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Blog Entries posted by Noxryn

  1. Noxryn
    I don't know if this show is still on the air, I didn't look into that. But from the handful of episodes of it that I've watched, it just makes me want to hug some of the people in the show.
    From what I gather, the show's basically a social experiment. They hire actors to play out scenes, in public locations, that generally have a victim and an aggressor -- real life scenarios. Things that actually happen. The point is to see how other people react to it; do the people (who have no knowledge of the fact it's a television show) intervene, to help the victim, or do they side with the aggressors, or just stay quiet? In the episodes I've watched, it's primarily the last, with a small handful actually helping out -- it's the people who help out who I just want to hug.
    IMO, it's a pretty neat series and I'd recommend it to about anyone.
  2. Noxryn
    First... sometime soon, I'll be off to see Alice in Wonderland IMAX 3-D (Cuz, they're totally not sold out today), and then Borders, which is probably one of my favorite stores.
    And yeah, that's really about it.
  3. Noxryn
    I drew this spider thingy in the middle of Biology class and to me it looked pretty neat. This little unnamed creation is probably the best doodle I made all year, which is a good thing =P
    Just thought to share that with everyone.
  4. Noxryn
    Three day weekends are pretty pleasant, especially when you have a bunch of schoolwork/things to get done over the weekend. So far, I have to start working out the plans for an article for the school newspaper (reviewing the movie Inception -- need to also locate another person to give their own opinion and such), then I also have this "journal" entry thing for English, though I think the events at PT on Tuesday will more than fill up the needed space -- that day was probably one of the few days where PT was fun (Plus, I passed two out of three things -- passed push-ups, sit and reach, and almost passed sit-ups, but I was sore from the day before. It was the running where I didn't do too amazing, 11 seconds on the shuttle run [needs to be 10 seconds] and a mile run that went on for a minute and a half too long). However, after that journal entry, I also want to start on this Dracula story that came to mind a week ago, while also fitting in time to take notes on Learn To Lead Chapter One, so I can get that test out of the way.
    There's still things regarding getting my permit I need to do (I got lazy and started procrastinating as I abhor the online thing... they're just terrible at explaining things, and there's so many spelling errors that I want to choke the program).
  5. Noxryn
    So today I learn that our French class has the choice to go to Paris [France] over summer break. Looking at the whole thing, I'd miss a day of school, but it'd be awesome regardless of that small factor.
    Now the question is...
    Can I go? I don't know, it costs $2100 [which isn't that bad, going to BFair was a little under that to be honest] and it more depends on whether or not both of my parents agree on it. The fact that they never agree on anything makes it hard, but oh well.
    Oh, and I learned that the place where my mom works -- her boss is trying to schedule a four day conference in DC early August, early as in from August 4 -- 9 and if that goes through then plane tickets and hotel tickets are free which brings the cost of going down to $600 -- $700 dollars annnd because of the dates, that would mean that I'd get to go to BFair 2010. This is not set in stone, and I'd probably only be able to go to BFair in August of 2010 if the conference is scheduled for the area. If not, then my France trip will probably suck up the money to go anyways... or maybe not, depends on how things end up playing out.
    An interesting thing; my friend from Texas went to NYC and had incredibly long hair [Last time I saw him -- he was bald] and I just learned that he's going into his High School's ROTC program and has to shave it off anyway. Just an interesting tidbit is all.
  6. Noxryn
    Got five projects, not all of them are academic projects, but I still refer to them as such.
    - French project (Yes, another one. And yes, I was able to finish and get in the old one, where my partner did absolutely nothing to help, despite many promises and sayings of "I have that done") At least this one isn't a group project, I think I may shoot myself if we have another one of those any time soon.
    - English project, well this one has been around for a while, but it's not due until late March. Basically, what I'm doing is creating a character and inserting the individual in the re-iteration of the novel we're reading. It took like, three class periods to convince my teacher to allow that amount of creativity, otherwise I'd have been using characters someone else created with the need to keep them in character (Something I'm horrible at).
    - V-Day SS Project, I have an outline for the story I came up with to post on BZP on Valentine's Day. However, it may be a bit late... possibly a week late, in favor of the above school projects (As, school is more important).
    - V-Day art-ish project, this is just something I decided to do for a bit of fun, but will probably be held off for a little while (School projects, plus I need to use the upstairs desktop anyway)
    - Ancient Civilizations project part 3; I got the first two bits done, just need to look up what the final bit was and finish it up. Luckily, I still have a week to finish this one up.
    So yeah, projects. But at least the current ones are single-person projects, as I really don't want to end up doing the amount of work it takes for two or more people to do, on my own.
  7. Noxryn
    I was listening to Amaranth by Nightwish in the car when an idea for an epic came to me. However, remembering my track record with epics I decided that I'll try out the idea and see if I like it and if I do then I'll write all of the chapters out before I post it so that I don't lose interest halfway through and have another incomplete epic laying around. [i have like... three incomplete... no, four incomplete... no five, actually six incomplete epics and one completed one. This... hurts me inside )=]. I won't go into details about it as I'm just starting to outline the plot and the characters who will be involved.
    But yeah, just thought to blog that.
  8. Noxryn
    Now I need to do a bunch of things that involve reading/typing. Like that letter mabobber for tomorrow cuz if I don't bring it in my class will hungrily devour my soul. And I haven't forgotten about Imagine, Exo, it's just so long and I had a bunch of work when I got back D=
    I also need to write at least one SS, just because.
  9. Noxryn
    -Saw the Star Trek movie and just did whatever that night.
    -Study for Finals from 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
    -Study for Finals from 11:00 AM - 5:00 PM
    -Played Disgaea for my Nintendo DS, and got addicted quickly.
    -Played Disgaea 3 for my PS3 and also got addicted.
    -Classes... but not too much work, since I'm studying muscles, what certain actions have on the muscles when done, all of my Math from the first day [i missed the first week D=], practically all of my French [And I'm expected to say stuff D=], and Grammar in the way of explaining what little word does what, what it is and how it's supposed to work in the sentence [i suck at this, but at least it's open note for Grammar] I get to write down a bunch of stuff on two small notecards that I can use on the test. I am going to dedicate one notecard to vocab [i write amazingly small, and I love that I write so small because of this ^^] and the other side of that notecard goes to various studies, the other notecard will be: One side Diary of Anne Frank notes, other side Mauss II notes.
    -Has to study his Math and French sometime later [Probably after my haircut and dinner]
    -Do some BZP stuff
    -If bored: will play Disgaea for however long
    -Get all Textbooks arranged and ready to go
    -Find a new book to read.
    -Get Lye Street out of backpack
    -Make sure I have my DB Notebook and my DB: Character/Place Notebook and my DB: Origins notebook. [Cuz one couldn't fit it all, the characters take up a lot of space, so they got their own notebook that is half filled, the Origins of everything get a notebook cuz it requires explanation... lots and lots, and goes on about things before the series. The main series dominates the standard "DB Notebook" and soon I shall get a new one... due to all of the stuff in there... and in the margins...]
    *Finished all computer projects!!! =D
    *Got an A+ on Language Project =D
    *Went from a B to a B+ in Social Studies cuz I did good on my project.
    Other things:
    On a sad note, my Grandpa passed away recently and because of that, I'll probably have to go to Madison for the funeral... and I might have to somehow skip-out of my Friday Final Prt 2 for French... or take it early... but I can't take it early because I am sooo not ready yet. D,=
    I also have to miss the end of the year party thing, as well as yearbooks and all that stuff.
    All in all: There were some good things [Working on DB is always a good thing] but in the end, the bad things outweighed the good due to the severity they were. And yes, I was just told he passed away right after I typed in... pretty much all of the text before the mentioning.
    Here's everything I need to get done before Friday, anyway.
    -Study for PE Final
    -Study for French Final Prt 1 & 2
    -Study for Math Final [i... am not confident in this area...]
    -Study for Language Final/Take notes
    -Make sure that Kyle brings in the finished PowerPoint for Science
    -Present Science Project [iF Kyle remembers...]
    -Watch in horror as my Computer Project is presented [i used solid colors in that PowerPoint cuz everything else was murder on my eyes... and I went with all games on the "Birthday Wishlist" since it was a LOT less work]
    -Get my suit from last year ready... or get a new one. Depending on the stance my mother takes on it, since the last time I was dressed out in a suit it was for a special event. And while a funeral is a "Special Event" it is by far not a joyous one.
    -While in Madison, do some DB related work to keep mind off of the reason why I'm there.
    That should be all... but yeah, Monday was busy, and gave me a bunch of extra things to worry about/dread/work to do.
  10. Noxryn
    I wrote out the complete outline for this epic I came up with, which took three large notebook papers and four hours to all get down.
    All I need now is the motivation to write the thing.
  11. Noxryn
    I wrote a draft of the first chapter idea to the epic I came up with... this is around the fourth draft and sounds a mamillion times better than the first three. Took me about three hours to hand-write, but if I feel up to it, I might start to type it.
    Then I'll probably use this process to write the other chapters. I have them outlined, so it won't take a LOT of thinking, but there'd still be plenty of that XP
    So yeah, that's what I'm gonna start to do now.
    And if I post it and don't post a continuation to the first chapter -- smack me, hard.
  12. Noxryn
    I'm getting the Dead Space movie cuz it looks cool and was five dollars. I'm also getting some CDs which contain those songs I couldn't get on itunes, as well as still waiting on my sniper rifle to get here, but probably won't be soon due to the snow that (Is finally) outside. I've also started watching the Halloween series, as well as just ding random stuff =P

  13. Noxryn
    I got bored, very bored... though I had fried my mind with watching a number of shows [The "Art of War" as well as the "Last Stand of the 300" along with some stories of military operations that were on, and I find those things interesting] so after watching those few things, I had nothing better to do and so decided to think of something fun. In fact, these things inspired an idea which I decided would be best to test in the BZPRPG before actually adapting it to something else just to see if I'll actually gain an interest in it.
    So basically, in the course of a single hour I was completely able to create three separate arcs for a certain group of characters [Two already grafted from the original idea into the BZPRPG world... which wasn't too hard of a change]. Soooo yeah. I got bored and came up with that. And no, I had nothing better to do in that hour... cuz it was early morning and there's nothing to do in the morning. Afternoons are more fun ^^
    Buuut yeah... not much else to really say besides for the fact that my sister is going to have a birthday party on Saturday which I thought I'd be forced to endure. Rather, some... somehow my dad just happens to be in town and decided that we'd go out and do something [Can't do most things with my little sister as she tends to complain... a lot, and very loudly]. So that means I'll probably be busy most of Saturday... possibly sunday, but I dunno.
    Sooo yeah, just been moving things from my sister's original room over to a more open room upstairs, which means I get to move; Bed, empty dresser, take the cabinets down and move those, and basically move anything she physically can't. Other than that all I've been doing this month had been a combination of Fourth of July stuff [Fireworks, helping to set up the new grill, move the old one, etc...] and help my mom prepare for my sister's birthday [she does planning, I move heavy objects].
    And yeah, that's it.
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