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Private Cupcake

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About Private Cupcake

  • Birthday 08/04/1994

Profile Information

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  • Location
    Caribbean, XVIII century.
  • Interests
    New edition of Private Cupcake's, AKA Cap'n OF the pirate's AKA Onewa Fan: Toa of Obsessions' AKA Onewa Fan's interest.<br /><br />This I called 'The Interest of a Space Marine'.<br /><br />So, anyway:<br /><br />Elder Scrolls Series: I enjoyed Morrowind and Oblivion greatly, except for crashes in Oblivion. Proud beater of whole main quest, owner of Ring of Namira, Umbra, Azura's Star and full Daedric Armor enchanted with 100% Reflect Magicka. Try and take me, mage cool dudes. But I don't quite use these things, actually.<br /><br />Warhammer 40000: Recently reborn interest, I've taken particular interest in Space Marines and their equipment, especially the armor of Ultramarines. It's just so dang cool looking. Also a long-time fan of Tau Empire. I'm usually torn about which to portray.<br /><br />RPing: pretty adept RPer, a Moderator in a high quality text-based RP out of BZPower. I enjoy portraying ancient wizards, marksmans and Raiders mostly. Long-time loner of various groups, side-plot creator.<br /><br />Halo Series: All of the games (except for Halo 3, since it isn't out yet, but I'll probably like it), also Red vs. Blue series (unlike so many people I've seen, I don't think that swearing parts are so bad) and all of the PSAs that've released.<br /><br />Writing: I enjoy writting about various stuff including but not limited to Warhammer 40k, Elder Scrolls, Pirates, etc. 'Nuff said.<br /><br />Pirates and 18th Century: Enjoy reading about that particular Century, as well as pirates and the like. Long-time ship class expert, my Ship-of-the-Line 'Dread Consumer' can kick any pirate frigate's spotted owl any time. Proud owneder of 'Black Pearl', I kicked the heck out of it with 'Swift Katana', a frigate with full-operating crew and 44 cannons. Could take on 'Flying Dutchman' at any time, just show 'im to me...

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