) and I was interested. I've heard that it's not a happy story, the opposite, but tragedies and the like never have put me off before. In fact, the earlier stories I've done have mainly been tragedies, even a somewhat recent one was a tragedy (But only the ending brought that to light, as the rest was rather light-hearted). I'll be reading this after Forest Mage for reasons stated previously in this entry.
    I do need to pick up some more books. Probably some more in relation to aviation, the field, while some others regarding tales of things that have happened in military aviation (Creation of the USAF, for instance). Others will more involve some conflicts, though I do want to find a not-so-dry tale of the battle of 300 at Thermopylae, as our school text-books are just horrid at the description of it all and lack a proper sense of explaining the tactics used both at the pass, as well as with the naval forces led by Themistocles (Basically, the book more stated "this happened" but I'd like a more in-depth look into the strategy used, as well as maybe a deeper look into the Greek leadership at the time, as to get a sense of what they were all thinking at the time -- individually and collectively). There are also some fictional books I wouldn't mind getting a hold of, but I do need to read what I have first.
    In other news, I saw Nightmare on Elm Street. Freddy sounded like Rorschach to no end (Same actor, probably the cause) and even though the movie was bloody, darker than the later (prior) ones and had far better visuals... I just found it a bit shallow. The plot was the same-old same-old in regards to that story and the actors playing the protagonists were rather dull, in my opinion. It could've been better, but for what it was, it was definitely not the worst it could've been.
    Soooo... yeah, that's about it. I think I was gonna add more, but I can't remember.
  2. Noxryn
    So I took up fencing recently, first class was today, and it's quite interesting as well as fun. The instructor stated that so far, I'm her best student.
    Though, I won't be able to do it next week... 'cuz I got firearm training (class) Thursday for two hours and then the actual target-shooting on Saturday (four hours).
  3. Noxryn
    I have a lot to study.
    Also, to individuals who may or may not need me in TBRPG's: I'm really busy with school/other learning/talking to the High School Administration to see if I can push for a program/preparing and getting ready for fencing while also doing some more physically demanding things to get in better shape... so don't expect me to be fast to respond to things. If it's a problem, send me a Personal Message.
    On BZP, I have some time for it, but it's mostly reserved for Staff-Duties for the time being.
  4. Noxryn
    So I completely forgot to work on any of my Biology stuff last night, and it was all due today. But then crazy weather happened.
    So I go to school, like normal, but right before my Biology class... school ends early and it's a mad rush to get a spot on one of the buses.
    I was like "wow... I really lucked out here..."
  5. Noxryn
    Tornado Warning at school kicked the hour long aptitude test to Monday.
    Aptitude test is for gauging whether you're good to go for a class that has College credit tied to it, which surprised me, cuz this class is Photoshop.
    Oh, and my English teacher was commenting on how awesome the stuff I turned in was =3 (Got perfect marks on the five pages of summaries I turned in, on the GIP Vocab Test I took, and some extra credit I did to pass the time).
  6. Noxryn
    I'll be there, and I'm all signed up to go. You can easily pick out me from the attendee list, cuz like... well, it's rather obvious.
    But yeah, I'm rather pumped for the more space, and also 'cuz I got a room in the now booked Holiday Inn~
  7. Noxryn
    This week, at my High School, was "Spirit Week" so a lot of interesting things ended up happening through the course of the week. From people dressing in odd things, to the band playing all over the place;
    - Monday
    On Monday, there wasn't much new. People came to school normally, as we weren't really told what the dress-theme was for the day, besides for the teachers who all dressed up to fit the theme that I can't remember. Monday was a very uneventful day of the week, being the most normal.
    - Tuesday
    At school, Tuesday was Career Day, where people would dress up as what career they want when they grow up. Only the teachers really did anything, my English teacher having dressed up as a guy from Deadliest Catch, and with some of the Technology teachers wearing NASA get-ups for the day (AKA: Xbox 360 headset). However, that was really the only school-highlight. Other things that happened are more expounded upon in the entry before my last, though in a nutshell, I was allowed to apply a week early to the United States Civil Air Patrol (Colorado Wing), and am currently a "Semi-Official Cadet," Semi, mainly because I don't have all the things I need, but I am recognized in the Squadron as a cadet (Even though I have no way to prove that I am =P). Got a free T-Shirt, a free patch (Costs five bucks otherwise...) and will be making a visit to the Air Force Base Supply Store next week (After this Tuesday), as I should have all my official things by then. Though, while at that meeting, I learned the basic basics of map reading (Interesting class, actually), as well as some basic drills (Attention, Right/Left/About Face, Present Arms, Salute, etc -- the "Official" Cadets were learning how to march in formation and such).
    AFB's are interesting places, to me at least, 'cuz of all the craft that go in and out of the base, as well as the level of activity there is there. The people are also pretty interesting to talk to, and are willing to answer questions and stuff.
    - Wednesday
    At Lunch time on Wednesday (Recycle Day; Wear a green shirt or recycled products) the band was playing in the cafeteria, and everyone was singing along (You could say it was a... *puts on sunglasses* real High School Musical). My PE Coach wore a box, some of the students wore paper-crafted over-clothes on top of actual clothing, while one of the teachers wore half a milk carton on his head the entire day. We had an English sub that day, 'cuz my current English teacher is also the Golf Coach and had to run off to go do Golf stuff. My earlier English teacher is in the Marines now, though he got married first, so he's not officially commissioned until.... Probably after school ends, or a few weeks before.
    Oh, and apparently the school is acting as a PGA Tour hub, cuz they have all of these PGA Uniforms, hats, visors, shirts, pants, and they're mailing them all out from the school in specified stations and stuff. There were like, five hundred boxes in the Gym on Wednesday, and the number never seemed to fluctuate...
    - Thursday
    Not much on this day, but then again, we didn't do much in our classes either. In Ancient Civ, we just began to learn about Sparta and the last stand of the 300 against the Persian Empire. Interesting subject, but we only really spent two days on it, which kinda stunk, cuz the Greek City-State of Sparta is probably my favorite, and I'd have liked to spend some more learning time on that subject, than just up and leave. =/
    - Friday
    The schedule was a lot shorter (All classes were done by 1:40, so we could attend a Spirit Assembly for an hour). Teachers got pied in the face, events were held that were teacher vs. student, the four top nominees for their I Believe Essays spoke (Probably the part I liked the most, I didn't really try on the Essay... Kinda just rushed it a bit, more due to having mulled for ideas and having found a really bad one at the last possible second... and rushing to get it done in time. 'Cuz, if you don't hand in the essay, you don't advance.) I really wish things like scholarships, awards, and being published in things more resided in creative writing, or a "Pick a subject you want to write about" but oh well, I can sit and make essays on things that I really haven't a clue about (I mean, earlier in the year we had an essay on Math... my absolute worst subject, which meant that I really needed to do hours of research into something I really despise (Course, I do need to do a lot more work in the field to excel... but I just lack, really, a sense of motivation. I get that I have to learn it, but a lot of the subject matter is never explained as to "How it will help you, and why it's important" -- generally, when told that something is important and is a matter, by a teacher's words, I tend to feel more motivated to push harder in the class. Might just be me, but yeah.)
    Now it's a four day weekend, and I think I'm going to try and write two things;
    - A story on the last stand of the 300, more to get some more credit in my Ancient Civilization class (The previous teacher had me take the same test twice, and then never counted it, adopted a child and decided to vanish for a period of time to where the grade can't be updated because the passing time has passed... like a month ago.)
    - Another story-esque thing as to get more credit in English, even though my teacher said I really don't need any.
  8. Noxryn
    Four days of no school stuff (Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday) which is really nice, 'cuz this means that I can get ahead in all the reading and studying I should do, while also being able to relax and have nothing to do. 'Cept on Tuesday, cuz Tuesdays are the days when my schedule is pretty much full from 6:00 AM to 9:00 PM or later. (So, it's nice to not have school on a Tuesday, cuz then I can be a lazy last-minute-reading over things person).
  9. Noxryn
    So, as of yesterday, I'm a Semi-Official USCAP Cadet. The "Semi" part is more due to the fact that I don't have;
    - An identification card
    - The proper uniform sets (Planning to get them cheaply at the AFB Supply store, rather than ordering through the "official supplier" given how long it takes the supplier to ship things, as well as prices...)
    - The "Starter" Kit of sorts, basically, a zip-up binder that contains a notebook, some texts, (the I.D card) and other basic essentials.
    - I lack my grade cutouts, more because I have yet to get a uniform. They're just cutouts, cuz C/AB's don't get a stripe(s).
    But, I do have my application in a "processing" state, which is another reason for the "Semi," but I did get a free T-Shirt with the logo of the squadron, and a patch that'll go on the BDU whenever I obtain them (Probably the weekend after this weekend, depending on Supply Store hours).
    Though, the Map Reading Class that was held yesterday was pretty interesting, even if it was only the Basic Basics of Map Reading.
    My Tuesday, basically consisted of;
    - School (No assigned Homework)
    - Exercise (About an hour to get through everything)
    - Trip to the AFB for the CAP meeting, the second I attended.
    -- Map Reading Class, learning Drill, going through the final steps of the application process
    - Getting home at around 9:30 PM
    - Doing some School studying, for about an hour; 10:30 PM
    - Doing some BZP stuff for a bit, until going to bed at 11:00 PM.
    That'll be pretty much every Tuesday, only to get a bit more filled up when Fencing is entered into the mix (on May 1st).
    So yeah, that's basically what I've been busy with for the past two or three weeks -- looking up information, reading many PDF files, reading some of the text-studies early, and reading through requirements and the like.
  10. Noxryn
    My hand fell into a cactus, I pulled out all the obnoxious pins and needles, but my hand happens to still sting a fair bit. Nothing that's acute enough to the point where I can't close my hand or use it, it's just rather irritating.
    I also dislike it when I send someone a question, and once they get my question, they don't log in for the next two days.... I might copy/paste it and ask someone who's more... around.
  11. Noxryn
    That was fun, too bad I couldn't take pictures of any of the aircraft or anything, but I expected that.
    'Twas fun, and I'll be doing that again next Tuesday, and the Tuesday after.
    Oh, and the Wing Commander was there, which surprised me a bit 'cuz he's like, everybody's boss.
  12. Noxryn
    It brings excitement, anxiety, and a bit of dread. (Dread more being that I have no idea what'll be assigned in school tomorrow... none of the teachers really update the calendar, so for all I know, someone could be all like "HUGE PROJECT" or "BOAT OF HOMEWORK" the latter being harder... cuz I'll have about two or three hours of free time ._.)
  13. Noxryn
    I'll start with the "Weird" part, 'cuz that falls right into the delay aspect. So, basically I ended up calling the Captain of the nearby USCAP squadron, at first the call went somewhere and to someone who said to call back later. Then, later, the line was disconnected and apparently wasn't reconnected in the next four hours. <__< Oh well, at least now I'll need to wait until Tuesday for my schedule to get mauled over to a change (Well, technically, about 15 days after Tuesday).
    Though, I'll be going on Tuesday (Instead of Thursday) cuz I decided that instead of going to a dull location on a weekly basis, that instead, I'll be shooting for the group at the USAF base. Cuz, that sounds a lot cooler, to me. =3
    Also been reading and looking into the history of the organization, and looking at some of their vids on other sites. Looks like fun, and this sort of volunteer work looks good on a resume~
  14. Noxryn
    My computer's been acting up recently, so if I'm not around later today (When I normally am) it's 'cuz of that. Just thought a quick mention would be appreciated somewhere.
    EDIT: Problem's been solved.
  15. Noxryn
    So yeah, I posted a Short Story that was meant for last month. XP
    Comments, critique, whatever else have you, would be awesome!
  16. Noxryn
    I want to go hoooome
    And play SS
    And print off my esssaaayyy
    And print off one of my stories 'cuz my English teacher wants to read one for some reassssoooon
    And also to feel warm on this really cold, wet day.
  17. Noxryn
    So I saw Alice in Wonderland, and I gotta say, I loved it. Of course there are people who didn't, but I happen to just enjoy the style of it all, plus I did like some of the humor thrown in.
    Mad Hatter and the Red Queen are probably my two favorite characters. The Mad Hatter, mainly because Johnny Depp just does an awesome job, and the Red Queen mainly because of the amount of times she yells "OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!"
    Also, Cheshire Cat is awesome.
    For books, I bought a lot.
    The Great Gatsby, In Cold Blood, The Heart Is A Lonely Hunter, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The Catcher in the Rye, 07-Ghost (1-3), and Kuroshitsuji (1).
  18. Noxryn
    First... sometime soon, I'll be off to see Alice in Wonderland IMAX 3-D (Cuz, they're totally not sold out today), and then Borders, which is probably one of my favorite stores.
    And yeah, that's really about it.
  19. Noxryn
    In English, I was taken aside during the class just to be complimented on how amazing I'm doing, and that I'm going to be put into the Honors class next year~
    He said I'd be in AP, but we don't have AP English... yet.

  20. Noxryn
    One more essay until I'm done with them, besides for the one due next week that we haven't been completely told about. In other school news, I only got one question wrong on the Biology test of the Semester so far (Tested on everything we learned in the class this semester), and I got all the honors questions correct (Makes me feel smart, that does). In French, all my grades have been perfect so far, not one dwindling away from that perfect score (Except, I might've gotten some wrong on something I recently handed it, but that was just practice). Only place I need to focus on is Math, really. Focusing on English will get me into that Honors English next year, which is cool.

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