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Blog Entries posted by Noxryn

  1. Noxryn
    I feel more prompted to post this as BZPower, as a whole, seems to fall into this pit fairly often with a variety of people.
    Religious discussion is not allowed. The rule goes further to nix religious statements, quotations and so forth. (Even though, these days, that does seem more lax although I am fairly certain no official alteration to that rule has occurred).
    It's not a rule designed to slight people who are religious. It exists because religion is one of those things everyone argues over to the point of near tearing out someone's throat, verbally. Absolutely no eye opening, wonderful, well developed discussion will occur over the subject on a forum dedicated to Lego. By and large, discussions about it belong where there's a large base with a vested interest in the topic who actually studied the subject (Even then, odds are most contributors never took a class on any religion anyway, so the value there is questionable at best). If someone really holds a burning desire for religious discussion, they can speak to a religious leader, other members of their community, or find a platform more suitable for it. Easy as that.
    A lot of people seem to think LGBT related talk is comparable to religion and should be banned because it offends some individuals of some religions. Straight up, it's not. Being a person is different than believing in something. If LGBT content was 100 percent banned, like it used to be, an entire section of this community wouldn't be able to open up about themselves or talk about important details of their life that other individuals can freely discuss with no consequence: that's not fair and it's not equal treatment of members. LGBT individuals can't post bible quotes, or statements, just as non-LGBT members cannot. But LGBT members can talk about significant others, post romantic stories, art, etc... just as any non-LGBT member can.
    The two situations aren't comparable and trying to force them to be just because you don't like some people is irritating at best. Hopefully people can understand that.
  2. Noxryn
    So, less than a year ago I looked something more like this:

    Now I look more like:

    Course the second pic is of me at work, so it's not like incredibly.
  3. Noxryn
    It's weird actually becoming busy with life and stuff.
    But yeah, I've been a Barista for about... three months now? Almost? Still working on some other side projects, some just for me, some are a collaboration with my housemate who moved in with us.
    Kinda getting sucked into things like Destiny and FFXIV, but eh, it's a bit more fun since my friend's been really into Destiny and currently dropped League of Legends in favor of it. But of course she looks up everything, every stat, every build and video and outknowledged me pretty quickly, lol.
    But yeah, happy birthday to BZPower and all! It's pretty cool to see the site celebrating its fourteenth year, even though I'm not terribly active in this community anymore, haha.
  4. Noxryn
    i forgot to fill in my prescriptions the other day so now i have to go with 2 1/2 less doses of estrogen and let me tell you just missing one made me the most emotionally unstable sack of human on this planet.
    watching boy meets girl that particular day DID NOT HELP
    (great movie btw but as forewarning there's nudity in it SO)
  5. Noxryn
    ok so
    - i've been out as a trans girl (yeah i started identifying as a girl back in... November/December, since it felt the best) for about two? months now -- not online, but like to real life people. of course some people don't know yet, but that's because i need to find a more delicate way to inform them of everything.
    - been on HRT which oh my god, the differences in just two months??? incredible. i feel so much better, so much more confident, so much more comfortable with who i am, god i've been incredibly happy lately and i've been going out (like, for example, i spent all week with a new friend and we went to a night club together -- something i would never have done last month).
    - my therapists/counselors keep swapping around, but each one has been lovely and i respect them all a ton. they work(ed) for UCD and the GIC so i'm not going to like Kaiser therapists (because haha who has that kind of money i sure dont), but they've been amazing and i'm making incredible progress. i still have some stuff to work out and work through, but that's how the cookie crumbles.
    - my new friend helped me figure out makeup a little better, she also gave me a lot of new resources and videos to use to help learn how to do it better on my own after her initial teaching. (she's also who took me out to the club, but god the boots i wore -- amazingly cute okay, but eight inch heels are murder on feet).
    - i've been more... outgoing? not incredibly outgoing, but saying hi, joking with people, actually becoming part of the conversation that's going on, explaining stuff to people (like my necklace, which a lot of people liked).
    - heck, i even posted up some selfies i took on the Tarnished Coast WvW website and everyone there were incredibly kind, supportive and posted plenty of compliments that boosted my self esteem
    - now i have some more shirts (more like casual shirts) i got from mod cloth, i do need proper flats but the ones i received were slightly too large so i need to return them and get a slightly smaller size.
    it's really great, everyone in my life are all "holy wow you're so much happier and outgoing now than you used to be" especially people i knew in high school who get all "... Kit... is... that... you?" (they use my birth name but i'm not posting that ok).
  6. Noxryn
    So, I ordered a "new" Nintendo 3DS XL (To be fair I was in a spot where I'd need to upgrade my 3DS either way, since the normal size is too small for my hands and causes them to cramp up really fast) and that'll arrive tomorrow, which I'm pretty excited for. I also picked up Majora's Mask at the store (while also having a Link Between Worlds and Ocarina of Time for the same platform~), so my future's gonna be pretty Zelda filled.
    Also had an eye appointment yesterday and they dilated my pupils, so I had to wear Garnet-esque shades for when I drove home: Linked 'cuz kinda large
    But yeah, everyone at the eye place were incredibly kind to me and helped me with picking out some new frames when my eyes were dilated and I couldn't read the prices and stuff, and they complimented my outfit and necklace. c:
  7. Noxryn
    WELL maybe i'll play this again ~may have half a profile ready to go and waiting on an answer or two on some questions about technical thingies~
    it's 3am im really bored ok
  8. Noxryn
    ok so some updates?
    i started playing World of Warcraft again (85/86 Death Knight im having fun, but been leveling a bit with a close friend of mine) and with the new token thing i might keep playing since i can use gold to pay for the subscription than money
    also got the last two humble bundles so i have games like Torchlight II, Outlast, ME2, DA: O, DA II, Dead Space 2 for my computer which is nice (my sister has DA III on Origin, but i have that for my ps4 ). all that for twelve bucks (and more games too).
    lately ive been going out more, wearing nice clothes (esp after my hair appointment a week ago), and got myself some jewelry and makeup -- i get some unwanted attention, but eh.
    also got myself a nice little journal to write in when i have anxiety issues and the like, my therapist(s) recommended this to me for a long time over the years.
    might actually upload a pic of myself recently but idk, sorta iffy on it
  9. Noxryn
    a really lovely friend of mine sent me an awesome gift, which is a faerie necklace with amethyst stones embedded into the metal, along with a two page letter and it was the sweetest thing and now im wearing it all the time. maybe i'll post pictures of it eventually???
    filed under: can't rave about on tumblr 'cuz he follows me and i dont wanna look like a dweeb
  10. Noxryn
    Haven't been online in a while, but a lot of stuff was going on so I didn't really have the time!
    Anyway, a lot of it was making medical appointments and getting new prescriptions and that, along with adjusting to them. Was pretty excited about that, since one of them is estrogen c: (Other one just makes me drowsy/sleepy as a side effect so).
    But I'm now a ceramics student at a studio nearby, so that's neat. Just something fun and interesting to do before the next school year starts (which I'm unsure where I'll be, mostly been looking at online courses but depending on some factors I may just go to Boulder). Wasn't really able to finish out this year due to medical concerns, both physical health and mental health related, that and I needed to be home more often for some other problems that were coming up -- most of which seem to be wrapping up, so there's that.
    The biggest thing is that I'm now on estrogen and I'm incredibly excited about it -- also getting appointments in line for laser hair removal since there's some affordable rates through various discounts and stuff. Otherwise I'm seeing a new therapist at the Gender Identity Center who has been nothing but helpful, she got me the letter I needed incredibly fast and has been a wonderful source for information/self help practices (mostly to help with my anxiety and self confidence, plus she used to run a makeup and fashion workshop so she's teaching me some of that, too c: ).
    Everything else has just been late nights playing League of Legends with some close friends on Skype, or Guild Wars 2. @.@
  11. Noxryn
    got onua, tahu, kopaka and gali in the mail today
    buitl gali and kopaka and i love them both a ton, even if gali's axe is a bit unwieldly and her limbs are a little looser than kopakas, at least in mine
    but she's sitting on his shield right now, as he has it raised over his head and is crouching with the weight and also for balance
  12. Noxryn
    I got two of the Protectors a few days ago when I made my last entry, they're really neat little things. The gatling gun item's fancy enough; it's small and not massive like the cordak blasters were, though the downside is the studs are really easy to lose if you're not careful. (I got fire and ice, oh and LOSS but I'm probably just going to use LOSS for parts).
    Later today (as in the 30th) the four Toa I ordered should arrive from TRU, namely: Gali, Kopaka, Tahu and Onua. Didn't order Pohatu and Lewa as they're my least favorites this time around; Pohatu mostly for the silver and gunmetal prevalence, and Lewa because his mask has yet to grow on me and his head articulation seems kinda iffy with the two pieces that go on either side of his head. I'll pick them up at some point, but I wanted to get the first four I liked more.
    Protectors are gonna stay my little impulse buys, though Earth is definitely high on the list if only for the purple.
  13. Noxryn
    well gonna see if a target nearbyish has some of the sets, the site and junk says they have a few in stock so here's hoping
    if not ill prolly just buy them off TRU's website and see if i can afford a quickish shipping option with them
    only one i really want is gali though but onua would be cool and i dont have any misgivings about kopaka or tahu
  14. Noxryn
    If the roads weren't as dangerous as they have been the last few days I would've already driven down to Target a few times to see if they have any of the Protectors/Toa out. Pretty excited for them, though part of me wishes my friend still worked there so she could tell me if/when they would put them out (she quit like right after my family moved back to pursue an education across state, so I mean it was definitely for a worthy cause).
    Just reminds me how I haven't bought a constraction set since like the first wave of Hero Factory (I just had Breez, I got Von Nebula as a gift and that thing is like half put together, I keep scrapping bits of him for parts).
  15. Noxryn
    posting this everywhere but ngl i'm pretty psyched to have the skirt i ordered finally
    it feels nice and not cheap even though i got it at a decent price, it fits perfectly fine and looks rather flattering on me. just need to buy the other parts to make an entire outfit since it doesn't go well with most of my shirts (maybe a sweater i have would work better) it's red/black with a sort of flowy floral design on it (the flowers are black) and idk i like it.
    i did want a black/purple one but i didnt see any i liked
  16. Noxryn
    I've been writing a thing because of the new Bionicle 2015 stuff, though since there's not a ton of information and junk out I messed up here and there by giving Pohatu a mask power (I think I more or less edited it out, I don't think it's implied the character has it, either). Also being fairly liberal with personalities and stuff, for now.
    Anyway, I like what I have so far. It's not a grand story, just sort of a little practice thing, but it's fun writing a female Kopaka and a nonbinary Pohatu. Guess it's just easier for me to relate to them as characters? But the main cast could probably use some more diversity anyway, plus it's a little fun to write a tall, broad shouldered female character since there aren't a ton of them (and I do relate a bit more to the character).
    Still feel like Kopaka/Pohatu should be a thing. Always.
  17. Noxryn
    i never have and never will be in favor of canonizing every pebble in Bionicle G1 for pretend "world building"
    the narrative's over and the book's done, but there's a lot of room for fan interpretation and expansion
    filling in every little detail and hole will completely kill that and absolutely KO the story when everything's canonized to the point where there's no more room for imagination.
    also forgive me if i'm a bit sour for having to take others' headcanons as official canon fact because they asked greg for permission.
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