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Blog Entries posted by Noxryn

  1. Noxryn
    I take that as a "This is a waste of my time to read" then.
    Boring day no problems... except that I am trying to start an Epic, but I first need to make sure that I will finish it. If anyone is interested in helping me out you can PM me questions and an example of your writings.
  2. Noxryn
    So it's November and that means NaNoWriMo is upon everyone participating. I decided to forgo my original plans, and decided that I'm going to instead try writing this romance-type story I've been thinking about for the last few months. My first attempt at it just sucked, but I hadn't planned it, outlined it, or even put much thought into how I was to do everything (so inconsistencies were abundant, and some scenes were just written in a rush and sounded incredibly cliched). As of now I'm working on the introduction still, I redid my idea for chapter one (rewrote the outline for it), and I'm doing poorly in the "stop thinking of ancient Rome as ancient Greece" as my mind just fuses the two for some reason. Though, I think it sounds alright so far. The characters (not going to name them here, for a plethora of reasons) are distinctly different, but I do intend to alter their personalities in the first chapter (which takes place in England during the late 1880's) and I might make some liberal edits to history. Well, naturally I will be making edits to history as these two characters never existed in this type of a historical sense, and I'm fusing in some darker fantasy elements to make the story a tad more interesting for myself to write, and likely for others to read.
    One thing that will be altered fairly heavily is Jack the Ripper, I'm using this character because the main characters are involved with Scotland Yard and it'd throw in a more interesting conflict that could go just about any direction. After all, the Leather Apron can be anything pending on how it'd affect the story. I might exaggerate him some, throw in some other targets that aren't historically accurate and have some fun with it. I may remove the idea altogether if it ends up taking up too much of the story, or too much focus is put onto the case, or if it's just not fun to write, but right now I'm playing around with ideas to make the story more interesting and this is just but one of them.
    This introduction I'm writing is proving a bit hard and a tad painful, more "painful" in the sense that "this opening is soooo sappy and I can't help it because I know the end product might be worth it." The second half of the introduction will be more interesting, as our main characters do go from ancient Rome all the way to the late 1880's for some reason -- one explained in the introduction, though I can't really share it here for multiple reasons.
    Anyway, let's see how this turns out? Let's see if I even get past the first chapter, lol.
  3. Noxryn
    But I'm terrible at taking good screenshots. So instead, I feel like posting one with the character pointing off in the obscure distance, hoping that one day, he will find a group who will let him finish some backed up stuff.
    And also, because Asmodians are best.

  4. Noxryn
    That was fun, too bad I couldn't take pictures of any of the aircraft or anything, but I expected that.
    'Twas fun, and I'll be doing that again next Tuesday, and the Tuesday after.
    Oh, and the Wing Commander was there, which surprised me a bit 'cuz he's like, everybody's boss.
  5. Noxryn
    I did it; I wrote a SS.
    Link: Short Story -- COT based -- definitely not my best, but it's something.
    Edited the title cuz "Yay!" is more fitting.
  6. Noxryn
    So yeah, I'm leaving for Brick Fair at a confirmed time of 5AM Thursday, and that is going to really annoy my biology group as I set up the entire experiment and came up with how they'd be executed and what materials would be needed, though I hope they wrote that stuff down, can't be certain though. My World Geography group is just gonna be annoyed that they'll have to present the project themselves rather than having me do it. ^^;;
    And right now I'm semi-tired.
    And I'm getting a haircut today. I just hope that the barber people don't mess it up a third time ><
  7. Noxryn
    Should I write? What would I write... what is there to write? Maybe write about the Holidays? ... Maybe... how about writing up those projects of mine? Eh... doesn't feel special. I need to write something I haven't done in a while...
    Something like psychotic biomechanical people who do stuff.
    What stuff?
    I dunno.
    Oh, and I won't be on Meebo (AIM/MSN) today. Feeling a bit to out of it for any kind of actual conversationalizing (As can be noted from the fact that I just made up that word) And also cuz I think my comp might blow up soon. *Means it's going to turn off in a few seconds*
  8. Noxryn
    I got bored, very bored... though I had fried my mind with watching a number of shows [The "Art of War" as well as the "Last Stand of the 300" along with some stories of military operations that were on, and I find those things interesting] so after watching those few things, I had nothing better to do and so decided to think of something fun. In fact, these things inspired an idea which I decided would be best to test in the BZPRPG before actually adapting it to something else just to see if I'll actually gain an interest in it.
    So basically, in the course of a single hour I was completely able to create three separate arcs for a certain group of characters [Two already grafted from the original idea into the BZPRPG world... which wasn't too hard of a change]. Soooo yeah. I got bored and came up with that. And no, I had nothing better to do in that hour... cuz it was early morning and there's nothing to do in the morning. Afternoons are more fun ^^
    Buuut yeah... not much else to really say besides for the fact that my sister is going to have a birthday party on Saturday which I thought I'd be forced to endure. Rather, some... somehow my dad just happens to be in town and decided that we'd go out and do something [Can't do most things with my little sister as she tends to complain... a lot, and very loudly]. So that means I'll probably be busy most of Saturday... possibly sunday, but I dunno.
    Sooo yeah, just been moving things from my sister's original room over to a more open room upstairs, which means I get to move; Bed, empty dresser, take the cabinets down and move those, and basically move anything she physically can't. Other than that all I've been doing this month had been a combination of Fourth of July stuff [Fireworks, helping to set up the new grill, move the old one, etc...] and help my mom prepare for my sister's birthday [she does planning, I move heavy objects].
    And yeah, that's it.
  9. Noxryn
    I just spent ten hours of my day locked in a car!
    Well, I went from Houston Texas to Arkansas which is why it took a while. All together I currently have $320 as free to spend on anything money. That makes me happy.
    Well, that's all for tonight (or this morning however you want to look at it).
  10. Noxryn
    An MMORPG where I can actually create characters I have written for stories?
    With pretty pretty wings :3
    (everyone knows that Asmodians have the prettiest wings)
  11. Noxryn
    I just realized a bunch of tests I have to take are all online. From grade/rank tests, to the test needed to get my driver's permit (Which I totally could've gotten seven months ago), to a ton of the school tests for next year.
    Of course, out of all of those, I'm primarily looking forwards to doing all of the driving tests. I'd like to get them out of the way ASAP so I can get my driver's permit and then, in a year, I'll have a full license. It won't be any issue to get that, either, as my mom sees it as an opportunity to make me do all the errands. XP (And get a job next year... probably at AMC, 'cuz they're always hiring and there's not much of an age limit).
    Though, an upside about having an enthusiastic parent wanting you to get a driver's license to run errands, is that I don't have to pay for the car.
    Makes me feel really, really grateful. ^____^
  12. Noxryn
    the fact I accurately remember my password on a regular basis and can sign in from not my laptop still shocks and astounds me
    (I have really bad memory and I never actually sign into my account)
  13. Noxryn
    Recently I have had a bit of inspiration because of the new CoT contest more or less and I had begun to write up more Short Stories and I dared to do an epic.
    I will have links up to all the topics soon, but in the meantie my sig currently holds these magical links of prosperity. =)
  14. Noxryn
    MMO's I've played/am Playing 'Cuz Why Not
    - World of Warcraft (still playing)
    - Aion Online
    - Tera
    - Guild Wars
    - Guild Wars 2 (still playing, on and off)
    - Rift
    - Wildstar
    - Final Fantasy XIV
    - Archeage
    Prolly some others, but I can't remember them.
    Aion, WoW, Tera, GW2 and FFXIV probably have my favorite gaming memories in them. WoW on the basis that I had no clue how MMO's worked and, for the most part, solo'd an entire dungeon on a Paladin during the Cataclysm expansion thinking I was supposed to do it that way. Plus, the story has more memories for me -- I'm not that knowledgeable of it, but I generally liked it and it reminded me a lot of the books I read when I was younger, like the all the works that featured Drizzt Do'Urden.
    Aion sorta taught me what a dungeon was, and had a class I adored (chanter, chanters are the best ever). Technically I was a support role, but I had to take over the primary healing role a lot in that game (and received compliments quite a few times, many saying I healed better on a support character than most clerics they ran into). Mostly dropped it since the RNG was a huge feature of the game (RNG as in, if you want the best stats for anything, you need to spend a ton of in-game money to get the items and then hope that, as you're socketing them, they don't shatter all the expensive ones you had. Failure rates were extremely high, same for enchanting weapons). I like RNG, but I like it in doses (WoW's is pretty decent I feel, I get cool stuff enough to weigh out when I get zilch, Aion just broke all my stuff constantly). XIV had a nice RNG system, where the items you want can drop, but you always get some tokens you can use for the next tier of items. I miss my chanter since not only was he the best class, but the character creator basically let me import one of my older OC's and he got really neat wings and Asmodians just fit the profile for him so well >.>
    Tera was the first game I started actively RPing in, mostly because I could play a castanic in a full set of plate armor, a massive lance and give him the Armstrong disposition (see; FMA). But how scantily clad -everything- was and the community that attracted began to really weigh down the game, that and the world felt incredibly dead. The story was non-existent, the water couldn't be touched, the buildings were basically open domes in most cases, the crafting was just misery, the amount of farming to do felt painful, the end game dungeons (only two) were plagued with glitches and 'elite' players. I'm never going to forget Kaprima. I fought Kaprima so many times. So. Many. Times. When they released more content they basically broke their game and after that my guild basically said "nope" and most of us left. (Our guild was a small, fun RP group who somehow had a province we'd win every election -- we did host some server wide events, like the zombie game, which was pretty fun to be a part of).
    Guild Wars 2 is where I met a ton of friends and was the first game where I was actually exposed to a larger LGBTQ+ community. I feel some elements of the story are the reason for that, since there's openly gay, lesbian and pansexual characters in the game itself (Sylvari, as a species, are predominantly pansexual and the official relationships they had in canon reflected that for the most part). Still, I love my mesmer sylvari and I loved RPing as him in this game -- basically an adult-sized four year old (literally four years old, the oldest sylvari in existence is like 25 or so). I loved so many things about the story initially, the Nightmare Court, the Inquest, the Wardens and the Pale Tree -- I am still incredibly saddened they never did much with these organizations. Nightmare Court has little written in terms of motivation (Why do they hate everyone? Why do they want to corrupt The Dream? Why do they murder, maim and kill in the name of corrupting the Dream? Why are they so vehemently against Ventari's teachings when most sylvari seem fine with them? They're never really developed, and in te moment where they could have been developed Anet opted to create the Toxic Alliance which I still hate). The RP in the game was fun, the community was pretty decent, the PvP and WvW were interesting and engaging before the latter turned into Blobfest. But the game itself became stale and never developed the interesting aspects about its story and constantly introduced new things instead of building on older things.
    I miss FFXIV on the basis I loved the miqo'te males and I loved healing. Plus, I beat most of the major content in that game when it was still particularly hard (latency issues in the Titan Hard Mode fight made it's difficulty much higher, since you'd need to know the rotation by heart so you could move out of the instagib moves before they went off server-side, since you couldn't see it client-side). But the RPers became plagued with elitists who demanded specialized statistics and methodology that took away from the freeform players, and the raiding/dungeon community was beyond terrible in terms of attitude. (Forcing new players to skip story laden cinematics in story dungeons, for example).
    Now I did like Wildstar, but it got boring really fast. All there was, was quests and completing them and running from hub to hub. Little to do with exploration and the dungeons just murdered too many groups to make them viable to pug. The PvP was too chaotic and large scale, the maps too small to accommodate the amount of players adequately. Plus, the story can be really, really dark which was a huge shock since all the trailers, narrations and so forth seemed to point towards a light hearted story with jokes and gags akin to Ratchet and Clank. Kind of a huge shock when you go into the game and realized that there's children who've witnessed their entire families torn apart, burned alive, and they're the last remainders who are mourning over their family/lamenting about what they can do.
  15. Noxryn
    Well, first off for a looong time now I have been planning to go to the Military of the U.S. So, for the last couple of years just to get a hang of things I have been running miles carrying a pack filled with about fifty pounds of essentials along with a weighted rifle (as I can't go around carrying a real one now can I?) I have done many obstacle courses and by the time I actually go, I just hope that I am somewhat prepared..
    with that out of the way, I've been launching a few model rockets stuffed with fireworks into the air with a couple friends, heh it was fun. This entry is short and so this is the end of this entry.
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