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Blog Entries posted by Noxryn

  1. Noxryn
    I'll start with the "Weird" part, 'cuz that falls right into the delay aspect. So, basically I ended up calling the Captain of the nearby USCAP squadron, at first the call went somewhere and to someone who said to call back later. Then, later, the line was disconnected and apparently wasn't reconnected in the next four hours. <__< Oh well, at least now I'll need to wait until Tuesday for my schedule to get mauled over to a change (Well, technically, about 15 days after Tuesday).
    Though, I'll be going on Tuesday (Instead of Thursday) cuz I decided that instead of going to a dull location on a weekly basis, that instead, I'll be shooting for the group at the USAF base. Cuz, that sounds a lot cooler, to me. =3
    Also been reading and looking into the history of the organization, and looking at some of their vids on other sites. Looks like fun, and this sort of volunteer work looks good on a resume~
  2. Noxryn
    Heckboy 2 isn't showing at any of our theatres, that wrecked my rainy stormy day.
    Now I am going to go see the Mummy...I'd prefer to see the first rather than the latter...
    Besides that, I'm most likely going to be around a bit today as this storm is looking like it's sticking around, oh well, nothing I can do about it...
    That's about it...
  3. Noxryn
    While sitting in the car, head resting against the hard plastic window, feeling every little bump and jolt as the minivan drives over the slush covered streets of my small little town, I got to thinking. Thinking, to someone of Spink's nature, isn't so much speaking within the confines of the mind, but rather playing out small movies of what could and could not happen: how people might react, how people might perceive an event. Suffice to say, the thoughts that entered Spink's head on the way to Barnes and Noble were borne from disappointment right from the start, or perhaps, a holiday miracle that would never happen.
    Wouldn't it be nice to meet a cute guy who works at Barnes and Noble? Not only would he have a job... and probably an interest in literature... maybe even art, but he could be also be attractive. That tall, charming, warm sort of attractiveness that is blessed to those who don't eat donuts twenty-four seven, who aren't obsessed with super-muscles, who aren't covered in makeup and paint; just someone who has pleasant looks coupled with a pleasant personality. Of course, I certainly wouldn't mind running into someone like Eiri Yuki, but that's like... beyond hope.
    I'd be browsing for two books, The Perks of Being a Wallflower and Call Me by Your Name... two books known for their LGBT content, and then, after catching his eye and sort of exchanging looks occasionally with him every few minutes... he'd just walk over, grab me by the shoulders with powerful hands, his eyes locked with my own, and then he would lightly push me against the bookshelves with an assertive kiss, followed by,
    "You want to go out sometime?" His voice would be matured, deep and melodic, his eyes would just grab my heart by staring into my soul, and shakily I would just reply,
    "I... uhm... yes, but... with me?" Like a confused, inexperienced boy. Then, he would take my nervous hand in his and stay the shaking, squeezing gently while replying,
    "Movie, dinner... say... eight on Friday?" In such a casual manner, such a charming manner that had I not been held up by the book case I surely would fall to the floor in a dramatic swoon.
    Then he'd take my other hand in his and slip a piece of paper into it, giving another soft kiss before walking back over to organizing merchandise, and other Barnes and Noble-Employee stuff.
    With a scarlet face I'd look down and see his phone number in my hand, and after regaining my composure, I would surely brag about my mircaulous triumph on the world wide web.
    Sadly, I am not the destined figment of a romance author's imagination, nor is reality the place for such post-Holiday encounters out of the blue. So quietly, I returned home, thinking of what could've been.
  4. Noxryn
    So I started a bit late, three days ago from this hour to be exact, and all I have created is a 7,200 word story thus far.
    However, it's progress~
  5. Noxryn
    I dread sleeping. I hate it now for all it holds for me are horrid images that stay implanted in my mind the next day. According to some it turns out I talk and thrash about in my sleep, doesn't help in any way to know that, in fact I wish I was still oblivious to that.
    I'm only frightened in sleep, when I'm awake I simply know that it's all fake and can't possibly happen, of course I have asked myself... if it's probable.
    Of course it is somewhat far fetched, but depending on how you see things it could be probable. Of course I can't go in detail or even discuss it here, but I had to mention it as in a way it frightens me for my health as there's no way such things can be healthy.
    I think whatever it is I caught (I think it's a cold, but I wouldn't know not having been sick for seven years) had something to do with it, but that's all speculation. Of course I will not be able to tell a doctor of such nightmarish visions of what can only be described... well it actually can't be... not properly however.
    Besides for my sleepless nights, my grades in school have been solid As so far, that's good. Even my tests are As and A+s, on my French I scored little under one hundred, Math is still unknown, but I got a perfect in History.
    Of course, over the internet I can actually act like nothing big happens as that's just how I am, I tend to forget about things until they loom over my head, and that's the one aspect I hate and yet like about me. It keeps thoughts of these recent horrors away, but it also keeps me from remembering to do things. All I can hope for is that these are just simply stages, of which I'll just get over.
    I just can't shake the fact that no one else I ever knew had such dreams at night... I dunno what to think of it, but I just had to say that to get it all off of my chest and so I can carry on with life and stuff.
    -If you leave a comment let's stay out of dream discussion... I doubt it will as I simply just refferred to that I had nightmares, but still... I'd be forced to lock up the entry.
    Well... g'night whenever it is I feel good enough to go to sleep.
  6. Noxryn
    This is an RPG based entry due to something that had happened earlier, and would like to simply go on about it.
    If you (or anyone) starts up a RPG in any of the forums you can, and then you have to leave the RPG for a temporary amount of time (note: I said Temporary, not forever) please, you don't need to shut the entire thing down. If you want to do the plot yourself, then just tell a Moderator to keep everyone entertained and do some random instigated fights, or even a minor sub plot thing off to the side.
    It would A) Keep the topic alive 2) (can't use "B") it would give the players something to play around with just for fun and would be able to take advantage of the extension in time the RPG lasts, and C) It'd end up making the players, appointed staff, and the guests who read it happy.
    If a RPG has staff (this particular one did) you could always simply tell them what you want to happen next, let them execute that action and keep the thing rolling, RPGs don't just revolve around the GM, it revolves around everyone as a whole and no individual. If it revolved around an individual things get suckish and people can't make much of a difference story wise.
    Leaving actually may allow interesting things to spring up as it wouldn't be constant plot movement, but it'd be "Free roam" if you will, for players to be able to do things that would take a while now, rather than not being able to implement the idea at all. (Staff would approve of this idea of course)
    Another thing is that things would die down for a while as far as fighting may go and perhaps there are players waiting for a time to make a romantic sub-plot to their characters, or do some character development. BUT when you shut it all down these possibilities are not possible for now, and eventually interest in the closed RPG would die away and no one except the old members would pop back in.
    If I was running an RPG and then had to take a break, or got banned (via parent not Staff) from BZP, I'd hand the RPG over to the most capable member and say either "Do, this this and this" or "Do whatever you want that doesn't mess with; This this and this." then I get to come back and see how everyone did without me and if I can trust them as individuals alone with a trusted member. - There are times where I have actually seen positive results, I don't usually see negative results from this as the other members put things into place, and say "Don't do that, no that's not a fair thing to do, maybe you could do this" or "Maybe we could do this" or even a more deeply detailed and interesting idea springs forth.
    And guess what? If the GM does not approve of it even when he/she comes back, there's something that's been invented known as "Moderator characters" which can warp reality and undo these things that are not liked, that's the point of them to exist.
    And if you have staff of the RPG, it's their job to take responsibility for it while you (The GM) is gone, and so wouldn't it make sense to leave things in the capable member's hands? (I am not saying I'm a capable member, but there are members who are) If you don't doesn't that kill the point of there even being staff in the first place as you want to do everything yourself?
    I am not bashing people who do shut down their RPGs when the leave temporarily (even if it is for a few months), I am just saying there is a better option than going that far with it, because it becomes a pain to get it reapproved and the members want to play in it and wrap up what they were doing. It sux a lot when you cannot at least wrap up what you were doing in game, and then have to wait who knows how long to do so again.
    One more thing is that, when the GM is gone and the RPG shoots up twenty seven or so pages, gets a high increase in viewers, and everyone is having fun, isn't it just best to let eevryone have fun and to know that your RPG is flourishing even if you aren't there?
    Feel free to rip my thoughts to pieces if you disagree, I am only stating my own personal views on this matter.
  7. Noxryn
    If I make $200 I might be able to get a sword that has a red wine blade 57" overall with stainless steel metal. I got a long way to go until I make that money. My birthday is coming up In two months and 14 days. I don't have all that much to say about today so goodbye.
  8. Noxryn
    So I feel pretty bored right now, not bored enough to resort to this other blog entry idea (although I'll likely do that one tomorrow, or next week... I have Spring Break <<)
    Well, at the recommendation of someone (who I generally take recommendations from) I tried out this odd strange game known as Dungeons & Dragons. Before I only sorta had an idea of what it was, and by sorta I mean more like "I know that there are numbers involved..." and it took me a while to figure out what it actually is (because I'm dumb). There's a club for it at my school, but some of the people who I'm pretty sure go to it regularly kinda irk me so I didn't try it out earlier there (although now I might). What I did do, though, was go to a localish gaming store (also a coffee shop... quite a good one actually, even though I only had chai tea @_@) and I tried out the Encounters thingy ('cuz the person there mentioned that it was good for people who didn't have the most comprehensive grasp on how it worked).
    Apparently there were a lot of people there (I dunno how many people generally play these games, but their table caps were six and we had seven players), but they were all really nice to interact with. One person helped me out whenever I was all "okay, so, what do I do now..." and another person let me borrow some dice, and I think the game master was being nice to me 'cuz the first time I got hit by something I very nearly blew up ._.;;; (so he didn't play kill-the-magic-dude). Most of the people there were well over my age, like two were I'd say anywhere from 35 - 40 and one other person looked 50-60ish. There were two guys who looked more 20 - 24ish and the game master looked maybe 19 - 21ish. Either way, I'm pretty sure I was the youngest person there, even though I looked about as old as the latter two. (So they might've thought I was older as well, that happens to me a lot).
    (Also I thought the guy who sat across me was really cute, plus he had the most -amazing- hair /randominterjection <3)
    I came in on Chapter 2 (I think of 4... ?) with one of the pre-generated characters they had (which had fancy glossy cards that worked well with a dry erase marker), so I played Jarren the Mage who was represented with a bald dwarfy dude with a staff (although, some of the other miniatures looked really neat, some had a lot of detail especially considering how small the things are). I don't know what the title of the Encounter was, as I have horrid memory, but it basically consisted of doing some miscellaneous stuff and then a fight. (We chucked a corpse at a magic door that went boom).
    From the get-go I almost died in one hit (my luck sucks </3), but somehow survived and killed one thing and shot at a bunch of others. (I found the mage boring though, 'cuz I didn't really need to move anywhere... and I could hit anything anywhere on the map).
    It was a fun social experience though, and the game itself is fun. (I like the imagination needed to visualize everything, that and the creativity with doing things, plus it was a pretty good source of inspiration for drawings and writing a little). It was my first shot at a tabletop RPG and I had fun. (I bought two books the host recommended for new players, 'cuz I'll likely go again in the near future, and a set of dice so I don't have to mooch off people << [they're purpley with pink swirls... which was honestly why I bought them xP]).
  9. Noxryn
    So school started today, although it started yesterday for every other grade. Anyway, my school's doing this weird thing where we have three classes (well I do, most people have four) per day, but whatever.
    So far I like my classes, although I may drop Criminal Justice this year -- I'm not really liking the new teacher (The old one was far more fun, engaging and interesting... and he treated us with some semblance of respect, this one treats us like a bunch of 1st graders) plus the school kinda screwed some of us over as, without telling anyone, they decided that this year it wouldn't be a concurrent enrollment with the college, so it's worth no college credits (last year it was worth three) [we learned of this in class].
    But, anyway, things went smoothly. Even if half my government class didn't show up because they mixed up their schedules.
    Tomorrow I get to experience college algebra. Woo.
    /bored so wrote an entry.
  10. Noxryn
    I finally saw Hancock, I liked the whole concept of how he saves people, by destroying everything else and having a bottle of booze in hand. It was funny, and it was sad...more near the end it was sad, but it all cheered up.
    I bought what I thought was a small soda, the thing was friggin' huge! It was called a small, but it was twice the size of anything I've ever drunk out of. I ended up drinking it all and now I feel sickish... great way to end the day <<
    And I'm sitting on the floor with this on my bed...I dunno why.
  11. Noxryn
    It makes me sad to see that, even though people seemed interested in it in the planning topic, hardly anyone has made any posts in it. I know the beginning is slow, it was sort of designed that way (as I figured peope would do their own little thing), but is really no one interested in it?
    Sort of makes me sad, I had high hopes for it and even went through the pains to plan stuff. ;-;
  12. Noxryn
    Why is a sundae called a sundae? It reminds me of Sundays but it is spelt a different but pernounce it the same way as you would Sunday. Is it called a sundae merely because people eat it on Sundays? and is that why its not called a Mondae or Tuesdae? Well thats one question of mine. I just became a premier member and this is my first blog so...I don't know what to say after that. EDIT: I made this one yesterday and the other entry that I made today is at the bottom.
  13. Noxryn
    So it came in the mail today, which was nice, along with the metal case the three discs came in along with the small packet of a hardcover artbook (Which has some really neat pictures in it ) along with this cardboard network card (With how it was promoted, you'd think it'd be like, made of metal or something =P) However, I've only touched upon disc-1, which is the game (I don't know the difference yet) But so far, I find the game pretty fun. Different than the previous game (of course), but I like a lot of the changes. For one, I love the customization with the character armor, cuz I can change all manner of color and add patterns and choose whether or not to use the helmet and such. I also realized that I got to pick "casual" clothing, but that hasn't come into play yet (I screwed up somewhere, and I ended up on the opposite side of the door... and, it doesn't reopen *shrugs*)
    But so far, that's all I can say about it. XP
  14. Noxryn
    I think I did something to my leg... I can't walk without the pain present. And it hurts a lot more than it did earlier ><
  15. Noxryn
    I have to go to the Dentist today, and I really hate dental people cuz they forget to remove metal, sharp, bands in my mouth.
    Tomorrow I'll either not sleep at all, or go to sleep about 8:00 PM Mountain Time, cuz I got to get up very early on Friday to catch a plane to Houston, where I get to see all my friends again -yay. That also means that I may not be on BZP as frequently, which isn't overall bad, but just saying. However, if I am gone like... completely from Friday - Sunday, and RPGs are requested, don't PM me saying "Look at it" because I simply don't have that ability. And if I do get PMs asking that, I won't kill you, but it'll just annoy me as a person who does too much at once. (Book, random writings, BZP, IM, Email, talking to IRL people, reading through stuff, etc...)
  16. Noxryn
    Kinda bored so I'm choosing to write an entry (though none of you read it anyway so this is purely for my pleasure, ;D)
    SO, okay, here's a short list of some online games I'm taking part in along with some info on characters and junk within them... mostly for my own reference and organization, but hey, if you play one of these games and want to friend me or something, feel free! I don't bite. I promise.

    Guild Wars 2:

    I play... too many characters and have used too much money on gems (okay, maybe sixty dollars over my year+ish of playing, so not too bad)... but, I have:
    - Leliel Thorgeirkin (Norn female warrior, I seriously can't play norn males... those shoulders... man, those shoulders. Although, people have made some amazing ones... I just... don't identify with hyper-masculine men, lol). She's also basically my like, super-independent-I-can-take-down-giants-on-my-own lady person because, like, it's fun to punch sexist characters in the face and break their jaws (with permission, but hey, it feels good).
    - Kitvael (Might name change him, since he's my sylvari mesmer and could possibly go Nightmare Court RPly... because, they're cool even if they're somewhat like angsty teens... but I mean, who could deny the name Kit the Dreamflayer?). He is the pinkest sylvari alive. With a glowing purple focus. With a rapier. With faerie wings. And a dress. Because... he's amazing and beautiful and butterflies everywhere.
    - Cein Ravenhart (Male sylvari, green and a necromancer who I use in WvW usually... namely in zerg fights because I use staff and three wells [Yes, all my utility skills are ground targeted large AoE's that I use to help and slowly kill people who stand in the fire]). I haven't really RPed with him, so his personality is up in the air.
    - Kastis Nightrose (Male sylvari guardian, super purple, was supposed to be Nightmare originally... but who knows anymore).
    - Vincent Escalier ( Elementalist: He's basically the best human I made, looks-wise, and like... he so pretty, omg)
    I have other characters, but these ones are the highest levels (all 80, aside from Leliel who is at 68... though I've been cheating and using the Tomes of Knowledge you can get in structured PvP games for her... because, let's face it, as a mesmer or a warrior... PvP is so easy and deliciously fun).

    League of Legends

    Total and utter newbie. But I've been playing with Morgana (Solo-Mid generally, but like, I do suck so... yeah, eh, whatevs). I've also been using Ashe a lot as she's free (same with Morgana this week), and I've been using Master Yi a little bit because slashing things. Like I said, I'm terrible and my friends totally carry me in this game (but they get to watch me die, so they ultimately win <3). Never solo-queued for anything because... well, hesitant since I hear so many things about the community at large and I know very little of the game itself (I play for fun, not really to win... honestly).

    Final Fantasy XIV

    I love this game, even if it has a number of flaws. I currently play:
    R'yndae Tia (Sun seeker miqo'te male, right now he's been leveling PLD because I wanted to try tanking and, so far, I find it pretty fun... much more fun and engaging than being a damage dealer).
    Kit Azrael (Essentially my main character, also miqo'te male [moon keeper] and I heal, generally, on him and... like with tanking, I find healing a more engaging and fun aspect of the game... currently I haven't been leveling with him so much since I level him with a friend).
    I'm not in a FC in FFXIV as of now, due to some disagreements with the leadership (Like, the overall community leadership of the FC, all of whom are focused in a different game for the most part). I'll likely end up part of a LGBTQA+ Friendly guild, and possibly some RPing LS's pending how well and comfortable I feel to do so.


  17. Noxryn
    i got a Dragon guide book yesterday and finished it this morning it was quite interesting... Well I for one love dragons but don't think that they are real although it would be awesome if they were! I drew a Dragon in art and people walked by and asked did you trace that I said no and they kept saying how good at drawing I am but it wasn't really that great of a picture. Lady K could of made my drawing look like it was done in Kindergarten...same with a few other artists here on Bzp. I am made fun of for liking Bionicle and some (not all) make fun of me for liking dragons when all they do is use their stupid electronics all day and get in trouble every two seconds.
  18. Noxryn
    So in two days (Sunday) I'll be on a plane headed for Rome, Italy, even though I have to catch a second one in Detroit (boo).
    It's just me going, on my own, which is actually pretty exciting -- I'll be able to do things on my own schedule, go where I want to go, do what I want to do. (And spend as much time as I'd like doing those things, my family's usually very "rush rush" when touring and I'm not).
    Although I ordered new clothes (mostly for school, and since I sort of do need a lot of replacements for shirts...) which should be here tomorrow, so hopefully those come in on time. (I got a purple one I really liked, and one with a cute heart design on it I thought looked really neat).
    I'm also getting so many miles on that Delta program thing. So many.
    (This is also why I'm not going to BrickFair this year)
  19. Noxryn
    I think I may write up a bunch of songfics on songs that I haven't seen done... like
    "White and Nerdy"- Weird Al
    "Numa Numa"- *shrugs* Mak told me once, but I fail at memory.
    "Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny"- Lemon Demon.
    It'd be fun....
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