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Blog Entries posted by Noxryn

  1. Noxryn
    I am glad to see that all that appears to have been wrong with my RPG (Below) were the few spelling errors, along with the lack of Robo Moderator (Though I was planning on putting him there anyway =P). That's good, since it got positive responses. I'm requesting it February 23rd, and if I am very lucky, it will be approved before March, which would be great. I'm really anticipating this, since it'll be the first RPG I'll be trying to run eversince my last -Failure-. This time, I've improved quite a bit, as well as have modding abilities and experience, along with story stuff planned out so that it doesn't get stale by the first few posts.
    Though, I'm hoping to see a diversity among the characters, rather than all the players focusing around one area, since they'll all eventually have some interesting things to do, that may end up making other people want to have had a different specie'd character. The FEs are also written to have some fun, since they'll pretty much be a bit bored, besides for some inner problems and such.
    Though, people seem to not remember that any specie can join The End. I think I even listed that any could XP
    Though one note; If you join up with a faction, like the Human Kingdom, Harpy Empire, or The End, you'll be more constricted to what you can do, since you'll be taking orders, and taking on missions. Not something you'd wish to join if you want to have your own side plot or something, unless you could somehow pull something off while being in a faction, and doing it so well that you don't get caught or something =P
    Being Neutral is what gives you the most freedom, since you can go where ya want and stuff.
    -Just some notes for people, just so they know what'd be best for them.
    On other events, I've had more caffiene than I should have had.
  2. Noxryn
    More creativity.
    In language class, all you write are things limited and restricted to these ways to do things, and it does get annoying at times because generally I think too much on the stuff that I have to force into it, than the actual writing itself. I would love it if one assignment was a "Free Writing" and you just type up a story, spell check it, grammar check it, give it a creative appearance, and get graded on the quality of the work, and the useage of words and phrases. It'd be just so much more fun, rather than "Read this. Write this, this way, no exceptions." It kills the creativity.
    In Science, the labs that are constructed are pretty creative, but why not have a thing when the students get to design a lab to do, in order to figure something out? Let them use what would be needed to be used and grade it based off of the results, and the presentation of how it is done.
    Social Studies, perhaps have an assignment where you have to write up a historically accurate story based around an era of time? Like a story of the battles during the Civil War, or Revolutionary War. Or, just in general allow the students to design their own project, but in order to design the project it'd have to fit with the current area of learning, and display creativity as well as effort, along with correct facts. It'd be fun.
    Math can't be helped =P
    Unless you used the more advanced forms of the subject in order to determine where a rocket you set off would generally land, or something that involves going outside and shooting something
    Art, I'd say allow more free draw periods, and not just several hundred projects where you have to draw a certain item. Like, learn a technique, but draw your own drawing and add the newly learned technique into the picture, rather than doodling boring things.
    Those are the classes that I have/had that could be spruced up in the creative sector a bit. It'd be more fun, at least, I believe so and so does most of the student body.
  3. Noxryn
    After having a pretty bad week (Being sick since Tuesday, laying in bed without the energy to do much else), it feels good to talk to someone amazing, even if it's just online.
  4. Noxryn
    I was at the store, and decided to buy a Clone Trooper Battle Pack, and messed around with that for a bit, then I bought that blue Glatorian whose name escpaes my mind, and I like the gold pieces ^^.
    Oh, and I bought season 1 of FMA cuz I like that show.
  5. Noxryn
    I went to a basketball game (Nuggets against the Trail Blazers), and got floor seats. Normally those seats would cost 76$ individually, but we got them for 25$ a piece, which was a nice discount. The game itself ws also pretty fun, and lsted for three or so hours, with bunch of shows and stuff here and there.
    The parking lot was a nightmare, with lots of obscenities thrown around ._.;;;
  6. Noxryn
    On Thursday night of last week, I flew into Houston Texas. At the airport I'm picked up by a friend and we go to his house, which is where I stay. After a bit, we end up going to sleep. Then it was Friday, and on Friday we walked around selling stuff for a bit, went to his Granparents in order to eat dinner, and then I went to another friend's house with the previous friend.
    At the other friend's house, we talked for a bit and went to sleep. The next day was a bit uneventful, but at night we walked to Gamestop where I bought Oblivion, Ghost Recon 2 (GRAW), and FFXI (Cuz it was cheap like that). Then we went back to his house and went to sleep (again)
    On Sunday, we saw The Spirit (Not that bad IMO), and once more we walked to Gamestop and stuff like that. After that day (Filled with GRAW and World Tour) I went back to the previous friend's house. I saw the new TBRPGs, and joined before they really took off. (MY friend also joined, under the username of "Sheepstomach" and I talked him through some of the stuff, and explained some of the factors to him that are involved).
    NoI is probably my favorite, personally, with Shut as a close second.
    The rest of the week was rather uneventful. New Years was fun though, got some Champagne and chocolates, saw Eagle Eye (I enjoyed it), and ate chocolates. Then, in the morning I got a gift (I seriously was not expecting that) and so I open it and it's Vamprah (Pretty neat IMO).
    We went to Dave and Busters, played a load of games, and with the tickets I got a pocket knife, two shot glasses, and a deck of cards. I gave the cards to my sister when I got home on the plane, and gave one of the shot glasses to my mother, who has a collection of the things.
    That was my week, and it was also filled with CoD4.
  7. Noxryn
    I wrote a Bionicle based SS... and like... put some effort in it. Might not be too good since I haven't had any sleep, but you never know.
    Here it is: Link.
  8. Noxryn
    I draw lots of things, the latest was a "Mega Turkey" as the class dubbed the doodle, and it's called that because I was supposed to make a turkey for Thanksgiving for a contest in class. Of course, I asked if I could not participate in the contest and just free draw. I doodled a huge mech-Robot thing with a drill for an arm, blades for feet, and thrown together looking armor with wires sticking out all over. The head design was harder for me to come up with though. If the scanner decides to work, and when I end up bringing my sketchbook home from class, I'll probably scan it through and post it somewhere.
    I draw these things in every class though XP
  9. Noxryn
    This is what I do on a standard day of which is busy. (Today)
    -I go to sleep sometimes around 3:00 AM which is generally a bad idea.
    -I wake up at 9:00 AM, and lay in bed for an hour or so.
    -Get up, skip the whole getting dressed phase half the time, make breakfast and eat it.
    -Go on the comp to play some of the GuildWars stuff and see what I can do.
    -Went on BZP to make sure my stuff was working, got two PMs saying that I need to get on AIM, so I go to Meebo since my AIM sucks.
    -Hour long discussion ensues.
    -Play some Xbox 360 cuz friend wanted me online at that moment.
    -Stop playing, eat lunch, and get dressed.
    -Watch as sister yells about not wanting to go to the park.
    -Laughs at how mother messed up when buying drinks, wrong type of drink it was. How she missed it, I don't know.
    -Watches sister yell some more.
    -Mother, dog and I go to the State Park, walk around for an hour and watch the dog get very tired really fast.
    -Get back in the car, head to Starbucks - sister not present and at home cleaning.
    -Drink my beverage.
    -Stopped at 7/11 and bought the right drinks, and got car gas. Finished my beverage.
    -Go home.
    -Show sister some stuff and then talk for a bit.
    -Goes back on comp for lack of anything better to do.
    -Eats dinner.
    -Browses around online some more.
    -Looked at the new add ins in the Judge topic thingy.
    -Doesn't look at RPGs yet. Saves this for bored time at night.
    -Got bored and decided to type up a blog entry of something while talking to Sisen.
    -Types up Blog entry.
    -Then posts blog entry.
    -Then types:
    That was my day.
  10. Noxryn
    - I need to feel tired when I should go to sleep.
    - I need to feel not tired for when I get up.
    It's annoying when this is all backwards, cuz when I can't sleep when I should sleep, then I get bored and hungry (Though I might play ME2 until I can feel tired...). It stinks when I need to get up in the morning and all I want to do is sleep though... cuz, I got places to be, people to see, stuff to do... well, not so much recently (Felt terrible on Wednesday/Late Tuesday... huge headache, pained stomach and throat was all eww, felt better on Thursday though, less of a headache, though my stomach still tries to blow me up, or something... for all I know, my gut decided to concoct some kind of bomb it intends to use for when it conquers the world, but *shrugs*) so I guess for recent stuff, it's a bit acceptable (I mean, all I did do was type up whatever school work I needed to get done -- not a lot, given, it's spirit week and the teachers specifically assign little to no homework over the week, and classwork... it's just been reading, and looking at powerpoints and movies... really. So academically, I'm not really missing much and for what I am missing, I can go and just use up a few free periods to get all that sorted out).
    I really wish though, that I felt heavily inclined to work on that SS for Feb... but I didn't, same for RPGs... my mind like, decided to shoot itself and go blank.
    Now that I read through this entry, I wonder if this is at all understandable, I mean... I am still somewhat feverish, very hungry (;-; ) and my mind is tired (My physical self lacks that T.T), and I am typing this at one in the morning... and it's Spink, so of course it'll be a pain to try and understand. XP
    I see all these spelling errors too... well, they're underlined red by Mozilla, and there's probably half a dozen or more grammar mistakes in there too... but, meh. This is more just to find something to type to kill my boredom, and to try and lull myself to a tired, sleepy state.
    It's not working T.T
    Oh and... um... >< I forgot.
  11. Noxryn
    I would like it if Winter Break would hurry it up a bit, cuz it's like the teachers are trying to kill me with homework, and just plain old work. I can live with it... for the next nine or so schoold days ><
    I also am pretty sure, that I'm going to end up getting;
    Axalara T9
    BB Rifle (People persist on such things for me *rollseyes*
    Unreal Tournament
    And some other stuff that I have no idea what it will be. Currently, most of that is pretty confirmed, however, you never know if it will be changed at the last minute or something, has been done before =P
    -My BBC 51 Entry may be posted by tomorrow, depending on what the pictures looklike on the computer (if I can get them on the computer <<), the song I used was "Angel of Darkness" I still need to research who the artist is cuz it wasn't talked about in the video I listened to the song in, and recently I've become a bit lazy when it comes to research. I'll probably link to a google vid of the song so people can listen to it as well, and since Google Videos isn't an unallowed thing.
    -I've been playing too much GoW2, but there isn't much else for me to do anyway, cuz the snow just melted (again) and I haven't the outdoor wear to actually go out and do something. I'm still trying to find out how to advance ranks in that game... and I got three offline achievements, which evidentially didn't count.
    -Writing progress on stories has been more like a "I write fifty percent, and then randomly stop, saying I'll do it later and then save it and tell myself I'll finish it." I have yet to finish a single one.
    - And that's all at the moment.
  12. Noxryn
    Somehow, by some incredibly weird stroke of magical luck, I found a twenty in the parking lot of Borders, cuz we were going there due to my sister wanting to get some stuff on sale [The Maximum Ride manga series, to be exact... which were like, five bucks a piece, with being half off]. So, with this almighty magical twenty dollar bill, I could buy stuff. What did I buy?
    Well, after reading the first volume of Neon Genesis: Evangelion, I decided to get some more of the series -- the first four books (Five dollars a piece, some were cheaper).
    I like the series, and it's abudance at Borders. And the fact that Borders had the first series, out of... I think three manga series, or so. Not entirely sure. (Did a bit of research on it when I saw two volumes labeled "1" XP)
    But, I like it so far. *Has only read the first of the four volumes he bought*
    And this nearby Borders has like, all the manga I had on my list to read. Which is nice, plus the fact that they're around $7 - $9 makes them affordable. *Does not like reading inside of Borders due to just feeling awkward*
  13. Noxryn
    So I typed this up in some three minutes, did some minor editing to it, but I don't know what it is. Just kind of... whatever, I guess. Well, I sort of set it in a world I created.

    The sky, it is the color of ash. Snow twists and turns and tumbles and dances on its way towards the black and gray asphalt, the chilly air sending the magnificent flakes fluttering about whenever a breeze would pass. Standing just below the falling snow was a man, walking purposefully down the Æterian street, the gaslights lighting his way. The brim of his top-hat sagged with white, bits of snow falling and passing by his cold, green colored eyes.
    Clutched in a gloved hand was a cane, the silver top reflecting dimly in the light; the long, black shaft impaled the snow with each step the man took, his strides long and proud.
    Not too far in front of him there was a gathered crowd, not a single soul noticing the man as he approached, their eyes filled with terror as they regarded the scene unfolding before them. When the man began to fall into the crowd, his cold hand gripped the shoulders of those in his path, gently pushing them aside while he made his way to the front of the scene.
    The taste of fire met his lips, the heat of flame washing over his pale visage. Before him a building burned, crimson flames eating away at the delicate wooden structure. He grimaced, and then he started to approach the burning pile of wood, ignoring the heat, ignoring the danger and ignoring the shouts from those behind him.
    In the center of the unholy fire sat a creature, blackened robes wrapped tightly around its body in the fashion of a straight jacket. Over its face a metal mask had been nailed, no features present upon the its surface except for the tops of the nails that had been slammed in, that, and a blood red cross that reflected the fire’s fury.
    “Rise, beast.” The man commanded.
    Wings shot open, sending a blast of wind so powerful that it devoured the flames. Each feather the magnificent wings owned was made of metal, razor sharp to the touch, and as black as a starless night. Slowly, the creature pulled itself onto its lanky legs; long arms drifting slightly passed its knees, fingers elongated into fearsome claws.
    The black robe clung to its sickly body, draping the creature in what looked like shadow. Regardless, the masked abomination turned fully to face the man in the top-hat, standing a good head taller.
    “The Great High…” It said weakly, almost sadly, “… burns… burns with anger.” It muttered, bringing its hands up to its head, its claws digging into the flesh.
    “Regardless, it would be your time to leave this place, forsaken one. For you have been ordered to the pits of a most vile and insidious place. Archlial, I would suggest you leave now.” The man spoke firmly, a hand having disappeared into his long greatcoat.
    “Human… cannot understand the… the pain… suffering… there.” The Angel spoke, taking a step towards the man, hands open and out and speaking in a distant tone. “Take me… take me from… from here. Take. Take… Take me…” It begged, falling once more to its knees, its wings slowly wrapping around its pathetic form.
    “What do you mean?”
    “Gun… shoot me. KILL ME! KILL ME!” It cried, throwing its head back so the bloody cross faced the darkened sky, fingers gripping at the metal mask’s surface. “SHOOT!”
    “Your wish… is my command, bearer of death.” The man spoke softly, bringing out a silver revolver that looked more magnificent than any other. Words in a most skillful handwriting carved in the side, the lengthy barrel able to take quite a pummeling. Slowly, the man pointed the weapon at the begging abomination. “May your death be one merciful.” He spoke, slowly pulling the trigger moments later.
    A flash ripped through the night, a bang tearing into everyone’s ears. The round slammed into the creature’s head, tearing through the mask and blowing the flesh beneath to pieces. Crimson splattered the ground, coating the snow behind the lifeless body that had fallen. Before the man, the sad remains of the once beautiful creature lay dead, blood seeping into the ground as the body quickly decomposed, eaten by the earth itself.
    “May you rest in peace.” He spoke gently, returning the weapon to its proper place. He made an about face, leaving the scene as if nothing of interest had occurred.
  14. Noxryn
    Is if all the RPGs I'm in all hit the huge climax at the same time... there'd be a huge amount of characters for me to kill off and I wouldn't feel guilty by leaving some alive and some dead. ^^;;;
    The thought just struck meh...
  15. Noxryn
    One day...
    -Study for PE Final
    -Study for French Final Prt 1 & 2 & 3
    -Study for Math Final [i... am not confident in this area...]
    -Study for Language Final/Take notes
    -Make sure that Kyle brings in the finished PowerPoint for Science - HE DIDN'T FINISH IT ><
    -Present Science Project [iF Kyle remembers...] - Presented, I skipped the last slide cuz it was under construction... still...
    -Watch in horror as my Computer Project is presented [i used solid colors in that PowerPoint cuz everything else was murder on my eyes... and I went with all games on the "Birthday Wishlist" since it was a LOT less work]
    -Get my suit from last year ready... or get a new one. Depending on the stance my mother takes on it, since the last time I was dressed out in a suit it was for a special event. And while a funeral is a "Special Event" it is by far not a joyous one.
    -While in Madison, do some DB related work to keep mind off of the reason why I'm there.
    -Take PE Final
    -Take Language Final -2/3rds done.
    -Take Math Final - I didn't even need to study for this.
  16. Noxryn
    I put up (FINALLY) a new chapter in War. Sorry Robo for not using those two paragraphs, I just losted them D=
    And... well, I finished with Testing and have a three day weekend after Friday, then a three day work week cuz I also has Friday of next week off, then I have a vacation, but will probably be absent from BZP two Fridays from now, two Saturdays from now, and two Sundays from now.
  17. Noxryn
    I has for Halo figure dudez
    -Brute Chieftan Weapons Master (Da gold armored one ^^)
    -Master Chief with a Lazah
    -Some red Hayabusa dude
    -Some Olive green Rogue dude
    - And a Blue Combat Elite.
    Me like.
    If I had a camera there'd be pics. Annnnd I has fifty Halo points or whatever the heck that is. =D
  18. Noxryn
    Okay so I keep losing my blog, right? Yeah, that happens to me, but the add entry bar on that side place is so nice for moments like those.
    I just wanted to say I wuv my kelari in Rift :3 *'cuzhe'sadorable*
    And also
    I'm a dork and my brain convinced me "You're getting GW2" although I sorta came to that conclusion forever ago, back when I was all "okay, I'm going to do this Hall of Monuments stuff" and then promptly didn't do it (Well, the vast majority of it~)
    So, Imma make a Sylvari, 'cuz they just look :3
    And yay Brickfair and stuff coming up is all exciting
    'cuz since I'm 17 I get to go alooone~
    *And my mother is a worry wort so she's giving me an overabundance of money for the trip @.@*
    So maybe I'll have a MOC, Iunno yet. If I do, I'll sneak it onto the table 'cuz I'm too last minute for all the fancy stuff. If I do, it'll prolly be something small and mangled.
    Also, insomnia
  19. Noxryn
    I'm in Orlando Florida as of today, and am going to buy myself an Ipod Touch, since my old ipod broke and has too little memory space in general. Plus, I'll still have eight hundred left over anyway XP
    My sister's getting RockBand for the Wii, which works for me anyway =P
    Plus I has no schoolstuff this weeeeeeekkkkkk.....
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