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Premier Retired Staff
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Status Updates posted by Noxryn

  1. Wut did I do? Me confused

  2. Wut I do this time?

  3. XD

    That's quite the coincidence there =P

  4. XD It's a Huna, if I had a Hau, you'd be bowing down to me =P


    Thanks though!

  5. XD The day everyone should stay off the streets =P

  6. XD, dun worry I won't leave you a comment... oh wai- *click*

  7. XD, love the name change. =P

  8. Y-y-yes sir! *trips*

  9. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy! =D

  10. Yaaaayyyy =D

  11. Yai! Orange again! Premeirness too!

  12. Yay! I make something look good! =D

  13. Yay! I really wish I could be there myself though... ah well.

    Life goes on

  14. Yay! People want to kill me! :D

  15. Yayz! I just felt like saying that........

  16. Yeah, but no wI know of the locations of everyone's names so I can figure them all out sometime or other. (Took me time on the Batman one though XP)

  17. Yeah, I think it's kinda pointless too. All I know is that on some other sites that use it, people use the About Me strictly for that, and interests strictly for interests (like a list of hobbies, versus a paragraph about the person's personality).

  18. Yeah, it snuck in under my nose =P

  19. Yeah, though her end was rather dramatic and... not so comfortable looking. =P

  20. Yeeeah, I found that out after I killed him, that was really annoying, but I saved the game before I went on that mission so I can just restart from there and see if I can still get that achievment.

  21. Yeees! Another one! 8D

  22. Yep, and actually under 45 days cuz I'm premeir =P

  23. Yep, but he hasn't been around a lot recently so I haven't been able to bother him with some stuff. >

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