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Blog Entries posted by Noxryn

  1. Noxryn
    So in Biology, we're doing all that genetic stuff, the teacher mentioned that a bird with two beaks was something she never saw before. So, I took it upon myself to doodle such a manifestation, even though the second beak doesn't look like a beak cuz of its placement and also cuz I just rushed the drawing a bit XP
    There is a picture, but it is a fuzzy picture cuz cell-phone cameras only go so far. Fabio.
  2. Noxryn
    Back in first grade was the day when this occurred, I was probably... six at the time.
    So, a few friends and I were on the big yellow contraption known as a "School Bus" (reminds me of a tin can actually), and as we were headed to the school one morning, a truck going a bit over the limit whizzed by. As it flew by it ripped the side mirror contraption off of the bus and the pieces flew down the street.
    I was sitting up front so I got to see it more clearly, well the driver said some... words and probably wished to have a Rocket launcher. I simply looked at where the mirror(s) used to be, and then we all cheered.
  3. Noxryn
    I've realized that I have three or so iTunes giftcards in my possession, none of which I have used. I shall use these to, likely, purchase Break From This World by Globus, Imaginaerum by Nightwish, and My Winter Storm by Tarja Turunen. There's, of course, other albums I would love to purchase, but these three have songs that inspire me for working on my numerous writing projects -- nearly every single song, to be honest.
    I do wish that iTunes (USA) carried a wider variety of Japanese music (they have a teeny tiny bit, but none of what I'm looking for), as there are many J-Pop/Rock songs I really get into and would love to have on my music device. (Normally I'd not complain, but these particular songs are on albums not available in the US -- at least where I've checked -- and buying them off a foreign site costs a lot. [Like, $30 - $40]).
    But I am liking where this new story of mine is going, and as for a first draft, I haven't come to hate it yet. (Of course, there will be proofreading and revisions -- primarily in spots where I forgot the word I wanted to use, so instead used a synonym). But the main characters are foils of each other, which makes their discussions a least a tad interesting (and not so monotonous), and it does use symbolism and metaphors to communicate the meaning of the story. Now, the meaning of it -- in full explanation -- would venture onto things that BZPower does not like to speak of (re: Politics and Religion) for very good reasons. However, the meaning behind the whole story is just this;
    I really dislike the "Us" and "Them" mentality. In fact, I've come to absolutely detest it. So, the story centers on that mentality (and how it's used, and what it can do to people) as to boil down to the following: there is no "Us" and "Them," there is only "Us," even if only because we're all human. We all have our differences, our deviances from each other, but that is not grounds to rip into other people or say that they aren't welcome to any treatment of respect (as a human being), or any treatment of simple kindness and genorousity, and that as we're all the same species, that we could -- at the very least -- extend tolerance towards one another (again, despite our differences). It's a bit of an ideological message, sure, but of all the times I've seen people maligned for merely being different has made me wish to write something on the subject, and this story is that rant. (In other words, it's a story largely based around love and hate, and how love is the better of the two -- at least, in this writer's opinion).
  4. Noxryn
    So today I have a; plumber, a buyer of homes, a seller of houses, and another buyer of homes coming to my humble abode sometime today. *I forgot the actual time* Seeing as I will be leaving my home around Six and these *with the plumber,is coming before then* while I wait for two people each with a seller of homes with them to finish up looking at my house and deciding if they should buy it or not. *dear god I hope they do!*
    I am probably going to go to a store and browse around until I get bored, then either pick up that TV I had saved up for, or something else.
    *Can't wait till tomarrow!*
  5. Noxryn
    I went bowling once more today, did horrible, got creamed twice, and then ended up running out of money I was willing to spend on the game.
    Me and my little sister were going to go to the local Zoo, but the weather thought differently and killed that option.
    Kachz is staying and that made my day, along with the book I was reading which reached an interesting point. The sad part was that Sergeant Shannon was killed by a gaseous vapor which eats through rubbers and organic flesh. He was reduced to a puddle of goo with bones and the plates of his armor left.
    I liked Shannon, he was such a cool character ;_;
  6. Noxryn
    I was listening to Amaranth by Nightwish in the car when an idea for an epic came to me. However, remembering my track record with epics I decided that I'll try out the idea and see if I like it and if I do then I'll write all of the chapters out before I post it so that I don't lose interest halfway through and have another incomplete epic laying around. [i have like... three incomplete... no, four incomplete... no five, actually six incomplete epics and one completed one. This... hurts me inside )=]. I won't go into details about it as I'm just starting to outline the plot and the characters who will be involved.
    But yeah, just thought to blog that.
  7. Noxryn
    Well I went about my daily business, a three mile walk, eating three meals, going on BZP, reading, sleeping, going out to a Movie... and so forth.
    Well, once I find some interesting pictures perhaps I'll stick them in somewhere
    So, is reading this a time of day you do not enjoy?
  8. Noxryn
    Today, this morning to be more precise; a eighth grade student from Sagewood Middle School died. It was either late last night, or this morning, it wasn't so clear when our class was told about this.
    I do not go to Sagewood, but several classmates of mine had at one time, and new this guy well. It was a hitting by a car that ended his life, and even the teacher could hardly speak when reading that paper. Several students in my class, who were great friends with this kid had to leave the room from how badly it affected them. I never met this person, never knew him, but the fact that another life had been taken, and so close to home, was what got to me. Along with seeing how distressed other students were about this... it was rather impacting.
    Classes were light for the rest of the day, spirits were down, and negativity from this news ran rampant throughout the building. It was one of those things... that no matter how great a day you had so far... the day simply just can't be marked as a good one, and becomes a day of mourning and sadness. Banners have been made by over four hundred people in this school to give to the deceased student's family.
    That news was what went on in my day, throughout the entire day.
  9. Noxryn
    This goes to the tune of "Numa Numa" and no I didn't make it up, I just found it. ^^
    Hello, it’s true
    Your Dell, won’t boot
    And I made, something that runs
    To show you, that you’re screwed
    Hello, hello
    My PC, it won’t load
    I will not pay, your lousy bill
    And I throw it at the wall
    When you leave my screen it fades to grey
    Turned it on today, now my data’s gone away
    When you make my PC load and play
    Then your lousy bill I’ll pay
    My PC, My PC, My PC, is on fire!
    My PC, My PC, My PC, is on fire!
    I know, it seems
    My bill’s extreme
    And I bought
    Something to fix the colors, on your screen
    Hello, hello
    My PC, it won’t load
    I will not pay, your lousy bill
    And I throw it at the wall
    When you leave my screen it fades to grey
    Turned it on today, now my data’s gone away
    When you make my PC load and play
    Then your lousy bill I’ll pay
    My PC, My PC, My PC, is on fire!
    My PC, My PC, My PC, is on fire!
  10. Noxryn
    Author's Notes: If you are a member of the Teen Titan RPG I would suggest not reading it as it gives away a whole lot of Vince's past that I intend to reveal at some point. Of course I can't stop you if you really want to. If you do read this entire thing which I wrote up at 1:00 AM, I would like it if you could possibly review it in one of the comments. ^^ I haven't titled it yet, suggestions are welcome ^^
    Of course some parts of it may clash with TT in general, but I wanted to right something with him older and on his own for a bit.
    A man walked through the desolate streets of the burning town. Screams and cries filled the air, but he didn’t care; he got what he wanted and dousing the flames that consumed the town was not on his to-do list. He wanted blood, he wanted a man dead, and he would go to any means necessary to accomplish it. He is the one who destroyed the town, he was simply sent to retrieve an item of importance, and he got it, and shortly after he went on a mad rampage which killed everyone in the town.
    Vincent Underwood was this man’s name. It had been a few years since he discovered what and who he really was. All of his life, he had thought his memories to be genuine, all his life he thought he had a family, he thought he had a chance to be someone else. Those thoughts were dashed when he found out where he came from.
    A car with a family of three in it exploded as the flames reached the fuel tank. Vince watched and felt no emotion toward their end, why would he care? They were nothing to him, and for all he knew they were as good as the one who made him, the one he hunted.
    Snow covered the streets, but it had melted away into either boiling water which was near the flames, or into slush the farther out you went.
    Vince held his long thin bladed sword out in front of him as he walked; it was caked in a syrupy substance which was visibly dark red when the light of the fire shined on it. The blood most likely belonged to citizens as he had killed everyone in this place; he didn’t know why he did, he just did.
    All Liberators think alike, kill first questions later, Vince was no exception to this rule. He was a synthetic human created from a crime syndicate which he had no idea ever existed until he took interest in it. It had been wiped out one hundred ten years prior to this day, and Vince was one of the two thousand Liberator “clones” to do it.
    Vince and his fellow Liberators-who are all dead- weren’t considered “clones” as the term is normally used, the only thing they all shared was the eye color and skin color, although normally they had dark hair ranging from black to a dark brown.
    Liberators were created to protect the syndicate and act as its most elite agents, again this was one hundred years ago and even though a primitive time it was, these guys were incredibly advanced, but kept their secrets to only themselves.
    The synthetic beings were given the way to think and how to feel. Most were cold bloodthirsty beings; the most violent ones killed, even each other when there was nothing else to destroy. Vince was considered to be the least destructive, he was the latest one and so being the youngest one as well. While his peers were eighteen, he was merely an eight year old, but that didn’t mean that his own allies and kind didn’t treat him viciously and beat him when they had the chance.
    When the uprising began-it began because all of the Liberators discovered what they really were and disliked that- there were two sides, loyalists and the separatists. They fought one large bloody battle against each other. Everyone died in it, except for young Vince who had taken shelter behind his own comrades. He witnessed the blood shed and had taken a few down himself.
    Years later, about fifty to be exact he ended up unconscious in an alley, no one knew what, or who, had attacked him, nor did they care. He was found and put into a hospital which had him in a coma for another fifty years.
    The doctors were amazed that he had not aged beyond the age of ten, and yet the boy knew more things than your typical adult. Vince had of course forgotten everything, and only had the implanted memories left. He believed that they were real memories of course, and they were made so that Liberators would never suspect their true origins.
    Vince had been released from the hospital and had been taken in by a foster father who had taken no interest in the boy after being expelled from a school for “Violent” behavior. Vince had only protected himself in the fight that happened, but his stepfather just left him in an alley nonetheless.
    Vince had been on his own for eight years. Eight what seemed to be; incredibly long years. He had practiced with a power he had, which was manipulating shadow in any shape or form, and was an amateur at it.
    During his eighteenth year of life, Vince had been able to obtain a red robe, with black undergarments along with a sword and two shruiken; some say he robbed a store to get these items as Vince never had a real job and therefore no pay. The only reason Vince was still alive on the streets was more because of his violent nature, he killed anyone who challenged him to anything; most of the time with his bare hands.
    He also wore gloves, but these gloves he had owned back when he woke up in the hospital. On the upside of the glove there was a skull with two rifles behind it and the word “Liberator” in fainting letters. His mind only remembered training programs in combat back when he was eight.
    He enrolled to a program which was created for “heroes”. He had originally gone in only to figure out how to use his powers in a better way, but only one month or so in he was leading a team and all that stuff he had never done before. He had faced challenges in this place, and eventually “graduated” from it.
    That was ten years ago, and still Vince hadn’t aged a day beyond eighteen. He was a twenty eight year old man who had amassed some scars, but he looked no different.
    He continued walking forward. None of his previous classmates and team members had ever crossed him yet, and if any of them did Vince wouldn’t be afraid to skewer them on the spot.
    A fuel tank exploded next to Vince, the shadow wielder was able to throw up a shield with no effort, protecting himself from the blast, sadly the people who had been around it were either mutilated, or screaming in agony as fire licked their bodies and began roasting them alive. In Vince’s eyes it was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.
    The sky was black, but not with night, with smoke. Even without the chocking smoke tendrils that reached up and into the sky, the sky itself would still be dark as it was indeed night time, just no stars or moon could show throw the dangerous clouds of smoke.
    Someone stood in his way, someone not screaming, not burning, someone who had long brown hair which so far concealed this stranger’s face. A sword lay limp in this being’s hand and she wore a long trench coat which was a very dark red in color. Her hands were concealed in black gloves and she wore black boots. Her face looked up at Vince; she had large red eyes, and had long brown hair which fluttered in front of her face in the wind. She looked not a day over seventeen, and had a smooth face which had a few scars here and there.
    A symbol was on the cuff of her trench coat, but Vince couldn’t quite make it out. “Who are you?” he spat in a cruel tone which he had achieved over the years.
    “My name is of no concern to you; anyways you should have a better memory anyway.” The girl spat back in an evenly cruel tone. Vince was intrigued to say the least that this one hadn’t ran away like everyone else. He couldn’t quite see her eyes himself as her hair tended to block them from his sight.
    “Are you challenging me?” Vince asked as an amused smile broke over his face.
    “What if I am? You too scared to accept it?” the girl replied still with her nasty and cruel tone.
    “Scared to accept? No. I’ll gladly fight you and I’ll leave the mess for the authorities to clean up.”
    “Good.” She replied with a smile on her own face. The girl within mere seconds was in front of Vince and the clash of blades could be heard. She was fast, incredibly fast, and used the same quick and destructive style Vince used.
    She lashed out with a kick and caught Vince in the gut; he stumbled backwards and shut the pain out of his system. He smiled This is going to be fun.
    He lashed out with his blade just to have it parried by the female combatant; this time Vince struck out with his fist which hit the girl inbetween the ribs and now she was the one stumbling back. Vince smiled and jumped forward, blade outstretched.
    Even though her balance was off, she was still able to block Vince’s blade as it whizzed in front of her. Vince was quite impressed by this person’s skill so far, and he intended to go further. He swung his foot out, which effectively tripped her and she landed on the ground back first. He pointed his blade at her exposed neck and said “Now what?”
    She smiled and whipped his blade aside with her own and flipped backwards. She landed gracefully with her blade in her left hand still hanging lazily. She shot forwards and the sound of interlocking metal could be heard. Everything other than the two combatants was silent, no screams, or cries, it even seemed that the fire stopped its maniacal cackling to watch the battle.
    She whipped her blade this way and that just for it to be blocked each and every time by Vince with his equal swordsmanship. He was becoming quite amazed at her skill, she even looked a bit familiar to him…but from where? He couldn’t place the face each time he tried.
    The swords clanged together again, but this time the girl was able to throw Vince off balance and knock the warrior to the ground. She pointed her blade at his neck and said “Remember me?” her eyes looked down at him and now Vince could see the “Liberator” insignia on her glove.
    “You’re a-“
    “A Liberator, yes. I was made shortly after you came out of the vat.”
    “Well, things have just gotten much more interesting haven’t they?”
    “Yes, yes they have.” The girl replied as she stabbed forward. With inhuman speed Vince was able to move out from under the blade as it dug deep into the ground.
    “Why is it that you want to kill me?” Vince said innocently with mock confusion on his face.
    “You’re a Separatist, I’m a Loyalist. Yet, things go deeper than just that.” She said back as she flung a kick out which caught Vince in the Ribs and he fell over. “I hate you the most Vince, why? Because we were friends, and you voluntarily tried to kill me. You betrayed not only our creators, but me as well. You deceived me with mock friendship, and for that I want to gut you.”
    Vince looked at her; he thought that she was familiar, but didn’t at the same time. She lashed her blade out flat end first and whacked Vince across his face, blood flew out of his mouth, but nothing was broken; lucky him. She twitched her sword and went for a sideways slash which Vince blocked with his own blade at the right time. “Whatever happened, I’m sorry!” he said through the blood and pain.
    “You had your chance to say that, you just kicked me down.” She kicked Vince in the gut and brought the flat end of the blade down on the back of his head. Normally that would knock a man out, but Vince could take harder blows than that. He lashed out again and once more the two blades interlocked with sparks flying up as they grinded against each other. “I’ll kill you Vince, and want to know something else? You smiled when you hurt me, you smiled as you did it during that battle and I intend to smile while gutting you here.” Vince said nothing as both combatants vanished to the higher point of the Empire State building as it was called. Vince could do this because as he grew older his power evolved, he could now appear anywhere on the planet where darkness touched; he loved that. Somehow the girl could do the same.
    “Do all Liberators have shadow powers?” he didn’t ask it stupidly, he just couldn’t remember if they did or not.
    “What do you think? We all have the same DNA, and we all have the same abilities. In case you’re too dull witted, yes we all have shadow powers.” She kicked Vince through one of the windows of the structure; glass bit into Vince’s skin as he flew through the window, but his mind did not register the pain.
    Civilians who happened to be inside screamed and ran down the hallway Vince had burst into. The girl whipped her blade against Vince’s and the two traded blows back and forth. None struck either opponent; they were all parried in a great shower of sparks with a grunt coming from one of them.
    Vince slipped his blade under hers, and he grabbed her by the collar of her shirt which shown through the red trench coat, in one fluid movement Vince pushed her blade out of his arm’s way and threw her across the room and into the mob of runaway civilians. A woman was knocked over and her life was cut short as the blade of the Liberator girl sliced the other woman’s head off in a clean sweeping movement.
    “Well, that marks one down.” Vince said as two tendrils of shadow chucked him through the wall and into a group of fleeing civilians, who all ended up smashed against the next wall, or on the ground. The tendrils let go of Vince as his adversary stepped into view. Again blades clashed and they clashed and they clashed. The two blades left deep cuts in the walls of the building and occasionally killed one of the civilians on the ground-death of innocents was something the two didn’t care about.
    The fight only got fiercer, Liberators were not made to tire, they were made to kill and continue killing, and so that is what the two did. They killed handfuls of innocent people who could not leave the room, just so one could get an upper hand in this even conflict.
    The two Liberators continued trying to kill each other. Neither got any closer to do so, they just blindly continued slashing at each other and were blocked each time.
    They vanished again and appeared three hundred feet in the air and yet they continued clashing blade with blade as they hurtled to the ground below. Determination filled each combatant’s eyes and they wouldn’t stop until one was dead, or the world was obliterated by the battle.
    Right before they hit the concrete down below they vanished again, only to appear on top of the Statue of Liberty, right on its head. They still slashed and threw blows at each other seemingly oblivious as to where they were. Their battle scuffed the entire head of the statue and several long gashes were created on the head. “Come on, just die!” the girl said angrily as her blade was blocked again. Vince said nothing as he tripped her and put his blade at her neck for a second time.
    She was on the edge of the statue, so a back flip wouldn’t work out quite well, and Vince had his foot on top of her arm which held her sword. “Who are you?” he asked with venom in his tone.
    “Emily.” The girl responded. Vince looked at her wide eyed; he thought that Emily had been a figment of his imagination when he found out that he was just a synthetic human., he thought that “Emily” was the force that was programmed into his mind to keep him from hunting the truth of his origins; apparently he had been wrong-very wrong. Emily was a real person, and now he knew who she really was. His mental image depicted of an excusable way as to why she wasn’t in his life, and he had created a form of conscience in the body of Emily just to keep himself going. Looking at the real thing brought shock to his face.
    She stared at him coldly and said “You’ve forgotten everything haven’t you?” she still couldn’t move her arm, but his grip on his sword, and pressure on her arm slackened a bit. In his shocked eyes she could tell that he was remembering her, now that she told him who she actually was it must’ve triggered something in his mind, and now he was looking at it.
    Vince could only observe, he could see himself in a large bloody battle with the Liberators, on the ground was a small girl around seven; he, at this time was eight. Vince was viewing everything third person and he watched himself as he kicked the younger one repeatedly. She was crying and begging for him to stop, but he didn’t. He watched himself continue to go at it.
    It was the hardest thing for Vince to watch in his life, he himself could feel tears sliding down his cheeks as he saw the boy who was somehow himself kick and hit the girl. She stopped crying and moving for that matter, the boy who was Vince was satisfied and thought that she was dead and walked away. Had the boy stopped to look he would have noticed that she was only unconscious, but thankfully he hadn’t noticed.
    The memory faded and Vince looked at what he was doing; he was repeating what he had done as a child. The blade which was in his hands clattered to the ground and Vince walked backwards feeling shame and guilt build up inside him. Gone was the adrenaline which deposited the chemical in his bloodstream that made him addicted to kill, gone was the urge to fight. Vince fell to his knees with tears streaming down his face.
    “I-…I’m…so sorry.” He said in a sincere tone, a tone which he had never truly used before this moment. Emily looked at Vince in disbelief, she hadn’t thought that Vince felt this much remorse for what he had done; she thought that Vince knew and remembered that day and fought her nonetheless. That had been what ticked her off, that after nearly killing her at seven years of age, this man had the mind to try again.
    She didn’t move, or say a word; in truth she didn’t know what to say. She herself felt a pang of guilt as she should’ve known that Vince wouldn’t have remembered. She slowly got up and walked over to Vince.
    Emily had discarded her sword and kneeled down in front of the grief stricken figure. “Don’t be, it is I who should say sorry, I screwed your life up too many times. I didn’t mean to of course.” She said calmly. The chemical in her own blood was gone, the citizens who were in the Empire State building were all dead, and the citizens of the burning town were all killed. They had caused much damage, but right now it wasn’t that which was on their minds; what was on their minds was their past and how they nearly made it their future. If mistakes were not recognized in the past, they liked to repeat themselves in the future.
    “No. I nearly killed you in cold blood. I don’t deserve a sorry from you; I only deserve getting kicked off this statue.” Vince said after he could force himself to speak.
    “Vince.” She said as she looked into his red eyes. “We were friends in the past; we cared for each other in the past. We got into a fight due to our DNA and how we were made. It was not you who beat me; it was a Liberator who beat me. A Liberator which can consume its host and turn the nicest man into the most dangerous killer alive, you and me are merely the hosts. In battle the parasite takes over and turns us into those Liberator monstrosities. I do not believe it was you who fought me; I believe that it was your programming and your chemical induced side that did.” She hadn’t expected this sort of change of events at all, she had come to kill him in cold blood for what he did to her, but now she realized that the soldier hadn’t meant it, when one is under the control of that blasted chemical, although it made you think clearer and calmer, it also made you want to fight to the death with anything that moved. That chemical had been running through her veins which had been the reason why that entire battle occurred.
    Vince looked up a bit at her and into her red eyes which mimicked his own. She was a beautiful young girl, who was only a year younger than himself. The violence had passed, and now the two could think like regular individuals. Surprisingly she hugged Vince. He had never been hugged his entire life, he had watched others do it and could never understand it. It was so confusing to him, as was love and affection; he had never been loved or felt affectionate towards anyone and from this one hug in his entire life, he felt like he had missed out on so much. He hugged her back with his bloodstained gloves and tears flowed form both of their eyes.
    Liberators were not created for love, or friendship; they were created to kill and destroy without a second thought. They were made to protect the Revolution, but destroyed it. Now while all the battles settled and Vince found out that he wasn’t the only one of his kind left, he found a small pocket of happiness which he didn’t want to ever go away.
    She felt the same way, but understood it more than he did. Emily had grown up alone and unaided as well, but she had been able to sneak into movies and things like that, more out of sheer curiosity than anything else, and remembered all of the strange actions that the main character would do to get attention from a secondary female character. She never understood any of it, but right now she did. Emily felt genuine unprogrammed happiness for the first time in her entire life. She also loved the feeling.
    “Vince?” she said uncertainly and quietly in his ear.
    “Yes?” he said in the same tone at the same level.
    “What is that emotion called where you don’t want to leave someone?”
    “Caring?” Vince replied unsure of his own words.
    “No, the other one, the one where people seem to be happy together, and they never want to leave the other.” Emily explained quietly and softly.
    “I guess, it would be…love.” He replied, much more certain in his tone of voice. Even though this was the first time he felt it, he knew what it was after he thought about it.
    “Hmm, yes…that one. I love you Vince.” She said gripping him a bit tighter, she had actually missed Vince from back when they were friends, back when all was well and no one was killing, back in training courses. The two, even if a year apart; had always made a great team in combat, seek and destroy, along with several other activities.
    They were similar as far as personality went, and they had grown to be great friends in the training school. That blasted war had changed it. The two were ultimately swept to different sides and for the first time in Vince’s life at least, he felt the rush of clarity, calmness and the wanting to destroy lives. Sadly Emily hadn’t had the same rush and the two ended up fighting each other. Emily had lost in the end because she was filled with panic and fear, whereas he was full of programmed happiness and clarity.
    It took eight years for the chemical to develop within the body’s adrenaline, and sadly Emily hadn’t owned the ability to use it.
    She realized that when Vince slacked off of his attack and ended it with grieving and sadness. The chemical could take over one’s thoughts to try and destroy the ones someone cared about; in this case it nearly worked on both of them.
    Vince gripped her tighter as well and said in a calm, caring and soft tone “I love you too.” Despite everything that happened, the two were able to remember that each cared about the other, and so they sat there for hours on end as it rained from the sky and inevitably drenched them, until the sun rose up in the morning.
  11. Noxryn
    Been working on it for hours... about eight, maybe nine and it's at 4856 words. I'm not stuck, just taking a break... but it's taking forever to complete. Not much else to say ^^;;;
  12. Noxryn
    I do have a surprise on the way, and no it's not the Blog Theme that Dyski is being so awesome to help construct. If you wanna guess [Cuz it's forum related] go ahead and guess for it, though I won't confirm or deny anything till it actually happens XP
  13. Noxryn
    Ha! I found the little bugger.
    The people who put it in the "Fragile" box when we moved failed to be careful... my sheath is broken now ;_;
    Still looks cool on my wall though.
  14. Noxryn
    This is an RPG based entry due to something that had happened earlier, and would like to simply go on about it.
    If you (or anyone) starts up a RPG in any of the forums you can, and then you have to leave the RPG for a temporary amount of time (note: I said Temporary, not forever) please, you don't need to shut the entire thing down. If you want to do the plot yourself, then just tell a Moderator to keep everyone entertained and do some random instigated fights, or even a minor sub plot thing off to the side.
    It would A) Keep the topic alive 2) (can't use "B") it would give the players something to play around with just for fun and would be able to take advantage of the extension in time the RPG lasts, and C) It'd end up making the players, appointed staff, and the guests who read it happy.
    If a RPG has staff (this particular one did) you could always simply tell them what you want to happen next, let them execute that action and keep the thing rolling, RPGs don't just revolve around the GM, it revolves around everyone as a whole and no individual. If it revolved around an individual things get suckish and people can't make much of a difference story wise.
    Leaving actually may allow interesting things to spring up as it wouldn't be constant plot movement, but it'd be "Free roam" if you will, for players to be able to do things that would take a while now, rather than not being able to implement the idea at all. (Staff would approve of this idea of course)
    Another thing is that things would die down for a while as far as fighting may go and perhaps there are players waiting for a time to make a romantic sub-plot to their characters, or do some character development. BUT when you shut it all down these possibilities are not possible for now, and eventually interest in the closed RPG would die away and no one except the old members would pop back in.
    If I was running an RPG and then had to take a break, or got banned (via parent not Staff) from BZP, I'd hand the RPG over to the most capable member and say either "Do, this this and this" or "Do whatever you want that doesn't mess with; This this and this." then I get to come back and see how everyone did without me and if I can trust them as individuals alone with a trusted member. - There are times where I have actually seen positive results, I don't usually see negative results from this as the other members put things into place, and say "Don't do that, no that's not a fair thing to do, maybe you could do this" or "Maybe we could do this" or even a more deeply detailed and interesting idea springs forth.
    And guess what? If the GM does not approve of it even when he/she comes back, there's something that's been invented known as "Moderator characters" which can warp reality and undo these things that are not liked, that's the point of them to exist.
    And if you have staff of the RPG, it's their job to take responsibility for it while you (The GM) is gone, and so wouldn't it make sense to leave things in the capable member's hands? (I am not saying I'm a capable member, but there are members who are) If you don't doesn't that kill the point of there even being staff in the first place as you want to do everything yourself?
    I am not bashing people who do shut down their RPGs when the leave temporarily (even if it is for a few months), I am just saying there is a better option than going that far with it, because it becomes a pain to get it reapproved and the members want to play in it and wrap up what they were doing. It sux a lot when you cannot at least wrap up what you were doing in game, and then have to wait who knows how long to do so again.
    One more thing is that, when the GM is gone and the RPG shoots up twenty seven or so pages, gets a high increase in viewers, and everyone is having fun, isn't it just best to let eevryone have fun and to know that your RPG is flourishing even if you aren't there?
    Feel free to rip my thoughts to pieces if you disagree, I am only stating my own personal views on this matter.
  15. Noxryn
    If I make $200 I might be able to get a sword that has a red wine blade 57" overall with stainless steel metal. I got a long way to go until I make that money. My birthday is coming up In two months and 14 days. I don't have all that much to say about today so goodbye.
  16. Noxryn
    Heckboy 2 isn't showing at any of our theatres, that wrecked my rainy stormy day.
    Now I am going to go see the Mummy...I'd prefer to see the first rather than the latter...
    Besides that, I'm most likely going to be around a bit today as this storm is looking like it's sticking around, oh well, nothing I can do about it...
    That's about it...
  17. Noxryn
    I added an entry. Amazing isn't it? How you can simply update these things by the click of a few buttons, and the typing of a few words.
    Oh yeah, I ordered a Gundam. Cuz they looked too cool XP
  18. Noxryn
    I do have a new blog theme picked out to be used, however I must go off to find people who can resize some of the pictures I have, though I dunno who to bug yet. I like the new theme I picked out, as well as the name I decided on and even the subtitle. It'll be fun =)
    Oh, and Exo and Bfa, your names now burn my eyes.
  19. Noxryn
    I used Robo's "Master list" of RPGs to see how many I was in/staffed in/owned. I came up with the following conclusion (COT only)
    RPGs I have Played In: 50 or so
    RPGs I have Staffed In: 11 or so
    RPGs I have Owned: 3 going on 4
  20. Noxryn
    Three day weekends are pretty pleasant, especially when you have a bunch of schoolwork/things to get done over the weekend. So far, I have to start working out the plans for an article for the school newspaper (reviewing the movie Inception -- need to also locate another person to give their own opinion and such), then I also have this "journal" entry thing for English, though I think the events at PT on Tuesday will more than fill up the needed space -- that day was probably one of the few days where PT was fun (Plus, I passed two out of three things -- passed push-ups, sit and reach, and almost passed sit-ups, but I was sore from the day before. It was the running where I didn't do too amazing, 11 seconds on the shuttle run [needs to be 10 seconds] and a mile run that went on for a minute and a half too long). However, after that journal entry, I also want to start on this Dracula story that came to mind a week ago, while also fitting in time to take notes on Learn To Lead Chapter One, so I can get that test out of the way.
    There's still things regarding getting my permit I need to do (I got lazy and started procrastinating as I abhor the online thing... they're just terrible at explaining things, and there's so many spelling errors that I want to choke the program).
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