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Status Updates posted by Munkiman

  1. ally made up an idea that beautiful. That's just cool to me. We made a little paper universe where all of the above is true." -Grant Morrison

  2. Also-

    TPtI: Marveltard? YOU decide.

  3. Also, all his powers are physical. He's vulnerable to mental manipulation, magic, red sun radiation (which DOES completely drain his powers very quickly) and of course most types of kryptonite. He has several enemies who exploit these weaknesses, like Mr. Mxyzptlk, Metallo, Reactron, and of course Luthor.

    BTW Nihi, Batman did take on Lex Luthor once, in Batman: Rules of Engagement.

  4. Also, All-Star Superman is basically a fable-like look at the life and death of Superman. It actually starts by an influx of solar radiation making him 3 times more powerful, but also giving him only a year to live. How's that?

  5. Also, for the record, I am NOT a Star Wars fanboy. I've just watched the movies, like everyone else on the planet and their dog.

  6. Also, here's an interesting question to ponder: what's Superman's real name?

    Kal-El, the name he was born with?

    Or Clark Kent, the name he was raised with?

    Plenty of good stories to be made about that.

  7. Also, I don't want Lariska to be the new DH leader is TSO dies. I want the DH leader to be someone we know what they look like.

    You know what? Vorzann should be the DH leader. That would be so awesome. :D

  8. Also, TPtI, I had an ADAM STRANGE theme a while back. That is one pretty darn obscure DC superhero. Next I could be some C-list or D-list hero, if you want, but not the Elongated Man, I'm not a huge fan of him. I'd rather use the Spectre, or a Blue Beetle, or Alan Scott.

  9. ALVIN




  10. amazingly great person. But Superman is about INSPIRING the reader, giving them that warm, fuzzy feeling that there is good in the world and that everyone can make a positive difference, etc. etc. THAT is what makes Superman great.

  11. An AWESOME one-shot villain, though!

  12. And again, he's going to be facing a lot less people with powers now.

  13. And by Nihi I mean this "Richard Roll" guy. Although Sets wins some bonus points for carrying on my name.

  14. And he's a good boy.

  15. And he's immortal.

  16. And it's got AWESOME writing and art. Mark Waid and ALEX ROSS.

  17. And let's face it, Tz'kes was cooler than Jannifai.

  18. And monkeys aren't technically apes. I tried to tell that to the guy who made Planet of the Apes, but he didn't listen.

    Admittedly, d***ed, dirty monkeys doesn't have the same ring to it.

  19. And villains that can challenge Batman can be easily dispatched by the Flash. Every hero has rogues to match their own abilities.

  20. And yeah, I got the PM. I'll respond soon.

  21. And, ######, ANY hero of any continuing story is generally going to come out alive and on top at the end. It's a foregone conclusion. If they really wanted to KILL Superman, though, you can do it with kryptonite, or magic, or red sun radiation, or overwhelming force. There you go.

  22. Anime's a Japanese word, so the Japanese have a monopoly on it. :P Other countries make stuff like that, it's just anime-like.

  23. Antimatter isn't nothing. It's the opposite of matter.

    Put that in your perspective and smoke it. :D

  24. Are you aware that your world has been activated in Crossroads?

  25. Are you being philosophical or something? o_0

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