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Blog Entries posted by Noxryn

  1. Noxryn
    A day or so ago I was having issues with transported pictures from BFair from my phone to the computer. Recently I was able to straighten the whole thing out, even though I ended up deleting three or four pictures in the process. I'm just glad I got that all sorted out as that means that sometime either this or next week I'll be able to put links up to all the pictures [because they're rather large, and it just keeps the blog looking somewhat organized and other things that branch off from those two].
    That's about it. Though, my printer died right after I printed off my English assignment o.O
  2. Noxryn
    So I was out and about for ten hours yesterday from things ranging to random walking, to an art festival, to eating at a Greek place which had good food to nearly getting smacked in the head by a rogue fisbee thrown by a Navy recruiter at the art festival, and a baseball game that lasted three hours.
    Today we all went out and did some errands.

  3. Noxryn
    No, it's not chibi-Sebastian, at least, not yet. I wanna see if I can do some pencil/paper editing before I decide to take a pic of it.
    However, it's creative, magic and... it needs to be read, so please read it please ;-;
  4. Noxryn
    So I joined;
    -Bionicle Kingdoms: Nightfall
    -City of Ruins
    -The New and Improved BZPRPG
    -Abyssal Plain
    And I wrote up;
    -One character for BK: N
    -One character for CoR
    -Five characters for the BZPRPG
    -One character for Abyssal Plain [Deleted the old]
    -One character and a species for Bloodstorm.
    And I also have;
    -Fun plans for some of my BZPRPG characters [Meserina/Zrad/Anzeiger]
    -Nothing in mind for BK: N as of yet
    -Am going to run the CI alone when CJ leaves for seven weeks ._.
    -Current stuff BZPRPGwise to get done
    -Some plans for Bloodstorm
    And that's about it when it comes to RPG plans and new stuff. So yeah, I was bored.
    -Set up a new account with a new bank [Four hours sitting in a chair... whee...]
    -Had to sign off for a FedEx package... took a minute.
    -Chore stuff.
    -Sorting stuff.
    -Working on DB
    -Making some stuff.
    -Doing some secret stuff.
    -Fireworks we have.
    -Must blow up fireworks in somewhere legal.
    That's it.
  5. Noxryn
    To write something I've had in mind for a while, but being hungry, tired, and really drained of energy isn't helping... at all.
  6. Noxryn
    Reading the whole thing, rather than a segment, is always the best thing to do.
    Otherwise, I at least, end up doing something stupid due to not having all the details. And then it becomes embarrassing.
  7. Noxryn
    I have Exia now, and now I need the time to actually piece it together, though, I did get the GN-Generator done, which is at least something [Then I took a test, and now I'm multi-tasking with BZP, some stories, and a Unit Review].
  8. Noxryn
    So, since I'm going to be gone from Sat - Thurs/Fri I decided to look back on my week and go through the days.
    Monday: The day when I was told my Grandpa had passed away, and the day I started to stress more since I was unsure when my family would have to drive up to Wisconsin for the funeral. I was thinking that I would have to take too many finals in one day and studying along with five projects over my head did not help.
    Tuesday: Just more stressing, and having a packet to do on top of my projects, studies and plannings.
    Wednesday: My partner in my science project forgot to finish the work, so we didn't do so well presenting. However, he explained the situation to our science teacher and was at least able to push my grade from a C to a low B since I created everything we presented, cited it, and he hadn't done anything. I don't hate him for forgetting or anything, people make bad choices. I also took my Math Final, and learned that my stressing on the test was for naught. I was disappointed. 8th grade party cancelled due to weather.
    Thursday: Language Final Part 1 and PE Final. The PE Final was done through electronic clickers, so they uploaded automatically to a computer. The computer crashed right after I had finished, and we did a written test on Friday. I also took the French Final Part 1 and explained my situation to the French Teacher. Computer got filled with viruses, and the entire thing is just going to be wiped. I having to pay for the repairs since they were my fault.
    Friday: Took the last bit of the Language, along with both of the final parts for the French Final, and ended up doing amazing on both. It made my day a bit better, and this morning I was told that I would be getting a new phone. My last one killed itself, and I have been unable to call people who I need to talk to [such as for projects]. Right now I'm in 7th period of school, and just waiting for it to end. Then I will probably be on BZP later for maybe three hours, then I sleep for two and leave our home at midnight.
    Saturday: Car.
    This week wasn't that good, but next week will have some small highlights [Terminator 4, a barbeque picnic.] the downside will be Tuesday -- when the funeral is.
    But: even through all of these mishaps throughout my week, I only was able to look at how bad it was when I thought about it and wrote all of the events down. I honestly hadn't thought that these many things happened, and when thinking about it, dampening of the mood is normal. Most of it is over, however.
    Oh, and my 23 year old cousin wants to talk to me about something. I just heard that he was having a rough time due to the current state of the American Economy, and is having a very hard time with the recent incident. =(
  9. Noxryn
    I'm actually going to pull out of the Core War SSC as I don't have the time anymore and I kinda lost interest in what I was working on. I read it a few times and just didn't like it and I had no other ideas for the contest that wouldn't get auto-shot down because of excess violence/too much non-canon. However, I might make a short story for the Core War, but it just won't be in the contest is all.
    I actually forgot the names of my characters in nearly every RPG I play in, so I got to look that up XP
    On another note, I spent about an hour doing homework for all of my classes which isn't too bad, actually. Oh, and I like the English assignment already, and the teacher is awesome. The other teacher got half his finger sewn back on, so he's cool too.
  10. Noxryn
    They should make more games where you can make a totem pole of people. It's fun.
    And if I had $76 or so on me, I would buy a whole bunch of books I had found through internet websites cuz they don't have them at B&N, Borders... and those are the only two bookstores, not counting the really small family owned one down on Mainstreet.
  11. Noxryn
    I really need to edit those three links in that RPG-filled content block. The first no longer leads to the Approval Topic, cuz the one it links to doesn't exist... and the link leads right to one of my short stories. The second link links to someone's art topic, oddly enough, but that's also because of the deletion of the topic that it once linked to. And the third, the third still links to the Guidelines, but to Toaraga's Guidelines which I didn't think were still floating around XP
  12. Noxryn
    So now I'm writing that epic I was thinking about.
    I'm not posting it until I know I will finish it. Having seven/eight unfinished epics on this site will be cause of pain for Spink.
  13. Noxryn
    I found a subject I felt comfortable talking about for English, and I was able to put it into the speech format within... almost half an hour.
    It's so nice to have that checked off my small list of things to do.
    It'd be awesome if I got to not speak. I didn't need to speak for that timeline thing... in fact... the English teacher said that I didn't even need to do the assignment when I got back to school the next day.
  14. Noxryn
    All today I felt unmotivated, and felt just sick in general. My ear pain went away last night, but then I got a stomach ache, and a sore throat that lasted most of the day ><
    And I'm not gonna post a new chapter to my epic today or tonight, just feel too "bleh", especially after the five hours of homework ><
  15. Noxryn
    Had lots of food, from;
    - Sweet potato casserole (Which is amazingly awesome)
    - Rolls (Made from a tin, but still tasty.)
    - Turkey (We had to hack it apart, cuz none of us know how to properly carve a turkey.)
    - Stuffing (Not the gizzards, cuz using the gizzards in stuffing is eww, rather we meshed stuff like bread, apple cider and the like together)
    - Apple Cider (<3)
    - There was soda, but I didn't drink any of it.
    - We had this broccoli stuff (Didn't care for it that much)
    - Normal mashed potatoes (Didn't eat any XP)
    - Pecan pie
    - Pumpkin pie
    - Pumpkin bread
    - Ice cream
    But now, what I am I thankful for? I'd say for being alive to experience everything that there is to be thankful for.
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