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Blog Entries posted by Noxryn

  1. Noxryn
    Evidentially I have been finding lots of Vampire related things at the same time. The TBRPG City Of Fear was one of these many Vampire related things, another was getting into an anime series called "Trinity Blood"- Humans, Vampires, and a Crusnik. I'm only on the fourth or fifth episode so yeah.
    Along with the fact I ended up making a Vampire based character somewhere *has forgotted exactly where* and the fact I have created a Vampire race for Demonic Beginnings.
    Just odd timing for all three of these things to hit home I guess...
    The Crusnik is win however.
  2. Noxryn
    Wheee for dashes 8D, but onto what I made this Entry for.
    You CoT goers, and RPG dwellers may (or may not) know about the Twilight RPG which is a Danny Phantom RPG in CoT.
    Now, there are some rather... large you could say problems. One of which is that there had been a member deprival ever since The Sword Of The Heart went to a summer camp. Now, what would really make it far better (and keep it running) would be if some people who would enjoy playing a Danny Phantom based RPG would like to maybe give it a try.
    I'm saying this cuz... well members and more players make anything more fun and maybe there would be some people interested in such a thing, but never decided to go ahead and click it.
    Well.... yes this is blatant advertising in my blog that I deserve to get shot for, but it does need it a bit while the other RPGs I'm in are doing fairly well.
  3. Noxryn
    I had the strangest dream last night that combined some reality, with some last minute discussions, along with my own little fantasy world.
    In the beginning of this odd thing, the character I created for my book- Anavrin- was basically caught after seemingly long hard efforts of work, just to break out and fly far far awaaaaayyyy. (Anavrin is a Harpy jsyk) basically, I was seeing things through her perspective, which was interesting and will be fun to end up writing something about.
    After going over two large foresty and shrub filled areas, the pursuers stopped with the ability of not going nay further, and she landed inbetween the forest place, and what appeared to be a farmland with really big crops.
    Someone to the side screamed, which caught her attention and a large sized scorpion covered with some gooey shtuff had pretty much ripped this person's throat out and went inside for shelter from a large snake that was looking for the meal. In a simple way this made Anavrin (I could say me as I was basically controlling things, but it makes me feel weird doing so) feel curious, but had the wit to get up and fly away.
    This ended up with her inevitably getting hit by something and struggling in a small body of water (doesn't know how to swim in this case) and was thrashing about looking back on it you could say it was entertaining. I forgot how exactly she ended up out of the water, but her wings were sopping wet and she always constantly tried to dry them off out of the fear that the group of people she was getting away from would pop back up.
    -That was the end to the sequence when it all made sense to fit together, however the next part just kinda popped out of nowhere-
    This time, it was a male Harpy and once again I was seeing through his perspective of things, but this was set in the modern day world versus my made up fairy tale land. This guy had a similiar experience with water, and was trying to stay away from the authorities of whom thought he was a threat to the public.
    The feeling of wind on wings is rather interesting from what my mind told me, as i basically felt emotionally, and physically everything he did for the most part, and wet wings dun feel comfy- flying well to my mind of course- fun. (I have no idea what it actually feels like, but my mind conjured up a probable feel to it)
    And so, he ended up flying from people, and failed to recieve help from anyone and so he flew towards the home where I lived (previously) and stole the mail man's merchandise in order to find something useful to blend in with.
    ended up with a bunch of lego sets and feeling very ticked off. And that's when my alarm went off and I was all like "Kewl."
  4. Noxryn
    Needs to be converted into a Word document... I keep procrastinating about putting all the chapters I wrote out recently into Word... I have the old stuff still which needs to be deleted as I'm not using it anymore.
    This book series has gotten a 100% (almost) revamp of which I am happy with... but here I am being overly lazy and not sticking it in a Word document... gahzizles...
  5. Noxryn
    Watching the news peoples trying to contact someone who can't hear them is funny to watch.
    "*Insert name*?"
  6. Noxryn
    When I do watch TV something weird is always on.
    Anyway, gah I need to have something to do, but all of my MoCing pieces are STILL in boxes and I'm too lazy to go look for them T_T
    My notebooks are full so I can't doodle T_T
    Everyone's dead at this time on BZP so no hope here except to post around in topics and maybe make 3000 posts by the end of the day *sigh*
    No movies as I've seen all the ones here already.
    Outside is too frickin' cold, and I left my jacket in the car ><
    Friends aren't able to do anything due to the fact that they are getting prepared for either an in school trial, or na actual trial for what happened. (They are witnesses and one is the victim) so no hope there either.
    I might write something... I'm just not in the mood to finish what I was already making.
    Morning sux.
  7. Noxryn
    This is an RPG based entry due to something that had happened earlier, and would like to simply go on about it.
    If you (or anyone) starts up a RPG in any of the forums you can, and then you have to leave the RPG for a temporary amount of time (note: I said Temporary, not forever) please, you don't need to shut the entire thing down. If you want to do the plot yourself, then just tell a Moderator to keep everyone entertained and do some random instigated fights, or even a minor sub plot thing off to the side.
    It would A) Keep the topic alive 2) (can't use "B") it would give the players something to play around with just for fun and would be able to take advantage of the extension in time the RPG lasts, and C) It'd end up making the players, appointed staff, and the guests who read it happy.
    If a RPG has staff (this particular one did) you could always simply tell them what you want to happen next, let them execute that action and keep the thing rolling, RPGs don't just revolve around the GM, it revolves around everyone as a whole and no individual. If it revolved around an individual things get suckish and people can't make much of a difference story wise.
    Leaving actually may allow interesting things to spring up as it wouldn't be constant plot movement, but it'd be "Free roam" if you will, for players to be able to do things that would take a while now, rather than not being able to implement the idea at all. (Staff would approve of this idea of course)
    Another thing is that things would die down for a while as far as fighting may go and perhaps there are players waiting for a time to make a romantic sub-plot to their characters, or do some character development. BUT when you shut it all down these possibilities are not possible for now, and eventually interest in the closed RPG would die away and no one except the old members would pop back in.
    If I was running an RPG and then had to take a break, or got banned (via parent not Staff) from BZP, I'd hand the RPG over to the most capable member and say either "Do, this this and this" or "Do whatever you want that doesn't mess with; This this and this." then I get to come back and see how everyone did without me and if I can trust them as individuals alone with a trusted member. - There are times where I have actually seen positive results, I don't usually see negative results from this as the other members put things into place, and say "Don't do that, no that's not a fair thing to do, maybe you could do this" or "Maybe we could do this" or even a more deeply detailed and interesting idea springs forth.
    And guess what? If the GM does not approve of it even when he/she comes back, there's something that's been invented known as "Moderator characters" which can warp reality and undo these things that are not liked, that's the point of them to exist.
    And if you have staff of the RPG, it's their job to take responsibility for it while you (The GM) is gone, and so wouldn't it make sense to leave things in the capable member's hands? (I am not saying I'm a capable member, but there are members who are) If you don't doesn't that kill the point of there even being staff in the first place as you want to do everything yourself?
    I am not bashing people who do shut down their RPGs when the leave temporarily (even if it is for a few months), I am just saying there is a better option than going that far with it, because it becomes a pain to get it reapproved and the members want to play in it and wrap up what they were doing. It sux a lot when you cannot at least wrap up what you were doing in game, and then have to wait who knows how long to do so again.
    One more thing is that, when the GM is gone and the RPG shoots up twenty seven or so pages, gets a high increase in viewers, and everyone is having fun, isn't it just best to let eevryone have fun and to know that your RPG is flourishing even if you aren't there?
    Feel free to rip my thoughts to pieces if you disagree, I am only stating my own personal views on this matter.
  8. Noxryn
    Well like Bfa Wrack made me also watch the first ep of 00
    I find the splosions and blowy up things fun to watch =3
    An entry about my eventful mornin' later.
  9. Noxryn
    I think I may write up a bunch of songfics on songs that I haven't seen done... like
    "White and Nerdy"- Weird Al
    "Numa Numa"- *shrugs* Mak told me once, but I fail at memory.
    "Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny"- Lemon Demon.
    It'd be fun....
  10. Noxryn
    In class a student asked if they could tell a joke, answer was yes and here is how it went;
    "What did the farmer say when he lost his tractor?"
    "I don't know, what did the farmer say?"
    "I lost my tractor."
    How it was said and the timing of it all was perfect enough to make everyone just laugh a bit at that.
  11. Noxryn
    This is odd, I touched my eyebrow and it was covered in blood, how quaint. Same goes for me finger, but that was because I cut it after running my hand along a wall with random metal pieces.
    It dun hurt, I just found that very odd.
  12. Noxryn
    I was able to type up the SN post one and PM it to two recipients who I asked if possible to edit it a bit (finished typing it all at 12:36 AM ><) the next day carried side effects that lasted when I got bored (staring blankly in space)
    During art class I doodled RotT's Poisedon (or however you spell the name, it was a head shot) and I ended up with a nice A =D
  13. Noxryn
    I'm going to get to work on the first post for it now, perhaps when I go through it and get it checked I'll post it in here.
  14. Noxryn
    I got food, and now I'm not hungry. I need to write a SS of some sort... but I just... actually I could work on the opening post to the Scar Night RPG... that's gonna take a lot of work to get done.
  15. Noxryn
    I'm hungry, and the fridge in literally empty, and there's nothing in the pantry, and dinner isn't for... at least another two hours x_x
  16. Noxryn
    The plumber came around and stopped that dreadful leak, but it turns out when need to replace an ejector pump and that means; Bye-bye new stove <<
    I came up with a short little poem thing for the history project, I thought it was dreadfully rushed and horrible (Again, I absolutely suck at poems and songwriting in generay ><) turns out other people liked it o.O
    Oh, and I didn't nearly miss the bus today
  17. Noxryn
    I haven't had a good day... it is and has been classified as a rather bad day, let's start with before it even began;
    Alright, you all know I tend to be nightmare prone, well same thing except it was set in a more personal thing which I won't bring myself to talk about, but it was still frightening and rather heart wrenching at the same time. If it wasn't a personal one I'd go into much more detail.
    I woke up and six AM like I do, except with the periodic waking up in the middle of night. I skipped breakfast as I had to go, and at school I realized I had a lot of things I missed (projects for the most part, not actual homework) and so I had to get myself up to date ASAP, lingering thoughts did not help with that in any way.
    Lunch was a joke, all I had was a bag of grapes, twelve little juicy orbs in a ziplock bag. (We didn't have anything else, and this included drinks)
    I suffered from hunger and thirst all day (I do not know where the water fountains are located)
    No, I do not have wireless internet for the house, I'm using a USB plugin which I'm paying for and doesn't allow me to watch vids or use AIM for that matter which indeed sux. Although earlier I put on some sunglasses a leather coat and picked up my airsoft rifle to freak out little sister, worked a bit although she was quick to catch on. Then I ended up falling down a flight of stairs, painful, but at least it was carpeted (This was when I was leaving for dinner as I sleep in the basement which has the best view of the entire neighborhood, you'd get it if you looked out my window)
    At school I couldn't find my bus (First day on the bus) and nearly missed it (caught it when it was about to leave... I was so embarrassed from that...)
    Got off at the wrong stop and had to walk two miles with a forty pund bag and all I had to eat/drink that day was that bag of grapes. I also walked in on the wrong classes as I forgot my schedule for the day.
    I had a nap when I got home after drinking a liter of water, and well I can't sleep without something freaking me out (although the rapid succession is decreasing)
    I stepped on a spider which I think bit my foot before it went down, I can't be sure however. (I'm deeply afraid of spiders, it took a lot of will power for me to smash it especially with my foot... having a sister commentating how frightened you look seriously doesn't help)
    I mistakenly flushed the one toilet that's incredibly screwed up and had to clean the mess of water (Leaned on it when combing hair in the morning)
    I may have vented some of my anger and frustration out here, and if so and if you saw (it's an if) I'm incredibly, incredibly sorry, days like today just don't help when I'm trying to word things as best as I can as I get frustrated far too easily when my day was bad.
    I apologize for any spelling errors , this is a new keyboard and I still can't get used to it.
    There were some other things, but I don't feel like typing that up.
  18. Noxryn
    I may be around, although I though my PMship was going to leave me today *doesn't rememebr which subscription he subscribed to*
    And it looks like it isn't... so yeah that's all good.
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