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Private Cupcake

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Everything posted by Private Cupcake

  1. Oh geeze, I guess I just forgot about Bionicle. :/ The Elder Scrolls and Total War series are now my primary concerns. BTW, Lehu, yeah, feel free to use my character. Xar, I can't recieve PMs since I'm counted as a junior member. If you wanna meet me, I usually hang around the Bethsoft official forums, or if not then in the unofficial Total War forums, as Gaius Maximus or Gmaximus.

  2. Yes. The Cupcake LIVES! (Insert dramatic music of choice, large clouds of smoke and lighting in the background here)

  3. Can't. It won't allow me, and I don't feel very much likeposting in anywhere it would count as a post...

  4. Ok, guilty, I forgot of this site. Blame the new program which erased some of my stuff. Worse yet, my comp currently doesn't allow me to play any games at all, though I'm still interested in TES.

  5. Sort of. There' many business I have to attend to, and BZP falls into the second screen, sine my interest in Bionicle is, for most part, fading away,

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