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Premier Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Noxryn

  1. lol, I have no idea how to use MSpaint without getting angry at it...
  2. Wrack got me started on the whole pink thing... Tell me if Hancock is good, I really want to see that movie. =D
  3. I still don't remember, maybe it was about a drawing I did, or the cookies I made... can't be bothered with now.
  4. Too bad that this guy didn't...
  5. I entered CoT short story Contest with my entry, A Strange Night. Everyone is welcome to read it if they so desire!
  6. O_o

    I got nuthin'

  7. Yes I do, it's just that no one gives me any.
  8. *Looks left, looks right, looks left again, crosses street. Makes it halfway across when a plane decides to drop an anvil and crush the walking man* Anything can happen.

    oooh, thooose kids...

  10. Noxryn

    Time To Choose....

    *eats box of pokemon cards* Transformers over the years have gone up in worth... so yeah...
  11. Noxryn

    Time To Choose....

    If you sell any of them, I has moneyz! =D If it were me (like the packrat I am) I would probably keep them all and when ever I happen to have some extra money on me and I see a new one which looks cool to me and has any sentimental value heck I would probably end up buying it. What you could do is sell the ones that you don't have any feel towards them, like you don't care if you keep them, or not and sell those ones and get some money out of it. I remember when I sold all of my Transformers a few years back, some of them I didn't miss (Optimus, Hot shot, and there was another...), but there were some I dreadfully missed (Starscream, Megs, Arcee, Sideways) and I couldn't get them back. In the end it is your choice of whether or not to keep all of them, but an easier way (more for me) was to sell some and keep the rest.
  12. It is quiet here...

  13. Well Wrack turned me into a loli as you may, or may not see. That happened today btw. Well within the past few days I have seen two very good movies, one being Wanted the other being Wall-E. Wanted was a very great movie, I liked ho wit was more of an unexpected sort and with all the bullet curving, exploding mice, and peanut butter, yum! Wall-E was a very cute little pixar movie. I liked it how Eve had fun with her gun on Earth for the first part of the movie. It showed that ne day technology will make us all fat and be stuck on floating chairs. Fun. I also was off to see some fireworks with the family. My little sister kept complaining about it, but we pretty much just ignored her and watched the show. I got back about an hour ago and watched Finding Nemo with the family. My dad got me interested to watch the Chronicles of Riddick as he said that they were very good movies. Well that's all from the peanut gallery! Have a nice day!
  14. Yeees! Another one! 8D

  15. Yipee! Do I get a prize?

  16. They were good too, (I remember only two episodes)

  17. Grimlock with Blacky.

  18. I find it quite funny to watch.

  19. I just spent ten hours of my day locked in a car! Well, I went from Houston Texas to Arkansas which is why it took a while. All together I currently have $320 as free to spend on anything money. That makes me happy. Well, that's all for tonight (or this morning however you want to look at it).
  20. I had done a lot of things to prepare for today, and now that it is over I feel so much more relieved. Tomarrow I am headed off to a friends party and probably to Wal-mart to see if they carry the things I am looking for. PS: I lost the game. PSS: I also still can't remember what I wa sgoing to type in that one entry, I think it had something to do with today, but I can't think of what.
  21. I can't remember... >_<
  22. I forgot what I was going to type... trying to remember it... Ah geeze, I'll edit this when I remember...
  23. I lose the Game alot, like right now when I found this, also about two hours ago when I read someone's username and it made me try to remember things and I remembered the game. Me and a few friends play it, but all in all we completely forgot about and now I remember it. I lose.
  24. So when BZP went offline, I didn't notice until I tried to get on at 11:30 Pm, and instead I watched The Blair Witch Project (not that bad of a movie). Sometime the next day BZP came back online and I posted for a bit and then did other things for a little while. If I had more time this entry may have been longer, but time is short and I just got bored.
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