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Blog Entries posted by Noxryn

  1. Noxryn
    It's upsetting, to me, that when a class is watching a video in relation to terrible events that have occurred, they laugh. Or make jokes. Or they insult those depicted in the video.
    It's sickening.
  2. Noxryn
    After listening to many songs over the past few hours, I went on a productive writing rampage on a project of mine. Got the very, very first part finished, worked out the events from there and reread the first bit some eight times already. All I need to do to it, in my opinion, is rewrite the combat scenes -- more detail, emotion is needed. What I have is more... of a "here's how it's gonna go down."
    Working up to the fight in the next bit is going to be fun.
    So yeah, I feel like a beast for getting all that done.
  3. Noxryn
    It's not that good, I admit, but it was like... the first mechanical/Bionicle based drawing I've done since like... sixth grade. There's a lot of problems with it, that I took notes on a separate paper about (The hands aren't really the same, there's some structural differences. The eyes are slightly off, and the details on the upper legs look pretty flat). But enough of my rambling (and I took a pic of it with a camera... scanner... it's just not liking me). It also looks more Toa-esque than matoran, which was a bummer to me. Shading is also probably off... shading being like, my weakest point. XP
    Jan, the Toa-Looking Matoran
  4. Noxryn
    I saw this movie a little while ago, I didn't blog anything about it due to the state of affairs at the time.
    If you haven't seen this movie, then I implore you to go and watch it. Wait for it on DVD if you must, rent it if you will, but it is by far one of the best movies I've watched within the last three years.
    As for haters, they can all go eat gravel.
  5. Noxryn
    The Love Train 
    This is a club, but what is this club all about? This club is all about love, and is a place where hate is shunned because hate isn't awesome. So smile, be happy, hug and other such things~

    ~ Members ~
    1) Aho-Chan
    2) Spink
    3) The Illusive Man
    4) Aho-Chan Fan #104434
    5) Gigi
    6) FPS Russia/Leada
    7) Fearlix
    8) Disky
  6. Noxryn
    The ones that flow with that soft air of tragedy about them, the instruments and tone being the aspects that make the song feel bittersweet, even if it's in a different language. And reading through the lyrics, realization of "I wasn't too far from the truth" comes forth and as the song plays again; a series of the most tragic, yet sweet scenes play through the mind.
    Some scenes are painted in that faded, off color fashion that tend to signify memories, other scenes look more present, the present scenes working with the more negative tones, with the memories working with the most uplifting.
    All of these scenes in the mind are fictional, and in some cases, the viewer might not even know who the characters depicted are. Sometimes it takes a while to figure it out, other times, the puzzle remains unfinished or is simply impossible to piece together. And even before any sort of realization, or thought comes into things... the characters are already given a name, given a description, a personality and a life. Their backstories work with the memories, with the present scenes as the song plays.
    And as the song plays for the fifth time, perhaps in a row, perhaps in a lifetime, the same listener may start to see himself/herself in the characters depicted in his or her mind.
    Sometimes, one doesn't like what they see and choose to shun it.
    But eventually, that person may come to grips with it...
    And when that song plays for that sixth time,
    It strikes such a well of emotion, that the person may forget all else for those five, more or less, minutes.
    As it ends, the person can't help but hit the "replay" button, if only to see those scenes again, if only to feel those emotions one more time, if only to feel the untouched heartstrings plucked once more.
  7. Noxryn
    I don't know if this show is still on the air, I didn't look into that. But from the handful of episodes of it that I've watched, it just makes me want to hug some of the people in the show.
    From what I gather, the show's basically a social experiment. They hire actors to play out scenes, in public locations, that generally have a victim and an aggressor -- real life scenarios. Things that actually happen. The point is to see how other people react to it; do the people (who have no knowledge of the fact it's a television show) intervene, to help the victim, or do they side with the aggressors, or just stay quiet? In the episodes I've watched, it's primarily the last, with a small handful actually helping out -- it's the people who help out who I just want to hug.
    IMO, it's a pretty neat series and I'd recommend it to about anyone.
  8. Noxryn
    When someone posts in a topic, particularly a topic requesting an opinion, I enjoy reading the posts that answer the question "why." For instance, someone enters a topic asking what your favorite color is and they just say "green," that word alone doesn't entice much discussion, or much thought. However, when someone asks "why do I like green" and answers it in their post, effectively explaining why they like that color, the post suddenly becomes much more interesting and has more of a potential to incite discussion.
    The same leads to stories, as well. Some people post in stories just saying, "Oh, I didn't like it very much" or "I liked it quite a bit" -- but why? What makes the member dislike the story? Maybe what they say will help that writer become a bit better, instead of trying to solve a problem with insufficient information. Same goes for just saying "I like it" -- it helps a writer know what they're doing well if it's explained to him or her. I just mention this because I've seen it mainly in COT stories, and COT creative topics and I just thought to express my opinion on such vague posts.
    So, when you post in any topic (requesting an opinion, question topics are more cut and dry), just ask "why" you think as you do. It's more interesting, in my opinion, and the posts of those who do that tend to be of quality.
  9. Noxryn
    If I took like, seven online quizzes that all came up with the same result, would that result actually start to have any meaning?
    Curious about thoughts on that, though my boredom induced mass-quiz taking sort of got me wondering what others thought.
  10. Noxryn
    For many, many reasons, but the one that finally drove the nail through the brain was the worst chart for an essay outline I ever had the misfortune to fill out. All it did was repeat itself some ten times, and some of the questions were incredibly confusing and it asked for 3 sources for each reason I gave and we only had 6 sources to use (none of which were really about my reasons, I would have preferred if the teacher put forth more sources that weren't political cartoons or just tell us that we can use online sources as long as we cited them .-.)
    It was three hours of typing the same thing repeatedly, just in different ways. And it finally snapped my already stressed brain and caused this painful headache that won't go away. ;-;
  11. Noxryn
    So I started a bit late, three days ago from this hour to be exact, and all I have created is a 7,200 word story thus far.
    However, it's progress~
  12. Noxryn
    After having a pretty bad week (Being sick since Tuesday, laying in bed without the energy to do much else), it feels good to talk to someone amazing, even if it's just online.
  13. Noxryn
    So I had some money and happened to be at Borders earlier, and so I bought a few books;
    - "Moron's" Guide to Psychology
    I'm interested in psychology and plan to take it as a class next year, so I figured that using a book that explained aspects of psychology in simple terms would be useful, and helpful for background knowledge. I read the first page or so, and so far, it's not dull and it's pretty interesting in my opinion -- this will hopefully give me a bit of an edge when designing, and writing, fictional characters. The book is by Joni E. Johnston, in case anyone wanted to go and search around for it. Odds are, I'll probably provide a full opinion of it after I've read it.
    - The Silmarillion
    I bought this in paperback, so it was fifteen bucks instead of twenty-eight. I like the writing style used in the book itself, and am more using it for research as far as writing out histories of fictional (and fantasy) universes go. It opens up explaining the celestial beings and their part in shaping the world in The Lord of the Rings, with some short stories that flesh out the universe a bit more. From what I've so far read, it's interesting, but I need to finish it before recommending it. (By J.R.R Tolkien, Edited By Christopher Tolkien)
    - The Complete Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
    Meant to buy this quite a while ago, and was happy that Borders had it in stock~ (By Douglas Adams)
    - A Dictionary of Corporate terms and Office-Speak
    If I ever write a story using a corporation or office-setting, or such, then this'll probably be a nice reference to have. It was five bucks, which is why I bought it. (By Diane Law)
    - So You Want to Write?
    I figured that getting some print-resources for writing would prove useful, helpful and easy to get to even when a computer is not around. I read the first chapter, and it's pretty interesting -- so far, it mainly says that if there's a specific genre you wish to write, then read books of that genre (a bit of an obvious statement, to me at least) as that's the best way to really study how to apply words and story to the genre. (By Marge Piercy and Ira Wood)
    There's a bunch of other books I wanted, such as some Stephen King, some Lovecraft, Edgar Alan Poe's works, World War Z, and many other Horror/Dark Fantasy and some philosophical books (Borders lacked what I was hunting for, though).
  14. Noxryn
    It's not serious, and I am well aware that I am a terrible poet. However, I found it entertaining to read it all melodramatically as fast as I could, and figured to put it somewhere. I learned that, it's hard to find a rhyming word for "rabbit." I also learned that it is incredibly hard to find something that rhymes with "says" without pronouncing the word with a long "a."
    I don't know if changing the rhyme pattern near the end was a good idea or not.

    A tapping, a clacking, a smacking, Twigs 'n needles, breaking and snapping,
    A pounding, a rattling a bone shaking smashing,
    Fighting; uncertain choices clashing,
    To approach, to hide, to cower or stand
    I reach out to the knob, with a cold, shaking hand
    A creaking a squeaking, only I am speaking
    Who go there, I say over the creaking
    Darkness greets me with a lover's embrace
    Slowly I feel my heart cease to race
    A SMASHING a LASHING an earsplitting CRASHING
    A scream, the sound of creative teeth gnashing
    What, I say, is this madness?!
    Fast I feel, a terrifying sadness!
    An animal, a thief, a murderer, a pillager?
    Who, I scream, is this villager?!
    I turn, taken with fright, as I see a rabbit!
    A rabbit? I say, my fear waning, unlike a habit
    A voice comes to my head; this is no ordinary rabbit, it says!
    I scoff, I laugh I approach the rodent, then it rips off my head!
    No more does it matter, for I have lost my days,
    My headless body, limp, placid and truly dead!
  15. Noxryn
    Three day weekends are pretty pleasant, especially when you have a bunch of schoolwork/things to get done over the weekend. So far, I have to start working out the plans for an article for the school newspaper (reviewing the movie Inception -- need to also locate another person to give their own opinion and such), then I also have this "journal" entry thing for English, though I think the events at PT on Tuesday will more than fill up the needed space -- that day was probably one of the few days where PT was fun (Plus, I passed two out of three things -- passed push-ups, sit and reach, and almost passed sit-ups, but I was sore from the day before. It was the running where I didn't do too amazing, 11 seconds on the shuttle run [needs to be 10 seconds] and a mile run that went on for a minute and a half too long). However, after that journal entry, I also want to start on this Dracula story that came to mind a week ago, while also fitting in time to take notes on Learn To Lead Chapter One, so I can get that test out of the way.
    There's still things regarding getting my permit I need to do (I got lazy and started procrastinating as I abhor the online thing... they're just terrible at explaining things, and there's so many spelling errors that I want to choke the program).
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