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Premier Retired Staff
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Status Updates posted by Noxryn

  1. The post thingy is considered to still be new. This is how posting for the "New Members" works;

    You'll make a post, it won't show up just yet as a Forum Mentors have to approve the posts. (It's to cut the spam down)


    As for your profile pic, go to settings in your profile, and insert the link of the picture you want. (There is a certain size like 1

  2. The same could be said about myself as of late. Fell out of the line, I'm here more for the community and the people I met here nowadays.

  3. Then I never see your name on the list of contacts. ;-;

  4. Then, since I have no skills with coloring anything... Obi Wan would be kewl, if you have him.

  5. They still fall under that category =P

    I like lines...lines are prettiful

  6. They were good too, (I remember only two episodes)

  7. This all still makes me wonder....

  8. This time. I'm getting LIFETIME.

  9. Thought I'd drop in and say hi. I likethe new format don't you?

  10. Thought you died like... forever ago. XP

  11. To me, it just depends who you end up getting on the line, cuz one person can be really nice and quick, and another can be rude and obnoxious.

  12. To the bombshelter!

  13. To the nuclear powered rocket ship headed for an alternate dimension!

  14. totally just noticed my member title and i'm believing it's you so so you get eternal thanks

    1. Hahli Husky

      Hahli Husky

      you are so absolutely welcome, I hope you don't mind that I kept all the lowercaseness and everything

    2. Noxryn


      oh no that's totally lovely :D

  15. Trrrruuuuuue, but still evil name change of confusion! =O

  16. True :o

    Hai. ^^

  17. TT is growing fast and is awesome, but RotT is also awesome even though a tad bit slower. BOTH RPGS ARE WIN

    And because in these two RPGs I thought out my chracters moar


    *tries to make comment bigger*


  18. Turk, Turkii Same person? FIND OUT TODAY!


  19. Two days? Ohes noes... you'll be the "Forumless Forum Assistant" at this rate D= (j/k)

  20. Ugh... I meant you're, I guess that's what happens when you get rushed. >

  21. Ummm... *looks at half finished history report, looks at pile of unfinished SSs, then swivvles head around to look at the calendar, then looks at the Trinity Blood show with the Crusnik of which he has become obsessed with* Umm.... that shtuff... not much, buuut... meh, it's too much for a lazy person like me =O

    Annnndd How's your life?

  22. Very interesting. They say I must live with it... oh well.

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