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Blog Entries posted by Noxryn

  1. Noxryn
    Reading the whole thing, rather than a segment, is always the best thing to do.
    Otherwise, I at least, end up doing something stupid due to not having all the details. And then it becomes embarrassing.
  2. Noxryn
    No, it's not chibi-Sebastian, at least, not yet. I wanna see if I can do some pencil/paper editing before I decide to take a pic of it.
    However, it's creative, magic and... it needs to be read, so please read it please ;-;
  3. Noxryn
    I bought a Planar Chaos Unraveling mind theme deck and I got $10 dollars. I had opened up a Trade topic In the B/S/T forum so go check it out! I found the official MGTG topic to find out that no one posts in it anymore.
    Oh well life goes on.
  4. Noxryn
    Well, I have failed in searching for several items, but oh well. Things are oing more smoothly and things have been a bit less hectic around where I live and so I can do stuff again.
    I will one day find something interesting to post an entry about.
  5. Noxryn
    So, I started to watch Gravitation and I really am enjoying it so far. I can empathize a lot with Shindou Suichi, as he's likely how I would be if I were more of an extroverted person. I've also taken quite a liking to Yuki =3
    On the other hand, I also bought two books with some money from the holidays;
    - The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky
    - Call Me by Your Name by Andre Aciman
    People kept recommending them to me, so now I bought them.
    Oh, and I also read this little short story posted on a different site I frequent, "A Christmas for Carol" (I feel stupid for not remembering the author), and it was just sweet and nice, with a touch of the usual clichedness that every holiday thing seems to have, that makes it more "of the season" <3
    I also didn't make a list of "what I got for the holidays" because I really didn't expect to get anything this year, and feel kinda guilty about receiving things, and... well, gifts aren't really what make the holidays "the holidays" to me. I like it when people are nicer to each other, and when being kind is being promoted and stuff.
    And after spending some time browsing around Amazon, if I had a boyfriend I'd totally get him a Kumagoro plushie ~
  6. Noxryn
    Been working on more of them as of late, such as reconstructing a few for the third time, more for giving them a more interesting past rather than the same old boring stuff that gets tedious to write about. This involved the hacking of my notebook, but I had another one [Found it under a couch, actually] where I decided to put in all of the new information and explanations of things. Some time they'll be converted into my Word processor, but I only have about... less than two hours to be on here [Gonna go see Star Trek at 6:10 PM].
    Alicia, Anazair, Vex, and Veran are the most fun for me to write about. Alicia is fun more because of all of the events that just happened one after the other, and eventually molding her into a very violent individual who dwells within the Mortal Realm, having been sent to one [i'll keep it unnamed] realm from another. So basically she's been everywhere, and that just adds to the fun. Anazair is fun more because of reasons I don't want to say, for those who play the RPG in COT, and because it'd give away a lot about the "main villain". Vex is just fun due to the fact that she goes from; near dead homeless harpy to trained killer because of a series of events. Veran is also fun, more due to the fact that there are about... three entire sections with his history; from early, to current, to future. So far he owns about fifty pages out of that 400.
    Callow, the Locke Family as a whole, and Anazect are a bit more dull to construct histories for, though the Lockes are getting into more and more interesting parts. Callow is more or less just a normal man with a few abnormal historic events, and Anazect is one of the Anazts, but due to their nature, they aren't so much fun to write with.
  7. Noxryn
    Like I mentioned previously, I was lucky enough to participate in the FFXIV: A Realm Reborn's Closed Beta Test Phase 3 (Ongoing) last weekened. The NDA has been lifted for Phase 3 to allow tester to post screenshots, albeit with all the trademarks attached to them and without too much alteration (I left them as-is, so they are big images).
    In these photos I was playing a Conjurer (Caster, Healer) as a miqo'te male on the Gilgamesh server. To give some context to this screenshot, there was an issue with one of the main story quest instances in that it only allowed one person at a time to go inside, as a result, people created a line to do it one at a time (instead of bum rushing it). The line was fun to stand in, actually, and a lot of conversation was had;

    Screenshot I, Cein Admiring the Line

    I got through the line in an hour or two, but this issue ought to be fixed by the time the next weekend comes over. (And is the entire point for these Betas). My PC isn't the highest end one, which is why some of the outlines look like they need smoothing, but this is only the game running at High settings with grass options turned off. (And the graphics, I hear, were tuned down slightly for this test).
    Also, I really liked how Cein came out (He's going to be a Lancer -> Dragoon on release :3) so I took a shot of him in his normal idle stance. (I do wish we could type in emotes while the UI is turned off for screenshot purposes, but alas)

    Screenshot II, Chillin' Relaxin' All Cool

    I'm really happy with how his eyes came out (You can change the eye colors individually, so one eye can be X color and the other Y color -- and they show up, pretty vibrantly!). Highlights were fun to play with in the hair options, and I may change his highlights around some. (A player made an awesome miqo'te male, looked more like he was related to a wolf than a cat, lol).
    And I wanted to showcase the sit emote, and this was in the wee hours of 3AM as the beta test was coming to a close that Sunday morning.

    Screenshot III, The End is Near

    Last one was taken by a small fountain in one of the lower level towns within the Black Shroud (Northern Shroud, if I remember right). The giant crystal (as seen above) is used for fast traveling to place already visited (and that had crystals one could attune to), though I took a Chocobo from Central Shroud to New Gridania more often than not. (Chocobos are <3)

    Screenshot IV, No Dumb Title

    I did take some of my lancer, but his armor was a lot more on the revealing side (T is what I'd rate it, really), so I won't post him here. It made me giggle a lot though, because I'm just an immature little boy at heart.
    Still insanely excited for this game :>
  8. Noxryn
    If I took like, seven online quizzes that all came up with the same result, would that result actually start to have any meaning?
    Curious about thoughts on that, though my boredom induced mass-quiz taking sort of got me wondering what others thought.
  9. Noxryn
    If I make $200 I might be able to get a sword that has a red wine blade 57" overall with stainless steel metal. I got a long way to go until I make that money. My birthday is coming up In two months and 14 days. I don't have all that much to say about today so goodbye.
  10. Noxryn
    Hi I just ate a cookie. I...Um... say go and read my epic and my Short Story I'm getting no replies in it I have been cleaning my room and my gosh I had no idea how much garbage was in there it filled a whole bag! Then I started to make a list of items that I'm going to sell in BST but I can't start up the store for some time.
    I like chocolate how about you? I like blue chocolate white chocolate Dark chocolate and milk chocolate I was bored so I drew a bar of chocolate since I didn't want to draw Bionicles. Milk is good for you so drink it. Soda is bad for you but I drink it on occasion I rammed my head into a wall and it hurt If you want to know something about smarties is that the red ones are made from beetles or so NNH said (which is in fact correct).
    I have two faithful friends here on Bzp but I don't know if they would like me to say their names so I won't.
    I like explosions. Explosions are cool to watch especially when you make them. Explosions have many shapes and sizes but most are fun to watch.
    I like putting spaces in between paragraphs.
    Bzpower is an awesome site I love this place back in the day when Bzp was young I was a guest to join 4 years later if I counted right I knew this site ever since August 1st the day when my friends showed me the wondrous site of bionicle forums. I miss those days A while ago I bought a lot of 20 Bionicles from a guy for 50 dollars all of the olda Norik and Iruini sealed as Toa a few Bohrok and Bohrok Va I got a lot of Krana too but I'm missing about 101 Krana from all of the Bohrok. I got two new books! City of the lost ( an awesome book ) and Dragonlance I saw it on the shelf and I read a bit and I learned that I liked it so I bought the first to the Lost Chronicles. Now I'm done
  11. Noxryn
    Why is a sundae called a sundae? It reminds me of Sundays but it is spelt a different but pernounce it the same way as you would Sunday. Is it called a sundae merely because people eat it on Sundays? and is that why its not called a Mondae or Tuesdae? Well thats one question of mine. I just became a premier member and this is my first blog so...I don't know what to say after that. EDIT: I made this one yesterday and the other entry that I made today is at the bottom.
  12. Noxryn
    I need to
    -focus as hard as possible on school this year, didn't last year so much and messed up in some things, not too badly however, but I need to improve there.
    -Get working on DB SR1 again, progress was halted after I scrapped everything and I've been stuck in writer's block and I need to end that.
    -Buy Iron Angel the next time I am at a book store.
    -I really need to be more responsible for somethings, that will become number two priority just under school stuff.
    -Go to a Brickfair thing in the next two years... I hope more for this than need it.
    -Start off art and such and get better at it, tutorials and such have helped greatly, but I'm gonna need an actual teacher at some point in order to be good at it <<
    -Plan further ahead... I don't plan. That needs to change.
    -Stick to a schedule. Life is crazy as is, and BZP along with other sites keep me busy... I need times to sort out my day outside of school.
    -Get a bedtime. I can't keep going to sleep so late, that'll just hurt my chances with anything.
    -Become more acquainted at school so I don't feel so nervous going there (I've only been there for one day, day two is tomorrow and geeze I am still so nervous ><)
    -Keep promises, and stick with what I do on the web as well in life. It hasn't been so easy, but I've manged in the past by some miracle.
    -Save money for bigger things in life rather than blow it all on my small hobbies. Books are exempt cuz they help a lot.
    -Be more careful about health and such... I've been slacking off lately and eating too many sugary foods for my own good.
    -Write some more in order to get ideas flowing.
    A few things I need to do/get done or the like.
  13. Noxryn
    To write something I've had in mind for a while, but being hungry, tired, and really drained of energy isn't helping... at all.
  14. Noxryn
    So I realized that when I'm tired, but in a rather uplifty mood, I tend to be more wordy and use more words than I normally would when perfectly awake and not running on the aftermath of an energy drink. The bad side of that is the fact that sometimes, I don't think I'm fully understandable when I talk for so long and in many paragraphs when I'm tired (Because, well, I'm tired and running off of something that makes you all jittery and whatnot XP). Well, it can also be a good thing, I mean, it does help me say more of what I mean to say without getting all worried about "Oh please don't kill me after I post this ._.;;;," mainly because my mind is in a state where it's able to produce a detailed opinion about something, and decide that I'm not... well, I'm restating what I already said, aren't I? Oh well, it happens. But yeah, today's been a full day, anyway... well almost full, still getting over being sick from the week, but that's about it.
    And this just sapped whatever mystical energy I had. o.O
    - Congratulations again to everyone promoted!
  15. Noxryn
    i want to write the undercover masquerade scene
    but to get there i need to write the other five billion scenes orz
    (and my laptop is messed up and i hate typing in my room because it's so secluded from the world... and zenwriter doesn't exist for surface tablets)
    and also cuz i wanna stick cein in a ball gown he'd be adorbs.
    (though i kinda like how it's starting the whole chain of events beginning with an injured human-appearing dragon floundering into cein's place of work b/c when that happens you know life just got interesting)
  16. Noxryn
    got onua, tahu, kopaka and gali in the mail today
    buitl gali and kopaka and i love them both a ton, even if gali's axe is a bit unwieldly and her limbs are a little looser than kopakas, at least in mine
    but she's sitting on his shield right now, as he has it raised over his head and is crouching with the weight and also for balance
  17. Noxryn
    I just posted the next chapter to "The Monarch and the Peddler," and I think you should go read it and leave a comment.
    Cuz if you don't, I may just have to smash your door down with a shovel. And cuz comments are motivational, and I need motivation.
  18. Noxryn
    i shouldnt be allowed to ship my own characters but i do and i wrote basically 4k words of the story they're in where they're pretty much lovingly picking fun at each other complete with "accident"-suggestive jokes (it might also be the opening shh)
    i dont want to edit it later b/c i know im gonna have to like, nix a lot of the dialogue and change it so it's not practically bleeding all over the pages that "kit ships these two and so should you and i will shove it down your face hole"
  19. Noxryn
    Go and congratulate Gato/Desu/Insert other name you recognize, and do so here.
    All who do are awesome in my book.
    Oh and since there's really no point to allow comments for this entry, I'm gonna lock this entry.
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