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Blog Entries posted by Noxryn

  1. Noxryn
    i mean listen to this it's like love ( i purposefully kited a boss around in my personal story just to listen to the music >.> )

    everything in the vid's from the game too :B

  2. Noxryn
    Well like Bfa Wrack made me also watch the first ep of 00
    I find the splosions and blowy up things fun to watch =3
    An entry about my eventful mornin' later.
  3. Noxryn
    The recent deletion of pretty much everything of late has really, really helped me out XP.
    I can't believe that it actually makes me happy.
  4. Noxryn
    So, I've decided to take a larger gander into the world of "Publishing" and what I did first was read one of my parents' oldish book on the matter. So far it's been incredibly helpful, both giving me an insight into the world of publishing as well as how writing works off the internet. I am proud to say that what I have basically follows everything so far, though I do have to polish it far more than I already have. My last step is to reformat it all into manuscript form. I learned the proper format of that on a nice website, but I won't quote unless someone really wants to see the information. I won't post the site address, since I don't know if it'd be something BZP-linkable. Better to be safe than sorry, eh?
  5. Noxryn
    My neighborhood has absolutely no Halloween spirit. It sucks, to say the least.
    However, I still dressed up and prowled the streets with my little sister.
    It got boring real fast, though... cuz, we were the only two people out there.
  6. Noxryn
    How are so many people educated at the high school level, but none of them can fathom just how to walk down a hallway?
    I could start on manners, but I feel as if being polite is likely more complicated to the average high schooler within this building than walking.

  7. Noxryn
    I'm going to go see it in 25 minutes.
    And I also hate it when online retailers go "zomg you'll get it shipped in 24 hrs!" and then 72 hours later you get the email saying "Oh, we shipped it now."
  8. Noxryn
    It's been interesting, what with BZPower offline and such. In fact, some could say that it has been beneficial to me within the past month, and quite a few people from real life could probably vouch for myself on this.
    -Went from summer vacation to High School smoothly, and completed all work as well as doing some extra things for some of the classes. Still a screw-up in PE, but that's expected.
    -Worked on DB like crazy. Crazy as in, editing the characters, writing backgrounds, creating locations, realms, and having everything fit together in the central plot, along with the side plots becoming relevant and with reason. I also made the Reapers a far more interesting race because of some of the shows I've been watching, such as Kuroshitsuji [black Butler], as well as Death Note, and even FMA played a part in the big picture. I also fixed some issues when it came to some of the species' structures, and also was able to elaborate more on the history of the physical world.
    -Wrote ten pages of things in a black notebook during Advisement [Free period] and a bit during other classes, as in, when I'm waiting for it to start.
    And yes, DB is very important to me, more so than BZP for hundreds of reasons that I don't wish to write down. However, with the return of BZPower, I'll get the chance to test out some more character ideas along with writing some short stories.
    Due to High School, I won't be able to finish the entry I had planned for the SSC that BS01 is running. Part of me is sad about that, but another side of me lost interest in it completely, the lack of blood and dark themes was murder.
    And on Thursday, I shall be either in DC/that Virginia place really close to DC.
    I also need to make two graphs for Science, and when I get back from Brick Fair, I'll need to take two/three quizzes. And yes, I am bringing my school stuff with me and my laptop as the last thing I want to do is fall behind with my homework/classwork, and with the use of modern technology, all worksheets, assignments, textbooks and notes are posted on the LHS website.
    Oh, and Sebastian from Kuroshitsuji is fantastically awesome, despite the fact that he's perfect at everything as far as human related things go.
  9. Noxryn
    They should make more games where you can make a totem pole of people. It's fun.
    And if I had $76 or so on me, I would buy a whole bunch of books I had found through internet websites cuz they don't have them at B&N, Borders... and those are the only two bookstores, not counting the really small family owned one down on Mainstreet.
  10. Noxryn
    I just noticed that I can EDIT comments...so much power...so little point in using it...NOOOOOO!
    Yes, I will be spontaneously (sp?) popping up in random blogs and leaving a comment. Yes I have a list of blogs I have been to so [boxghostvoice]BEWARE![/boxghostvoice]
  11. Noxryn
    Okay, so I won't be on Wednesday to Sunday, like most of you all know. The reason is because of a huge party a friend of mine is throwing, and he wanted me to be there to celebrate, I accepted and am now going to be stuck on a plane for most of tomorrow (Wed).
    I'll be on in the morning of Wednesday, maybe, along with some of the afternoon. If I get on at night, I got lucky. As for Thursday, no. I won't be on period. Friday, I might get on now and again, but I'd probably be easier to find on XBL (Gamertag is Rakaru). As for Saturday, probably not. I'll most likely be visiting with another friend, and us three'd do things that say "I HAVE A LIFE." That night I'd most likely be at the movies.
    As for Sunday; MAYBE, But I have my doubts about it. At night, when I'm home, I may be on, or I may finally get some healthy sleep.
    So; I will most likely not be answering any IMs/PMs/Emails/Comments/and such. If I post in a topic, it means I was able to steal some time.
    Just keeping everyone updated on that.
  12. Noxryn
    this website is a safe space.
    if you can't respect that, please leave.
    or, at least, respect that this is a safe space and posting discriminatory content isn't cool and does not fit under the banner of "Safe Space."
    i know a thing or two about safe spaces and doing stuff like that gets you banned from them in every other instance of their existence. (i volunteered in a LGBT Youth Center, for one thing, and it was kinda a big deal because those people really needed that space to get away from mean spirited people; it's sort of terrible to go into that safe space for those people to feel safe and welcome and then to tell them they suck, like the rest of the world pretty much already does)
    there's no courage in telling a group of people they're wrong about something very personal and integral to themselves
    it's really just mean and you don't really have the right
    so don't do it.
  13. Noxryn
    Do you know where the quotes;
    "So, all the stars in the sky are our enemies."
    "But when you look this awesome, who cares?"
    It'd be very helpful, along with who said them, and where they're from. ^^;;;
  14. Noxryn
    2016... a lot of negative stuff went down, a lot of sad things happened, a lot of bad things in general occurred and surfaced.
    But in 2016 I made... 30,000 word progress on my book, so I'm nearly halfway done with it so far. I slowed down a lot due to falling into some potent periods of depression (I vanished off tumblr too for a good part of that time), I lost a lot of momentum I had due to that and the last couple months sorta felt like scraping buy to design some semblance of self worth. I quit my Starbucks job earlier in the year, too (I was going on HRT and everything, so I felt like with the drive, with the stress, physical and mental, it'd be healthier for me and to continue my therapy I was having trouble keeping due to my schedule that couldn't be changed).
    The middle of the year was a haze really. I had a birthday, turned 21, annnnnd... yeah.
    And everything else was pretty monotonous for me, it's all like just grey smudges if I had to think of a color for it. All blends in together and is kinda just the same.
    But then in December like... I fell into a relationship with Serein and I've honestly like... I can't remember being this happy in... the last... six? Years? I actually cry from being extremely happy, or I blush and giggle, and just been in a fantastic mood and it's so new and refreshing and I just... lose my words and sound like a nerd a lot, BUT I MEAN
    (plus she's super cute omg )
    So it ended like incredibly, amazingly, happily and... just.. nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
  15. Noxryn
    I finished that first chapter, dunno if I'll post it yet as it's a slightly dull chapter that minorly introduces people. The only reason why it's even important is because it's one of the main things tied in with the plot.
    I dunno if I should just post it now, or write the second chapter, post the first and then the day after post the second. Well, even then it wouldn't be very much worth it... soooo... I guess I'll put up the first part now, which doesn't need to be read for understanding the rest, but it should help.
    I never had a decision when I started typing this. I basically started talking with my mind halfway through and came to the conclusion that I may as well as post it now. But none of you really wanted to know that.
  16. Noxryn
    Cut myself while shaving, I know, you all wanted to know that =P
    But... I am so bored... and... I know, I need to find a good book and read it. I think I have a bunch of Stephen King's works downstairs now that I think about it, just move a few boxes here and dig through some more there. That should probably inspire something to adapt into a Short Story or at least inspire me to work some more on DB rather than kinda stare at it and be like "..." for a bit.
    Rained and hailed again today... whoopee....
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