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Premier Retired Staff
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Status Updates posted by Noxryn

  1. You be so incredibly mega ultra lucky. I cannot describe how lucky you are... it's puts the leprechauns to shame.

  2. Respond'd to that question =P

  3. I know! It is scary

  4. My mind be confuzzled.... spoons are bushes? o.O

    *knows that he is being a stupid head*

  5. Congratumalations on the contest!

  6. The movie; yes. The cartoon; not so much XP

  7. Well, Today was a sour day, which will be elaborated in a blog entry; but regarding Saturday and Sunday, they were great! Wazzup with you?

  8. Now it is the competition between RotT and TT, RotT is doing so well ;_;

  9. You are WIN too MoJ, Disky just helps me out a lot so I made it public =3

  10. *Out of boredom, Spink throws Agent Smith at GG*

  11. Oh, yeah I did -- actually bought a new one, that being the cheaper solution and the faster one.

  12. Aww thankee ^^

  13. lol, yeah. FAs who are premier get like... 2000 storage space XP

  14. Noxryn

    'Ello Kex, just thought I'd stop by and say hi. *Oooh, a rhyme! =D*

  15. *pokes back*

  16. Pssst Shaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrddd.

  17. Nuffin...'cept I got a Muffin...and that rhymes O.o

  18. I smile everytime I come here :)

  19. It's going great ^^, just got back from a Halloween Carnival with an incredibly fun Haunted House attraction 8D. Annnd what's up with you?

  20. It means you have an evil little gamey gal CHARGIN' HER LAZAH!

  21. Congrats on the new Blog Mini- er, Blog Assitant. =P

  22. Actually more, since I still need to get GoW closed... which may be Sunday, possibly Saturday. Since Trans is going to take over the main post for GoW, and so it can continue.

  23. Pohatu roundhouse kicked CN and he was looking >8(


    Therefore he is beatable.

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